View Full Version : DETAILS!!! DETAILS!!! DETAILS!!!

05-13-2009, 12:30 PM
What's up with the details? Is anyone having a hard time like me "jumping" on a reply to anyone who is giving up a detail? Who keeps getting them? And how are they so fast to reply? Where's the union and their response? I hope they're on it. Working nights is hard enough to get sleep and then have to worry about being signed onto e-mail by 2 PM, just to find out you're not quick enough to respond. It's very frustrating.

What about the "networking" of officers who take details to give it to someone in their network? It would be interesting to find out who are the top 2 or 3 officers scarfing them up and if they are the 2 or 3 everyone suspects. Or who are the top 1 or 2 sergeants?

Why doesn't the person giving it up not have to write a memo requesting to be excused like you need to do when missing court?

Doesn't the command staff care about our officer safety when there are those who are working another full time job worth of details on top of their regular duty? Is it gonna take someone falling asleep at the wheel hurting an innocent citizen? Is it gonna take someone not being as sharp as they need to be to perform their duties and have good reactionary time and getting another officer hurt or worse?

Wow what a great story for the news to do an investigation on!!!!

05-13-2009, 12:44 PM
With now being able to "View" details online, why is a Captain working details in an officers spot? Why is he allowed to take away money from someone who is making tens of thousands of dollars less a year in base salary?

05-13-2009, 12:56 PM
I hear ya. After just looking on the intranet, it looks as if he is only taking our Sergeants spots. I could be wrong but I don't hear any sergeant's complaining about that. I don't know of any GO or SOP which prohibits a captain from doing it???

05-13-2009, 01:24 PM
Let's see could the three be RC from days, JM from days and MM not the wrapper but who works nights? It is easy to find out, just do a public records request from city hall about their payroll. But have them break it out further than the newspress did when they posted the 2007 salaries to show how much is being made with details, staying over for barking dog complaints or milking calls for 1/2 hour here and there.

05-13-2009, 01:31 PM
just do a public records request from city hall about their payroll. But have them break it out further than the newspress did when they posted the 2007 salaries to show how much is being made with details, staying over for barking dog complaints or milking calls for 1/2 hour here and there.

http://dbease.news-press.com/dbEase/cgi ... laries2007 (http://dbease.news-press.com/dbEase/cgi-bin/search.pl?tableName=CapeSalaries2007)

The Lonegunman
05-13-2009, 01:33 PM
My my my........ Lot of complaining but no action. Hey, just so you all know, all of this falls under union issues, terms and conditions of employment. This makes it a union issue and therefore subject to contract etc. Why are Captains working details?? Good question. Speaking up at FOP labor meetings etc could go long way. Once you speak up, follow through!! It is quite simple, you get the leadership you deserve. If you allow the small things to get by you, the big ones go through a lot easier.

Why are the three amigos detail sharing...... It is because as a group, cops have not forced or shamed these yahoos. I understand it is Mike Moore, Jeremy McClurg, and Cantrell. There, I said it. It is guys like you three that destroy "the brotherhood". Oh you say all the right words when an officer goes down, but in practice, you are nothing more than a bag of empty words. If I am worong, let's hear it!

I think that the sergeants should be the ones leading the charge for fairness etc. They always tell us, "We are watching out for you". Yeah right, Does this not include how these details are being handled? Words do not match actions. Nothing new here at this agency. And if you think anyone above the sergeants will lend a hand you are dreaming. These are the guys who, after acepting a position of authority are not happy with the salary cut. Hey get over it. The power not enough, you want our money too!!

05-13-2009, 02:08 PM
I can't agree with you more Lone G Man. But take it further, why do property crimes detectives get to work check points in officer positions? Again taking $$$ out of someone elses pocket who doesn't get the specialty pay those detectives do. Do the detectives post availability for stakeouts or special details they want help covering or do they keep it to themselves.

Again can't wait till the newspress prints last years numbers.

05-13-2009, 02:26 PM
Yep, good point. Now I know the FOP guys read this thing so how come they do not do something about it. I am only a relatively newcomer to the scene here, however I have heard a lot about the ways things "used to be". Why the heck can it not be like that again? I would sure like to see equal treatment alll the way around. I mean the fact that detectives do get that speciality pay and patorl officers do not. Perhaps given th=oday's economy, maybe the detectives should be in the rotation like the sergeants.

Not only that, I don't even know who the hell to complain to. From what I am seeing, it doesn't pay anyway. Ask guys like O'Grady or Columbia. In fact, I am trying to think of anyone who has really benefitted from the union recently.

I can tell you that I was not prepared to deal with the crap we are being handed out. Call me niave, but you got cops doing other cops spouses, and one of them is the Chiefs son. What the hell is that all about. Is n't anyone scared that the jilted spouse carries a gun?? Personally, I dont think I ever saw the Chief;s son, but if he ever leaves or takes off that magic cape he has, I'm gonna try and snatch it up!!!

05-14-2009, 03:01 AM
Maybe if you hadnt got yanked from the detail list you wouldnt be *****in so much. Your mouth is overloading your whiny butt. FOP does stand behind us and they have for you a couple of times. Show up for work and keep your hands out of peoples wallets and maybe you wouldnt be such a slug

05-14-2009, 03:30 AM
Stop *****ing! Details are traded around here more than a certain Sergeant.

When Mikovits stops sending out emails about details two or three times before they are filled that's when I will start listening to you. As for the detectives, who cares if they work the checkpoints? Good for them for signing up. It was just a year ago the traffic guys could not get the Platoon 4 rotation to even work them.

If you need more money, stop hoping for a $30 hour 4 hour detail. Go work a second job.

05-14-2009, 09:46 PM
Hey guys remember this is a public forum. Do you really think it is productive making acusations and insults under an annonymous name. That is not what this site is for and it is against the terms of use.

Details are a big issue at CCPD and the policy is currently being re-written. If you have any complaints suggestions or comments please let me know. As you can see I use my name and dont hide behind the anonymity of the internet. The FOP meeting is a good place for this discussion as management has asked for the FOP to participate in the new policy.
Come see me, call me or give me an email at work.


05-15-2009, 12:11 AM
Thanks BW. Well said.

Never paid much attention to this site until the detective in the back sends out an email to the police list.
We as a department sound like the biggest bunch of cry babies on here. It is embarrassing :oops: and pathetic. :cry:

05-15-2009, 03:36 AM
Neither did I until someone brought it to my attention. I said I would never post on here, but more and more I am sick to my stomach. My intention in my email is to make all of you now reading this aware of what is being done by our own. I can't believe some of you have the nerve to post on here without using your name and then complain about the brotherhood. You are all cowards. Go ahead, say what you want about me, cause I'm strong enough to take it. I read the things you people write and it makes me embarassed to have to say that I work with people who are supposed to be bigger than that. If there are issues, then lets handle them like adults. I guess all I am asking is that we set an example for all of the non sworn that read this site. We are the standard.


05-15-2009, 01:24 PM
Is the new RO gonna be an extra detail? That would be sweet! Those poor folks living up there are gonna have to smell farty forever, LOL, that sucks!!!!

05-15-2009, 01:28 PM
Good point Nick. I was once told that fighting on the internet is like being in the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded!
disclaimer, I meant no disrespect to the mentally disabled community using that quote.

05-15-2009, 06:54 PM
you are the poster child of the mentally retarded community

05-16-2009, 12:12 AM
Me? Sweet! That's alot of responsibility to carry on my back, but I think I am up for it. Thanks. LOL!!

05-25-2009, 03:41 PM
these guys dont make any money doing details

Last name: MOORE
First name: MICHAEL
Mi: J
Hire date: 11/18/02
Position: PoliceOfficer-FieldSvcs
Organization: Police
Annual: $ 46,092.80
Gross: $ 79,464.99 Base: $ 48,993.52
Other: $ 25,678.28
Overtime: $ 4,793.19
Employment status: REGULARFULLTIME
Termination: N/A

Last name: MCCLURG
First name: JEREMIAH
Mi: D
Hire date: 7/17/06
Position: PoliceOfficer-FieldSvcs
Organization: Police
Annual: $ 48,401.60
Gross: $ 89,077.13
Base: $ 49,004.06
Other: $ 34,812.87
Overtime: $ 5,260.20
Employment status: REGULARFULLTIME
Termination: N/A

Last name: CANTRELL
First name: ROBERT
Mi: V
Hire date: 1/4/05
Position: PoliceOfficer-FieldSvcs
Organization: Police
Annual: $ 50,710.40
Gross: $ 65,141.48
Base: $ 49,383.47
Other: $ 12,619.32
Overtime: $ 3,138.69
Employment status: REGULARFULLTIME
Termination: N/A

05-26-2009, 12:54 AM
I say good for them.

05-26-2009, 01:13 AM
Just for SH!TZ & G!GGLES! I wonder what will happen when they can't work all those precious details when they have to work the road.

Last name: ROTH
First name: IRA
Mi: J
Hire date: 10/25/00
Position: PoliceOfficer-SupportSvcs
Organization: Police
Annual: $ 59,945.60
Gross: $ 88,277.45
Base: $ 57,840.78
Other: $ 29,117.99
Overtime: $ 1,318.68
Employment status: REGULARFULLTIME
Termination: N/A

Last name: LEAR
First name: JAMES
Mi: D
Hire date: 4/11/98
Position: PoliceOfficer-SupportSvcs
Organization: Police
Annual: $ 61,984.00
Gross: $ 93,891.56
Base: $ 56,047.02
Other: $ 36,250.67
Overtime: $ 1,593.87
Employment status: REGULARFULLTIME
Termination: N/A

Last name: RAPHAEL
First name: GENE
Mi: G
Hire date: 12/17/01
Position: PoliceOfficer-SupportSvcs
Organization: Police
Annual: $ 57,491.20
Gross: $ 85,645.74
Base: $ 56,374.58
Other: $ 28,760.26
Overtime: $ 510.90
Employment status: REGULARFULLTIME
Termination: N/A

05-27-2009, 01:21 PM
Hey morons, that "other" column aint just for details. It includes academy incentive money, holidays, court time etc. Laziness knows no shame or boundaries. The attempted destruction of people's character doesnt either. Get a life, get a job, get a detail, make some arrests!!!

06-05-2009, 04:13 PM
You sound like a bunch of elementary school children crying over spilt milk.

06-12-2009, 01:23 PM
Come on! Let's be realistic here, those guys made alot of money, but they busted their asses in doing so. 80% of us would never want to work as much as they do. I am more than happy with my 2 city hall details every month because I like golfing and being with my family. Here's an idea... If you want to make money, do some work while on shift... find some arrests. Guys that do alot of DUIs are in court all the time, it's easy money and you never hear about them crying over details. Any officer in this department has the opportunity to make some serious cheddar, but nobody wants to work. They all just want to complain about hard working guys like JM and MM that get alot of details because when others need to get rid of them, they know JM and MM will always be available. JM and MM are both single, no kids, and live nearby so they would be the first guys I would call if I needed to get rid of a detail. Sorry, but that's the truth. Get over it.

07-14-2009, 03:13 PM
Here's the top 10, as a Matter of the News-Press posting Public Records in their Website:
LEAR JAMES D $61,984.00 $93,891.56 $56,047.02 $36,250.67 $ 1,593.87

MCCLURG JEREMIAH $48,401.60 $89,077.13 $49,004.06 $34,812.87 $ 5,260.20

CHENAULT BRAND $64,084.80 $97,666.54 $67,171.15 $29,925.69 $ 569.70

FRANTZ DANIEL T $64,084.80 $95,755.52 $60,658.03 $28,590.16 $ 6,507.33

POST HOWARD $64,084.80 $89,958.41 $67,413.31 $21,425.92 $ 1,119.18

ELLIS CHRISTY J $64,084.80 $92,672.15 $63,595.57 $21,109.99 $ 7,966.59

GARDINER DAVID $64,084.80 $91,242.89 $69,824.29 $20,646.16 $ 772.44

RISCHMILLER RON $64,084.80 $95,588.87 $69,450.52 $18,335.17 $ 7,803.18

O'GRADY PATRICK $64,084.80 $96,425.31 $67,171.02 $16,155.96 $ 13,098.33

GRAU KURTIS A $64,084.80 $94,463.69 $65,813.94 $15,853.85 $12,795.90