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08-02-2008, 06:01 PM
God forbid a 19 year old has a beer. 18-20 year olds are dying for our country overseas right now!!!

Underage Drinking Crackdown Save Email Print

Posted: 10:39 PM Aug 1, 2008
Last Updated: 10:32 AM Aug 2, 2008
Reporter: Heather Biance
Email Address: heather.biance@wctv.tv


A | A | A Tallahassee (FL) Underage drinkers beware, Police will be out Friday night cracking down on under age drinkers.

Florida Highway Patrol and numerous other agencies will hit the Tallahassee strip to make sure ID's are being checked and that there is no underage drinking going on inside any of the bars.

Authorities will also be inspecting each bar to make sure they are up to code and meet all statutes.

There will be another underage drinking crackdown on August 8th.

08-02-2008, 11:54 PM
Glad to see the crackdown. Too bad it didn't happen in Pinellas County prior to the three Troopers being run over by a 19 year old signal 1 in May 2007. He drove through a signal 7 scene causing one trooper to have to retire due to permanent injuries, another who may never return to LEO work due to injuries, and the third trooper who was out on disability for 7 months.

The DRUNK TEEN was sentenced to 4 years in prison last month for the carnage he caused the three troopers.
So, let's, PLEASE, keep up the pressure to eliminate underage drinking and perhaps save LEO's lives. :cop: :oops:

08-03-2008, 05:21 AM
There is a BIG difference between someone drinking and someone drinking and driving.

08-05-2008, 03:12 PM
I am surprised FHP got involved with this. Outside usual activities. I am not complaining, its good to see us getting involved with other things. However, I would rather us do things such as Violent Crime Task forces. We did this in Jax not to long ago and it was responded to positively by both locals, SO, and us.

08-05-2008, 04:34 PM
Who has deleted posts from this topic? Looks as fishy as when the mods say a post has been "moved" and then you click on it to see where it has been moved, and it has been deleted by the overzealous "mods". Just what are you clowns trying to cover up on this message board, where freedom of speech is supposedly held to the highest degree?

08-05-2008, 04:43 PM
Who has deleted posts from this topic? Looks as fishy as when the mods say a post has been "moved" and then you click on it to see where it has been moved, and it has been deleted by the overzealous "mods". Just what are you clowns trying to cover up on this message board, where freedom of speech is supposedly held to the highest degree?

I'm confused. Nothing has been deleted from this thread from what I can see.

08-05-2008, 05:06 PM
There are some original replies to this post that have magically disappeared. Mainly, ones that referenced a Naples trooper (yet still didn't violate the terms of use because it made no mention of a name).

08-05-2008, 05:07 PM
They don't like the Naples trooper getting explsed for his misdeeds. The highway Patrol and LEO Affairs are both protecting him.

mod 511
08-05-2008, 05:47 PM
They don't like the Naples trooper getting explsed for his misdeeds. The highway Patrol and LEO Affairs are both protecting him.

I don't even know the Naples trooper. I'm actually protecting all of us when I remove posts. We all wear the same uniform and it comes down on all of us. I'm going to continue to delete posts that I don't like. If you continue you will be banned.

P.s. This post is about the "Underage Drinking Crackdown" and anything off topic gets moved or deleted..

Thank you,

08-06-2008, 05:14 AM
They don't like the Naples trooper getting explsed for his misdeeds. The highway Patrol and LEO Affairs are both protecting him.

I'm going to continue to delete posts that I don't like. If you continue you will be banned.

Move along now, the Führer has spoken. :roll:

08-06-2008, 11:51 AM
[quote=Guest]They don't like the Naples trooper getting explsed for his misdeeds. The highway Patrol and LEO Affairs are both protecting him.

I'm going to continue to delete posts that I don't like. If you continue you will be banned.

Move along now, the Führer has spoken. :roll:[/quote:9relivyg]

LOL, he is one of tallys boys. Sent to spy on us, I am against under age drinking, good for the detail.

Going beyond a mod there don't you think?

08-06-2008, 07:43 PM
Old enough to fight in Iraq, then old enough to have a beer when they get back!

08-07-2008, 01:06 AM
They don't like the Naples trooper getting explsed for his misdeeds. The highway Patrol and LEO Affairs are both protecting him.

I don't even know the Naples trooper. I'm actually protecting all of us when I remove posts. We all wear the same uniform and it comes down on all of us. I'm going to continue to delete posts that I don't like. If you continue you will be banned.

P.s. This post is about the "Underage Drinking Crackdown" and anything off topic gets moved or deleted..

Thank you,

I think what Mod 511 meant to say, is that Posts that violate the Terms of Use will continue to be violated, and Posters that continuously violate the Terms of Use, or commit an extremely serious violate the Terms of Use, can be banned by Mod 1.

The actual post that was removed from this thread that I saw, contained allegations of criminal and other wrong doing against an easily identifiable Trooper. It was posted anonymously and did not contain any type of proof to back up the allegations. This is a violation of the Terms of Use. That's why it was removed.

I am making contact with Mod 511 to make sure that they understand, that the only posts that should ever be deleted are those that violate the Terms of Use. No other posts should ever be deleted.

If Posts are in a thread, that are "Off Topic" the Mod can either Move it into a New Thread, or Merge it into an existing thread, where it will be on topic, if it doesn't violate the Terms of Use.

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me.


Mod 1.

08-08-2008, 04:13 AM
Finally!! It's about time someone put this mod in check with his habit of haphazardly deleting posts. It was getting out of hand.