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View Full Version : Bill Livingood

01-20-2009, 05:44 PM
I had the TV on for coverage for the inauguration, doing other things but glancing at the screen occasionally. The ceremony was over and people were milling around the podium when I glanced up and there he was! Good old Bill Livingood - standing about three feet from President Bush.

Bill is a great guy! He had a full and effective Secret Service career and then went on to become Sgt. at Arms of the House of Representatives, with bi-partisan support. And there he is again, right in the middle of things at the inauguration, which takes place at the Capitol.

It's always good to see him.

01-20-2009, 07:58 PM
Mr. Livingood, a retired, ranking USSS official, holds the rank of House Sergeant-at-Arms, the one who announces "Madam Speaker, the President of the United States" at the beginning of the State of the Union address. Mr. Livingood holds the rank equivalent to a Member of Congress. He can walk onto the floor of the House of Represenatives and arrest a Member of Congress. He is respected worldwide.

01-21-2009, 12:54 AM
Bill was a great SA in the USSS. He apparently has done a bang up job in his present capacity. He was always one of the good guys. I worked with and beside him for many years.