View Full Version : JUSTICE vs. INJUSTICE

08-21-2008, 04:28 PM
There have been many times in my career here at BSO where I have seen things that you have to question, even if it's just to yourself. Why did this happen, or why did that happen? I think what it mostly comes down to is politics, plain and simple. Why did that person get the promotion, we all know most promotions here are from the good ol boy school, and especially in the previous administrations the empty suits all sat around the big table to decide who was going to get picked for stripes and bars. I've had the opportunity to see many incompetent people move up the promotion ladder because they knew "SOMEONE", not for their skill or knowledge. I even saw three people get the jobs they wanted as they were big contirbutors to Navarro's campaign, two are gone but one is still here, now with the rank of captain. He can't manage people much less his own personal life but now he is a big shot. It would be interesting to hear of anyone else that has seen the injustices that have been way too frequent at BSO.

08-21-2008, 06:43 PM
I agree what you have to say, I too have seen plenty of injustice. However, this goes on all over the country, not just for law enforcement but with almost any job. The problem with BSO is that we are the largest fully accredited agency and therefore other agencies look up to us, sort of like a "big brother" But when they read leoaffairs, local news articles and other such information, we look like the largest group of immature, screwed up, racist, sexist idiots in law enforcement.

I just came back from vacation two months ago from the west coast. I spoke to some LAPD officers out there and I spoke of where I work and who I work for. I kept it all positive, trying to come across as if BSO is such a great place to work, the problem was these officers already knew about BSO and flat out told me how screwed up BSO is- just from this website alone! I was completely embarrased for sticking up for this agency and learned never to do that again.

It really is a shame how disfunctional our family is, instead of ripping each other to shreads we are supposed to be helping each other, taking care of each other not suing each other. I truly see a dark future no matter who gets into office as Sheriff. Lamberti failed so far, if someone else does become a new sheriff, it will be interesting what direction they bring us. Will we continue down the road of destruction or will we unite together and make sure all of us/public abide by the laws, we save lifes, protect property and back each other up? When I applied for this job that is what I was expecting to do, help the public. Now I just watch my back, keep my mouth shut and pray to god everyday we don't have to notify another family member to put a black band around the badge.

This agency doesn't know what law enforcement is, but they do know how to complain, how to lie, how to rat others out for the benefit of themselves and not the benefit of the agency or because the action was illegal. All our employees care about is me, me, me istead of asking "how can I help you" Our brass encourages division instead of unity, they encourage us to not take reports or close out cases instead of doing our jobs. If we get into a shooting, we should not have to worry about the battle between Lamberti and the PBA, we should not have to worry whether or not IA or CI will get us fired, we should be confident in our actions and know that our boss has our backs. If one of us wants to be heavy handed on someone, then it should be 100% justified, if you have any doubts then become a bouncer at a club. Our job still has some security, but other agencies around the country are already laying off their LEO's/detention officers/brass. We should all appreciate this but from the comments I read on this site- we don't.

This agency has soooo many flaws it's rediculous. If only someone would do their job and start really looking at the problem and fix it instead of sweeping it under the carpet, this agency could really have potentional of being great. Instead we are a joke of the law enforcement community, and to be honest with you, we deserve it. We are not just a joke to our agency employees but don't forget we are a joke to our own personal families, my family is just as disgusted with us but it puts food on the table. Our personal families are making sacrifices for BSO, but of course the brass doesn't see that. Does anyone know what family means? Does anyone know what law enforcement means?

Lord help us.

08-21-2008, 08:59 PM
I agree what you have to say, I too have seen plenty of injustice. However, this goes on all over the country, not just for law enforcement but with almost any job. The problem with BSO is that we are the largest fully accredited agency and therefore other agencies look up to us, sort of like a "big brother" But when they read leoaffairs, local news articles and other such information, we look like the largest group of immature, screwed up, racist, sexist idiots in law enforcement.

I just came back from vacation two months ago from the west coast. I spoke to some LAPD officers out there and I spoke of where I work and who I work for. I kept it all positive, trying to come across as if BSO is such a great place to work, the problem was these officers already knew about BSO and flat out told me how screwed up BSO is- just from this website alone! I was completely embarrased for sticking up for this agency and learned never to do that again.

It really is a shame how disfunctional our family is, instead of ripping each other to shreads we are supposed to be helping each other, taking care of each other not suing each other. I truly see a dark future no matter who gets into office as Sheriff. Lamberti failed so far, if someone else does become a new sheriff, it will be interesting what direction they bring us. Will we continue down the road of destruction or will we unite together and make sure all of us/public abide by the laws, we save lifes, protect property and back each other up? When I applied for this job that is what I was expecting to do, help the public. Now I just watch my back, keep my mouth shut and pray to god everyday we don't have to notify another family member to put a black band around the badge.

This agency doesn't know what law enforcement is, but they do know how to complain, how to lie, how to rat others out for the benefit of themselves and not the benefit of the agency or because the action was illegal. All our employees care about is me, me, me istead of asking "how can I help you" Our brass encourages division instead of unity, they encourage us to not take reports or close out cases instead of doing our jobs. If we get into a shooting, we should not have to worry about the battle between Lamberti and the PBA, we should not have to worry whether or not IA or CI will get us fired, we should be confident in our actions and know that our boss has our backs. If one of us wants to be heavy handed on someone, then it should be 100% justified, if you have any doubts then become a bouncer at a club. Our job still has some security, but other agencies around the country are already laying off their LEO's/detention officers/brass. We should all appreciate this but from the comments I read on this site- we don't.

This agency has soooo many flaws it's rediculous. If only someone would do their job and start really looking at the problem and fix it instead of sweeping it under the carpet, this agency could really have potentional of being great. Instead we are a joke of the law enforcement community, and to be honest with you, we deserve it. We are not just a joke to our agency employees but don't forget we are a joke to our own personal families, my family is just as disgusted with us but it puts food on the table. Our personal families are making sacrifices for BSO, but of course the brass doesn't see that. Does anyone know what family means? Does anyone know what law enforcement means?

Lord help us.

I couldn't have said it better! I have two friends that work for L.A. County SD. Being that all Los Angeles County deputies attend one type of academy, and have full California Peace officer status, they have often asked me why do we have two different types of deputies in our dept. Trying to answer that question is always a challenge. The fact that BSO enjoys the hatred, hostility and division between the cops and jailers within it's own house is sickening. You can notice it everyday, at work, at training, at the PSB and yes, at funerals too.

Lord help us? We'll destroy each other long before he steps in to help.

08-22-2008, 01:16 AM
Once again it all comes down to ethics and people can be brought. Everyone was aware but did nothing during the falsifying of reports, giving chiefs money to lie about stats, locking deputies into worthless operational plans that had no results, chiefs afraid to ask for assistance, armchair leaders questioning stupid things while real problems were just ignored. Everyone who got caught deserved what happened to them. Unfortunately the group that sat around the big table walked away with a ton of money in their pockets. This all happened because almost everyone from the rank of lieutenant and above were chicken to speak the truth. Just like if a deputy does not answer a call, maybe it will go away. There is nothing left at the command level in this agency. Far too many leaders were promoted for all the wrong reasons and now they believe that they did earn the rank. I remember back when it was an honor to be a police officer, there was respect and the criminals knew if they did wrong the police would chase them until they were caught. And the arrest was worst than going to jail. BSO is filled with leaders that do not or do not know how to back their people. It is all about them. What is in it for me? Everyone, everyone knew about the corruption but those who could have made a difference and changed the environment chose not to because they took money or got promoted to keep quiet. What is needed, like it or not, is to rebuild the trust from the inside to the community and that will only happen when the leadership, the entire leadership is long gone. Too bad not one person in the race for sheriff will be good for the agency. You need at smart educated qualified time proven lieutenant to take over the agency.

08-22-2008, 04:14 AM
Once again it all comes down to ethics and people can be brought. Everyone was aware but did nothing during the falsifying of reports, giving chiefs money to lie about stats, locking deputies into worthless operational plans that had no results, chiefs afraid to ask for assistance, armchair leaders questioning stupid things while real problems were just ignored. Everyone who got caught deserved what happened to them. Unfortunately the group that sat around the big table walked away with a ton of money in their pockets. This all happened because almost everyone from the rank of lieutenant and above were chicken to speak the truth. Just like if a deputy does not answer a call, maybe it will go away. There is nothing left at the command level in this agency. Far too many leaders were promoted for all the wrong reasons and now they believe that they did earn the rank. I remember back when it was an honor to be a police officer, there was respect and the criminals knew if they did wrong the police would chase them until they were caught. And the arrest was worst than going to jail. BSO is filled with leaders that do not or do not know how to back their people. It is all about them. What is in it for me? Everyone, everyone knew about the corruption but those who could have made a difference and changed the environment chose not to because they took money or got promoted to keep quiet. What is needed, like it or not, is to rebuild the trust from the inside to the community and that will only happen when the leadership, the entire leadership is long gone. Too bad not one person in the race for sheriff will be good for the agency. You need at smart educated qualified time proven lieutenant to take over the agency. Not to many will argue with this...and changes will be made beginning August 26..."You know me"..you sound like a compassionate individual and dedicated LEO..keep your head up and hold to the truth..and honor..and Stay Safe TP II

08-22-2008, 08:15 AM
You sound like a wonderful man, and you are what our forces need. It is a shame that a lot of LEO's do not think the way you do. I mean there is good and bad in every one and everything. Thank God for you. I wish you had worked my daughter case. When will BSO get back to the way it was before jk came. Will things ever change? There are a lot of good men on that force that has been runied. will Broward prayers be answered?

08-22-2008, 08:19 PM
quote] Not to many will argue with this...and changes will be made beginning August 26..."You know me"..you sound like a compassionate individual and dedicated LEO..keep your head up and hold to the truth..and honor..and Stay Safe TP II[/quote]

I'm sorry but nothing has been done since last year when Lamberti started, I don't see much changing August 26th either. I agree with above, I don't see anyone running right now who is really qualified to take over this mess. Don't forget too that Lamberti is considered part of the rat pack POWERTRAC majors who did nothing but sit back and watch along with DeFuria, Tierney, Rogers, etc. This agency is too big and has too many problems, start down sizing the agency by getting rid of those nonsense jobs and maybe we can start to have a new begining.

I lost hope. When Lamberti first got in I was so happy and really believed him when he said it was time for change. I made the mistake of believing another politician, he was all lies. Nothing has been done as far as cleaning house, the LEO contract is mediocre and training is still ineffective. The CI division is still tweeking cases, problem employees are still getting away with unlawful acts and we still get our butts kicked out there, whether we work on the road or detention, and we still have to worry about how BSO is going to screw with us. There are still a lot of hard working, ethical employees in this agency, unfortunately none that I can see at the brass level.

I have worked for this agency for a number of years and I have to say that I lost hope in this agency. What should have been our opportunity with Lamberti has really been another disgrace.

Like I said before, I dread the day we have to put on the black bands. It's a shame, some police agencies go on for decades without burying an officer, here it's becoming a yearly thing. Something needs to change soon before we are over grown with unethical practices.........actually I think we are already at that point. I count the days to retirement, yet I love the job. I love the profession but not the uniform. I have too much seniority to start over and yet too young to retire.

I have tried so hard in the past to keep my morale up, but because of BSO practices, morale is in the tubes. Encouraging unethical/illegal behavior is rediculous. I swore to protect and serve and that is what keeps me going everyday. I stand behind my own ethics and will continue to do so no matter who becomes sheriff.

Lamberti- you lost my hope in you. I tried but I have to say that you failed me. Not Jenne, not the PBA and not the citizens, YOU. We are approaching a year soon and you changed a few signs and added new bumber stickers but you forgot your people. If you don't support us than how do you expect us to support you? By asking for money for your campaign? You have officially crossed over and is 100% politician and 0% cop. As for the rest of those running for sheriff, don't bother, no one running is really looking out for the best interest of the agency but is looking out for the best interest for themselves. They already have their buddies lined up if they become sheriff.

Why doesn't anyone ask the "bottom" staff what they recommend? Why is the "bottom" staff afraid to talk the truth when asked questions? How about the sheriff doing ride alongs maybe on the midnight shift in Pompano, or maybe ride with the highway unit during school hours? The sheriff needs to be directly involved with his people and not protected so much by the brass around him. Why is it so difficult for me to call the sheriff and say "Sheriff, how about we discuss this issue"? or "Sheriff, maybe we need extra help in this area"? This is called the grass roots method. it won't hurt for the sheriff to get involved with his law enforecment/detention/fire community instead of campaigning so much. It doesn't matter what our background is or our education, it doesn't take much for the sheriff to approach us and ask for a recommendation about something. A simple question to ask us not only makes us feel that the sheriff is trying to work with us but also makes us feel a sense of worth and that we are involved with this "family."

Something needs to change but I trully don't believe it's going to happen anytime within the next four years. I said it before and will say it again, Lord help us!

08-22-2008, 08:35 PM
BSO will never change. You guys sound like you still believe in Santa. As long as the public elects Giants of morality like Navarro, Cochran, & Jenne we will get what we deserve. Don't blame LEOAFFAIRS. Blame the public and the Administration. We are what they made us.

08-23-2008, 10:48 AM
Guest: I agree with you but you also misunderstood me. I did not blame LEO Affairs, I blame Lamberti, the Majors, CI, IA, etc. So therefore I blame administration, please do not put words in my mouth.

LEOAFFAIRS could be a very resourceful tool to LEO's however this agency insists on using to act like children. This agency likes to feed off of racial slurs, obnoxious comments and libel. For those of us who are hard working eithical people, we know what LEO was made for and we know the people we work with and therefore it is no surprise that this agency has the most comments on this website.

You can be a very intelligent person, however a simple comment that comes out of someones mouth or typed by someones fingers really tells a lot about a person. Name calling and false comments is what feeds this site and is what runs this agency. Others agencies are no where near as bad as ours. This just shows you, the public, and other agencies how rediculous we are.

One of the funniest things about this site is that one of Lamberti's own "boys" is the one who posts the most comments. If you know this agency you know that some guy, BB/TP, likes to make things up about people, defend Lamberti and call others Morons, Jerks or Idiots. So if Lamberti's right hand man is making these comments than you know Lamberti agrees with the comments made otherwise he would keep this person quiet. All this shows the mentality of Lamberti's administration, childish and immature.

I read a lot of comments on this site and besides the guy mentioned above you also have Detectives talking about cases on this site and you have other deputies posting untruthful comments. BSO tried to shut employees out by removing this site from all BSO computers however this does not stop employees from commenting at home. I guess BSO legal finally researched Libel and realizes that anyone posting improper comments are not only a violation of policy but also opens SO up for a lawsuit. I already heard about one lawsuit in the works, whether it's rumor or not I don't know but after researching what I heard and seeing the comments for myself, it can be a good suit. Although I am not one to file complaints I believe a couple of employees may have good cases against SO just from this site alone.

We know that the Sheriff cannot stop people from posting comments, first amenment right, however we all agreed as employees not to discuss confidential information and always act in a professional manner. It's in our policy and ethics code however since employees are violating policy left and right, this is just one more to add in the list of things Lamberti's admin will not address. A violation of policy should be investigated by IA/PC, instead nothing is done about any of this except a few personal attacks on some people who angered admin.

Unfortunately this is who we work for again! Lamberti = Jenne! (not much of a difference)

The comments that I post are from personal experiences that I have seen for myself. If it's a rumor I will say I heard a rumor, if It's something I experienced, then I will say I was there. This is called being truthful. Name calling is immature and untruthfulness is illegal, immature and unethical. I think Major G needs to add a few more eithics classes to the training schedule, then again that would be like beating a dead horse.

Again, Lord help us and watch over us.

08-23-2008, 10:55 AM
Here we go again! Lawsuit over this site. Well it better not be with tax payer funds supporting our legal staff's big fat salaries. How ridiculous can you be? Suing someone over stuff written here. You have to show damages so dummy up. You might have been embarrassed but damaged? If you didn't get that promotion maybe it's your lack of education, integrity and experience.

08-23-2008, 12:17 PM
quote] Not to many will argue with this...and changes will be made beginning August 26..."You know me"..you sound like a compassionate individual and dedicated LEO..keep your head up and hold to the truth..and honor..and Stay Safe TP II

I'm sorry but nothing has been done since last year when Lamberti started, I don't see much changing August 26th either. I agree with above, I don't see anyone running right now who is really qualified to take over this mess. Don't forget too that Lamberti is considered part of the rat pack POWERTRAC majors who did nothing but sit back and watch along with DeFuria, Tierney, Rogers, etc. This agency is too big and has too many problems, start down sizing the agency by getting rid of those nonsense jobs and maybe we can start to have a new begining.

I lost hope. When Lamberti first got in I was so happy and really believed him when he said it was time for change. I made the mistake of believing another politician, he was all lies. Nothing has been done as far as cleaning house, the LEO contract is mediocre and training is still ineffective. The CI division is still tweeking cases, problem employees are still getting away with unlawful acts and we still get our butts kicked out there, whether we work on the road or detention, and we still have to worry about how BSO is going to screw with us. There are still a lot of hard working, ethical employees in this agency, unfortunately none that I can see at the brass level.

I have worked for this agency for a number of years and I have to say that I lost hope in this agency. What should have been our opportunity with Lamberti has really been another disgrace.

Like I said before, I dread the day we have to put on the black bands. It's a shame, some police agencies go on for decades without burying an officer, here it's becoming a yearly thing. Something needs to change soon before we are over grown with unethical practices.........actually I think we are already at that point. I count the days to retirement, yet I love the job. I love the profession but not the uniform. I have too much seniority to start over and yet too young to retire.

I have tried so hard in the past to keep my morale up, but because of BSO practices, morale is in the tubes. Encouraging unethical/illegal behavior is rediculous. I swore to protect and serve and that is what keeps me going everyday. I stand behind my own ethics and will continue to do so no matter who becomes sheriff.

Lamberti- you lost my hope in you. I tried but I have to say that you failed me. Not Jenne, not the PBA and not the citizens, YOU. We are approaching a year soon and you changed a few signs and added new bumber stickers but you forgot your people. If you don't support us than how do you expect us to support you? By asking for money for your campaign? You have officially crossed over and is 100% politician and 0% cop. As for the rest of those running for sheriff, don't bother, no one running is really looking out for the best interest of the agency but is looking out for the best interest for themselves. They already have their buddies lined up if they become sheriff.

Why doesn't anyone ask the "bottom" staff what they recommend? Why is the "bottom" staff afraid to talk the truth when asked questions? How about the sheriff doing ride alongs maybe on the midnight shift in Pompano, or maybe ride with the highway unit during school hours? The sheriff needs to be directly involved with his people and not protected so much by the brass around him. Why is it so difficult for me to call the sheriff and say "Sheriff, how about we discuss this issue"? or "Sheriff, maybe we need extra help in this area"? This is called the grass roots method. it won't hurt for the sheriff to get involved with his law enforecment/detention/fire community instead of campaigning so much. It doesn't matter what our background is or our education, it doesn't take much for the sheriff to approach us and ask for a recommendation about something. A simple question to ask us not only makes us feel that the sheriff is trying to work with us but also makes us feel a sense of worth and that we are involved with this "family."

Something needs to change but I trully don't believe it's going to happen anytime within the next four years. I said it before and will say it again, Lord help us![/quote]

DEAR DEAD LEO: Clearly you are depressed. Do something about it or it will get worse. ( (The right) anti-depressant medication combined with pshycotherapy could help pull you out of a depression). I highly recommend this, because living in a state of depression becomes normal, until you look back on it and see how much time was wasted. Start today because it may take time to find the correct medication and a therapist that is right for you. If you don't try something, you may not get better, and you probably will get worse. (just remember to keep it private). Also, reduce beer, increase walking. etc. and go see the movie: Henry Poole was Here. (It got three and a half stars by the way).

You are also a caring and intelligent individual. Please take care of YOUR SELF, and then consider giving back, by the way of mentoring a younger deputy. I believe that old school cops must instill the facts of life into the "me" generation of cops. Many things you state above are true, other things I disagree with. Regardless, your view does have a black cloud, my view does not. I've been here more than 25 years and have lived through it all, and still manage to view the future as one that will improve "because of" Sheriff Lamberti. Good Luck Dead Leo. (Go get out your Vista or Humana book and pick someone to call Monday morning).