View Full Version : Narcotics Division

07-31-2008, 06:10 AM
Why does the narcotics division of the SRSO continue to pull up marijuana plants and not arrest anyone that grows it? Heck, its easy pulling them up. Why not try and arrest the person or persons responsible for cultivation of the plants? Time and time again you see the news stations and read in the paper where the SRSO found and removed X amount of marijuana plants with a high street value reported.
Make some arrests guys! Take the time to do some woods work and catch the culprits growing the illicit weed. Seems you pull the plants and make the big news just before election time.
I know you get special funds for eradication of marijuana in your county. Pulling up the plants and not arresting anyone that grew it is a waste of time. yeah, get the plants out of the woods and off the streets..but arrest the SOB's that were growing it.

08-04-2008, 12:35 AM
The narcotics division isn't making arrests because, according to their captain, they don't do investigations. Everyone else does it for them and they make arrests and take all the credit.

08-05-2008, 12:10 AM
Why is it that no one can get their facts straight? Last time I checked, the narcotics unit did arrest "Buckshot" for the 80 plus plants found awhile back. The following day they made a seizure of 1100 plus plants in the same area as the first seizure. I can pretty much bet that the same person was responsible for both crops but being able to establish P.C. is a little harder than going off of a hunch. But since you are a super cop in your own mind, you don't need to follow the judicial procedures that the rest of us mortals have to. For those who are in the law enforcement business and actually work for SRSO: maybe if we spent more time looking at our own shortcomings and spent less time pointing out what we believe to be everyone else's faults we might actually be able to improve our working environment. No I don't work in narcotics and I'm not in administration. I do believe that we should be held responsible for improving what we can and dealing with the stuff we can't control. To my knowledge none of us are being held here against our will and I don't believe the S.O. has the power to enact the draft.