View Full Version : Both candidates were arrested, but...

10-24-2008, 10:18 PM
When I took this job, I had prior law enforcement experience, so I took "the cops polygraph," which is different then what regular applicants have to take (the questions are different). One of the questions the polygrapher asked me was "Have you ever been arrested since entering law enforcement." The answer was no, of course.

What you did in high school or college is one thing, but once you're sworn to uphold the law, it's important to not do anything that will cause you to get arrested. Since entering law enforcement, Tom Knight has never been arrested. However, since entering law enforcement, Curt Lavarelo was arrested for DUI while driving an unmarked police car. That is a major black eye.

10-24-2008, 10:29 PM

Give the man a break, he was HUNGRY!