View Full Version : FOPE REPS

11-01-2008, 01:47 AM

11-01-2008, 02:18 AM
He is one of us?? He NEVER did a day of jailing in his life!

11-01-2008, 03:19 AM
He is one of us?? He NEVER did a day of jailing in his life! You...pal...are part of the problem...removing you is the solution...leave this site to us and go get a big bag of popcorn since you have been the cartoon..the main show is about to begin..and by the way just how much candy did you steal from the kids you were tricking with..jerk.......no wonder they call you a "jailer"......Fish.....yeh Barney...take this garbage out it smells...yeh...roger that....

11-01-2008, 03:22 AM
Scott Israel......WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-01-2008, 03:32 AM
Scott Israel......WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ron Cochran...WOOOOOOOO...that...RIP RON...no offense....you dismantled the place...WOOOOOOOO....LETS DO IT AGAIN :shock:

11-01-2008, 03:57 AM
Can't be any worse than it is now.

11-01-2008, 03:31 PM
Can't be any worse than it is now.Not if you guys do the right thing...you know you were lied to and that meeting with the boss was never communicated to you and you rushed ahead and ..against your word to hold off the endorsement until after the primary. You reps need to correct the wrong before tuesday and do what is right and run this Union from within without outsiders telling you what to do....where does your real loyality belong? And know this..those GOONS out at BCC Coconut Creek for Israel is going to cost you reps plenty if you don't do the right thing...and take a stand for BSO not FLPD.

11-01-2008, 10:30 PM
Can't be any worse than it is now.Not if you guys do the right thing...you know you were lied to and that meeting with the boss was never communicated to you and you rushed ahead and ..against your word to hold off the endorsement until after the primary. You reps need to correct the wrong before tuesday and do what is right and run this Union from within without outsiders telling you what to do....where does your real loyality belong? And know this..those GOONS out at BCC Coconut Creek for Israel is going to cost you reps plenty if you don't do the right thing...and take a stand for BSO not FLPD.

Barney Miller you are privied to a lot of info but you still don't know the whole story. The endorsement was not made public by us. The co-endorsement was used by the two candidates who won it. The AFL-CIO never made a public statement about who we endorsed until after the primary but we are not going to tell the candidates they can't use it for the primary. We do run our union and we are willing to work with whom ever wins the election. Like you were told the ball is in the Sheriff's court. We can help him if he wins but we have given our word and we never go back on our word. Remember loyalty is earned, we where not the ones that tried to step on the Sheriff. His command staff stepped on us way before the endorsement night.

11-01-2008, 11:56 PM
Scott Israel......WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ron Cochran...WOOOOOOOO...that...RIP RON...no offense....you dismantled the place...WOOOOOOOO....LETS DO IT AGAIN :shock:

RIP? More like rot in hell.

11-02-2008, 02:07 AM
What am I reading? "willing to work with whoever is elected"??? "We can help the Sheriff if he wins"????
Sounds like the backstroking has begun.
Hey, FOPE reps, take a look at the polls. You will need the help, and a lot of it.

11-02-2008, 03:17 AM
Their all putting on little skirts and running now :o come on boys wheres all the Israel signs? :oops: Come on stand up little girls :shock: cowards the whole bunch of ya! I you all get the LAMBERTI AXE :devil:

11-02-2008, 04:11 AM
Do you guys comprehend what you read. First of all that was to Barney, who knows more then most and tried to bring both sides together. If you read please try and understand, he wants us to back off so the sheriff has a better chance but we back the other guy and we are not backing down. I don't listen to polls I am out there ever day and I talk to people. See a detention guy learns how to talk to people without a weapon. I think you guys need to do the same so you won't be fooled by polls. November 5th we will know who the Sheriff is and we also know whoever he is we will have to deal with him. Don't be fooled he will be SI.

11-02-2008, 02:28 PM
Do you guys comprehend what you read. First of all that was to Barney, who knows more then most and tried to bring both sides together. If you read please try and understand, he wants us to back off so the sheriff has a better chance but we back the other guy and we are not backing down. I don't listen to polls I am out there ever day and I talk to people. See a detention guy learns how to talk to people without a weapon. I think you guys need to do the same so you won't be fooled by polls. November 5th we will know who the Sheriff is and we also know whoever he is we will have to deal with him. Don't be fooled he will be SI.

Barney Miller does sound like he is pretty well informed! I have also been working the polls at several locations and unless all the Lamberti supporters are waiting until Tuesday to come out its all over for Al!! Barney says "Now that we know the truth we should do the right thing". I hate to tell you but some last minute attempt at damage control by faking a desire for a truce with the FOPE is not going to cut it! Now a realistic, fair contract offer that might have slowed the roll but its too late now!! The dirty politics has only motivated me and my people to work harder.


11-02-2008, 03:31 PM

I've been at the polls all week and guess what your boy FISH(Lame-berti) isn't getting much support so don't worry about a truce our grassroots movement will payoff and

in 2 DAYS


11-02-2008, 04:18 PM
Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!

11-02-2008, 06:14 PM
Their all putting on little skirts and running now :o come on boys wheres all the Israel signs? :oops: Come on stand up little girls :shock: cowards the whole bunch of ya! I you all get the LAMBERTI AXE :devil:
Cowards ? BSO PROUD the signs are in the trunk of the BSO units, that are driving around at night , Al has his hit team out looking for SI voters, and lets not forget the TV ads , that I would be fired for untruthfulness...Maybe he will still be my boss but its a tarnished badge. BSO PROUD , THE SHERIFF IS A ....LIAR :evil: :evil: :evil:

11-02-2008, 11:57 PM

Lamberti chose to give us substandard contract offers. Lamberti did not bother to visit the jails until he heard we were starting to support Scott Israel. He has yet to invite the civilians to meet with him. He told the Deputies and Sergeants that met with him in pompano that if the FOPE would dump the civilians he could offer them a better contract!! We understand what a Union is supposed to be and we will not sell out a single member for the benefit of another.


11-03-2008, 04:32 AM
Can't be any worse than it is now.Not if you guys do the right thing...you know you were lied to and that meeting with the boss was never communicated to you and you rushed ahead and ..against your word to hold off the endorsement until after the primary. You reps need to correct the wrong before tuesday and do what is right and run this Union from within without outsiders telling you what to do....where does your real loyality belong? And know this..those GOONS out at BCC Coconut Creek for Israel is going to cost you reps plenty if you don't do the right thing...and take a stand for BSO not FLPD.

Barney Miller you are privied to a lot of info but you still don't know the whole story. The endorsement was not made public by us. The co-endorsement was used by the two candidates who won it. The AFL-CIO never made a public statement about who we endorsed until after the primary but we are not going to tell the candidates they can't use it for the primary. We do run our union and we are willing to work with whom ever wins the election. Like you were told the ball is in the Sheriff's court. We can help him if he wins but we have given our word and we never go back on our word. Remember loyalty is earned, we where not the ones that tried to step on the Sheriff. His command staff stepped on us way before the endorsement night.So your people thought that attacking me personally was wisdom...I brought a OLIVE branch to the meeting and now you chose to stick a stick in my eye as well as the boss's...this site and whatever is posted in the negative is not going to defeat the boss...why you have chose the "low road" is understandable, but Pat would not of spit in my face because of something in someones past's when I approached you people as a professional who cares about each of you and your familys....did you ever do something you regret? As you stated, you told me the ball is in the Sheriff's court...now you shoot the messenger and ignore the message...you have my cell number...and my office number...do you really think posting all the past is going to help your cause...you could of called me...I'm not hiding..the boss had nothing to do with our meeting...I really thought you people cared about the agency..as for me...come see me at the polls on tuesday where I serve as an Election Official..kinda like a Union Rep. except I work for the welfare of all the people...those who made mistakes and those who think they never have...and attacking the boss's wife, son and mother at a Polling Place...that's a real willingness to work with him. Do what is right is what I said and this is what we get...just how good is your word?

11-03-2008, 05:11 AM
DOD what is this?????

11-03-2008, 06:23 AM
The Hot 105 Session was interesting! Barney you keep saying that the Sheriff wanted a truce but he continues to lie about the FOPE negotiating team walking away from the table before negotiations were complete. I can tell you I was there in the room the Sheriff was not!! There was no meeting that was cancelled!! A phone call was scheduled for the monday following our last live session. In that phone call John Curry told us that the offer was the "Final, Final"!! When Curry was asked if there would be any movement on the money he said "It is what it is, the offer is Final, Final". If you were a negotiator would you feel like you should waste any more time after hearing "Final, Final" and "it is what it is"?? So FOPE members don't be fooled by the Barney Miller Garbage!! The Sheriff brags that he started his career in detention but there is no denying that he now sees us as second class citizens! The proof is in the contrast in offers between us and DLE and if you are a civilian you should really be concerned!! The Sheriff has actually said that if the deputies and sergeants would dump the civilians he could give them more. Thats a good way to build unity in your agency!!!


11-03-2008, 12:02 PM
Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!What kind of uneducated moron wrote this? And the honor of Jimmy Hoffa crys out from the grave.....now there was a real Union Rep and he fought...and he lost.....

11-03-2008, 12:10 PM
[quote="DEputyC/C":2ku6996q]Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!What kind of uneducated moron wrote this? And the honor of Jimmy Hoffa crys out from the grave.....now there was a real Union Rep and he fought...and he lost.....[/quote:2ku6996q]

Tell me ,what do i have to lose, Money ,Time what, Sounds like a veiled there, say what you want to say be a man

11-03-2008, 02:52 PM
[quote="Barney Miller":c2s1hm3t][quote="DEputyC/C":c2s1hm3t]Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!What kind of uneducated moron wrote this? And the honor of Jimmy Hoffa crys out from the grave.....now there was a real Union Rep and he fought...and he lost.....[/quote:c2s1hm3t]

Tell me ,what do i have to lose, Money ,Time what, Sounds like a veiled there, say what you want to say be a man[/quote:c2s1hm3t]What in the world is going on with the FOPE REPS and this Barney Miller episode...I loved Barney Miller...but you guys are saying that you actualy met with the Sheriff and kept this from my husband...we fear being taken over by the private sector and now you representatives are meeting behind closed doors like some kind of mobsters fron New York? He does not pay his dues for this. Myself AND MY TWO CHILDREN ARE GOING TO SUFFER AND NOW I AM REALLY SCARED. I do not know what this is all about and my husband does not allow me to come on this what ever you call it..but my children know how to access it and we are scared....what have you guys done in the dark? This is Florida..not New York..and the holidays are here and my faith in all this suffering. Don't you guys have children or familys? Barney Miller where are u.

11-03-2008, 03:04 PM
[quote="DeputyC/C":2641qnny][quote="Barney Miller":2641qnny][quote="DEputyC/C":2641qnny]Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!What kind of uneducated moron wrote this? And the honor of Jimmy Hoffa crys out from the grave.....now there was a real Union Rep and he fought...and he lost.....[/quote:2641qnny]

Tell me ,what do i have to lose, Money ,Time what, Sounds like a veiled there, say what you want to say be a man[/quote:2641qnny]What in the world is going on with the FOPE REPS and this Barney Miller episode...I loved Barney Miller...but you guys are saying that you actualy met with the Sheriff and kept this from my husband...we fear being taken over by the private sector and now you representatives are meeting behind closed doors like some kind of mobsters fron New York? He does not pay his dues for this. Myself AND MY TWO CHILDREN ARE GOING TO SUFFER AND NOW I AM REALLY SCARED. I do not know what this is all about and my husband does not allow me to come on this what ever you call it..but my children know how to access it and we are scared....what have you guys done in the dark? This is Florida..not New York..and the holidays are here and my faith in all this suffering. Don't you guys have children or familys? Barney Miller where are u.[/quote:2641qnny]

The sheriff has met no one and is constantly lying to the FOPE members. Don't be scared do you civic duty and vote for Scott Israel. Barney Miller is a friend of Lame-berti's who's a CONVICTED drug dealer! He dealt drugs right out of his police cruiser. Ben Bennett is nothing but a reborn low down dirty sc-mbag who is a cancer! Spread the word and


11-03-2008, 03:32 PM
Got a call about this...what are union guys doing meeting outside and violating their by-laws which prohibit such meetings...the local up here with the AFL guys says you guys really screwed up, to be polite...your members are now going to be forked and you have frightened their familys. No wonder you guys are the joke of south florida.

11-03-2008, 03:43 PM
Got a call about this...what are union guys doing meeting outside and violating their by-laws which prohibit such meetings...the local up here with the AFL guys says you guys really screwed up, to be polite...your members are now going to be forked and you have frightened their familys. No wonder you guys are the joke of south florida.

Hay Barney Miller why not cut the crap you've been exposed so crawl back under Lame-Dirty’s desk for the next 2 days Then when you come out

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!

11-03-2008, 04:16 PM
[quote="FAMILY MEMBER":313j2log][quote="DeputyC/C":313j2log][quote="Barney Miller":313j2log][quote="DEputyC/C":313j2log]Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!What kind of uneducated moron wrote this? And the honor of Jimmy Hoffa crys out from the grave.....now there was a real Union Rep and he fought...and he lost.....[/quote:313j2log]

Tell me ,what do i have to lose, Money ,Time what, Sounds like a veiled there, say what you want to say be a man[/quote:313j2log]What in the world is going on with the FOPE REPS and this Barney Miller episode...I loved Barney Miller...but you guys are saying that you actualy met with the Sheriff and kept this from my husband...we fear being taken over by the private sector and now you representatives are meeting behind closed doors like some kind of mobsters fron New York? He does not pay his dues for this. Myself AND MY TWO CHILDREN ARE GOING TO SUFFER AND NOW I AM REALLY SCARED. I do not know what this is all about and my husband does not allow me to come on this what ever you call it..but my children know how to access it and we are scared....what have you guys done in the dark? This is Florida..not New York..and the holidays are here and my faith in all this suffering. Don't you guys have children or familys? Barney Miller where are u.[/quote:313j2log]

The sheriff has met no one and is constantly lying to the FOPE members. Don't be scared do you civic duty and vote for Scott Israel. Barney Miller is a friend of Lame-berti's who's a CONVICTED drug dealer! He dealt drugs right out of his police cruiser. Ben Bennett is nothing but a reborn low down dirty sc-mbag who is a cancer! Spread the word and

VOTE SCOTT ISRAEL FOR BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF[/quote:313j2log]So large one, you have a problem with "born agains" that just happens to possess the IP software to Id your large frame. Yes, Ben Bennett is one of mine, Jesus Christ, and yes he is a "born again believer" but not a dirtbag, he investigates dirtbags and is not a cancer, but a cancer survivor. You see large one, who met who where, is really not your concern because you do not belong to me and the place I have prepared for you, Ben Bennett and his children, and their children will never go. I see that Susan
and her children actually attend Ben Bennetts church of "born agains" now what say you about that. If you ever need prayer, I'm here for you, and let Ron know that what you did to one of mine was what is to be expected from a non-believer in who I am..and yes, I even died for you. IN HIM>>>>JC

11-03-2008, 04:25 PM
[quote="FAMILY MEMBER":316thqqz][quote="DeputyC/C":316thqqz][quote="Barney Miller":316thqqz][quote="DEputyC/C":316thqqz]Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!What kind of uneducated moron wrote this? And the honor of Jimmy Hoffa crys out from the grave.....now there was a real Union Rep and he fought...and he lost.....

Tell me ,what do i have to lose, Money ,Time what, Sounds like a veiled there, say what you want to say be a man[/quote:316thqqz]What in the world is going on with the FOPE REPS and this Barney Miller episode...I loved Barney Miller...but you guys are saying that you actualy met with the Sheriff and kept this from my husband...we fear being taken over by the private sector and now you representatives are meeting behind closed doors like some kind of mobsters fron New York? He does not pay his dues for this. Myself AND MY TWO CHILDREN ARE GOING TO SUFFER AND NOW I AM REALLY SCARED. I do not know what this is all about and my husband does not allow me to come on this what ever you call it..but my children know how to access it and we are scared....what have you guys done in the dark? This is Florida..not New York..and the holidays are here and my faith in all this suffering. Don't you guys have children or familys? Barney Miller where are u.[/quote:316thqqz]

The sheriff has met no one and is constantly lying to the FOPE members. Don't be scared do you civic duty and vote for Scott Israel. Barney Miller is a friend of Lame-berti's who's a CONVICTED drug dealer! He dealt drugs right out of his police cruiser. Ben Bennett is nothing but a reborn low down dirty sc-mbag who is a cancer! Spread the word and

VOTE SCOTT ISRAEL FOR BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF[/quote:316thqqz]So large one, you have a problem with "born agains" that just happens to possess the IP software to Id your large frame. Yes, Ben Bennett is one of mine, Jesus Christ, and yes he is a "born again believer" but not a dirtbag, he investigates dirtbags and is not a cancer, but a cancer survivor. You see large one, who met who where, is really not your concern because you do not belong to me and the place I have prepared for you, Ben Bennett and his children, and their children will never go. I see that Susan
and her children actually attend Ben Bennetts church of "born agains" now what say you about that. If you ever need prayer, I'm here for you, and let Ron know that what you did to one of mine was what is to be expected from a non-believer in who I am..and yes, I even died for you. IN HIM>>>>JC[/quote:316thqqz]

Don't sing it just bring it! You scare no one tough guy and don't use God as your excuse. Don't ever try to figure out what I believe in low life because you will never be able to walk in my shoes. Remeber God only wants one thing from you and that's to do the right thing. It's that simple and you and your band of merry dirtbags haven't figured that out no matter how much church you attend and no matter how holy you claim to be.

11-03-2008, 06:42 PM
[quote="Truth Be Known":18ahyza3][quote="FAMILY MEMBER":18ahyza3][quote="DeputyC/C":18ahyza3][quote="Barney Miller":18ahyza3][quote="DEputyC/C":18ahyza3]Barney Miller is an old washed up TV show from the 70's Just like the person who uses that name here. He know not what this is about, he is here for his own good and cares not about the FOPE people. He would like us to surrender to Lame-Dirty, so we could be lead to slaughter That’s not us. We will Fight till we win. We don’t need no Stinking Barney Miller’s trying to “help us” There is no Truce,, In two days The Votes will be counted and

Scott Israel Will Be The Next Sheriff Of Broward County!!!What kind of uneducated moron wrote this? And the honor of Jimmy Hoffa crys out from the grave.....now there was a real Union Rep and he fought...and he lost.....

Tell me ,what do i have to lose, Money ,Time what, Sounds like a veiled there, say what you want to say be a man[/quote:18ahyza3]What in the world is going on with the FOPE REPS and this Barney Miller episode...I loved Barney Miller...but you guys are saying that you actualy met with the Sheriff and kept this from my husband...we fear being taken over by the private sector and now you representatives are meeting behind closed doors like some kind of mobsters fron New York? He does not pay his dues for this. Myself AND MY TWO CHILDREN ARE GOING TO SUFFER AND NOW I AM REALLY SCARED. I do not know what this is all about and my husband does not allow me to come on this what ever you call it..but my children know how to access it and we are scared....what have you guys done in the dark? This is Florida..not New York..and the holidays are here and my faith in all this suffering. Don't you guys have children or familys? Barney Miller where are u.[/quote:18ahyza3]

The sheriff has met no one and is constantly lying to the FOPE members. Don't be scared do you civic duty and vote for Scott Israel. Barney Miller is a friend of Lame-berti's who's a CONVICTED drug dealer! He dealt drugs right out of his police cruiser. Ben Bennett is nothing but a reborn low down dirty sc-mbag who is a cancer! Spread the word and

VOTE SCOTT ISRAEL FOR BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF[/quote:18ahyza3]So large one, you have a problem with "born agains" that just happens to possess the IP software to Id your large frame. Yes, Ben Bennett is one of mine, Jesus Christ, and yes he is a "born again believer" but not a dirtbag, he investigates dirtbags and is not a cancer, but a cancer survivor. You see large one, who met who where, is really not your concern because you do not belong to me and the place I have prepared for you, Ben Bennett and his children, and their children will never go. I see that Susan
and her children actually attend Ben Bennetts church of "born agains" now what say you about that. If you ever need prayer, I'm here for you, and let Ron know that what you did to one of mine was what is to be expected from a non-believer in who I am..and yes, I even died for you. IN HIM>>>>JC[/quote:18ahyza3]

Don't sing it just bring it! You scare no one tough guy and don't use God as your excuse. Don't ever try to figure out what I believe in low life because you will never be able to walk in my shoes. Remeber God only wants one thing from you and that's to do the right thing. It's that simple and you and your band of merry dirtbags haven't figured that out no matter how much church you attend and no matter how holy you claim to be.[/quote:18ahyza3]Remember is remember GED graduate...why are you bringing God into your mess between you guys and this Christian and maybe he is not interested in where your shoes have been...he wears sandles most of the time....and I am certain that you just scared him silly...maybe big boy your my kind of guy...LOL :wink: :wink:

11-03-2008, 07:22 PM
DOD what is this?????What meeting and where???Whats up with this???

11-03-2008, 08:41 PM
Could you guys be any more gay going from politics to religion. I guess there's nothing better to do than argue. No wonder everyone looks at the detention side of BSO like a bunch of retards.

11-04-2008, 06:43 AM
The last guy is right, whats with the religion talk? As for the guy posing as Jesus Christ I wouldn't want to stand next to you during a thunder storm!! Lets stick to the facts! Tomorrow Scott Israel will be the Sheriff Elect!! The Barney Millers of the world will be a sad memory only to be found in newspaper archives from the 1980"s!!


11-04-2008, 10:15 AM
[quote="Well Informed"]The last guy is right, whats with the religion talk? As for the guy posing as Jesus Christ I wouldn't want to stand next to you during a thunder storm!! Lets stick to the facts! Tomorrow Scott Israel will be the Sheriff Elect!! The Barney Millers of the world will be a sad memory only to be found in newspaper archives from the 1980"s!!/quote]

I almost want to thank you detention guys. Practically everyone that you back winds up losing!!!! You guys have pretty much guaranteed that :


11-04-2008, 11:10 AM
Go Go Lameducky!!!!!!!!!

11-04-2008, 01:36 PM
Hey Ben what's your DC #? Come on you have to remember your 6 digit let us know. We know everything else. Thanks to the Miami Herald. You convict are a perfect fit for Team Lamberti.

PS I could care less about you having my IP address

11-04-2008, 07:59 PM
Barney........were you caring for our families when you were selling dope to our kids from the truck of your unit? Obviously, Lame-berti has promised you something if he wins!!!!!

11-06-2008, 12:45 AM
You guys said who is going to be Sheriff....Remind me again. You guys looked pretty sad at Isreal's victory..sorry defeat party at the Bru's Room. WSVN 7 has it and you can play it over and over to laugh at these guys. Again WHO IS THE SHERIFF?????? The union actually made Isreal lose, you guys pissed off alot of your own members; members who found out the truth; now members who voted for Lamberti. So now when you walk around with the LOSER sign on your forehead, we will take it as a sign for Lamberti!!!!!!

11-06-2008, 03:06 PM

11-07-2008, 05:36 AM

How about that dod IA sergeant! Kissing up to lamberti at the church meeting and attending Israels funds raisers, Trying to save the jobs of him and major s, his godmother! I think they both need to go.