View Full Version : What are you about?

08-27-2008, 03:26 PM
I am trying to start something here...

What is your favorite thing to do during your shift?

What is your least favorite thing?

Please be serious...let's learn something hear other than who is sleeping with who or who pissed you off this week. This is a chance to make us all better...your post might teach a rook something that could save a life.


Talking to people: on traffic stops, during FI's, at the gas station...what ever! Developing informants helps put bad guys in jail. Bums...sorry...the residentially challenged aren't much fun to talk to, but they have good intel.

BS status 2's: I hate writing the "someone took my pain pills" complaint. It sucks to take a report from someone who is just trying to get more pills...even if you write is as an investigation instead of a theft.

10-16-2008, 05:39 PM
Kind of what I thought... posting stuff that is informative or productive would be wrong huh? didn't even get the wise guy response of getting 10-10 or dropping 43 at the bathroom...Guess you have to start a thread by bashing someone to get a response out of yall.

10-17-2008, 01:03 AM
Nightknight.......I think your post got lost in the mix of all the other BS ones.

Favorite: Talking to the non-criminals, helping the public, catching the bad guy, and giving kids a positive role model...:)

Least favorite thing: listening to all the BS going on in out department. Let me do my job and leave me alone!!!