View Full Version : another one bites the dust

10-24-2008, 11:22 PM
I hear the uniform girl is leaving. Do you think they can hire somone who can actually get us uniforms when we ask for them instead of two years later and the wrong size? Or will she be replaced by another puzzle palace wannabe who spends too much time under a desk and not enough time working at one?

10-25-2008, 02:54 AM
This isn't the first person in the position and probably will see more. Its aggrevatting not to get uniforms when needed but, to much is piled on one person to where no way can that one person get it done. Maybe the boss over the position needs to start taking on some responibility to, together get the job done. Although I hope she is happy in her new old job shes going back to. She really is a very hard worker bee. I wish her the best.

11-06-2008, 09:58 PM
Have'nt you heard, they are gonna get us some ****ies brand overalls to wear with red flannel shirts under the bib, it aint like we need REAL UNIFORMS ..............