View Full Version : Contraxt

02-27-2009, 01:38 AM
It is that dreaded time again where we sit down and attempt to come up with a contract that can be tolerated by the membership. Our first meeting is next week and I would like some feedback on what your expectations are. I would rather not have to do it by using this site but this seems like the only way to quickly reach a large group. Either post your ideas on here on drop me a note. I look forward to hearing from each of you. The only thing I have to say is be realistic. Thanks for your input.


02-27-2009, 02:15 PM
Hi Adam,

This will indeed be a challenge and hopefully the City will actually "come clean" about the reality of the situation rather than the usual "We are in great shape fiscally, we just don't want to pay you". They underestimate our capacity to empathize with them and work with them.

That being said, here's a wish list:

1. Roll the "grandfather" date on the take home car program so that the out of county (but within the radius) guys/gals hired since the last contract can participate.

2. Elimate the college requirements for Sergeant and Corporal...especially Corporal. A point matrix system is what most other agencies use and we always talk about being "comparable" and "having parity" with other agencies. The matrix awards points for college, so it's not eliminated from the equation, but it also awards points for military experience and many other factors.

Let's face it, a degree is not needed to be a line supervisor. Job knowledge, wisdom, and leadership ability are far more important. This requirement eliminates some of our most talented and capable officers from contention. For example, I think a 405/372/346's computer skills are way more useful than a two/four degree in something we are all already doing. Also, the city doesn't help pay for school anymore (?), so now it's either get loans or join the military reserve if you want to advance at your job.

3. That comp time thing has worked out well, any expansion plans?

4. Can we do away with the sweat hour clause in all time off as it relates to OT?

I know pay is a no brainer and a no winner. You have my full support and good luck

02-28-2009, 02:24 PM
Adam, can we come to the meetings? When and where are they. I am not sitting this contract out. I don't expect anything at all but them severely taking away crap we already have and I want them to have to look me in the eye when they do it.

02-28-2009, 08:37 PM
The first meeting is Thursday March 5, 2009 at 1300. The meeting will take place in the city coucil workshop on the second floor. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

03-01-2009, 02:02 PM

03-02-2009, 05:40 PM
Wow, 3% to FD,,,, Is that cost of living and merit all in one. How about we get a raise based on cost of living for a change..... When a gallon of milk and a gallon of gas are both almost $4.00,,, I tend to believe the cost of living is up.

03-05-2009, 04:29 PM
get the lube ready, we are gonna need it for this contract. I'm sure the city will realise how valuable of a resource we are, then again........ :roll:

03-07-2009, 09:22 PM
$120,060 wonder what we could get with that money from the goverment

03-08-2009, 04:17 AM
You can be sure Admin has that money already spent and it won't be for patrol officer pay increases. It'll be used for something really helpful like another Lt. or Cpl. position! Yeah, that would be money well spent!

03-09-2009, 07:23 PM
Amazing how patrol is the backbone of the agency, and yet we are treated like mushrooms. Throw us a bone!