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10-22-2008, 02:45 PM
How can Barak Hussein Obama attend a radical, racist church for over 20 years of his life and then state that he didn't agree with the preachings of Rev. Wright?

How can Barak Hussein Obama attend board meetings, retreats, dinners and news conferences and visit the home of terrorist and Cop Killer Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group. How can Obama announce his candidacy for President at Ayer's home and then Obama denounces Ayers. From 1995 to 2001 Ayers and Obama worked hand-in-hand in the Chicago based Woods Foundation.

How is it that the Chicago based radical, racist, extremist Farrakan is today (10/22/08) having a gathering to announce a new era and philosophy for the coming year. Could it be that Farrakan knows that Obama's first religion was in the Wahabbi School of Indonesia.

What about Barka Hussein Obama's 1.65 million dollar Chicago mansion that Obama purchased from his firend and political consultant/fund raiser, Antoin "Tony" Rezko. It's ironic that Rezko has been indicted for political fraud and exploited the poor and made millions doing it.

Then there is another of Barak Hussein Obama's political advisor's that was the CEO of Fanny Mae where he earned over $100,000,000 (yes, 100 million dollars) and then borrowed/extorted countless millions from banks by forcing the banks to participate in the high risk loans that almost toppled our economy. But this is okay to have this man involved and possibly heading a cabinet position in the Obama's cabinet?

How is it that Barak Hussein Obama's wife suddenly got a $195,000 pay increase just months after Barak was elected into the Senate? And the same hospital Mrs. Obama worked for which is a "not for profit" hospital (University of Chicago hospital) contributed over $100,000 to the Obama campaign. This is the same hospital that spent over $10 million dollars collecting fees against the uninsured and charged a 350% mark up by price gouging the uninsured. Since Mrs. Obama is one of the 13 Vice President's of the hospital, imagine what exploitation would happen if these people got into the White House. Then don't forget about Mrs. Obama's seat on the Board of Directors of the Treehouse & Bay Valley Foods Company where she earned another $100,000. The Obama's are no different than any of the other politicians and elitist bureaucrats that theink they are all above and beyond the average citizen.

And don't forget that Barak Hussein Obama "DID NOT" vote for a bill to take care of the troops in the War on Terrorism

Barak Hussein Obama
Luis Farrakan (radical, racist, extremist - wants a seperate Black Nation)
Bill Ayers (Terrorist that killed 2 NYPD officer and bombed the Pentagon - says he didn't do enough)
Tony Rezko (Fraud, exploitation and crooked real estate dealings)
Rev. Wright (another radical, racist, extremist)

How many more signs does one need to see what Obama is all about. One thing I see is there are a whole bunch of stupid Americans in this country and if this Obama gets elected, you will witness the decline of America democracy, capitalism and a free-market economy replaced with higer taxes that foster government programs that enable poverty and create an America of dependency on government programs. The American dream of success is at everyone's fingertips and it is achieved with hard work, innovation and dedication. The American dream of success is not a hand-out. We should all strive to give our children a better democracy, a more generous amount of freedoms than we have and hope that every generation holds our government accountable to creating laws that represent the interests and welfare of the people first. Our political leades need to know their role and understand they are there to serve and not to exploit and undermine the Constitution.

Barak Hussein Obama brags and boast of all of these ideas and programs that he will establish. Where do you think he is going to get the money to enact all of these ideas. We have to pay back a 1 Trillion dollare bail out of the rich and wealthy already, so the American tax payer will bear the burden of the highest tax rates in the history of our country under Obama. Democrats have traditionally raised taxes and created policies and laws that produce a bureaucracy of tax based programs that run circles around each other and never accomplish anything.

Barak Hussein Obama has repeatedly blamed Presidnet Bush for the failures in the economy but the media and the Obama campaign has not mentioned the fact that the Democrats have the majority in the Senate and Congress, but what achievements and solutions have the democrats made at since they have had the majority, nothing. The Democratic majority has done nothing, but the majority is the one that makes the law and runs the economy, so why hasn' anything been done?

All I know is Barak Hussein Obama is not qualified to be President. We may not have the greatest alternative choice, but I do believe that McCain and Palin are the better choice.

10-22-2008, 04:09 PM
Get over it this is what politics is all about and your fighting battle for what? home of the FREE is what this country is about he has freedom to decide who he wants to be around and so do you..end of story...don't vote for any of them thats my choice to make in the USA.

10-22-2008, 04:57 PM
Jimmy Buffett for President!

10-22-2008, 05:10 PM
Obama should be the least of your worries. His just a traveling man. Just wait for the other nut working his way into the global arena. The seeds are already being planted for him. It's so black and white. :devil:

10-22-2008, 07:28 PM
1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim male extremist.

2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim male extremists.

3. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim male extremists.

4. During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim male extremists.

5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim male extremists.

6. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslim male extremists.

7. In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens , and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim male extremists.

8. In 1988 , Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim male extremists.

9. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by Muslim male extremists.

10. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim male extremists.

11. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles to take down the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by Muslim male extremists.

12. In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslim male extremists.

13. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by-- you guessed it-- Muslim male extremists.

No, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you?

According to The Book of Revelations:

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything.

And Now:

For the award winning Act of Stupidity Of all times the People of America want to elect, to the most Powerful position on the face of the Planet -- The Presidency of the United states of America ... A Male of Muslim descent who is the most extremely liberal Senator in Congress (in other words an extremist) and in his 40s.

Have the American People completely lost their Minds, or just their Power of Reason ???

10-23-2008, 05:04 AM
Taking into account all of the above...only a fool would vote for Obama.

10-23-2008, 05:20 PM
most cops don't vote anyway

10-23-2008, 05:27 PM
The decline of American Democracy will begin with the election of Obama. America has been great thanks to the Constitution and now Americans are buying into the fraud and false hopes of socialist democrats that tell you everything you want to hear but behind the curtain the socialist-politik underminds the fundamentals of our Constitution. Our taxes will sky-rocket to levels unheard of in the history books. The biggest failure is from the America Media. What happened to the objectivity? Obama has no been challenged on any of his questionable affiliations with terrorists, fraud political hacks and the financial exploitations of his wife's activities with regard to abusing his power and influence as a Senator.

How can an sane or reasonable person vote with confidence for a person that wrote in his biography that he was ashamed of his mother trying to raise him as white? How can a rational and educated person vote with confidence for a person that will not support our troops in Iraq and leave them out to bear the scars and wounds of war?

It is clear that many Americans in this country are so consumed by the iphones, ipods, playstations, gas guzzling SUV's and luxury's of life that they do not see the surging storm in the distance. America has an opportunity to decide the fate of our country in the next election and the election of Obam will guarantee the decline of our influence and power on the world stage. There are too many Americans punch drunk with the selfish material things of life that they will sacrifice our future economic prosperity of a free market economy based on capatilism and hard work in order to replace it with a new economic doctrine of socialist hand outs that cultivate a stagnant and depleting middle class whiel the government bureaucracy that favors the rich watches on from the comforts of their mansions as the middle class dissolves. Third World Countires around the world have displayed this countless times over the years. When the middle class is in decline and fading, the poor grow and the only social economic classes will be the wealthy and the poor. Obama's economic plans for extrodinary tax increases will come from the pocket of the middle class which is the life-blood of our economy. The rich are not impacted by taxes, mortagages, insurance, gas prices or food prices, but the impact and trickle effect of higher taxes is always passed on to the middle class and thanks to the rich ego-manics in the stock market, banks and Wall Street we are being force fed through a subjective national media that Obama is the solution. This is a classic Socialist/Marxist technique. Keep the people in fear and let them believe that "the government" has and is the solution and saviour to all of America's problems. If you have bought into the Obama frenzy, I personally pity you.

History repeats itself and America is consumed with too many luxury's in life and spoiled to a point of arrogance. The world is waiting to put us in place and the world see's the Obama ticket as a prime target to focus their attack. At one time our economic influence could sway and force other countries from confrontation. The national media that favors Obama has said nothing of Russia sending its air force and navy to run exercises with Venezuela here in our hemisphere for example. We are taking a blind eye to the rise of the next Soviet Union and too punch drunk with the little things in life to see what is coming. Then there is China who could send our country into a depression by simply changing from the dollar to the Euro. And how about Lybia's President Morhmar Khadaffi who gave a speech this week in support of Obama.

We will get exactly what we deserve if Obama is elected, and I can say with confidence no matter what the circumstances of the next election: OBAMA IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!

10-23-2008, 09:28 PM
All you need to do is watch this short ABC nightly news video to see about Obama's favorite Reverend..
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36T1fnIafC0

To quote Barrack Hussein Obama's favorite Reverend....

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a 2003 sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts
like she is God and she is supreme."

You dont attend the sermons of the Reverend Wright for 20 years, and have him perform your marriage ceremony, if you dont agree with his views.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36T1fnIafC0

10-24-2008, 12:22 AM
How many more signs does one need to see what Obama is all about. One thing I see is there are a whole bunch of stupid Americans in this country and if this Obama gets elected, you will witness the decline of America democracy, capitalism and a free-market economy replaced with higer taxes that foster government programs that enable poverty and create an America of dependency on government programs. The American dream of success is at everyone's fingertips and it is achieved with hard work, innovation and dedication. The American dream of success is not a hand-out.

All I know is Barak Hussein Obama is not qualified to be President. We may not have the greatest alternative choice, but I do believe that McCain and Palin are the better choice.

VERY WELL SAID!!! If America believes the economy is bad now, they're going to wish it to be back the way it is currently if a Democrat such as Obama (a Muslim none the less!!) is given the opportunity to run this country. Anyone truly educated in politics understands the last Democrat we had in office (criminal Clinton) created the failure in defense and why the nine-eleven attacks occurred.

Those in support of Obama clearly don't understand the true meaning of his ideas and are believing in fantasies which those with solid careers (you and I) will assuredly be forced to pay for. I don't know about you, however, I can't afford another 20-30 percent of my check to be taken from me!

10-24-2008, 03:59 AM
Not sure what it's going to be like? Just go to youtube.com and search "day after Obama wins." You just not goin to believe what is being projected.

10-24-2008, 01:14 PM
Obama's friend Bill Ayers killed two New York Police Officers. Come on' people.

Obama migrated to the Chicago area because racist, extreme radicals like Farrakan, Bill Ayers and Reverend Wright have dug roots in that city. If you think for one second that Obama just wound up in Chicago, then you'll buy into the hype and fatal economic policies this man plans to put in place.

Obama's 2-years in the Senate equals to maybe 9 months of experience when you factor in a senator's weekends, vacation and holiday time off; and you think this guy is more qualified than Palin. That's funny because I hope you've got a lot of prozac for the downward spiral of our economy when these social Dem's enforce their agenda.

Think about this. Our government wants to give 1 Trillion dollars to the banks, wall street and wealthy investment institutions that gambled and devistated our economy with the mortgage scandal. Now there are approximately 300 million American citizens. Instead of packing the banks and rich with more money, why not give each tax paying American Citizen 1 million dollars and let them spend the money accordingly. That would leave 700 million for the banks. And since every citizen isn't of tax paying age, the impact would not even be 300 million. In one month, every American could be a millionaire. I just find it hard to understand where and who all this money is going to. But that's my idea. You would never see an Obama Socialist Democrat do something like that since the Dem's are smarter that the average citizen and know exactly what's best for us.

My gut feelings tell me something is wrong with Obama. I think there is enough evidence to prove it simply by reading the above posts.

10-25-2008, 03:33 AM
Khadaffi and now Addie Green are supporting and promoting Obama. Not for nothing but this ain't right. I'm gonna pen in Ted Nugent for President

10-25-2008, 04:04 AM
Hastings authored a bill that would give Haitian nationals in the U.S. protection from deportation because of their country's political and economic problems, but only 50 of his colleagues supported it. But he is confident that if Barack Obama is elected, the policy will change.

"If he's elected, I'll put my reputation on it. He will follow through."


and now Illegal haitians in the US are looking for Temporary Protected Status so they wont be deported..

thats all we need.. the Haitian version of the Marial Boat lift... lets not forget, which was also allowed under uber liberal democrat Jimmy Carter...


Watch how many boat landings we have if Obama gets into office and gives Haitians the protected status the Cubans have...

10-25-2008, 01:53 PM
Just watch-no matter what you think-Obama is going to win. I prefer him to a senile old man with a complete idiot for his vice-president (Palin). When Iran or Russia start firing missiles at us-Palin will only be able to kick soccer balls at them

10-25-2008, 05:12 PM
Not for nothing but we've got some really STUPID people in this country. If Obama is elected you can kiss the American Dream good bye. I just can't get over the profound ignorance. I can't wait for a year from now to say, "I told you so!" Our world enemies will have us in their sights and if you think for one second that this freshman senator with his hustle and scam dealing techniques is experienced enough to tackle the coming storm, you've got your head in the mud. I'll bet the majority of these Obamaites don't even know the definition of Socialism. These morons are about to not only give the Presidency to the most liberal Social Democrat in the history of the US Presidency, but the Senate and Congress also have a Democrat majority that have the same socialist "the government knows all and saves all" political doctrine. One thing that will happen for sure after one or two terms under this style of leadership is that the socialist Marxist biased Obama doctrine will guarantee the traditional American democracy based on the US Constitution, free enterprise and capitalism to take over for many generations after we experience the Obama train wreck.

Go ahead and vote, but don't get offended when I call you "Stupid" at this time next year because your vote helped facilitate the decline and destruction of American Democracy.

Just go and look up the definitions of the following before you by in to the Media Hype:

Free Enterprise

Now compare these definitions to Obama's plans and political doctrine. Success and freedom are not "free hand out's", they are earned through hard work, dedication and a commitment to the values of the US Constitution as reflected in traditional American Democracy. Just looks like too many Americans want a free ride or hand out and have some one think for them and dictate to them on how to spend their lives.

10-25-2008, 10:31 PM
Michigan police takes on Obama

I have read all of the emails from Law Enforcement & Military personnel about Barack Obama's rudeness and what seems to be disgust for basically anyone in uniform. Well, it's my turn to add to the list of emailers and here it is:
So members of the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department, Michigan State Police, (me included) and other local agencies inside Calhoun County are working with Secret Service in the security of Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama's bus arrives in Battle Creek and pulls into the stadium area. Before Mr. Obama exits the bus, he has the Secret Service get off and tell all Law Enforcement personnel in uniform that they now have to stand behind the bus so Mr. Obama is not seen with anyone in a Law Enforcement uniform before he gets off or while in the public view. So, everyone from Michigan State Police, Sheriff's Departments and other agencies look at each other for a brief second, go and stand behind the bus out of sight so Mr. Obama does not have to see, or been seen with, what to him is 'undesirables' since he refuses to be seen, or even acknowledge Military or Law Enforcement personnel in uniform.
And he wants to be our commander-in-chief!
At a time of war and terrorism in our world, this presidential candidate who is being protected by various branches of the military & law enforcement at the tax payers expense, refuses to acknowledge, be seen with, have in his photographed background, any type of Military or Law Enforcement in uniform.
But this is not in the headlines or in the news or on TV. The TV news doesn't show us marching around behind the bus. In the future, look and see if you can see a single soldier or police officer in uniform when you see Obama. Why? I wonder what the story or media frenzy would be if it was Muslims, blacks, whites, Jews, or any other race, gender, religion, and/or occupation, that Mr. Obama refused to be seen with or have around him.
Why would I make this up? Everyone in Law Enforcement knows we have traditionally had more funding under Democrats.
Just food for thought leading up to November 4th.

Jason Kern
Michigan Tactical Officer's Association
Michigan State Police
Executive Board Member

10-26-2008, 01:40 PM
The disrepect for civil servants in uniform from the Obama campaign seems to be true..

Many months ago in Portland it was discovered during one of Obama's rally's the Porta Potties were placed on top of the police memorial.. under the shadow of the flag which was still at half staff from a service for a death of a Law Enforcement Officer that week.


10-26-2008, 02:49 PM
One of the greatest failures of our elitist, condescending and rich arrogant politicians is their failure to understand:

"Revolution is in the blood of every American" and we are past due for one.

One above post hit this issue on target when he/she described how Americans are so out-of-touch with reality that they are voting for Obama, and there are certain indicators that the middle class is on the brink. One is the fact that many have just walked away from greedy mortgages. Decades ago to do something like that was unheard of for fear of the bank institutions, the family reputation and the law. Elitist America and their lobbyists has been sucking the middle class dry with back room deals, paying off politicians and undermining the Constitution and interpreting law to favor their greed. There are great and grand issues that go ignored by both parties. One being this bail out of the banks and wall street criminals. If you or I had a business and over-extended our credit or investments, we would be done. There would never be a bail out or any assistance for you or my mistakes, but what do the wealthiest class receive for their mistakes. Their lifestyles don't skip a beat, their financial status doesn't change; if not, it gets even better and we sit by and allow this to happen. Now America is fascinated and in a frenzy over Obama because the media has been force feeding his agenda to us as positive, but if you read between the lines, Obama is promising all kinds of "programs and ideas" that cost even more money that will result in a wind-fall of taxes. There will come a day when the American middle-class becomes fed up and tired of the exploitation and the revolution will begin. People have walked away from mortgages, next they will walk away from paying taxes or just walk away from work for a week. Why work if all of your money is going to be absorbed by the socialist sponge of Obama's economic and financial agenda. The elitists in America are ignoring the warning signs and trumoil and frustration is brewing in the heart of America. Just let these banks and wealthy wall street firms dissolve and go under because the money they play with has always just been a number flashing on a board. I think the American people deserve a shot at deciding how and where to spend the 1 trillion dollar bail out. Every household should receive a 1 million dollar check and all foreign aide should be cut-off and diverted back to the United States for the next three years. America can continue to ship food to those in need but cut the money off and put in back into OUR infastructure and alternative fuel and energy. Until the rich elitists are put in place, all we in the middle class will be is pawns in the game of greed. Elect Obama, but remember the consequences and know that when picking between the better of two evils, try not to pick the one that will hurt you the most. Obama is clearly the worst choice. We need to stop just sitting by and watching these things occur to our country from the sidelines and in our arm chairs. We all need to become more involved in politics instead of fantasy football, soap operas and the little comforts in life that are meaningless. America has the fattest poor of any nation along with section-8 housing programs, food stamps and welfare because if people are fed and sheltered they will not revolt. The rich have continued to get rich while the middle class has began to decline while the poor are economically stagnant and only grow in numbers. There is "A Sleeping Giant" in America that will one day awaken, but for now it just looks like many are content to be told what, when and how to do everything. Obama will eventually kick the sleeping giant awake and then we can get back to America Democracy at its finest.

10-27-2008, 01:39 PM
A President's retirement pension is currently $191,300.00/year until age 80.

Assuming the next president serves 2 terms and lives to age 80, Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president.

Sen. Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms and would receive $4,973,800, in pension.

Therefore, that alone would certainly make economic sense to elect McCain in November. How's that for non-partisan thinking?

10-27-2008, 07:30 PM
the whole basis of the republican campaign seems to be FEAR. lets make people afraid that obama is a muslim extremist who will tax us into the poor house. its really ridiculous. im willing to pay a little extra in taxes if need be. since i make over 250k per year, which just puts me in the bracket of people to be taxed, i think i can afford it. what good would lower taxes do us if we keep shipping all of our money overseas while creating new enemies and jumping into ever war opportunity there is? go ahead and vote for the ex POW and watch other countries grow to hate us more and more. he cares nothing about foreign diplomacy or talking things out. all he knows is that we have bigger guns and he probably wouldnt mind getting a little revenge for getting tapped in prison. imagine what a landslide victory this would be for obama if he was a war hero with a name like brice masterson who looked like tom brady. all this fear and ignorance really saddens me. some people will never change.

10-28-2008, 03:11 AM
the whole basis of the republican campaign seems to be FEAR. lets make people afraid that obama is a muslim extremist who will tax us into the poor house. its really ridiculous. im willing to pay a little extra in taxes if need be. since i make over 250k per year, which just puts me in the bracket of people to be taxed, i think i can afford it. what good would lower taxes do us if we keep shipping all of our money overseas while creating new enemies and jumping into ever war opportunity there is? go ahead and vote for the ex POW and watch other countries grow to hate us more and more. he cares nothing about foreign diplomacy or talking things out. all he knows is that we have bigger guns and he probably wouldnt mind getting a little revenge for getting tapped in prison. imagine what a landslide victory this would be for obama if he was a war hero with a name like brice masterson who looked like tom brady. all this fear and ignorance really saddens me. some people will never change.

No... they are based on truths and what the American people should expect. For instance, if you ask a child molester to babysit your children... In this case, Obama wants to taks guns away, he has friends that are terrorists, he went to a church with a racist, white hating preacher for over 20 years. And that preacher was his "mentor" until it came out that he was a racist white-hating preacher. Then, all of a sudden he distanced himself.

Say this was not a church full of black white hating people. Instead, say it was a building full of child molesters. The head person (Rev. White) there was preaching how he loved to molest children. Now say, for sake's argument, Obama attended religiously and listened to the White talk about molesting kids. Now, Obama says how he has attended White's gatherings for 20 years and White is his mentor. If this were the case, what would the odds be Obama loves to molest children? Certainly, I wouldn't let him watch my kids. Put this in the context and know how Obama listened to White spew the white-hating, America baching speech for 20 years. You really think Obama is the person to run the country? It's not FEAR, it's COMMON SENSE. You don't get someone who hates white people and our country to run the damned thing like you don't get a child molester to baby sit your kids. What in the hell is so hard about this concept?

10-28-2008, 04:43 PM
a lot of black churches throughout the country have preachers who speak to the pains of black poeple. some of the preachers make generalizations that are unfair and sometimes racist. i can guarantee you that the entire congregation is not on the same page with the preacher. i happen to be biracial just like obama and i can guarantee you that it is impossible for myself or obama to hate white people. he would be hating half of himself. he was actually raised primarily by the white side of his family so he is even less likely to hate white people than i am. i myself have been in church and listened to some pro-black sermons that have troubled me. it doesnt cause me to go out and find a new church because although i dont agree with the statements, i can understand that it comes out of opression and pain. you gotta give minorities that have been hurt by the majority a pass sometimes. even if he did manage to hate all whites except his family ofcourse, what would you be afraid of? is he going to run an anti-white administration? how would he get away with that? the terrorist remarks that you guys make are just ridiculous and shouldnt even be defended. you guys are up to your same old tricks. create fear, divide and conquer.

10-28-2008, 04:47 PM
Dont believe anything McCain says. He will say anything to get elected. The things he says about Obama are bold faced lies. There are lies about Obama all over the internet and circulating in the workplace. During the debates, when Obama is there to defend himself, he make McCain looks silly for even making the acusations but now that McCain is out on his own campaigning, he can say whatever he wants and you people believe it.

10-28-2008, 05:40 PM
The one cedit I will give President Bush is that the United States has not suffered another terrorist attack since 9/11. Obama on the other hand chooses to withdraw from the battlegrounds of the Middle East (Iraq & Afghanistan) where Muslim extremists are flocking from around the world to fight us over there. What is going to happen to the soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen fighting for the lush lifestyle and great freedoms we enjoy. Are these men and women going to be shoved aside and the reigns pulled in on aggressively attacking our enemy. With Obama, Yes. You can preach fear mongering all day long, but fear, strength and intimidation generally keeps one out of harms way. Our present enemy has no government, no uniformed army and works under the veil of a covert doctrine. The simple fact is that there is a very large portion of the world that despises the United States and these people are Muslims. They do not respect the traditional rules of war because they operate under the barbaric interpretations of the Koran and many still support and live under the rule of law that governemed Islam when people had no electricity. Russia is experiencing this form of an enemy in the Chechen Republic. Remember the school of Russian choldren that was ehld hostage and attacked by these muslim terrorists in the town of Belsen. Read up on the casualty list and then read the memorial wall of the 9/11 Memorial. Biden has already predicted that an Obama President will be tested within 6 months of taking office. Why should we elect a man that needs to prove and be tested on his ability to sit in the chair of the most powerful and influencial seat in the world. You can call it fear preaching, but we have to project an aggressive stance or we will be tried. There are certain portions of history where the world acts like a prison recreation yard and this in one era we will have to get through, but no by negotiating and electing a President that "needs" to prove himself. Obama and Biden have never worn a uniform to serve their country out of choice. Biden himself ducked Vietnam with 5 (five) deferrments while Obama chose to settle his roots in the most extremist and racist city in America. There is a reason for these decisions, but why hasn't the media challenged them on these issues. The only interpretation I can make is that they chose not to serve but to gain a position or job that better serves them. It is a sad era in our country when the media has refused to treat both candidates equally by objectively challenging them and their VP's on any contorversial issue that arises. The media's honorable role has been shattered and one really intriguing example is that all of these Hollywood elitists with their millions in the bank and spolied egotistical and condescending "Know-it-all" attitudes are forcing Obama on America. Most of these Hollywood types can't even maintain a stable relationship for a year and we need their advice? Give me a break. McCain may not be the best choice, but one thing the Obamaites are under-estimating is that Americans are not as stupid as these rich elitists and social democrats that are ruiling now think. It will be a much closer race because many Americans know who they are going to vote for and they are just holding their voice for election day instead of bragging and bolstering like a typical liberal know it all.

10-28-2008, 06:17 PM
The only way to keep the players fair and to keep democracy alive is by checks and balances. Vote for representation in your state in the Senate and Congress. This way who ever becomes President will not have free rein of votes to choose what policies are good for this President.

So vote for your Senate Rep. and Congressional Rep. to keep playing field fair.

10-28-2008, 08:04 PM
the guy above says that there is a reason for obama settling in the most racist extremist city in america. other people say his pastor was racist therefore we should hold that against him But nobody will just come out with it and accuse obama of being a racist. you either think he is a racist or you dont. pick one. im tired of all of these lil comments and remarks. do you really think barak obama is a racist? he was raised by white people, he is half white, he looks just like his white grandfather with whom he spent a lot of time. biracial people are not racists u fearful idiots. and as far as the war, McCain being a war failure(captured) doesnt make him more qualified. the plan was never to occupy iraq forever. lets be realistic. we will never really eliminate this underground terror network. we need to sure up the homefront.

10-28-2008, 09:48 PM
You are all forgetting the worst he thing Obama will do once, elected..nominate left-wing anti-police judges!

10-28-2008, 10:04 PM
the whole basis of the republican campaign seems to be FEAR. lets make people afraid that obama is a muslim extremist who will tax us into the poor house. its really ridiculous. im willing to pay a little extra in taxes if need be. since i make over 250k per year, which just puts me in the bracket of people to be taxed, i think i can afford it. what good would lower taxes do us if we keep shipping all of our money overseas while creating new enemies and jumping into ever war opportunity there is? go ahead and vote for the ex POW and watch other countries grow to hate us more and more. he cares nothing about foreign diplomacy or talking things out. all he knows is that we have bigger guns and he probably wouldnt mind getting a little revenge for getting tapped in prison. imagine what a landslide victory this would be for obama if he was a war hero with a name like brice masterson who looked like tom brady. all this fear and ignorance really saddens me. some people will never change.

You really are sad...and you do scare me...hopefully you won't procreate.

10-28-2008, 10:09 PM
Dont believe anything McCain says. He will say anything to get elected. The things he says about Obama are bold faced lies. There are lies about Obama all over the internet and circulating in the workplace. During the debates, when Obama is there to defend himself, he make McCain looks silly for even making the acusations but now that McCain is out on his own campaigning, he can say whatever he wants and you people believe it.

"you people"? Who's racist now??

10-28-2008, 10:14 PM
a lot of black churches throughout the country have preachers who speak to the pains of black poeple. some of the preachers make generalizations that are unfair and sometimes racist. i can guarantee you that the entire congregation is not on the same page with the preacher. i happen to be biracial just like obama and i can guarantee you that it is impossible for myself or obama to hate white people. he would be hating half of himself. he was actually raised primarily by the white side of his family so he is even less likely to hate white people than i am. i myself have been in church and listened to some pro-black sermons that have troubled me. it doesnt cause me to go out and find a new church because although i dont agree with the statements, i can understand that it comes out of opression and pain. you gotta give minorities that have been hurt by the majority a pass sometimes. even if he did manage to hate all whites except his family ofcourse, what would you be afraid of? is he going to run an anti-white administration? how would he get away with that? the terrorist remarks that you guys make are just ridiculous and shouldnt even be defended. you guys are up to your same old tricks. create fear, divide and conquer.

A little clarification here: Obama is tri-racial. Over 50% caucasian, over 30% arab, and a little teeny bit African, but all you hear is him talking about being an African-American...you certainly don't hear anything about him being Arab-American.
Oh...by the way, anyone wonder why he won't release his birth certificate to the press?

10-28-2008, 11:51 PM
[quote="truth123"]the guy above says that there is a reason for obama settling in the most racist extremist city in america. other people say his pastor was racist therefore we should hold that against him But nobody will just come out with it and accuse obama of being a racist. you either think he is a racist or you dont. pick one. im tired of all of these lil comments and remarks. do you really think barak obama is a racist? he was raised by white people, he is half white, he looks just like his white grandfather with whom he spent a lot of time. biracial people are not racists u fearful idiots. and as far as the war, McCain being a war failure(captured) doesnt make him more qualified. the plan was never to occupy iraq forever. lets be realistic. we will never really eliminate this underground terror network. we need to sure up the homefront.[/quote

Being captured is not being a failure, That is one of the biggest sacrifices one can make for his/her country, and probably the worst to endure.
You should be ashamed.

10-29-2008, 12:35 AM
Obama on the other hand chooses to withdraw from the battlegrounds of the Middle East (Iraq & Afghanistan) where Muslim extremists are flocking from around the world to fight us over there.

That's right! Then, when they do conquer (very quickly) after we withdraw, they'll now be controlling most of the world's oil. So, if we want to continue to drive gasoline vehicles here in America, we'll not only be paying out the wazoo to get fuel, we'll also, at the same time, be funding weapons that will be used against us. Great idea!

10-29-2008, 02:08 PM
There a couple of supreme court justices that will retire uder the Obama administration and for us in law enforcement that will be serious ramifications towards the way we work. I just don't see how people are so weak and boderline ignorant when it comes to supporting Obama. But I do now understand why many attorneys characterize Cops and "ignorant." I see the extremist Farakan closet supporters that try to hide their true beliefs that want Obama to win because they think they'll get paid since Obama has campaigned on paying back the slaves for their plight, then there are the lazy socialists that want everything handed to them without hard work. Sorry, socialists, but you and your wife and your family have to get a job, work hard and attain success the traditional American way not by the ways of socialist democrats that enable your stagnant life that serves no purpose other than sucking on hard working tax payers money. The media and city dweller liberal socialists actually underestimate the rural heart of Americans that are planning to also flock to the polls and vote. We sometimes get so consumed by the hype and over-inflated lifestyle of the city and some don't understand that there are many more voters in the so-said rural (non-city dwelling) folks than in the cities. I am just perplexed at the stupidity with regard to the coming storm and the planned restrictions that will be imposed on law enforcement by a liberal-socialist President and supreme court controlled buy Obama appointments. I guess the cliche "Ignorance is Bliss" explains it all.

What more do you need to know about Obama in order not to be taken in by the deception. Are people that weak and niave.

Obama chose, decided, selected, planned and picked Chicago because it is the Mecca of extermism and racism in America.

Obama is a friend of a proclaimed COP Killer - Bill Ayers (Chicago) They had dinners together at their homes, attended press conferences and retreats together, but now Obama down-plays the relationship

Obama attended an extreme racist church for over 20 years, was married by the pastor, but now disassociated himslef from Rev. Wright (another chicago extremist)

Obama bought his hefty mansion from the corrupt Chicago political crook Rezko

Obama's wife received hefty raises from her board of director's jobs months after Obama is sworn into the Senate. Another corrupt Chicago coincidence

Obama has toasted Muslim extremist Chicago professors at a dinner that advocated the destruction of Isreal

Farakan of Chicago is now broadening his doctrine of the Nation of Islam now that the anticipation of Obama as President is predicted

If McCain or Palin had so-much as a little encounter with a white racist group or individual, the media and the liberal socialists from the Obama camp would go nuts, but its just fine for obama to have a racist philosophy before he became a candidate, but now he is a changed man. Give me a break. He lives in Chicago for only one reason and that is because he embraces the political, social, economic and racist beliefs of Rev. Wright, Farakan, COP killer Bill Ayers and Obama has learned from the Chicago hustle and scam tactics of Rezko. The evidence is clear that Obama settled in Chicago and he sought out these extremists, they didn't go out and find Obama.

Sorry if you don't get it, but the evidence is overwhelming and the proof is positive that Obama is not qualified, competent or accomplished to be President.

11-01-2008, 04:17 AM
According to The Book of Revelations:

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything.

And Now:

For the award winning Act of Stupidity Of all times the People of America want to elect, to the most Powerful position on the face of the Planet -- The Presidency of the United states of America ... A Male of Muslim descent who is the most extremely liberal Senator in Congress (in other words an extremist) and in his 40s.

Have the American People completely lost their Minds, or just their Power of Reason ???[/quote]

Now if you really believe in fairy tales like the ones in the bible, aren't you religioulsly bound to vote for Obama? Isn't the good book infallible? Musn't the prophecy be fulfilled?
Who are you to screw up your imaginary friend's plans by not voting for Obama.

The way I see it if you truly blelive he is the "anti-imaginary friend" then you have to vote for him, you don't even get a choice in the matter. Good to hear that all fundemental conservative christians will be voting for Obama to herald the return of the imaginary friend here on Earth. Can't wait to meet him.

11-01-2008, 01:21 PM
The funniest thing about it when I watch Obama being sworn in as president will be knowing how much it upsets some of you illiterate uneducated people

11-01-2008, 10:25 PM
And I will be laughing when YOUR choice places this country in trouble. Change.... heck Cubans wanted change in 1958 and look what they got in return.

11-02-2008, 12:38 AM
All i can say is, start hoarding ammo....