View Full Version : SECTOR 7

10-02-2008, 11:44 PM
What is up with the DEPUTIES in sector7????? I heard that none of them get along with one another? I know I hear them on the Radio at night and they always sound :cop: OFF..... I was thinking about transfering to that sector but I think I will wait and see how things go up there.... Can anybody tell me if this is true or not... I know where I work in sector 4/5 we all get along great, I consider 4/5 to be the best in the county. I wanted to move due to a travel issue... Well, we will see, good luck sector 7.... I hope that you guys and gals can get along.....

10-03-2008, 12:09 AM
What is up with the DEPUTIES in sector7????? I heard that none of them get along with one another? I know I hear them on the Radio at night and they always sound PISSED :cop: OFF..... I was thinking about transfering to that sector but I think I will wait and see how things go up there.... Can anybody tell me if this is true or not... I know where I work in sector 4/5 we all get along great, I consider 4/5 to be the best in the county. I wanted to move due to a travel issue... Well, we will see, good luck sector 7.... I hope that you guys and gals can get along.....

10-05-2008, 12:03 AM
This is completely not true, Ive been around all of them at one time or another, and the one thing everyone can agree on is that LYle is very, lets say, "picky". But other than that everyone seems to get along ok. Oh yeah I forgot, the female ducks calls, but what else is new???

10-05-2008, 09:25 PM
This is completely not true, Ive been around all of them at one time or another, and the one thing everyone can agree on is that LYle is very, lets say, "picky". But other than that everyone seems to get along ok. Oh yeah I forgot, the female ducks calls, but what else is new???

Hey Hey!! Lookie Lookie!! This is a "perfect" example of Sect. 7 Deputies! Saying it's completely not true in 1/2 a sentence, but if you read on, they bash 2 other Sect. 7 Deputies! What a contradiction! What idiots! Like i said before, I am so Thankful i do not work that Sector. Even if they offered more money to work there, I would stick with my "peanuts".