11-30-2008, 12:33 PM
They are requesting files on who is working for who, and how did that person get special treatment. Oh Boy, here we go

11-30-2008, 05:48 PM
I'm still reeling fromthe fact that a guy-say what u will about him-like rick gentry-who has been sent to every flippin school ine country to TEACH, has testified as a court expert in police training, and is really into the subject, labors in communications while a certain protected lieutenant gets to work in training. She was limited in her patrol supervision time as a sergeant (HELLO RECORDS!), and only worked days as a lt is actually in charge of one of the most important places in our department. I do understand protecting your own-it's a reality that has been with us always-but this is a liability and a very blatant act of nepotisim that is not the exception to the rule but a perpetuation of this administration. This is one of the reasons 85 out of 100 cops could do without jt and bk, and i support our FOP,but why isn't more done to expose this nonsense? Even in investigations-as soon as someone gets good at what they do-BAM! moved to another place.
Perhaps this is a topic for discussion if anone is questioned by calea reps this week-and speaking of which-what happened to that city sponsored questionarre done two years ago? can anyone get ahold of it and post the findings-or did they kill that too?

11-30-2008, 06:24 PM
Why doesn't the FOP fight that battle?

11-30-2008, 08:28 PM
You guys need to let this one go. Lt. Brea is alot more qualified than Gentry, Yavneh or alot of other Lts. I think you guys forget that she has spent time in each of the departments 3 dividions and has done very well in each of those assingnments. Don't get caught up in a popularity contest with lieutenants like gentry who we like but are one dementional in their experience.

Lt. Brea should be the model that the other lts should follow. I just hope that she soon gets the staff position that she has earned.

11-30-2008, 11:05 PM
Brea? Are you kidding me? She has enjoyed nothing but cushy assignments her whole career and is considered dumber than a rock. She is not even in the same league as Gentry or Yavneh. Just another easy stepping stone on her way to Commander or Major.

12-01-2008, 01:44 AM
You need to look at K-9 in that we have the Major's son in the unit and husband and wife working in the same unit. That is something that can't be right. If you think that Lt. Brea is deserving of a promotion already than this Department is in real trouble.

12-01-2008, 03:21 AM
I have seen hammers without handles that are smarter and more competent than this woman. But smarts nor ethics mean much in the MMPD, its who and what you know or mperhaps,,Bl**. :devil:

12-01-2008, 07:48 AM
You guys need to let this one go. Lt. Brea is alot more qualified than Gentry, Yavneh or alot of other Lts. I think you guys forget that she has spent time in each of the departments 3 dividions and has done very well in each of those assingnments. Don't get caught up in a popularity contest with lieutenants like gentry who we like but are one dementional in their experience.

Lt. Brea should be the model that the other lts should follow. I just hope that she soon gets the staff position that she has earned.

Dude, u need to start wearing gloves when u handle crack. Holy geez, if she didn't post this herself, we are in a lot more trouble than i though. She went Directly from her FTO to SIS because they needed creole speakes. Then to IA, where the botched cases are so legendary, some day they will be sung about around a campfire-straight to a promotion, then Supervisor of various details INSIDE Central HQ, to a promotion to ONLY day shift landing in Training.
Weak, but better inside than outside putting civillians and officer in danger with no experience in the field.
She is not fit to carry Gentry's shorts-nor could she fit into them either. She is dumber than a wet bag of Hammers for real.

If she get's a staff position, it's time for ANOTHER no confidence vote......

12-01-2008, 01:08 PM
Brea? Are you kidding me? She has enjoyed nothing but cushy assignments her whole career and is considered dumber than a rock. She is not even in the same league as Gentry or Yavneh. Just another easy stepping stone on her way to Commander or Major.I hope they expose them, they walk around like they are untouchable.

12-01-2008, 01:46 PM
Finally, some sense being spoken here! Channel 4: please expose the nepotism! They walk around here like they own the place, they (particularly he) make decisions that ruin peoples lives, and no one dares do anything about it. Finally, expose the nepotism!!!!!

12-01-2008, 02:48 PM
Nepotism is the showing of favoritism toward relatives and friends, based upon that relationship, rather than on an objective evaluation of ability, meritocracy or suitability. For instance, offering employment to a relative, despite the fact that there are others who are better qualified and willing to perform the job. The word nepotism is from the Latin word 'nepos', meaning "nephew" or "grandchild".

12-01-2008, 04:39 PM
Nepotism Definition
Simply put, the definition of nepotism is favoring relatives. Nepotism in the workplace occurs when employers favor relatives in making employment decisions, with little to no regard for anything but kinship.

An example is hiring or promoting relatives solely because they are family members, with no consideration of the qualifications or merit of other job candidates or employees.

Nepotism in the Workplace
Workplace nepotism is not unusual, especially at smaller companies and non-profits in the private sector.

The obvious reason aside, it's not unusual likely because there is no universal "nepotism law" at the Federal level that prohibits it in all states. Several state legislatures and city councils have passed nepotism laws (or anti-nepotism laws, as they're sometimes called), but typically only in regard to public-sector employment.

However, the consequences of nepotism might constitute illegal employment discrimination under Federal discrimination laws or state equivalents, in either the private or public sector.

For example, it might constitute illegal discrimination on the basis of race or sex, if an employer consistently hires relatives of a particular race or gender to the exclusion of non-relatives of other races or the opposite gender.

The consequences of nepotism might constitute wrongful termination too. For example, if a boss fires employees solely to create job opportunities for relatives who have the same religious beliefs as does he or she, then the boss might have illegally discharged those employees based on religion discrimination, if their religious beliefs were not the same as his or hers.

If the act of nepotism or its consequences were not illegal (or relief is not worth pursuing through legal means), then there's little that an adversely-affected employee can do, but try to win the favor of the "family clique" or quit for a better job.

If a reasonable employee quits, solely because a recent change as a consequence of nepotism made working conditions extraordinarily intolerable, it might constitute constructive discharge, a form of wrongful termination.

To discover whether or not the state or municipality in which you work has enacted nepotism or anti-nepotism laws, contact the state legislature or the municipal equivalent (such as the city council), or consult an attorney.

Anti-Nepotism Policies
Employers may create anti-nepotism policies to avoid employee discrimination charges. However, employers are wise to do so with the legal advice of an appropriate attorney, to further avoid the employee discrimination charges that they tried to avoid in the first place.

For example, some states consider employer anti-nepotism policies to be discriminatory on the basis of marital status, if they prevent otherwise-qualified married couples from working together.

If you think that your employer has illegally discriminated against you as a consequence of nepotism or an anti-nepotism policy, consult an attorney or file a charge with the EEOC to seek legal relief.

A private lawsuit through an attorney might win more award for you than can the EEOC. Attorneys often take serious, winnable discrimination cases on a contingency basis. Regardless, whether you first file a charge with the EEOC or consult an attorney, don't delay for long. There is a statute of limitations for taking legal action.

12-02-2008, 01:45 AM
Brea? Are you kidding me? She has enjoyed nothing but cushy assignments her whole career and is considered dumber than a rock. She is not even in the same league as Gentry or Yavneh. Just another easy stepping stone on her way to Commander or Major.

Are u kiddin me, oh my word!!!!

Nepotism at its bbest and both Juanito and The BK with their heads stuffed underneath the dirt like the ostrich.Please, Juanito and BK,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wake up Brothers!!!

Hasta cuando.
This is why people are moving out as fast as they can. Its got to be unravelled and dealt with or Mr.Gary N and the media will do it for you all. Get to it! Lickitty split!!!
This one has no excuse. The cat is out of the Bag and its out in the open!!!!! nepotism at its best!!!

12-02-2008, 03:25 AM
Say what you want about the Admin Division but letme tell you that under the guidance and direction of Chief Burden this is the only division that uses a professional selection process when bringing new personel into the division. The selection process is fair, compreshensive and transparent. This process produces a cadre of employees who understand what their roles are in the division and work enthusiastically towards their realization.
It seems like the other divisions just pick their buddies without regard to credentials, qualifications or past history. If Burden gets the top spot i am sure that the whole department will have to conform tho the high standards that he set in the Admin division. Go Adam.

12-02-2008, 03:40 AM
Hey Torme I think you need to be drug tested. You sound like your out of your mind. I interviewed for a position in admin last year and found out that a burden buddy got the job bdfore I even went to the interview. i know my file and record was much better the the crony he picked but I wasn't part of the click. I enjoy patrol and I am good at what I do. I handle calls in a professional and safe manner and am always aware of where the units around me are and provide back up without delay. However, I wnated to use my skills in a different area and applied for a position in the Admin division. However, it is really discouraging when you are the victim of this cronyism. I should have listened to the guys in my crew who warned me that this would happen. Although I am discouraged I remain in patrol doing the best I can. God help us if Burden becomes chief.

12-02-2008, 04:46 AM
Lt. Brea, like most of the higher staff has an IQ of a door knob and the personality of a number 2 pencil.....

12-02-2008, 04:51 AM
I can tell that you don't like Brea. I guess this department continues to try to keep rising strs from getting to the top.

12-02-2008, 05:33 AM
I can tell that you don't like Brea. I guess this department continues to try to keep rising strs from getting to the top.

see, she can't spell either. bag of very dumb rocks, indeed. nice try francea. how's all those sexual harrassment lawsuits working out for you? was the cushy path the trade off not to hire darlene ramras?

12-02-2008, 05:41 AM
She is a nice girl, although she has the intelligence of a 35 watt light bulb and the character of a used sock she is ok.

12-02-2008, 11:22 AM
You guys keep running to channel 4 and other news media making us ALL look like fools. The thinking seems to be that they (CBS 4) can change things around here. Well, let us take a little look at what has changed. They ran with the Lexus story, the no confidence vote, the signal changes, and loads of other stories. What has changed? NOTHING!!! Timoney is a stronger chief than ever before. Now, take a look at the city's charter on getting rid of the police or fire chief. If you have, then you'll know that they are the two department heads that are hardest to remove from office. Simple politics alone cannot force them out. The time to remove the chief, even without a contract, was back then and not now. If Timoney wants it so, a new mayor would be stuck with him for a year or more while a new case is built against he and his administration. Look at the fire chief. The old City manager and Mayor Manny hated him and wanted him gone and he is still here. Why? Because, the charter does not allow for capricious firings of the fire or police chief. This being said, STOP MAKING US LOOK LIKE FOOLS FOR CRYING TO THE MEDIA!!! They don't see the chief in a negative light. They see ALL of us that way. Timoney told the media that Nunez was dirty months ago and now look. Recent events prove he was right. What do you think viewers think of that? Sounds like a case of, Timoney knew best all along and his critics are mere fools who would hate any chief that came along. First, second, third, fourth, and fifth rounds go to Chief Timoney, or so it seems. Now Gentry and his followers are making an attempt at Chief Burden simply because of a transfer. Not that it will have any bearing on the future's outcome. Ask yourselves this, who would you rather as Chief of Police when Timoney leaves, Burden or the Deputy? I know who get's my vote. How about you?