View Full Version : Required PAT test

08-01-2008, 03:20 AM
http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic. ... 9&start=15 (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?t=73579&start=15)

Cocoa Beach PD (Brevard County) did this 15-20 years ago. One of thier officer's dropped and died from a heart attack "in the line of duty" (required PAT is line of duty). Everyone that "forced" you to do it dropped that like a hot pancake. Some places do it as an incentive or maybe get a few extra day's off for being a good LEO and staying in shape kinda thing.

Anyways.. What I am getting at is that it is setting the agency up for HUGE liability issues and lawsuits... It's happened before and will happen again..

Sounds like vicarious liability for VCSO.

08-01-2008, 05:05 PM
I agree. Who makes the decision for something like that? And of course the issue with the union comes into the equation.

08-02-2008, 11:32 AM
And just in case it is not clear for anyone reading this:

Volusia County Sheriff's Office is now requiring all employees hired after a certain date to take and pass the PAT test EVERY YEAR as a condition of employment. They are also now requiring all new employees to be tabacco free on and off duty as a condition of employment. VCSO already has an extremely low salary of $15.09 per hour, but by gosh they are raising the standards!

08-02-2008, 02:41 PM
Thank you teamsters, county commissioners and 4th floor.

08-02-2008, 03:49 PM
Thank you teamsters, county commissioners and 4th floor.

How can you blame the Teamsters?

08-02-2008, 09:18 PM
I guess because for the longest membership was asking to have a teamster attorney go to battle with the county and it never happened. And now that the contract is shoved down our throats maybe it would be nice for the leadership of the teamsters to step up and bring attention to the plight of the deputies. Just yesterday I received my nice teamsters magazine in the mail. Maybe use some of the money that is spent on this pet cage liner and buy an ad in the paper.

08-03-2008, 12:48 PM
I guess because for the longest membership was asking to have a teamster attorney go to battle with the county and it never happened. And now that the contract is shoved down our throats maybe it would be nice for the leadership of the teamsters to step up and bring attention to the plight of the deputies. Just yesterday I received my nice teamsters magazine in the mail. Maybe use some of the money that is spent on this pet cage liner and buy an ad in the paper.

I will say this, union did a better job under Jim Greene. The only compaint there was a lack of communication. Now there are numerous complaints.

08-03-2008, 10:20 PM
We have the communication issue. The 10-75 issue. The tobacco issue. the physical agility test issue. The discipline issue. The Pay issue. (and the oldies but goodies..the shift differential pay, the pay for being on call, etc) Is this list just getting longer or what?

08-05-2008, 10:20 PM
Adding a required PAT every year and no tabacco is a bunch of crap. I'm all about having better deputies, but it needs to be fair. It is unfair to those who put their lives on the line every day for the citizens of Volusia County. Negotiating these items with more pay might be something to discuss - but just forcing these issues when the agency is one of the lowest paid makes no sense. It was simply the county commission taking advantage of deputies and 'showing' them who has the power.

Let's take back the power and get the comission out of office!

08-05-2008, 10:24 PM
How in h*ll did VCSO go from no PAT for hiring to a required PAT every year - all with no negotiation or pay increase for it? I'll be submitting my gym membership dues to the county for reimbursement...

08-09-2008, 04:32 PM
That is what I don't understand. Doesn't the fourth floor understand the low morale? Why couldn't they have taken a stand with us and tell the county....no. It just seems like we are in a fight with no backup and no support of anybody (teamsters, 4th floor).