View Full Version : Inservice Training

01-09-2009, 02:09 PM
It's that time of year again, time for inservicce. I have to say it was enjoyable for the most part. #1 It was only one day long, #2 Cheryl did not make an apperance #3 It is over.

Everyone make sure you comment on the new "range command vehicle", and how we sure could use a raise, or how you thought we were in a budget crisis. Makes about as much sense as spending $45,000 that we do not have on tasers that we do not need. When is the last time someone had to use their pepper spray? Tasers will get used just as much I am sure. I thought we were in a budget crisis?

Make sure you have your new "Use of Force" policy (YELLOW) in your manual, and make sure the old one is out. Would not want Mark to have a stroke and die before he can milk this department for all he can. The only way inservice could have been better is if he had not shown up.

Where was the PBA this year? The departments PBA rep, Greg, was there (for training) but there sure was no pandering this year over fried chicken, thank you God.

01-10-2009, 12:36 AM
Trained, you sound truly greatful, and I am sure that with your wealth of experience In-Service is just another day at band camp. Be sure the next time you grace the training staff with your presence be sure you speak your mind maybe we can learn something from you. As far as spending the money on the new range equipment and taser you need to realize that the state budget works a little like W.I.C. checks. You can buy milk and cheese, but you cant buy beer and cigs. Lets not get to upset with spending it while we have it.

And remeber that the majority of your training staff is not paid extra to do what they do. And I can assure you there is alot of effort and pride that goes into building a beneficial, and enjoyable session. We all live in this shithouse we call Florida, pointing out the it smells like crap is just stating the obvious.

01-10-2009, 03:01 AM
Your raises are in the $45k for Tasers, huh...

Lets see, that amounts to about... +/- $150 a year, per person.

Waaah, I got a taser instead of a 0.4% raise.

I'll pay you that myself if you'll quit and go someplace else and whine.

Oh yeah, if you did, you'd be fired in about 14.5 seconds because nobody else would tolerate your whininess.

01-10-2009, 01:41 PM
I'll pay you that myself if you'll quit and go someplace else and whine.

Oh yeah, if you did, you'd be fired in about 14.5 seconds because nobody else would tolerate your whininess.

Show him the door to FHP, even though they don't have tasers, seems they could use a few more cry babies!

01-14-2009, 12:07 AM
It's that time of year again, time for inservicce. I have to say it was enjoyable for the most part. #1 It was only one day long, #2 Cheryl did not make an apperance #3 It is over.

Everyone make sure you comment on the new "range command vehicle", and how we sure could use a raise, or how you thought we were in a budget crisis. Makes about as much sense as spending $45,000 that we do not have on tasers that we do not need. When is the last time someone had to use their pepper spray? Tasers will get used just as much I am sure. I thought we were in a budget crisis?

Make sure you have your new "Use of Force" policy (YELLOW) in your manual, and make sure the old one is out. Would not want Mark to have a stroke and die before he can milk this department for all he can. The only way inservice could have been better is if he had not shown up.

Where was the PBA this year? The departments PBA rep, Greg, was there (for training) but there sure was no pandering this year over fried chicken, thank you God.

I beg to differ with you on the oc spray. Some of us on I-95 use ours. :evil:

01-14-2009, 04:22 PM
Using it on minors and each other does not count. :twisted:

01-15-2009, 02:06 AM
I am so glad we do not have to listen to that silly major degroff-berry, what an embarrassment she is.

01-15-2009, 11:46 AM
She is an embarrasment!, now wait a minute. We have a Colonel who gets arrested and comes back like it never happened. We have a Lt. Colonel who is distant and aloof and needs to learn people skills but at least he works. The Major who was promoted by Leinhauser without telling the Bureau Chief until he felt like it. She got us accredited in spite of the Colonel and the uniform Major who is a little Napoleon who badmouths everyone behind their backs and undermines anything he doesn't like. His temper is almost comical except that he is disgusting and once again the LC lets his pet run wild. Don't critisize Degroff-Berry until your hands are clean.

01-16-2009, 01:08 AM
Leinhauser and people skills, now that is an oxymoron. :devil:

01-16-2009, 11:10 PM
Got to love the "new" mud tires and fancy wheels that Haddock showed up with for the "range command vehicle". Did we really need them?

01-17-2009, 02:37 AM
Sounds like guest is a big $ussy, did he paint your wimpy a$$. :P

01-18-2009, 06:37 PM
Wow seems folks cannot say anything negative about Mark on here without someone trying to slam them. It really makes me wonder who the rebutter is, as I have not heard many that work for our Agency have anything positive to say about him. ALL I have overheard will be glad when he is gone.

They majority of our training staff kicks butt, Carl, Keith, Dan, and others, they should get extra pay. They really try to help and train you so that you understand and take something away from it. Yelling, cussing and swearing does not get the job done nor does it earn a person any respect, no matter what rank they wear. In alot of other places it would earn you a ticket down the road.

I will say that our level or training has improved since Mark arrived, the quality has improved since Carl, Keith and others have come on board. The program it running good, thanks Mark. Now how about taking your yelling, swearing, and cussing elsewhere.

01-18-2009, 07:46 PM
I work with Major Haddock at Pat Thomas and he does a good job for you Ag Law people. You had nothing before he came here. He does cuss a lot more than he should but he is not the only one out here. Be glad that you are getting the training you are getting. By the way, didn't he hire and train Carl and the rest of your instructors, he can't be all bad.

01-18-2009, 11:46 PM
I agree Major Haddock has made the training better. Even if his people skills need to be worked on. Carl and Keith are very professional if you do something wrong they don't get mad and cuss they show you the right way to do it.

02-03-2009, 03:27 AM
Just don't stand in that mans way when there is a buffet around, he would stomp right over your ass to belly up to a trough with the rest of the hogs and drop his snout in there,,,,,,,,,,,