View Full Version : Dear Chief: Do something about the LAZY TRAFFIC GUY

02-23-2009, 10:51 PM
Chief, Several days ago we had a traffic crash. The Traffic Unit, who was on his motorcycle, was advised that there was a traffic crash. He responded back saying that he could not work it because he was on the motorcycle. Now if I am not mistaken, I thought he was in the traffic unit. When calls get backed up why should zone units be sent to work the traffic crashes? It is not the first time that it has happened. The traffic unit needs to do more. By no means am I saying that all the traffic units are lazy because they are not. Some are very quick to take crashes while some do not even bother with them.

So we need to get this situation rectified because we are already short on shift and there should be no reason for a zone unit to take crashes when a traffic unit is 10-8!!!!!!

02-24-2009, 01:17 AM
I’m surprised that the original DeezNuts has not charged you with trademark infringement. That charge of course wouldn’t match the charges you endured from all your signal 10 day’s in Miami! I know that the heat was to much for the original DeezNuts to handle , and so since you guys hang out together you thought you were going to carry the Olympic NO- NUTZ TORCH! Let me be the first street cop to tell you that your doing a horrible job! This writing style is the best you can up with ,from all that education you earned at SWFL College? I must be honest I’m not surprised! Your posts are about as understandable as your brilliant radio transmissions! I’m now going to address you as NO- NUTZ! Let’s try and dissect your abomination of a post . (“40 cent why are you worried about black on black crime, you should be more worried about your "guys" . REMEBER TO CATCH A PREDATOR""""""11111 So dont worry about black on black, especially since you are one of those cops who saty way way way south!!!!!!)

Trust me NO-NUTZ, why would I be worried about black on black crime, it’s great job security for me , and MRS. SHOEMAKER stays in business selling and delivering all those flower arrangements for all the funerals! I can only laugh about you NO-NUTZ , thinking that your actually smart enough to know what area I work! I know you been a Tangerine Unit for a while, so let me refresh the saw dust floating in your head! Due to the shortage of road patrol units , North officers have to go South, and South officers have to go North for calls on a daily basis, and why we even have zones at this point is another topic! Unfortunately for you NO-NUTZ , I remember your days on patrol! It would usually go something like this FT. MYERS TO D-51! GO FOR D-51 NO -NUTZ! D-51 WE GOING TO NEED YOU OUT YOUR ZONE FOR BREACH OF PEACE 2909 BLOUNT ST. BABY MOMMA, AND BABY DADDY. BABY MOMMA STATES BABY DADDY IS SIGNAL 0 WITH A KNIFE! HERE’S a Classic D-51 NO -NUTZ Response: FT. MYERS AS MATTER FACT , PUT ME ON A 10-50 CLEVELAND AVE AND MARAVILLA! NO -NUTZ how about you crying over the radio for back-up on a traffic stop because the windows on the car you stopped were too dark! Take lessons from a real black officer Tango Unit who does his traffic stops and states 10-4 Ft. Myers, I’ll Advise! NO -NUTZ go back to your 7a-5p shift and go write your radar tickets on I-75 , and or Winkler Ext. and Colonial Blvd pretending to yourself like you have a pair! Better yet go to your school zone area and do your 10-50’s on the white kid peddling his RAZOR SCOOTER With No Helmet! By the Way NO-NUTZ , MR. Prideful Black officer, where were you for your fellow Brotha officer Young at the Check Point? That’s Right you played Undercover Brotha No-Nutz! Keep it coming because I’m about ready to pack your bags and put you back on your ISUZU RODEO TRANSFORMER RAFT YOU FLOATED IN ON! DRY FOOT , WET FOOT RULES DON”T APPLY! True That !

02-25-2009, 04:57 AM
Leave that officer alone! He is not lazy...he is just overwork and needs some time to relax while on the job. We the people here in Dunbar love those traffic boys and girls.

Chief, Several days ago we had a traffic crash. The Traffic Unit, who was on his motorcycle, was advised that there was a traffic crash. He responded back saying that he could not work it because he was on the motorcycle. Now if I am not mistaken, I thought he was in the traffic unit. When calls get backed up why should zone units be sent to work the traffic crashes? It is not the first time that it has happened. The traffic unit needs to do more. By no means am I saying that all the traffic units are lazy because they are not. Some are very quick to take crashes while some do not even bother with them.

So we need to get this situation rectified because we are already short on shift and there should be no reason for a zone unit to take crashes when a traffic unit is 10-8!!!!!!

02-25-2009, 05:17 AM
40cal_666, sit back Bi#@%h and enjoy your pension, and stopped bashing hard working officers over senseless S*&^. Thank God your short-ass no longer works there anymore...Go back to the murky swamps where you came from Bi#@%h. Rememeber to always keep those dentures in when smiling for the camera.

I’m surprised that the original DeezNuts has not charged you with trademark infringement. That charge of course wouldn’t match the charges you endured from all your signal 10 day’s in Miami! I know that the heat was to much for the original DeezNuts to handle , and so since you guys hang out together you thought you were going to carry the Olympic NO- NUTZ TORCH! Let me be the first street cop to tell you that your doing a horrible job! This writing style is the best you can up with ,from all that education you earned at SWFL College? I must be honest I’m not surprised! Your posts are about as understandable as your brilliant radio transmissions! I’m now going to address you as NO- NUTZ! Let’s try and dissect your abomination of a post . (“40 cent why are you worried about black on black crime, you should be more worried about your "guys" . REMEBER TO CATCH A PREDATOR""""""11111 So dont worry about black on black, especially since you are one of those cops who saty way way way south!!!!!!)

Trust me NO-NUTZ, why would I be worried about black on black crime, it’s great job security for me , and MRS. SHOEMAKER stays in business selling and delivering all those flower arrangements for all the funerals! I can only laugh about you NO-NUTZ , thinking that your actually smart enough to know what area I work! I know you been a Tangerine Unit for a while, so let me refresh the saw dust floating in your head! Due to the shortage of road patrol units , North officers have to go South, and South officers have to go North for calls on a daily basis, and why we even have zones at this point is another topic! Unfortunately for you NO-NUTZ , I remember your days on patrol! It would usually go something like this FT. MYERS TO D-51! GO FOR D-51 NO -NUTZ! D-51 WE GOING TO NEED YOU OUT YOUR ZONE FOR BREACH OF PEACE 2909 BLOUNT ST. BABY MOMMA, AND BABY DADDY. BABY MOMMA STATES BABY DADDY IS SIGNAL 0 WITH A KNIFE! HERE’S a Classic D-51 NO -NUTZ Response: FT. MYERS AS MATTER FACT , PUT ME ON A 10-50 CLEVELAND AVE AND MARAVILLA! NO -NUTZ how about you crying over the radio for back-up on a traffic stop because the windows on the car you stopped were too dark! Take lessons from a real black officer Tango Unit who does his traffic stops and states 10-4 Ft. Myers, I’ll Advise! NO -NUTZ go back to your 7a-5p shift and go write your radar tickets on I-75 , and or Winkler Ext. and Colonial Blvd pretending to yourself like you have a pair! Better yet go to your school zone area and do your 10-50’s on the white kid peddling his RAZOR SCOOTER With No Helmet! By the Way NO-NUTZ , MR. Prideful Black officer, where were you for your fellow Brotha officer Young at the Check Point? That’s Right you played Undercover Brotha No-Nutz! Keep it coming because I’m about ready to pack your bags and put you back on your ISUZU RODEO TRANSFORMER RAFT YOU FLOATED IN ON! DRY FOOT , WET FOOT RULES DON”T APPLY! True That !

02-25-2009, 08:50 PM
This is sooooooooo funny! Man Deeznuts, 40cal is killing you! hahahahahahaha! The little sentence bout the whole wet foot dry foot thing was a nice touch!!! This whole forum is really entertaining. I'm just a lil ashamed to be working for this department, with all the bad comments made on here. Oh and the signal 10's out of miami is nice to...really shows how low FMPD's standards are.... But yall need to leave DeezNuts alone, cuz he is funny! Who cares that he's hatian! hahahahahahahahaha!

02-27-2009, 02:46 AM
At least when Daniels was here everybody worked.