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10-09-2008, 11:11 PM
Where did the officer courtesy go?? I have pulled over several family members of Largo Officers and I do not give citations to them out of courtesy. In the past 2 months both of my sons have gotten citations by your officers and they have told them I was LEO and they're driving my car!! The officer in the blue pickup truck not only gave my son a speeding ticket for going 32 in a 25 but also gave him 2 additional tickets! Give me a break 3 tickets???? I guess he doesn't know that the tickets don't hurt the teenagers it hurts us parents that have them on our car insurance. Our insurance goes up because of the tickets. I could understand possibly one ticket but 3!!! Guess your agency don't share brotherly love. I'll remember that next time I pull over a loved one! Thank the officer in the blue pickup!

10-10-2008, 12:30 AM
We are sorry but he doesn't have much discretion. Its to bad that one or two officers give LPD a bad name.

10-10-2008, 04:30 AM
Since you are also a LEO then I fully expect you to understand that one or two officers / deputies does NOT dictate how every single officer is in that department. I guarantee you have at least one officer in your department that is the exact same way so please do not play the "everyone is like him" game. I am sorry it happened to you and I fully agree with you that three tickets is completely unacceptable and is even against the unofficial policy here as we are not supposed to "stack" tickets like that.

10-10-2008, 12:30 PM
The above posters are correct, don't paint an image on the entire department over this, please because I don't want a ticket from you!

I can think of about, well one officer who does this at our agency, the prick who drives the blue truck.

10-10-2008, 02:04 PM
Thank you all for the comments. I apologize for saying the entire agency is like blue pickup and don't show courtesy. Unlike him I will continue to show respect to other LEO's and their family. In my entire career I have NEVER given 3 tickets to one driver. I knew he was just trying to get high stats and that's why I was so upset. Thanks again and Be Safe out there!

10-10-2008, 08:43 PM
Hey we're on your side my man. You can thank the chief and his new quota. However, that guy was that way even before the quota.

I suggest you go to traffic court with your son. Maybe, just maybe, that officer won't show up.


10-10-2008, 08:50 PM
speaking of traffic court...anyone else seen how unorganized, cramped, and piss poor the new traffic courts at 49th st are? With the now painful extra 2-3 hours it takes to get through traffic court I do not see how the county is saving money by having it moved there.

10-12-2008, 02:16 AM
Hey we're on your side my man. You can thank the chief and his new quota. However, that guy was that way even before the quota.

I suggest you go to traffic court with your son. Maybe, just maybe, that officer won't show up.


Damn, Iskra, get your head out of your arse and start acting like a cop. You need to stop pissin on your brothers. Try showing a little compassion here and there. It won't hurt your quota that much to let one go.

10-13-2008, 10:03 PM
did we ever think to ask the man in the blue pick up what happened or are we just going to continue to bash our brother here.....oh my gosh...maybe the kid was a little jerk.....nope, never, a cops kid would never act like that.....hmmmmmmm well, i guess the blue pick up strikes again.......oops im sorry, was that too sarcastic for all of you or do I have to dumb it down a little :mrgreen:

10-14-2008, 12:53 AM
I second what "well' said. I have stopped cop's kids that think they "deserve" to get a warning just because who mommy and daddy are and make it know as you approach the drivers door. Make you kids pay for their own insurance or not drive. Problem Solved!! Oh, and I'm sure you spoke with the citing officer about the incident???? Stay Safe

10-14-2008, 04:13 PM
Thats a bunch of BS! No one deserves 3 citations- average citizen or LEO family, and he is known for doing that. Does every person he pulls over give him attitude?

If you are so sensitive that you have to hit someone with 3 citations for a little attitude then find another line of work. Aren't we all adults, are we supposed to be the mature ones.

As far as getting with him goes, is he approachable? Does he give anyone the time of day? NO!

I'm so tired of meeting someone for the first time, telling them where in work, and hearing," Oh you guys are mean there, don't speed in Largo". Thanks, DIsCKra.

10-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Its a shame because 95% of LPD officers are good cops. They understand the "ins and outs" of being a cop and treating cops from other agencies with respect. We do infact have one officer in our department that does not understand the meaning of discretion. Apparently he has been talked to regarding this- obviously to no avail. Writing 3 citations to one person with the economy the way it is, really isn't doing anyone a favor. Lets think outside the box... We aren't robots!!!

10-15-2008, 11:25 PM
I know there are teens that are disrespectful and mouth off to cops, but my son did not. I was on the telephone with him during the stop and when my son told him I was deputy I heard him say "I don't care". He then gave my son the citations and when my son asked how much the speeding ticket was he said "That depends on your driving record". Come on! He didn't even have the courtesy to tell him the cost that was printed on the ticket! If anyone was disrespectful it was Iskra. He obviously doesn't care about anyone or anything except building up his stats to keep his pretty pickup truck.

Again I do apologize for saying all Largo officers are not courteous. I know like all agencies there are good and bad. Be Safe Everyone!!