View Full Version : Consolidation Issue

08-15-2008, 01:35 PM
I recently learned that my opponent had attempted to twist my views that were expressed recently regarding my viewpoints. Just to make my position clear:

I have never stated that I would favor total consolidation. What I stated to the interviewers, and at local forums, simply put:

I believe that ancillary support functions that are duplicated need to be looked at and considered for consolidation.

• Communications - we all realize that we as police officers would benefit from a central dispatch system so that we could communicate with each other and benefit from the shared knowledge. All agencies would be able to assist in real time vs. having to try and figure out what is going on after the fact and getting muddled translation through numerous persons.

• Prisoner transport - this is a luxury that has shown dramatic effects in keeping our troops on the street and not in the waiting status at the sally port waiting in line.

• Crime Scene Processing - The ability to have all crime scene evidence processed and stored in one location is obvious.

• Reporting - The ability to have one data base for reports is clearly the way to proceed. Officers would be able to review cases in real time and benefit from the aspect of no time delay when attempting to track suspects that may or may not be in the immediate area where they created the crime. Let’s face it; the same criminals that commit crimes in one area don't stop at the jurisdictional borders.

• My other comments regarding limited consolidation were concerning the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and the county administration. I spoke of our fleet maintenance combining with County Fleet Maintenance, attorney staff, etc.

My opponent has attempted to skillfully twist this concept into something that he termed as a "strong arm takeover of municipalities." This could not be further from the truth, and I have never proposed, or considered it as a practicality. Again, I am faced with some unscrupulous campaign activities on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it leads to some misconceptions and doubt.

Just to reiterate, I propose limited combination of efforts in support areas to save the taxpayers’ money, make US ALL more effective and give us all a leg up in the effort to get the job done. I believe in my heart and mind this is the correct thing to do. If you care to discuss it, please feel free to contact me at 422-7197.

Thank you,

John Pikramenos