View Full Version : Many Republicans did not vote

08-30-2008, 01:41 AM
I have it through good sources that some Republicans did not make a vote at all in the Sheriff race (primary) because they wanted to vote for Dermer. Dermer was simply hiding behind the Democrat label, all who knows him knows how conservative he really is (this I didnt like about him). However if this is true and now all know he is backing White, this is bad for Bogart. This guy speakes well and in my opinion won every debate. Even though he didnt get my vote either, White was smart to recruit him quick. There are a lot of Dems and Repubs that do trust this guy but dont think he was ready yet to be Sheriff. I agree with the newspaper, this is a blow to the Democratic party and this is one reason the Republicans always stay one step ahead of us (Plannng).

08-30-2008, 09:03 AM
I have it through good sources that some Republicans did not make a vote at all in the Sheriff race (primary) because they wanted to vote for Dermer. Dermer was simply hiding behind the Democrat label, all who knows him knows how conservative he really is (this I didnt like about him). However if this is true and now all know he is backing White, this is bad for Bogart. This guy speakes well and in my opinion won every debate. Even though he didnt get my vote either, White was smart to recruit him quick. There are a lot of Dems and Repubs that do trust this guy but dont think he was ready yet to be Sheriff. I agree with the newspaper, this is a blow to the Democratic party and this is one reason the Republicans always stay one step ahead of us (Plannng).

You have it thru good sources? You are so full of it. Dreamer was a FLOP and never got traction. Dreamer never stood a chance from the beginning and turned out to be a traitor to the workers he said he wanted to help. Dreamer is a fool and I’m glad he lost. 75% to 25% must have sent him over the edge, because the true Dreamer came out and screwed us over. So don't come on here and say Dreamer was over looked because Rep couldn't vote for him. Hell, most probably didn't know who he was.

This is from his own web page:

My Promise to the Citizens of Pasco County:

“I pledge to the citizens of this county that we will fundamentally change the culture of the Sheriff's office by changing the way we do business.”
He must have thought there was a problem with the way "HIS MENTOR" did things.
Increase the number of deputies on the streets by introducing legislation that will make the offender pay out of their pocket for each crime they commit.
He agreed we are short handed because of BW's BOCC tactics.

Reduce violent and drug related crime by implementing a new more intensive asset seizure program. Agrees the crime rate is rising every year and there is a problem.

Reduce violent and drug related crime by implementing a school community policing violence prevention program.

Restructure the Sheriff's Office from the top down scrutinizing costs to make our department the most efficient and effective police organization in the tri-county area.
He sees the over paid top heavy administration we have. Hell secretaries have secretaries. HR managers have managers.

Improve professionalism, employee morale and productivity by establishing an employee round table which will enable the deputies and other line staff to make decisions that will directly effect the direction of the agency.
He seems to admit morale sucks because of BW.

Play an active role in the community and be accessible to all Pasco County residents
Is that another complaint, that BW is only available to a select few?

Do you see? Dreamer had it right in the beginning but lost it along the way and sold his soul.

08-30-2008, 10:00 AM
Then riddle me this. Why did Bogart switch from democrat to republican two weeks before he announced his run for sheriff. Ask him. He knew he couldn't beat White in the primary. Hard core voters see this as a flip flop.

08-30-2008, 01:14 PM
I have it through good sources that some Republicans did not make a vote at all in the Sheriff race (primary) because they wanted to vote for Dermer. Dermer was simply hiding behind the Democrat label, all who knows him knows how conservative he really is (this I didnt like about him). However if this is true and now all know he is backing White, this is bad for Bogart. This guy speakes well and in my opinion won every debate. Even though he didnt get my vote either, White was smart to recruit him quick. There are a lot of Dems and Repubs that do trust this guy but dont think he was ready yet to be Sheriff. I agree with the newspaper, this is a blow to the Democratic party and this is one reason the Republicans always stay one step ahead of us (Plannng).

You have it thru good sources? You are so full of it. Dreamer was a FLOP and never got traction. Dreamer never stood a chance from the beginning and turned out to be a traitor to the workers he said he wanted to help. Dreamer is a fool and I’m glad he lost. 75% to 25% must have sent him over the edge, because the true Dreamer came out and screwed us over. So don't come on here and say Dreamer was over looked because Rep couldn't vote for him. Hell, most probably didn't know who he was.

This is from his own web page:

My Promise to the Citizens of Pasco County:

“I pledge to the citizens of this county that we will fundamentally change the culture of the Sheriff's office by changing the way we do business.”
He must have thought there was a problem with the way "HIS MENTOR" did things.
Increase the number of deputies on the streets by introducing legislation that will make the offender pay out of their pocket for each crime they commit.
He agreed we are short handed because of BW's BOCC tactics.

Reduce violent and drug related crime by implementing a new more intensive asset seizure program. Agrees the crime rate is rising every year and there is a problem.

Reduce violent and drug related crime by implementing a school community policing violence prevention program.

Restructure the Sheriff's Office from the top down scrutinizing costs to make our department the most efficient and effective police organization in the tri-county area.
He sees the over paid top heavy administration we have. Hell secretaries have secretaries. HR managers have managers.

Improve professionalism, employee morale and productivity by establishing an employee round table which will enable the deputies and other line staff to make decisions that will directly effect the direction of the agency.
He seems to admit morale sucks because of BW.

Play an active role in the community and be accessible to all Pasco County residents
Is that another complaint, that BW is only available to a select few?

Do you see? Dreamer had it right in the beginning but lost it along the way and sold his soul.

You dont seem to understand, I agree with you, but I'm telling you for a fact ,many Repubs loved the guy. I'm just saying we should have recruited him as soon as this was over. The reason he didnt get more vote is many think he just was not ready. I will tell a lot of people like the guy, and can you imagine if we had Sully and hm, it would have been hands down victory. As to my sources maybe they are full of crap, but this is what I was told, I'm with you not against you (BOGART 2008!)

08-30-2008, 03:03 PM
My Bad. It's just Dermer really disappointed us and we feel betrayed, that's all.
Bogart '08

08-30-2008, 05:23 PM
Is the sme to be said about Sully now. Just admit it Sullivan Bogart and Weinstein have been running your show from the start. How can you guys be shocked at where Deremer put his faith. There are things personal about Bogart that are disgusting that I'm not going to repeat. Just ask yourself this Why do you think Caliente is such a STRONG supporter of Bogart.

08-31-2008, 03:15 AM
Is the sme to be said about Sully now. Just admit it Sullivan Bogart and Weinstein have been running your show from the start. How can you guys be shocked at where Deremer put his faith. There are things personal about Bogart that are disgusting that I'm not going to repeat. Just ask yourself this Why do you think Caliente is such a STRONG supporter of Bogart.


08-31-2008, 04:14 AM

Last time I checked there was this little thing called free speech?

KB: Mr. Judge they called me names on LEO Affairs and I want a subpeona..... now!

Judge: Now Kim what did they say that warrants a court order to obtain protected information?

KB: Never mind, some of my uneducated sign slayers got me pumped up on skittles!

A LEO Affairs drama in the papers is just what BOGARsTein really needs, maybe he could put Capt. Gell or Alta on the case!

I can't support Bogart if Alta, Gell, Carpenter, Wienstein, Sully, Orville, Leon Cannon, Darlene and Brooks are funding him...WHAT THE FxxK !

What a camp of characters!

09-01-2008, 04:34 AM
Evidently you must be a civilian or a C.O. There is a difference between Free Speech and Liable Slander that is baseless and un-factual and causes harm to one's reputation resulting in a personal detriment or loss. So read a law book instead of Hustler and you might learn something. I was only trying to give you some free advice, but evidently you’re the lawyer, not me.

09-01-2008, 10:23 AM
Motives of two candidates for sheriff are questioned
By Molly Moorhead, Times Staff Writer
In print: Monday, September 1, 2008

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Months before a single vote was cast in the sheriff's primary, hundreds of anonymous postings on a popular law enforcement Web site declared an alternate truth about the candidates.

"The voters will know about this collaboration of the two working together to oust the sheriff," one poster wrote on a leoaffairs.com message board Aug. 15.

"Bogart, Sully. All the same people," another wrote back in February.

The belief was that two of the candidates, Republican Robert Sullivan and Democrat Jeff Deremer, got into the race to be "crash dummies" who were running only to drain energy and cash from the stronger contenders. Sullivan would help clear the way in the general election for Democrat Kim Bogart. Deremer would weaken Bogart for Republican Sheriff Bob White.

The rhetoric was largely ignored throughout the campaign, never prompting public denials. But days after last week's primary was over, the two losing candidates poured more gasoline on the fiery rumor.

Crossing party lines, Deremer endorsed White, and Sullivan backed Bogart.

• • •

Everybody denies the crash dummy charge.

"I wanted to be sheriff to help deputies have a good place to work and the citizens have a safe place to live," Deremer said last week.

Sullivan said he would never have endured the grueling campaign schedule if he wasn't serious about being elected.

"I am not close enough friends with anybody to put my family through what we just went through for seven months just to improve somebody's odds," he said.

White, through his spokesman, unequivocally denied he had anything to do with Deremer running.

• • •

Deremer, a 38-year-old probation officer, was a newly minted Democrat and political neophyte when he went to a party leader last fall for advice on how to launch his campaign.

Michael Cox, a Democratic County Commissioner, told Deremer he knew of another man who was thinking of running, and the two of them should meet.

Deremer remembers thinking that the Democrats gathered around Cox's kitchen table were collectively in favor of Kim Bogart, a former Sheriff's Office administrator who became a consultant to other agencies.

Their reasoning, he said, came down to who had the needed supervisory experience to run the large agency.

"They were trying to talk me out of running," Deremer said.

Sullivan, 47, got similarly discouraging signals from Republican leaders. Several supported him quietly, he says, but not financially. Throughout the campaign, he had only a handful of conversations with Pasco GOP chairman Bill Bunting, who said he kept his distance from Sullivan and just asked him to run a clean campaign.

A few weeks after filing to run, Sullivan called state Sen. Mike Fasano, an influential Pasco Republican, as a courtesy to let him know he was running.

When Fasano called back, he had tough words.

"He (White) will pulverize you with money," Sullivan said Fasano told him. "He said, 'You cannot win.'"

Fasano says he didn't try to talk Sullivan out of running, adding that he has a lot of respect for him.

"I told him I support the sheriff," Fasano said.

• • •

So why the cross-party endorsements?

Deremer called Bogart a "pure politician" who is duping voters. White, he said, has morals and integrity.

"I just trust the man. We have some small differences," he said. "I just felt like he was being truthful with the public."

Sullivan and Bogart have been friends since the 1980s when they worked together at the Sheriff's Office.

Sullivan said he struggled with the endorsement because of party loyalty, but he doesn't think the sheriff's race should be partisan.

After months of attacking White's record on issues like spending, he said he would appear a hypocrite to back him now.

Bogart, he said, is "a lawman, a proven administrator, a proven leader."

Molly Moorhead can be reached at moorhead@sptimes.com or (727) 869-6245.

[Last modified: Aug 31, 2008 07:20 PM]

09-01-2008, 03:10 PM
The day someone gets a liable suit for talking smack about a political candidate is the day it will be time for another revolution. Stop the scare tactics.