View Full Version : Employment

11-02-2008, 03:17 AM
Is there still a hiring freeze at the Venice Police Dept. ? If not, who is the recruiter to speak to ? web site is vauge


12-22-2008, 02:08 AM
There is not a hiring freeze but avoid this place it is like the plague

12-22-2008, 05:20 PM
There are plenty of work-force friendly PD's and SO's out there that will foster and nurture a new cop. There are many more that will open their arms to welcome experienced cops with some experience. VPD ain't one of them. Don't use this place as a spring board to jump start your career somewhere else. It is the philosophy of the administration to soil as many careers as possible to force retention and then it's undying obedience to that who is named Julie Once you have been Julieized your career is stalled in the toilet, You are then un-hirable by anyone else,

Julie’s hypocrisies extent well beyond the scope and ability of this page.

Don't believe me look at the latest post on veniceflodida.com. Julie has instructed her administrative aid to provide care for her personal dogs on company time. Using Julie's assigned un-marked police car while Julie is on an extended vacation.

Julie has no regard for the citizens we serve, nor does she particullarly care about the deparment members she administers. City Rule and Regs exsist in Julie's mind with less afterthought than traffic laws exsist to curtail her reckless driving habits. Don't believe me, ask the fhp troopers and sso deputies who have been put on the spot countless times smoothing over her highness' indiscretions, in a city car on and off city time. There is a record of it at the City level ( that pesky sunshine law stuff).
That is of course if Julie hasn’t already deleted all the traffic from the state. But then again, Julie is above board and wouldn't do anything to cover-up one her messes. Would she?

12-23-2008, 01:43 PM
Just ask TL about doing a good job and the rewards you get for it.

12-23-2008, 01:45 PM
Sorry for mispelling on user name. Wouldn't want someone to think I worked there.