View Full Version : Serious Race's Issues

10-22-2008, 12:22 AM
DeezNuts would like to hear from those officers out there who are face with race's issues. Do you feel that minority officers are given preferential treatment for hire, promotion, on bases of their skin color or gender? If so, DeezNuts would like hear from you. I encourage all officers or civilian reading this blog, to respond, no matter what their status. Don't feel uncomfortable with your responses! If you respond…do please keep it clean

10-22-2008, 02:43 AM
Promotions should be base on performance and merits not by the color of someone skin. But if you do not get enough "minorities" promoted, then people will refer to you as a racist. :shock: It's a no win situation. I have seen it time and time again, people who gets promoted by, a** kissing, the color of their skin or because they need females to fill in the gap. Most of these individuals are horrible supervisors, just look around! :( It’s a dam* if you do.......dam* if you don’t situation. :?

10-22-2008, 11:32 PM
It definately doesn't hurt being a minority.... You get a way with so much crap!!! Especially when your buddy buddy with sgts...... You get to hang out at the station and do no work.

10-23-2008, 10:15 PM
It definately doesn't hurt being a minority.... You get a way with so much crap!!! Especially when your buddy buddy with sgts...... You get to hang out at the station and do no work.

I totally disagree with that statement! Officers that I have spoken with agreed that behaviors, as such, are common in the ranks: It's a shame that there are officers -in uniform- belives that segeration shall prevail. On another note, I believe everyone; to include, females, Hispanics, should be promoted equally across the board. FMPD so far has done a great job hiring and promoting minorities into their rank. Great job to the staffs that were part of the movement. :D

10-24-2008, 05:07 AM
I think promotions should be based on how friendly you are. Forget race and gender

10-26-2008, 04:16 PM
I think promotions should be based on how friendly you are. Forget race and gender
I gree 100%, may I add that it should also be based on what the candidate can bring to the table, if their personality will improve morale on the squad, if they're well liked and respected by their peers, if they will treat everyone fairly ( like they way they would like to be treated), not be out to get everyone. Guide them in the right direction when they make a mistake, and praise them when they do a good job. Will they back up and stick up for their guys. What a candidate have done for the agency in the past is not always a good measure when you're making promotions, and shouldn't be based solely on that alone. Someone that spends his/ her time off at the station doing tasks or hanging out on the third floor may not be the best choice. Better yet, ask the officers who they would prefer to have as their supervisor, give them the Sgt and Lt elgibility list and ask them to pick 7 or 8 people from the list and turn it in (no need to leave their name), supervisors can do that on a squad level, you'll be surprised with the results. Talking about a way to improve morale and restore confidence in admin!!