View Full Version : Captain

01-08-2009, 03:10 AM
Well now that the wanna be Captains are done crying about a "appointed " position, I feel so much better, Let me get this correct, All of the people that claimed it was not fair, and lets get the PBA involved, all claimed that they could and would do a great job as Captain.

Have you ever heard or read about appointed positions? It is real simple, it is not civil service. When they are done with, you go back to your civil service rank. I guess you wanna be command staffs cannot figure that out on you own, You are to worried about your own self worth. I am supposed to be up in arms and lets call in the PBA because you never heard about or understand what being appointed is? When the boss leaves, you leave. Simple cut and dry. S,O have delt with that for years, new elections, new command staff.

Lets get concerned about getting a contract. 90 percent of the rank file, could not find crook if they ran into the back of the car. Never mind the fact the officer you all laugh at has the best stats in the department, We are more concerned about where we should sleap at,or clear me west for a pick up. Proactive police work? Please. Let us drive around town and bad mouth our agency and maybe we can get someone new to hold our hands. Ask NMB about thier new chief or hell let us get someone from School Board to be our Chief of Police. By the way, his civil service rank is SGT. Went from SGT to Chief of Police. I guess his GED is better then mine. When you bite the hands that feed, soon no one wants to feed you. Besides when we attack our own, what else do we have. I understand that we can agree to disagree, in private and within us. Take it outside like kids on a school ground? You make feel ashamed to call me you one of us. Remember, there is them and us. No one from the West Island is going to ever take that from me. I raised my right and swore a oath, they did not. That is what seperates me from them. We only have each other, if not then who?

My thoughts.

01-08-2009, 04:05 PM

First I hope that your reports and official correspondence are written with better grammar. Let’s see where I start....

I submit a question for you? What do you have a pair of; because I don't think they are balls.

First of all I do not know to whom you are listening to but I have not heard one individual say that he or she could do a great job as Captain. I have heard a majority of those within the department say that there are better qualified persons to fulfill the position of Captain. But then you could ask why we even really need to have a Captain. I have my theories on that and will keep them to myself.

It is said that the reason the position was created was that the department was in need of a ranking individual to conduct Internal Affair Investigations. But I ask, just how many internal affairs investigations do we have in a year. I understand that the more common complaints of officer discourtesy and traffic citation related complaints will still be handled by the shift Lieutenants. If we went back over a span of a few years and pulled every internal affairs complaint would we find that the majority have been handled by the Lieutenants. Are we saying we don’t trust our Lieutenants, that they can't handle an investigation or is it something else. I would bet that out of the six supervisors that are in our department that there is at least one of them that is up to the task. If we assigned one of the supervisors to be in charge of those BIG internal affairs investigations would that supervisors be so busy that he could not do complete his other responsibilities? I would argue no. Let’s just face it; this is just what it looks like...Favoritism and taking care of a buddy.

You say that "90 percent of the rank file, could not find crook", great grammar...

Unlike you, I have a lot of faith in those 90 percent that with the right leadership anything is possible. As in any department you have those that are more motivated and those that need a little guidance, but as a whole this group of men and women are a fine group. As far as the officer that has the best stats....stopping someone and writing them one to six tickets...I could train a monkey to do that. Do you know what proactive means in policing?

Proactive Policing is a police initiated response. In other words, nobody called… but we went anyway. We identified a problem, determined a solution, and initiated the response.

Examples of this proactive approach to police management are

Directed Patrol
Selective Traffic Enforcement
Saturation Patrols
DUI/Drug Checkpoints
Aggressive Criminal Patrol
Undercover Investigations

Proactive in my book does not mean stopping and detaining an individual because you want to, it’s because you have probable cause to do that. Some of us in the department think that because they have a badge on they can stop anyone and anything at any time they want to. That my friend is one big lawsuit waiting to happen.

And people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You say that WE are attacking our own, what are you doing in your letter. Instead of attacking your own and making assumptions of people and shifts that you know nothing about, why don't you put out your hand and try to help someone who might be going in the wrong direction. Remember it's not what we can do for you, but what can you do for the Department/Town.

There is a need and reason that individuals went to the PBA. When you constantly hear or have been told that your Chief does not care what you or others think, that hurts the morale. What some of the individuals are looking for is someone to intervene, a middleman. If I go to him as an individual or a group and he says "Don't care" "Don't like it leave", the lines of communication have been closed. They are only trying to open them back up.

As to your last few lines about them and us.... Yes there has always been the old saying its US against THEM, but you might be taking it a bit further then it was meant. Those "THEM's" out there pay taxes to pay you and those "THEM's" are people too. Just remember your only one step away from ever becoming one of THEM.

My thoughts.

01-11-2009, 02:13 PM
You sound like person(s) that did not get a chance to be the IA Captain. By the way eating cheese is not a normal cops past time, even if you are a slug.

Gotta go now, fresh cheese at Publix :cop:

01-12-2009, 11:07 PM
Why don't you keep your opinion on your side of the waterway. You don't work on this side any more. :evil:

04-11-2009, 04:08 PM
Anyone know a good lawyer? :snicker: