04-25-2009, 02:41 PM
What happen

04-25-2009, 05:20 PM

04-25-2009, 06:33 PM
Its all true! Its a fact! IA is under investigation and so is the staff! Get your courthouse front row tickets to see IA, T$, and BK go down! Change is coming! Vote for Regalado!!!

04-25-2009, 09:12 PM
No one gets in trouble, stop it with the drama..............losers

04-25-2009, 09:33 PM
Wait till after next week will I have a surprize for all the IA guys and the city.

04-26-2009, 01:10 AM
Not the first or last bad investigation from IA IF this is true. This kid is a screw up get another career and move on. Try and sue the city by the time you get justice we will all be retired. Unfortunate but true.

04-26-2009, 01:14 AM
why is he a screw up cause bk is out to get him let me guess your perfect right you should move on and keep your stupid comments to yourself. :devil: :devil: :devil:

04-26-2009, 01:44 AM
luquis should learn the rules and not listen to luis miguel. luis miguel is going to get his ass decertified for lying.

04-26-2009, 01:46 AM
luquis should learn the rules and not listen to luis miguel. luis miguel is going to get his ass decertified for lying.
So what in the F happen, so much typing but no one says anything

04-26-2009, 02:45 AM
luquis should learn the rules and not listen to luis miguel. luis miguel is going to get his ass decertified for lying.

Yes he will when Johnny lexus does too. You see the 14th amendment to the constitution say "equal protection under law." To decertify a peon, you better do a lying chief too, or it's federal law suit. And in federal court, the state's cap on liability for cities and it's self to 100 grand, doesn't apply. See what happens when you let a lying chief skate? And IA is libel to US title 1864 (could have that number wrong) in which using your color of office to deny rights is a life felony. lying to harm a copo let's see where this novela leads us. I know lawyers will be the winners in this one.

04-26-2009, 03:56 AM
I know where this will end Lugo will be back and bk, T$ and major perez will be mad again

04-26-2009, 01:35 PM
I heard part of the plea deal is that Lugo will go work in IA and luqeeese will go back to patrol. Luqueeese is the right guy to have in IA. he understands that sometimes our boyfriends shoot themselves with our city gun. qru 13-09. right?


04-26-2009, 08:06 PM
hey andy, dont come here and try to trash luquis. remember you lost your gun too. worry about your potbelly posts.

04-27-2009, 03:08 AM
i heard the FOP filed a lawsuit in court. can we say depositions and court proceedings? let the bloodbath begin. ortiz repped lugo. heard carlos filed a grievance some time last week. this shall be very interesting. they should put this on court tv and name it "The lies of IAD.", only on CrimeTV.

:devil: long live la gorda y luqiisee :devil:

04-27-2009, 05:27 AM
Hey you guys have Luis Miguel drinking a gallon of Milanta a day,,,,,,,,good job! you know they read these posts everyday,,, and everyday they seem to be getting acid indigestion,,i mean with november getting close and them having to handle and losing all of those Grievances and all,,,,,,,,,,Dont want your Yob,,,,,,,,,,,, Kimosabe :devil: :devil: :devil:

04-27-2009, 12:22 PM
Yeah. they were high fiving eachother when they ROD'd Lugo. And, now DC is having a temper tantrum because Major Drunk botched another IA investigation and they are going to have to take him back. when are the depos? i want to watch.


04-27-2009, 12:29 PM
How can you say that, he dose not drink.

04-27-2009, 02:29 PM
As far as suing the city and anyone getting in trouble, it wont happen. A lawsuit takes years to settle and the city will drag it to the bitter end. Ask anyone who has needed to sue and they will tell you, its a long way to get a little justice if any at all...

04-27-2009, 03:16 PM
As far as suing the city and anyone getting in trouble, it wont happen. A lawsuit takes years to settle and the city will drag it to the bitter end. Ask anyone who has needed to sue and they will tell you, its a long way to get a little justice if any at all...

Don't worry, justice will come about three hours after Regalado is elected. Major Drunk will be demoted to lieutenant and his two flunkies, Potbelly and Luquis will find themselves in the staffing office crying for a position in patrol.

Leadership we can trust, change we need.

04-28-2009, 03:21 AM
rumor has it that luqiuss and potbelly are packing there bags already :twisted:

04-30-2009, 01:58 PM
Question: What do you get when Luis Miguel tries to burn a cop for no reason?

Answer: LyingLUQUEESE

04-30-2009, 03:06 PM
I heard everyone in IA went to Potbelly's house for a BBQ this weekend. L miguelito and farmeer were seen making out with Potbelly's swine sister and they now have gotten the swine flu. It is becoming an epedemic and will soon take over the univerese!

What to do if you think your co-worker has swine flu
What do you do if you if that guy in the next cubicle is sneezing and coughing and you just can't help but worry that he might have the swine flu?

I took this question and others to Mark Neuberger, a labor lawyer with Foley & Lardner in Miami.

His answer? ''You should not take any risk,'' said Neuberger. ``Report to management and management should have a plan designed to handle these scenarios.''

Q:What if the person that's coughing and sneezing is your manager?

A: Go up the chain.

Q:As an employer, how do you handle it?

A: Communicate that coming in sick and an added level of diligence, while appreciated in the past, is not appreciated now.

Q:What if you don't have paid sick days and the person doesn't want to go home, maybe he even shrugs it off as allergies?

A: Pull them privately into your office and suggest they go home. You can even say, ''Go home and I'll pay you anyway.'' Or you can say, ``Here's a laptop try to do what can home few days.''

Q:What if someone is so afraid they MIGHT get swine flu that they don't want to come to work?

A: Try to have a rational discussion with them. Tell them no one in the office is sick, and their chances of getting it are remote. Say, ''I encourage you to come to work.'' Or, you might want to let them telecommute. Maybe it's time to start thinking again about letting more of your workforce telecommute. In Mexico, everyone is working from home. With technology it's fairly easy to do.

Q:What other advice do you have for employers?

A: If you have emergency plans, start testing them out. Maybe those plans include letting workers telecommute. Let employees know the company policy. Tell them not to take a risk. If they are covered by insurance, use it. Also make hand sanitizer available and encourage frequent hand washing. Look at your company's cleaning and sanitation practices. Maybe there are things that can be done better. Be sensitive to where your workers are traveling, know where the hot spots are and cancel trips to those cities. The biggest part of it is staying on top of the news.

04-30-2009, 11:34 PM
Folks please I dont want this site to turn into a potbelly forum, he has his own private and dedicated site that she I mean he rightfully earned. So lets keep it there. Thank you THE MANAGEMENT.

05-02-2009, 01:31 PM
You're so right. Year of the PB Part 2

05-04-2009, 01:12 AM
any updates? :evil:

05-04-2009, 11:21 AM
I herad the depos are this week and the city is trying to stall as there case has disappared. :evil: :evil:

05-04-2009, 02:31 PM
It just shows you that when IA wants to get you, they will make up anything to do it.

05-05-2009, 01:10 AM
I will talk to Trooper Joe to reinstate you immediately.

05-06-2009, 06:55 AM
Admin Guy dont ack like you care you only care about T$ and BK and dont worry he will be back long before Regalado becomes mayor. :twisted:

05-07-2009, 01:02 PM
Lugo if they don't give you your job back and they make you fight till the end, file at the SAO office on all of these people that did you wrong. We heard all that they have done to you.

05-09-2009, 04:44 AM
It just shows you that when IA wants to get you, they will make up anything to do it.

But they are not beyond being SUED PERSONALLY. Yes, sue them and not the city, and watch the law dept let these liars swing in the breeze. They have homes, cars. boats, whatever. But don't name the city and watch these hatchet men have to hire lawyers out of their own pocket. When you win, THEN go after the city. AIN"T PAYBACK A BIT*H ? :devil:

05-11-2009, 07:03 PM
C**O! Acere que razon tienes!! Eres el Caballo!! Lugito dales candela!! Lawsuit pa' todo el mundo!!!! Se van a cagar! :devil:

05-13-2009, 06:03 AM
It just shows you that when IA wants to get you, they will make up anything to do it.

But they are not beyond being SUED PERSONALLY. Yes, sue them and not the city, and watch the law dept let these liars swing in the breeze. They have homes, cars. boats, whatever. But don't name the city and watch these hatchet men have to hire lawyers out of their own pocket. When you win, THEN go after the city. AIN"T PAYBACK A BIT*H ? :devil:

And do not forget the chain of command. Vicarious liability travels upward VERY WELL. And the chiefs have the $$$$$$$$$and/or assets. T$ and BK have the coin bro, go for it.

05-14-2009, 08:39 AM
So is he comeing back yet cause I heard the city is out of lies . LUGO WE GOT YOUR BACK cant wait to see you back the city is runing scared. :devil:

05-14-2009, 11:56 AM
So is he comeing back yet cause I heard the city is out of lies . LUGO WE GOT YOUR BACK cant wait to see you back the city is runing scared. :devil:

Another example of immaturity. Even if he get's off (again on a technicality), it still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of.

Why do we want these types wearing our uniform again?

05-14-2009, 01:43 PM
So is he comeing back yet cause I heard the city is out of lies . LUGO WE GOT YOUR BACK cant wait to see you back the city is runing scared. :devil:

Another example of immaturity. Even if he get's off (again on a technicality), it still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of.

Why do we want these types wearing our uniform again?

"It still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of."
And, who the hell are you? I hope you're not one of the guys in IA that has drank too much of the kool-aid. When you do an investigation, you must be unbiased and stick to the facts. There are plenty of IA investigators up there that do just that...THEY STICK TO THE FACTS AND THEY DO A GREAT JOB.
People have contacted me about the FACTS of the case. You're obviously one of the uneducated ones that has a very vindictive or biased personality.

I also see a very similar post under Court Liasion (on leoaffairs) that says you should go to court and you won't get written up. I know plenty of people that follow the rules and get burned anyway. If the Miami Police Department wants the rank and file to obey the rules, they must follow them too. The FOP will not tolerate anyone violating your rights. Yes, its true a Step TWO grievance was filed yesterday against the Court Liaison folks for violating the contract. There are plenty of hard working Officers getting a 30, 40, or 60 hour reprimand for missing one day of court because they had several subpeonas on the same day. Is that fair? The department is sending a message of: DON'T WORK AND YOU WON'T GET DISCIPLINED. NO WORK, NO SUBPEONAS. There phone system is in shambles. I've got more than enough evidence that many times when you call up there, the phone rings and it isn't answered. The next time you get a tickler for not going to court and they order you to write a statement, make sure you explain that the no one picked up the phone (if that is the case).

I look forward when the Governor signs the revised Officer Bill of Rights. It will give our union members more rights and the power to discipline those that don't follow the rules.

Remember WE ARE THE FOP. If you observe someone violating another member's rights, it is your duty to bring it to the attention of the membership. Protect eachother!


Javi Ortiz
Miami FOP Lodge #20 Executive Board Member

05-15-2009, 02:43 AM
So is he comeing back yet cause I heard the city is out of lies . LUGO WE GOT YOUR BACK cant wait to see you back the city is runing scared. :devil:

Another example of immaturity. Even if he get's off (again on a technicality), it still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of.

Why do we want these types wearing our uniform again?

Well, take away T$'s, and locke's uniform first then. Tell the election sign major to turn his uniform ALSO. Hey, when the fish smells from the head first, it's very hard to fire other for less.

05-15-2009, 04:28 AM
Javi,I love u. No one does it better,l.o.l.

05-15-2009, 12:13 PM
So is he comeing back yet cause I heard the city is out of lies . LUGO WE GOT YOUR BACK cant wait to see you back the city is runing scared. :devil:

Another example of immaturity. Even if he get's off (again on a technicality), it still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of.

Why do we want these types wearing our uniform again?

"It still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of."
And, who the hell are you? I hope you're not one of the guys in IA that has drank too much of the kool-aid. When you do an investigation, you must be unbiased and stick to the facts. There are plenty of IA investigators up there that do just that...THEY STICK TO THE FACTS AND THEY DO A GREAT JOB.
People have contacted me about the FACTS of the case. You're obviously one of the uneducated ones that has a very vindictive or biased personality.

I also see a very similar post under Court Liasion (on leoaffairs) that says you should go to court and you won't get written up. I know plenty of people that follow the rules and get burned anyway. If the Miami Police Department wants the rank and file to obey the rules, they must follow them too. The FOP will not tolerate anyone violating your rights. Yes, its true a Step TWO grievance was filed yesterday against the Court Liaison folks for violating the contract. There are plenty of hard working Officers getting a 30, 40, or 60 hour reprimand for missing one day of court because they had several subpeonas on the same day. Is that fair? The department is sending a message of: DON'T WORK AND YOU WON'T GET DISCIPLINED. NO WORK, NO SUBPEONAS. There phone system is in shambles. I've got more than enough evidence that many times when you call up there, the phone rings and it isn't answered. The next time you get a tickler for not going to court and they order you to write a statement, make sure you explain that the no one picked up the phone (if that is the case).

I look forward when the Governor signs the revised Officer Bill of Rights. It will give our union members more rights and the power to discipline those that don't follow the rules.

Remember WE ARE THE FOP. If you observe someone violating another member's rights, it is your duty to bring it to the attention of the membership. Protect eachother!


Javi Ortiz
Miami FOP Lodge #20 Executive Board Member

Has there ever been anyone deemed worthy enough by you to deserve discipline? What about your little incident in the grove?

Everything can't be a technicality. Some times you just have to step up and accept the punishment.

As a Sergeant, how much discipline have you initiated when you have personally observed a violation of Departmental Policy?

I am the first to admit that their are overzealous IA investigators, but you make it seam like NOBODY violates policies. Believe it or not, we have had some really bad seeds in our department.

Just remember what we were told when we got hired; "It all starts with a free cup of coffee and the next thing you know your throwing dead bodies in the Miami River", or maybe planting guns, or maybe escorting possible drug runners up and down I-95.....

Just for the record, how many times did the FOP represent Nunez, before he was ultimately fired?

05-15-2009, 03:57 PM
I guess we have found a couple that deserve discipline first we can start with you javi defends the cause so in the future they dont do it for you. If something is straight up he will tell you then you can deal with it, and to name a couple T$, Lt Locke, Luquis, Maj Gomez all deserve discipline so go back and hide in your whole and we will call you when we need you. Yeah and you can add those supervisors that violate officers rights to that list. :twisted:

05-15-2009, 05:58 PM
IA is trying to get rid of this post I wonder why? :twisted:

05-15-2009, 06:17 PM

05-15-2009, 10:25 PM

05-16-2009, 05:45 AM
IA judgement day is around the corner. the kool-aid supplier might not be a tough as he think he is!

05-16-2009, 11:42 AM
So is he comeing back yet cause I heard the city is out of lies . LUGO WE GOT YOUR BACK cant wait to see you back the city is runing scared. :devil:

Another example of immaturity. Even if he get's off (again on a technicality), it still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of.

Why do we want these types wearing our uniform again?

"It still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of."
And, who the hell are you? I hope you're not one of the guys in IA that has drank too much of the kool-aid. When you do an investigation, you must be unbiased and stick to the facts. There are plenty of IA investigators up there that do just that...THEY STICK TO THE FACTS AND THEY DO A GREAT JOB.
People have contacted me about the FACTS of the case. You're obviously one of the uneducated ones that has a very vindictive or biased personality.

I also see a very similar post under Court Liasion (on leoaffairs) that says you should go to court and you won't get written up. I know plenty of people that follow the rules and get burned anyway. If the Miami Police Department wants the rank and file to obey the rules, they must follow them too. The FOP will not tolerate anyone violating your rights. Yes, its true a Step TWO grievance was filed yesterday against the Court Liaison folks for violating the contract. There are plenty of hard working Officers getting a 30, 40, or 60 hour reprimand for missing one day of court because they had several subpeonas on the same day. Is that fair? The department is sending a message of: DON'T WORK AND YOU WON'T GET DISCIPLINED. NO WORK, NO SUBPEONAS. There phone system is in shambles. I've got more than enough evidence that many times when you call up there, the phone rings and it isn't answered. The next time you get a tickler for not going to court and they order you to write a statement, make sure you explain that the no one picked up the phone (if that is the case).

I look forward when the Governor signs the revised Officer Bill of Rights. It will give our union members more rights and the power to discipline those that don't follow the rules.

Remember WE ARE THE FOP. If you observe someone violating another member's rights, it is your duty to bring it to the attention of the membership. Protect eachother!


Javi Ortiz
Miami FOP Lodge #20 Executive Board Member

It is very comforting that IA trust someone as important as Javi Ortiz to share confidential information in an investigation. Remember, if you have to go to give a statement in IA and you want it spread all over the department, take Javi with you as a rep. He seems to have the biggest mouth in the department. The only thing bigger would be the public address system!

05-17-2009, 09:09 AM
Sounds like the above listed post is from a new HateJAVI taskforce put together by the Boy King himself. Javi repped me several weeks ago. And, after going to IA, we walked right out. He told them they were violating my rights and didn't have all the witness statements. There were even issues with the actual complaint. Lugo, you have a good rep on your side. And, if its true what I'm hearing, luqiis is a creative writer. They smile to your face and then stab stab stab! thank you javi. :evil:

05-18-2009, 04:13 AM
Javi who going to REP the IA investigator ? They are officers of this dept, and also have the rights to an FOP Rep and the Bill of rights!!! You guys keep doing things for personal reasons and have no clue to what is best for the officers and for this organization. You are a _____excuse for a Law enforcement officer!!!

So is he comeing back yet cause I heard the city is out of lies . LUGO WE GOT YOUR BACK cant wait to see you back the city is runing scared. :devil:

Another example of immaturity. Even if he get's off (again on a technicality), it still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of.

Why do we want these types wearing our uniform again?

"It still doesn't change the fact that he did what he was accused of."
And, who the hell are you? I hope you're not one of the guys in IA that has drank too much of the kool-aid. When you do an investigation, you must be unbiased and stick to the facts. There are plenty of IA investigators up there that do just that...THEY STICK TO THE FACTS AND THEY DO A GREAT JOB.
People have contacted me about the FACTS of the case. You're obviously one of the uneducated ones that has a very vindictive or biased personality.

I also see a very similar post under Court Liasion (on leoaffairs) that says you should go to court and you won't get written up. I know plenty of people that follow the rules and get burned anyway. If the Miami Police Department wants the rank and file to obey the rules, they must follow them too. The FOP will not tolerate anyone violating your rights. Yes, its true a Step TWO grievance was filed yesterday against the Court Liaison folks for violating the contract. There are plenty of hard working Officers getting a 30, 40, or 60 hour reprimand for missing one day of court because they had several subpeonas on the same day. Is that fair? The department is sending a message of: DON'T WORK AND YOU WON'T GET DISCIPLINED. NO WORK, NO SUBPEONAS. There phone system is in shambles. I've got more than enough evidence that many times when you call up there, the phone rings and it isn't answered. The next time you get a tickler for not going to court and they order you to write a statement, make sure you explain that the no one picked up the phone (if that is the case).

I look forward when the Governor signs the revised Officer Bill of Rights. It will give our union members more rights and the power to discipline those that don't follow the rules.

Remember WE ARE THE FOP. If you observe someone violating another member's rights, it is your duty to bring it to the attention of the membership. Protect eachother!


Javi Ortiz
Miami FOP Lodge #20 Executive Board Member

05-18-2009, 04:32 AM
Maybe you can rep them nobody told them to brake the law and the are told in advance what they are doing if they want to keep breaking the law to bad if the want they can go BACK TO PATROL SO LUQUSIS stop writing on here you lost this one. :devil:

05-18-2009, 09:50 AM
he always has said there are good people up there. and, im sure he would rep them. if you follow the rules that is. i dont think he would ever rep potbelly though. he's just oo fat. potbelly, while you're reading this and sending it to luis miguel, don't choke on your pork rinds. luquise, be a nice chap and stop creative writing reprimands. it can get you decertified. luis miguel isnt going to back you up when his pension is threatened to be taken from him.

05-20-2009, 12:23 AM
2 more rod hope its not like what they did to Lugo. :evil:

05-20-2009, 08:12 AM
Help to find, where you can buy antiallergic drugs online.

05-20-2009, 10:59 AM
yeah, well if they did...they need to get a hold of the FOP and get the ball rolling....lugo will be getting his job back. as far as woody and sanchez the frog looking guy, we will see.....

05-24-2009, 03:34 AM
Help to find, where you can buy antiallergic drugs online.

Call 1-800-EAT- SH%T. Hope this helps.

05-24-2009, 04:54 AM
Help to find, where you can buy antiallergic drugs online.

Call 1-800-EAT- SH%T. Hope this helps.

No help at all.I keep getting a busy signal. What gives?

05-27-2009, 11:57 PM
the clock is ticking.........only a few more days and everything will be offical.
hopefully he'll win his job back...........Miss him already.

06-02-2009, 02:33 AM
so court was today what happened?

06-02-2009, 03:12 AM



06-03-2009, 02:32 AM


thanks for letting us know LUGO lol
Congrats bro

06-03-2009, 03:34 AM


thanks for letting us know LUGO lol
Congrats bro

well its true.....lugo won in court......the city attroney got his a$$ handed to him by lugo's attorney!!!! Wysong didnt even go prepared.....

06-04-2009, 12:57 AM

- T$



06-04-2009, 10:12 AM


thanks for letting us know LUGO lol
Congrats bro

well its true.....lugo won in court......the city attroney got his a$$ handed to him by lugo's attorney!!!! Wysong didnt even go prepared.....

As I understand it, Lugo's attorney got the Judge to award him a temporary injunction while he reviews the 180 day rule.

This in no way clears Lugo of any wrongdoing. More to come.

06-04-2009, 01:42 PM
What are the allegations against lug ? didnt oliva tried fcking hi before but, made himself look like a-hole

06-05-2009, 02:55 PM
As I understand it, Lugo's attorney got the Judge to award him a temporary injunction while he reviews the 180 day rule.

This in no way clears Lugo of any wrongdoing. More to come.

More to come? Yeah, the Judge ruled in his favor. He cannot be disciplined. That is whats more to come. You were obviously one of the four people from the city that wrote this OPINION. Well opinions are like a-holes....And, the truth is there were a bunch of lies in the investigation. And, I'm not even including the violations on the contract and the Officer Bill of Rights. I'm talking about the actual investigation itself. Keep lying. The truth will set him free.

06-07-2009, 03:55 AM
As I understand it, Lugo's attorney got the Judge to award him a temporary injunction while he reviews the 180 day rule.

This in no way clears Lugo of any wrongdoing. More to come.

More to come? Yeah, the Judge ruled in his favor. He cannot be disciplined. That is whats more to come. You were obviously one of the four people from the city that wrote this OPINION. Well opinions are like a-holes....And, the truth is there were a bunch of lies in the investigation. And, I'm not even including the violations on the contract and the Officer Bill of Rights. I'm talking about the actual investigation itself. Keep lying. The truth will set him free.

Our wronged brother needs to SUE everyone who signed off on the Abortion this I A "investigation" is. Sue them personally, and then sue the city. They have to sell some assets or close some deferred pay accounts, the rest of the I A herd WILL TAKE FU?KING NOTICE and hopefully the smart ones will not repeat this injustice. Only by going after their money will they change their ways. And T$ has boo coo $$$$$$$. Imagine if our man get's a used Lexus SUV as part payment. And since it is between members, lodge legal defense does NOT come to anyone aid. Tear them a new one bro. :snicker:

06-07-2009, 07:44 PM
As I understand it, Lugo's attorney got the Judge to award him a temporary injunction while he reviews the 180 day rule.

This in no way clears Lugo of any wrongdoing. More to come.

More to come? Yeah, the Judge ruled in his favor. He cannot be disciplined. That is whats more to come. You were obviously one of the four people from the city that wrote this OPINION. Well opinions are like a-holes....And, the truth is there were a bunch of lies in the investigation. And, I'm not even including the violations on the contract and the Officer Bill of Rights. I'm talking about the actual investigation itself. Keep lying. The truth will set him free.

Our wronged brother needs to SUE everyone who signed off on the Abortion this I A "investigation" is. Sue them personally, and then sue the city. They have to sell some assets or close some deferred pay accounts, the rest of the I A herd WILL TAKE FU?KING NOTICE and hopefully the smart ones will not repeat this injustice. Only by going after their money will they change their ways. And T$ has boo coo $$$$$$$. Imagine if our man get's a used Lexus SUV as part payment. And since it is between members, lodge legal defense does NOT come to anyone aid. Tear them a new one bro. :snicker:

Better go after the Boy King before November 3rd. I have a feeling that his salary is going to be greatly reduced and that he may have to sell that big expensive house in Pinecrest to make ends meet.

06-07-2009, 08:23 PM
By any chance was Potbelly involved in this investigation in any way?

06-08-2009, 11:17 AM
Potbelly wasn't involved. He was marinating himself for the upcoming November potroast.

06-08-2009, 11:24 AM
who was the idiot in IA wa it the big ahole gonzalez?

06-08-2009, 04:17 PM
As I understand it, Lugo's attorney got the Judge to award him a temporary injunction while he reviews the 180 day rule.

This in no way clears Lugo of any wrongdoing. More to come.

More to come? Yeah, the Judge ruled in his favor. He cannot be disciplined. That is whats more to come. You were obviously one of the four people from the city that wrote this OPINION. Well opinions are like a-holes....And, the truth is there were a bunch of lies in the investigation. And, I'm not even including the violations on the contract and the Officer Bill of Rights. I'm talking about the actual investigation itself. Keep lying. The truth will set him free.

i will get you! or maybe not whens Nov ?


06-08-2009, 04:27 PM
you guys are too funny!

06-16-2009, 01:36 AM
Hey, has Lugo hired the lawyers yet to sue these clowns?

06-29-2009, 08:06 PM
any updates :?:

06-30-2009, 02:55 AM
It was Jesus the Investigator from IA

07-09-2009, 07:35 AM
is he back heard he was on the street?