View Full Version : Recruits

07-30-2008, 05:16 PM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

07-30-2008, 05:36 PM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

The new recruits are Burger King and McDonald's rejects, you know how the Patrol loves to hire rejects from other departments, they have just included the burger joints as well.

Look at the Tallahassee Police Department reject the patrol hired and is stationed in Naples, TPD refused to pass him in their FTO program and carried him for 6 months 3 weeks before he figured out TPD was trying to run him off.

The Patrol hires him and in two years on he is now an FTO with FHP and getting a Charger. In the mean time he has had several complaints of serious nature filed against him and FHP keeps sweeping the complaints under the rug.

Complaints have ranged from e-mailing Internet porn to a female, writing false activity to giving drunk drivers rides to hotels to sleep it off.

The Patrol has lost it way and I think they can't afford a map to find the way back again.

07-30-2008, 05:38 PM
Desperate times result in desperate measures and overlooked flaws. Stop recruiting HS grads with no military experience and stay away from the recent college grads. Look for four years minimum active duty military, not reserve, and we might start seeing a higher qualified recruit. Granted, not everyone with military experience exceeds the minimum standard or has a higher maturity level but the vast majority does. The recent college grads are still tied to mom’s apron strings and a Coors light keg (100% true if they attend UF Gainesville--recently ranked #1 party school in the nation) and couldn’t find their way out of paper bag.
Lastly, the pay must be fixed and competitive or you’re pissing up a rope.

07-30-2008, 06:10 PM
The sad thing is how the Florida Highway Patrol lied to people for several years by telling them about our step pay plan, when it had been done away with years before.

Shame on the Highway Patrol for pulling that ruse on those hired under that false propaganda.

07-30-2008, 06:16 PM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

The new recruits are Burger King and McDonald's rejects, you know how the Patrol loves to hire rejects from other departments, they have just included the burger joints as well.

Look at the Tallahassee Police Department reject the patrol hired and is stationed in Naples, TPD refused to pass him in their FTO program and carried him for 6 months 3 weeks before he figured out TPD was trying to run him off.

The Patrol hires him and in two years on he is now an FTO with FHP and getting a Charger. In the mean time he has had several complaints of serious nature filed against him and FHP keeps sweeping the complaints under the rug.

Complaints have ranged from e-mailing Internet porn to a female, writing false activity to giving drunk drivers rides to hotels to sleep it off.

The Patrol has lost it way and I think they can't afford a map to find the way back again.

Boo hoo hoo, no charger for you.

07-30-2008, 07:44 PM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

They failed the POLY because it's a useless test in the first place. I've recommended many people to become Troopers that I know are 10-8 people and they've been rejected by the infamous POLYGRAPH

07-30-2008, 08:55 PM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

Crappy FTO's.

07-30-2008, 09:17 PM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

Crappy FTO's.

We have some very sorry FTO's and an FTO program that is a complete joke. It is all about liability, it has nothing to do with making sure the recruit can do the job, just make sure you showed them as per the FTO program.

Then we have these 2 year clowns who have been made FTO's, what that does is the Patrol ends up with Babies training Babies.

A very bad system, but hey it is what Colonel Do Nothing, err, Czernis wants.

07-30-2008, 09:46 PM
Desperate times result in desperate measures and overlooked flaws. Stop recruiting HS grads with no military experience and stay away from the recent college grads. Look for four years minimum active duty military, not reserve, and we might start seeing a higher qualified recruit. Granted, not everyone with military experience exceeds the minimum standard or has a higher maturity level but the vast majority does. The recent college grads are still tied to mom’s apron strings and a Coors light keg (100% true if they attend UF Gainesville--recently ranked #1 party school in the nation) and couldn’t find their way out of paper bag.
Lastly, the pay must be fixed and competitive or you’re pissing up a rope.

Stay away from college grads?!? Is someone jealous they only have a GED? Do you realize some of the best agencies in the country will not even hire you without a college degree? Those in LE with a college degree have proven to make fewer mistakes, have less complaints waged against them and have an overall better work ethic. Look up the stats. FHP is having problems because they can't recruit college people because of the super low poverty pay. Instead they get these college drop out dumb looking fools.

07-30-2008, 10:06 PM
Desperate times result in desperate measures and overlooked flaws. Stop recruiting HS grads with no military experience and stay away from the recent college grads. Look for four years minimum active duty military, not reserve, and we might start seeing a higher qualified recruit. Granted, not everyone with military experience exceeds the minimum standard or has a higher maturity level but the vast majority does. The recent college grads are still tied to mom’s apron strings and a Coors light keg (100% true if they attend UF Gainesville--recently ranked #1 party school in the nation) and couldn’t find their way out of paper bag.
Lastly, the pay must be fixed and competitive or you’re pissing up a rope.

Stay away from college grads?!? Is someone jealous they only have a GED? Do you realize some of the best agencies in the country will not even hire you without a college degree? Those in LE with a college degree have proven to make fewer mistakes, have less complaints waged against them and have an overall better work ethic. Look up the stats. FHP is having problems because they can't recruit college people because of the super low poverty pay. Instead they get these college drop out dumb looking fools.

Ah yes the old College Grad BS.

The Patrol had had far more problems with College Grads then it ever had with the every day working man.

The work ethic of the college grads has been sub-par at best, while the every day working man the patrol used to hire had a much better work ethic.

Give me 7 troopers with nothing more then a high school diploma and they will out work seven days a week a squad of 7 college grads.

The biggest problem with college grads is when a supervisor tries to give them guidance they want to argue about everything. When the crap hits the fan a supervisor does not have time to explain every little detail as to why the college grad was just told to do what ever it was he was just assigned, but far to often that is what happens.

College is way over rated any way, this country was not built by college grads it was built by hard working every day men and women and they built it into the best country in the world. It is college educated people who think they are better then everyone else that have drug this country down and the Florida Highway Patrol down.

07-30-2008, 10:42 PM
A college degree does not mean much anymore as it has become very easy to obtain. It seems that if one fails they can just sue the school for failing them. This is especially so at public universities. All it really takes is to have enough money to pay tuition and show up about 50% of the time and they will give you a degree. I know because I have one. College is like the rest of American society that is going to the wayside. America is not what it used to be and neither is FHP and it never will be.

America has become nothing more than a "give me" society and feels as if everything is owed to them and never earned. This is why we sue anyone who "offends" us. I have seen this in recent FHP rookies who tell the supervisors when they are going to work. This is just not an FHP problem as our local SO has the same problem with the "give me" society.

07-31-2008, 12:46 AM
A college degree does not mean much anymore as it has become very easy to obtain. It seems that if one fails they can just sue the school for failing them. This is especially so at public universities. All it really takes is to have enough money to pay tuition and show up about 50% of the time and they will give you a degree. I know because I have one. College is like the rest of American society that is going to the wayside. America is not what it used to be and neither is FHP and it never will be.

America has become nothing more than a "give me" society and feels as if everything is owed to them and never earned. This is why we sue anyone who "offends" us. I have seen this in recent FHP rookies who tell the supervisors when they are going to work. This is just not an FHP problem as our local SO has the same problem with the "give me" society.

College Degrees don't mean anything on the Highway Patrol, I know to many people who have went out and bought their 4 years degrees in one year at places like St. Leo College.

What a joke when a person can attend one year and walk away with a four year degree, the Captain in Lake City did just that, bought his four year degree from St. Leo, LOL, what a joke. The sad part of that is his time spent as a Sergeant to obtain that phony degree was on education leave with pay so he spent very little time actually being a Sergeant before he promoted to Lieutenant.

07-31-2008, 01:58 AM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

They failed the POLY because it's a useless test in the first place. I've recommended many people to become Troopers that I know are 10-8 people and they've been rejected by the infamous POLYGRAPH


07-31-2008, 02:00 AM
Desperate times result in desperate measures and overlooked flaws. Stop recruiting HS grads with no military experience and stay away from the recent college grads. Look for four years minimum active duty military, not reserve, and we might start seeing a higher qualified recruit. Granted, not everyone with military experience exceeds the minimum standard or has a higher maturity level but the vast majority does. The recent college grads are still tied to mom’s apron strings and a Coors light keg (100% true if they attend UF Gainesville--recently ranked #1 party school in the nation) and couldn’t find their way out of paper bag.
Lastly, the pay must be fixed and competitive or you’re pissing up a rope.

Stay away from college grads?!? Is someone jealous they only have a GED? Do you realize some of the best agencies in the country will not even hire you without a college degree? Those in LE with a college degree have proven to make fewer mistakes, have less complaints waged against them and have an overall better work ethic. Look up the stats. FHP is having problems because they can't recruit college people because of the super low poverty pay. Instead they get these college drop out dumb looking fools.

I agree but I think the above poster was saying to look at college grads with some work experience behind them because they are more mature.

07-31-2008, 02:02 AM
A college degree does not mean much anymore as it has become very easy to obtain. It seems that if one fails they can just sue the school for failing them. This is especially so at public universities. All it really takes is to have enough money to pay tuition and show up about 50% of the time and they will give you a degree. I know because I have one. College is like the rest of American society that is going to the wayside. America is not what it used to be and neither is FHP and it never will be.

America has become nothing more than a "give me" society and feels as if everything is owed to them and never earned. This is why we sue anyone who "offends" us. I have seen this in recent FHP rookies who tell the supervisors when they are going to work. This is just not an FHP problem as our local SO has the same problem with the "give me" society.

College Degrees don't mean anything on the Highway Patrol, I know to many people who have went out and bought their 4 years degrees in one year at places like St. Leo College.

What a joke when a person can attend one year and walk away with a four year degree, the Captain in Lake City did just that, bought his four year degree from St. Leo, LOL, what a joke. The sad part of that is his time spent as a Sergeant to obtain that phony degree was on education leave with pay so he spent very little time actually being a Sergeant before he promoted to Lieutenant.

well there are joke schools like St. Leo College than there are schools like Harvard!! Big difference.

07-31-2008, 02:06 AM
A college degree does not mean much anymore as it has become very easy to obtain. It seems that if one fails they can just sue the school for failing them. This is especially so at public universities. All it really takes is to have enough money to pay tuition and show up about 50% of the time and they will give you a degree. I know because I have one. College is like the rest of American society that is going to the wayside. America is not what it used to be and neither is FHP and it never will be.

America has become nothing more than a "give me" society and feels as if everything is owed to them and never earned. This is why we sue anyone who "offends" us. I have seen this in recent FHP rookies who tell the supervisors when they are going to work. This is just not an FHP problem as our local SO has the same problem with the "give me" society.

College Degrees don't mean anything on the Highway Patrol, I know to many people who have went out and bought their 4 years degrees in one year at places like St. Leo College.

What a joke when a person can attend one year and walk away with a four year degree, the Captain in Lake City did just that, bought his four year degree from St. Leo, LOL, what a joke. The sad part of that is his time spent as a Sergeant to obtain that phony degree was on education leave with pay so he spent very little time actually being a Sergeant before he promoted to Lieutenant.

well there are joke schools like St. Leo College than there are schools like Harvard!! Big difference.

Anyone who paid for an education at Harvard I highley doubt has put in an application for the Highway Patrol

07-31-2008, 02:30 AM
A college degree does not mean much anymore as it has become very easy to obtain. It seems that if one fails they can just sue the school for failing them. This is especially so at public universities. All it really takes is to have enough money to pay tuition and show up about 50% of the time and they will give you a degree. I know because I have one. College is like the rest of American society that is going to the wayside. America is not what it used to be and neither is FHP and it never will be.

America has become nothing more than a "give me" society and feels as if everything is owed to them and never earned. This is why we sue anyone who "offends" us. I have seen this in recent FHP rookies who tell the supervisors when they are going to work. This is just not an FHP problem as our local SO has the same problem with the "give me" society.

College Degrees don't mean anything on the Highway Patrol, I know to many people who have went out and bought their 4 years degrees in one year at places like St. Leo College.

What a joke when a person can attend one year and walk away with a four year degree, the Captain in Lake City did just that, bought his four year degree from St. Leo, LOL, what a joke. The sad part of that is his time spent as a Sergeant to obtain that phony degree was on education leave with pay so he spent very little time actually being a Sergeant before he promoted to Lieutenant.

well there are joke schools like St. Leo College than there are schools like Harvard!! Big difference.

Anyone who paid for an education at Harvard I highley doubt has put in an application for the Highway Patrol

true I was just making a point that there are good schools and sht schools

07-31-2008, 03:19 AM
A college degree does not mean much anymore as it has become very easy to obtain. It seems that if one fails they can just sue the school for failing them. This is especially so at public universities. All it really takes is to have enough money to pay tuition and show up about 50% of the time and they will give you a degree. I know because I have one. College is like the rest of American society that is going to the wayside. America is not what it used to be and neither is FHP and it never will be.

America has become nothing more than a "give me" society and feels as if everything is owed to them and never earned. This is why we sue anyone who "offends" us. I have seen this in recent FHP rookies who tell the supervisors when they are going to work. This is just not an FHP problem as our local SO has the same problem with the "give me" society.

College Degrees don't mean anything on the Highway Patrol, I know to many people who have went out and bought their 4 years degrees in one year at places like St. Leo College.

What a joke when a person can attend one year and walk away with a four year degree, the Captain in Lake City did just that, bought his four year degree from St. Leo, LOL, what a joke. The sad part of that is his time spent as a Sergeant to obtain that phony degree was on education leave with pay so he spent very little time actually being a Sergeant before he promoted to Lieutenant.

My bet is that you do not have a college degree of any kind. Public universities are a joke as well. Getting a degree is a joke no matter where you go. I obtained a degree from a public university. By the way St. Leo was ranked by Consumers Digest as number 5 in private colleges and universities. It is also ranked high in other rankings as well. Don't criticise something just because you have no degree. Having said that it probably is an easy degree to get as is the public universities like, say university of Central Florida in Orlando. That is a joke as well and so is the program at UF in Gainesville.

08-02-2008, 08:33 PM

08-02-2008, 08:41 PM
What happend to the recruits that were sharp, educated, and with experience? The recruits I see now look like they should be working at a fast food joint somewhere. Thoughts and comments?

Crappy FTO's.

We have some very sorry FTO's and an FTO program that is a complete joke. It is all about liability, it has nothing to do with making sure the recruit can do the job, just make sure you showed them as per the FTO program.

Then we have these 2 year clowns who have been made FTO's, what that does is the Patrol ends up with Babies training Babies.

A very bad system, but hey it is what Colonel Do Nothing, err, Czernis wants.

There you go.. lumping ALL with the Few. I do know and highly respect some of our FTO's here in NE Florida. There may very well be some "very sorry FTO's" but with the statement you're making, your throwing the great ones in with that mix.
Seems that people like you.. the whiners and cryers are the Sorry ones. Not only do you lack the integrity to wear the uniform, but you're also a disgrace to your gender.

08-02-2008, 08:45 PM
im wit wakenhut and i now im a gonna be in da 119th class. My momma is very prowd of me, i have onli one problem, wakenhut has step pay plan , doees FHP??

08-03-2008, 04:32 PM
We have some very sorry FTO's and an FTO program that is a complete joke. It is all about liability, it has nothing to do with making sure the recruit can do the job, just make sure you showed them as per the FTO program.

Then we have these 2 year clowns who have been made FTO's, what that does is the Patrol ends up with Babies training Babies.

A very bad system, but hey it is what Colonel Do Nothing, err, Czernis wants.

There you go.. lumping ALL with the Few. I do know and highly respect some of our FTO's here in NE Florida. There may very well be some "very sorry FTO's" but with the statement you're making, your throwing the great ones in with that mix.
Seems that people like you.. the whiners and cryers are the Sorry ones. Not only do you lack the integrity to wear the uniform, but you're also a disgrace to your gender.[/quote]

You must be one those college educated troopers, if you had taken the time to read what was posted you would have understood that it says "WE HAVE SOME VERY SORRY FTO'S"

The whole FTO program does not work, these rookies get released from FTO yet they don't have a clue how to do the job, I don't blame the rookie, I blame his having three different troopers training them and all telling them the last FTO was wrong on how to fill out a crash report or what ever.

But you must be proud of that piece of paper in a frame even if you did not pick up on reader comprehension, I bet you got an "A" on the Bong Pipe!.

08-03-2008, 11:15 PM
wot is yous banging on about? Aight , I'm offended with the none college degree comments. I have a Getto Education Degree (GED) and I'm the most bestest FTO.

08-04-2008, 11:07 PM
I' am a prior military police officer with combat experience and over three years college. I will have degree soon. Before joining FHP I worked in Human Resources for a large fortune 500 company. I would Always hire applicants with military experience over college grads. College is great and does look good on resume, but someone with at least 4 yrs military is more disciplined and respects chain of command. They know how to accept a task and to get the job done without *****ing and whining. When I interviewed someone with prior military service, they usually had a shoe in over the college grad. Military service teaches values, ethics, respect, loyalty, and discipline. Thats something college can't teach.

08-04-2008, 11:10 PM
I' am a prior military police officer with combat experience and over three years college. I will have degree soon. Before joining FHP I worked in Human Resources for a large fortune 500 company. I would Always hire applicants with military experience over college grads. College is great and does look good on resume, but someone with at least 4 yrs military is more disciplined and respects chain of command. They know how to accept a task and to get the job done without *****ing and whining. When I interviewed someone with prior military service, they usually had a shoe in over the college grad. Military service teaches values, ethics, respect, loyalty, and discipline. Thats something college can't teach.

We can't get either military experience or college grads so who cares really....