View Full Version : Former officer

02-04-2009, 06:33 AM
Did a traffic officer work at Coconut Creek about 7-8 years ago with the initials D.T? He's here in Pasco County now, and he feel's he's the best thing since sliced bread. My impression is he was run out of the Creek on a rail.

02-04-2009, 12:28 PM
If you must know, his x-wife was sleeping with her Sgt. then married him. (that is why she got perfect evals).They were confronted with it and lied to the boobs that creek calls the admin gods. He got tired of the b.s.took his 401 and left. I don't blame him for going I wish i could and not loose any money.

02-05-2009, 01:11 AM
Yep, what the other person said is the truth. Coconut Creek only wants to deal with what they want to deal with. D.T can be an ass sometimes but he got a raw deal.

02-05-2009, 06:14 AM
Ok, thanks for the input. If he got shafted, he got shafted. He's an SRO now doing well for himself, although he's still a pain!

02-05-2009, 06:48 PM
The appropriate response would have been to tell you "to go f@@ck yourself". Trying to dig up dirt on another officer you work with on this site is pathetic. If you wanted accurate information and not some bulls@@t rumors and gossip, you would not have posted here. You were looking to jump on the desperately popular, cyber slandering train this web site has turned into. The ex-co-workers who responded are just as pathetic...THERE IS NO ACCURATE OR PRODUCTIVE INFORMATION ON THE WEB SITE.

02-06-2009, 06:54 PM
The appropriate response would have been to tell you "to go f@@ck yourself". Trying to dig up dirt on another officer you work with on this site is pathetic. If you wanted accurate information and not some bulls@@t rumors and gossip, you would not have posted here. You were looking to jump on the desperately popular, cyber slandering train this web site has turned into. The ex-co-workers who responded are just as pathetic...THERE IS NO ACCURATE OR PRODUCTIVE INFORMATION ON THE WEB SITE.

You are still an arrogant pain in the azz...different agency, same old b.s. :snicker:

06-19-2009, 03:18 AM