View Full Version : Capt. Connie Stanley

04-11-2008, 11:06 PM
OK who knows what happened? :(

04-12-2008, 03:36 AM
Don't know but hope she is O.K.

04-12-2008, 05:05 PM
the work on the street is a DOM charged on an ex. Charges pending per state att.

04-12-2008, 07:24 PM
The state attorney needs to get a life!

04-13-2008, 08:44 PM
Have you noticed how her "Friends" filled the void fast euff. Typical. Poor lady is having a difficult time and people are measuring her office for their new furniture.

They should show some compassion !!

04-14-2008, 01:40 AM
The city manager is looking for any excuse to save money. On probation, chill out! At will employee, really chill out or seek employment elsewhere. If Shaffer does not take the deal, he will be next.

06-14-2008, 01:51 AM
:) Welcome Back Capt. Stanley...

12-24-2008, 03:55 PM
I just deleted an anonymous post that contained allegations without substantial proof.

Mod 1

12-27-2008, 06:29 PM
I just temporarily removed another anonymous post that contained allegations without proof. There was "purported" proof, but I have my reservations about this "proof".

To the poster of this "proof":

It's easy enough to get the whole "email" or "emails" if they exist. Go to IA and ask. Or got to City Hall and ask for the copies allegedly sent to the entire Command Staff. Now if you have reservations of doing this your self, have someone else do it. Under the Sunshine Law, the City does not have the right to ask anyone that requests this information their name, nor why they want it, or how they plan to use it.

If this email truly exists, you can get it all. Then you can scan it and email it to me, if you want the post returned, or if you want to post more.

Mod 1

12-30-2008, 10:57 PM
Your cut and paste really doesn’t show anything relevant. That could have been produced by anyone on a word document and why would someone CC the Chief as is in your "Cut and Paste" with such a comment.

Sounds fishy...I wouldn’t call this "Evidence of any wrong doing"....just sour grapes!!

P.S. dont be upset that JR and MC are now the Assist Chiefs, arent they the more qualified choices. Remember its hard to stand head and shoulders above a room full of mental midgets.

12-31-2008, 05:40 PM
And you hope this "Exposure" on this rinky-dink website will do what?

You understand you sound like your crying "It's not fair", which takes away any validity to your claim. You should have gone to the papers like the guys in the traffic issue. Seems to be an good tool. Ask them how well it worked for them.

12-31-2008, 10:25 PM
I removed the "Cut and Paste Email" again, as it did not meet the requirements set out. As the guest pointed out, it could have been typed by anyone, at anytime.

Actually, the headers printed are a dead give away that it is a fake.

I am banning the poster for 1 month for reposting the same bogus email and allegations without proof.

Mod 1

12-31-2008, 11:01 PM
Mod 1 you really need to get a moderator for this board. Its getting out of control again

01-01-2009, 03:32 AM
Mod 1 you really need to get a moderator for this board. Its getting out of control again

I have interviewed 4 of the 5 applicants so far. Then I got slammed with a bunch of other stuff going on. I expected to call the last one today, and of course that fell through. I hope to talk to this person and make a decision before Monday.


Mod 1

01-01-2009, 04:17 AM
"I hope to make talk to this person"......WOW...me hope you make talk to. Me have special gift for you....it called fire....me bring from far away land. Fire is magical. Me bring magic fire to village elder named "Uhg". He no what do with fire gift.


I hope the new moderator is as articulate

01-01-2009, 06:57 AM
Mod 1 you really need to get a moderator for this board. Its getting out of control again

I have interviewed 4 of the 5 applicants so far. Then I got slammed with a bunch of other stuff going on. I expected to call the last one today, and of course that fell through. I hope to make talk to this person and make a decision before Monday.


Mod 1

This must be a very intense interviewing process for these 5 applicants. The posting was over 18 days ago and you still need till Monday??? WOW...shall the people continue to wait for the white smoke to appear over the Sistine Chapel to know if the Papal conclave has chosen a New Pope and Moderator?

My question to you "If the applicant expressed an interest in the moderator position, why haven’t they ALL shown the same level of effort to get to you?" Would this not demonstrate the same intensity they will be required to have to keeping this board in line??? Sounds like their not to interest otherwise they would be easier to get in touch with you and a choice would be a simple one right?

Lord knows the selection process for the last moderator missed a few things...... :roll:

We will all await the next reported delay in the selection process. You should be reporting it any day now. But we are glad you find the time to still come on here and make corrections as needed between your "Extraneous" selection process for moderator.

01-01-2009, 01:45 PM
"I hope to make talk to this person"......WOW...me hope you make talk to. Me have special gift for you....it called fire....me bring from far away land. Fire is magical. Me bring magic fire to village elder named "Uhg". He no what do with fire gift.


I hope the new moderator is as articulateWOW, how do you walk with such big balls. That man probably has your IP address and your picking on him. Don't be suprised if the chief of police, chief Faranda knocks on your door.

01-01-2009, 02:56 PM
"I hope to make talk to this person"......WOW...me hope you make talk to. Me have special gift for you....it called fire....me bring from far away land. Fire is magical. Me bring magic fire to village elder named "Uhg". He no what do with fire gift.


I hope the new moderator is as articulateWOW, how do you walk with such big balls. That man probably has your IP address and your picking on him. Don't be suprised if the chief of police, chief Faranda knocks on your door.

It's probably one of the traffic guys, we ALL know how perfect they think they are & judgemental.

01-01-2009, 08:51 PM
"I hope to make talk to this person"......WOW...me hope you make talk to. Me have special gift for you....it called fire....me bring from far away land. Fire is magical. Me bring magic fire to village elder named "Uhg". He no what do with fire gift.


I hope the new moderator is as articulate

Thanks for calling my attention to my error. I just got on the computer for a few minutes and was in a hurry to get back to spending time with my family. I kept changing the wording of the post and screwed up and left in a word I didn't mean to.

I really do appreciate you bringing it to my attention, because I have now corrected it. I honestly don't mind the humor at all.

Mod 1

01-01-2009, 09:40 PM
Thanks Mod 1. I thought this thread needed an injection of humor. I think it was getting a little to serious

01-01-2009, 11:03 PM
Mod 1 you really need to get a moderator for this board. Its getting out of control again

I have interviewed 4 of the 5 applicants so far. Then I got slammed with a bunch of other stuff going on. I expected to call the last one today, and of course that fell through. I hope to make talk to this person and make a decision before Monday.


Mod 1

This must be a very intense interviewing process for these 5 applicants. The posting was over 18 days ago and you still need till Monday??? WOW...shall the people continue to wait for the white smoke to appear over the Sistine Chapel to know if the Papal conclave has chosen a New Pope and Moderator?

My question to you "If the applicant expressed an interest in the moderator position, why haven’t they ALL shown the same level of effort to get to you?" Would this not demonstrate the same intensity they will be required to have to keeping this board in line??? Sounds like their not to interest otherwise they would be easier to get in touch with you and a choice would be a simple one right?

Lord knows the selection process for the last moderator missed a few things...... :roll:

We will all await the next reported delay in the selection process. You should be reporting it any day now. But we are glad you find the time to still come on here and make corrections as needed between your "Extraneous" selection process for moderator.

I was writing a long response to this, but I really don't feel that it's that necessary.

It's not the applicant's fault. I am the one that has had difficulties finding time to call the applicant's. I have been extremely busy with issues on a number of Message Boards as well as some issues with the software that is causing problems. I have a lot more to worry about than just this one board.

Add this to things that I need to do in my personal life and the fact that this is the Holiday Season and I am attempting to spend as much time with my family as I can.

Once I have talked to each of the persons who have applied, and I am satisfied that I have found the one that I believe will make the best Moderator, then I will announce it.

Mod 1

01-03-2009, 12:43 PM
Capt. Stanley served her time for whatever happened. Leave her alone and stop reopening old wounds. She is a great capt, great cop and a wonderful person. You cant say that about a lot of administration. Thank you MOD 1 for banning that poster.

01-05-2009, 03:50 AM
Haha, It's so typical of Lauderhill to ***** about EVERYTHING! We ***** at work about the city and PD then we get home and ***** on the message board about each other, then we ***** to the person who runs the message board and for some reason we get nowhere... Then the vicious cycle begins again the next day... Is anyone else's retirement moving too slow too? :roll:

01-31-2009, 02:35 AM
[quote="Guest"]"I hope to make talk to this person"......WOW...me hope you make talk to. Me have special gift for you....it called fire....me bring from far away land. Fire is magical. Me bring magic fire to village elder named "Uhg". He no what do with fire gift.

oMG...Thats hysterical !!! :snicker: