View Full Version : Why you are an IDIOT.

09-13-2008, 02:38 AM
Well look in the mirror and see why and if you are still not convinced let me explain it to you. You agreed to take a job with an organization that told you it will not pay you much, you said ok. You agreed that you are interested in the work schedule and time off, yet you question why am I not getting paid like the other police. You virtually sit on your tail and babysit people in a building, but you think you work very hard. You have yet to contribute anything to the betterment of the department, yet you say it sucks. You are not able to get hired by any other law enforcement agency in the state, but you want to leave the only one that hired your sorry azz. You read my post and know it is ALL true, but you still get mad. And lastly but not least you think you are somebody whose time is precious but yet you take the time to read this bullshiite blogsite. Yes my man you are a certified LOSER.

09-13-2008, 02:56 AM
Listen here you jerk! I dare you to call up the Officers at Royal Palm, JFK, Congress, any Alternative School, PB Lakes, need I go on...and ask them how they like sitting on their tail and babysiting!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously you have not worked in a school like the few I described. WELL I HAVE!! I would assist PBSO or the State with pick up orders, break up some fights, 10-15 a kid for 57 or a 0, and then some.

So you are an idoit, and have been spoon feed your entire career here at the District, and need to wake up and look around. Times have changed and we need change, we deserve better tools to deliver a superior level of service. Is it that much to ask for a COLA every year?

Its only a matter of time before this Department is gone, the writting is on the wall, I just wish you would do the same.

09-13-2008, 11:24 PM
I think to provide a better level of service like you described would force the Districts hand to spend money; and until a serious incident happens nothing will be done.

Every school is suffering because of what the District DOES NOT institute. We have such high caliber Officers here, but they can not do their job because of inadequate equipment. Each school should be ready for the unexpected. All the District needs to do is understand how valuable we are (which will never happen).

-Each school gets a marked unit, a shield, and some other form of fire power other than our side arm.
-Institute a COLA, and a half way decent step plan, and an attainable pay incentive through our evals.

These few adjustments can help keep our Officers, most of which are way above average, and are planning to leave because of the horrible condition or PD is in.

These modifications will not happen over night, and will not happen for the next 5 years or so. This is because AJ has a legit excuse this time around "we have no money". Instead of his usual attitude of "yeah we have it, but the police are not getting it'.

NOW the PBSO thing. If the majority wants change, PBSO is the only fix. Go for it, run it up the flag pole and see if AJ and his crew salute it. Its definetly worth a try, considering what we have now ZERO. We all know its out of our control, but instead of just sitting back and doing nothing, lets do something. It is a waste of time to go to the table asking the District for anything related to them spending money, becasue we will not get it, their budget is out of control.

Plain and simple PBSO can save the District money and give the Officers the tools to do their job, which in turn will provide a highER level of service to the schools we signed up to serve and protect.


09-13-2008, 11:57 PM
We have such high caliber Officers here, but they can not do their job because of inadequate equipment.

What equipment & personnel, or lack thereof, that dangerously affects us, is something we rarely see. Its the lack of dispatch equipment & personnel. From the time the middle school officers go on, till the high school officers get off, there are 161 officers on duty. We have only one terminal that can run people, cars, etc. If the dispatcher that answeres the radio is not sitting at that terminal, it has to be passed on. The dispatchers have to answer phones also. I had a dispatcher call me and apologize, explaining that he/she had to answer phones while I was trying to run the guy standing on the street corner during dismissal. When is the last time someone was killed on the phone. Not peeing off AJ and others by having the phone ring and roll over is apparently more important than officer safety. Not the dispatchers fault - it comes from higher in the food chain. Every officer can tell a tale of needing to call dispatch and not being able to transmit. This is also not Mayberry RFD. Having three dispatchers (if that many) to handle 161 officers during the day or a hundred on Friday nights doesn't hack it. PBSO does not have the dispatchers doubling as phone answerers. It would be nice that when do a traffic stop, that by the time we exit our car and walk up to the other car, that we already know if the car if a felony car or stolen and that the owners is wanted, has a criminal past, and the status of his/her license. Look at our dispatchers pay scale and that of most other agencies, and you'll wonder how we even get people to apply here. remember, they don't work our schedule. They are 24/7/365.

09-14-2008, 01:20 AM
Valid points, as stated we are in need of a software update ASAP. Our payroll department is staffed the same as it was since the "good ole days" and our dispatch is in the same boat. We need serious updates across the board, and with no money and no support from the people above our pay grade, the idea of a merger sounds alright.

09-18-2008, 10:57 PM
What equipment & personnel, or lack thereof, that dangerously affects us, is something we rarely see. Its the lack of dispatch equipment & personnel.

Today was a perfect example: At elementary dismissal time an elementary was put on lockdown because of a S/21 in progress. Other officers who were trying to go 10-50, at other elementaries, in other parts of the County, while this was going on, were told that they were going too fast for Dispatch to keep up - not the dispatcher's fault - its a lot of activity for too few. There is no guarantee that the cars that officers are stopping are all moms too busy talking on the cellphone instead of watching what they're doing in an elementary school zone. Someone could be leaving a crime or a domestic or know that there's a warrant out for them. Heck, that guy that appears to be in violation of the child restraint law might have just snatched the kid. If you're a bad guy and you know that there is a perimeter, do the smart thing: don't try to sneak through it; lay low in a pick-up line.

09-19-2008, 12:54 AM
What equipment & personnel, or lack thereof, that dangerously affects us, is something we rarely see. Its the lack of dispatch equipment & personnel.

Today was a perfect example: At elementary dismissal time an elementary was put on lockdown because of a S/21 in progress. Other officers who were trying to go 10-50, at other elementaries, in other parts of the County, while this was going on, were told that they were going too fast for Dispatch to keep up - not the dispatcher's fault - its a lot of activity for too few. There is no guarantee that the cars that officers are stopping are all moms too busy talking on the cellphone instead of watching what they're doing in an elementary school zone. Someone could be leaving a crime or a domestic or know that there's a warrant out for them. Heck, that guy that appears to be in violation of the child restraint law might have just snatched the kid. If you're a bad guy and you know that there is a perimeter, do the smart thing: don't try to sneak through it; lay low in a pick-up line.


09-19-2008, 01:29 AM
You know what, screw this!! I for one am tired of all the whinning!! Its time to speak out. Go in and tell your principals that we no longer have the resources to adequately manage a police department. Why wait? It is only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt! From what I have been told Dr. Bonehead has it in for us. We will not get anything during this round of negotiations, and we probably won't get anything for the next two years. I hope at our meeting we can vote. Once again if you have any dignity speak up. You know things are not right and were only buying time. Just remember when someone gets hurt, it most assurably will be one of us in the field. Those people at DAC, that think they are cops, will only come out after the fact, blame something on someone, and then send them to belle glade!! And buy the way for those of you who think if there is a PBSO merger you will end up on the road on midnight shift you are sooooooo wrong! Bradshaw cares about people!! Unlike our Chief. Just ask McCabe and Scniderbeck!!!!!

My Vote lets go!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-19-2008, 09:02 PM
Today I made a list. I made a list of the pros and cons about our job here at the Distrcit. The amount of negatives out weighed the positives. Until recently I could not care less about a PBSO merger, but now I think a merger as a good idea. I remember the Chief explaining to us how there will be no pay raises for the next two years. This is not a good thing. In addition to being understaffed and under equipped, we are now under paid. If you are planning on receiving money from the FRS, these raises will effect it, and every little bit helps.

The Chief will not let this department go to PBSO, but he is in the DROP and soon enough he WILL retire, and then the green dream will obviously come true. I see nothing but hard times ahead, and the only significant chance we have at saving ourselves is a merger.

The Chief has proven to us that he does not care about his Officers, and if you think he does provide examples! We get no raises, but he promotes Sgt's and Comm's???

I would suggest not just explaing to the Principals how poorly equipped our Officers are, but to write a letter to AJ being professional, and explaining the benefits of a PBSO merger. This will make things happen quickly.

Make your list of pros and cons, lets join old and young, and provide a better level of service to the schools by a merger.

09-20-2008, 01:10 AM

09-20-2008, 04:58 PM
Please review



09-21-2008, 09:52 PM
Please review




Your link was broken, I fixed it. Very funny by the way