View Full Version : Cancer question

02-04-2009, 02:15 PM
I am now a disabled and forced-to-retire police officer. I am now free to research what nearly killed me, and may have done so to officers you might have known. I am looking for officers, or informtaion you would share, about deceased officers, who suffered any form of cancer that occurred from the chest or above that. The unusual form of cancer attacks
less than 1% of the population, and its generic name is "parotid cancer".

Any and all information will be kept confidential, and my intent and purpose is to see if we, the brotherhood in blue, have been gunea pigs for communications companies. Wearing equipment on my shoulder over 25 years has me suspecting, as I and no one in any place on the family tree ever had such a cancer. This will be a long and hopefully a thorough examination to ensure it is or isn't feasible.

Thank you, and if you are still uncertain of my legitimacy feel free to contact me at Hammer_thors@yahoo.com

stay safe and watch each others backs