07-30-2008, 03:29 PM
I see more and more signs. I heard Bogart's crew was trying to take them down. Jeff doesnt have the money Bogart has (because he didnt give himself a 40,000 loan) but he seems to be right there with him. To be honest Bogart has to spend alot of money because most people just dont like him. Jeff is living proof that money alone will not win this race. Keep spending that money Kimberly if you do pull this primary out you will have nothing left. Looks like Kim is going to have to keep depending the the wife to support him. Oh well thats how its been since he was fired by White anyway.

07-30-2008, 03:54 PM
I also heard Bogarts crew is tearing down JD and Whites signs.

07-30-2008, 07:05 PM
We are, catch us................................................ ..........................

07-30-2008, 09:53 PM
Bogart told me he resigned! what is the truth?

07-31-2008, 01:30 AM
The truth is Dreamer is gasping for air, and is stirring up this pathetic website in hopes he revives his political ambitions.

Stick a fork in that turkey, he is done!

07-31-2008, 02:05 AM
Dang!!! :lol:

07-31-2008, 09:19 PM
I see Bogart has alot more money then Dermer. That's too bad, Jeff would have a much better shot at White because he has no skeletons. Bogart has more then enough for White to dig into. I think if Sully or Dermer were to get the nomination I would be ok with either one. Bogart has never been on the streets with us, then again neither has White. We are screwed. I guess I will have to stick with Bob, Bogart will be just a repeat of Lee Cannon.

07-31-2008, 09:32 PM
I just heard that Bogart became a Major under Gillum, with a HS Diploma and he was only on the street in Tampa for 3 to 5 years. Is this true. This guy had me thinking he had done everything you can do as a Police Officer. What is the truth ? I would like to know when is the last time Kim Bogart did any real Police work ? Who is this guy. I know Sully and Dermer well, I know what they have done. I'm not saying Kim is bad I just want to know the truth---

1) why was he against Unions ( this was stated) is it true?
2) Were you fired or did you resign ?
3) Were you promoted to Major after only 5 years and a HS diploma ?
4) Can you explain what your involvment was with the article relating to your ex-wife back in 1984 ?
5) Are you bringing DG back or any other Cannon Administrators.

07-31-2008, 10:22 PM
Mr. Bogart

If elected who would you want on your command staff and why?

08-02-2008, 04:18 AM
Well all you have to do is go to Tampa P.D. and check Kim Bogarts file. It is true he only had 4 years as a street cop and 1 1/2 years as a detective. Oh lets not forget he was a member of the bomb squad while working at Tampa P.D. Well so are many prior members of the U.S. Military. Kimmie boy also only had a high school diploma with no college degree. He left Tampa P.D. on 10-31-80 at the rank of detective. This was only ten days before the general election when Jim Gillum was to be elected Sheriff Of Pasco County. Amazing what happens next isn't it. Kimmie boy becomes a major under Jim Gillum and all this is done with 5 1/2 years police experience. Kimmie boy didn't even get his college degree until his political employment with the Pasco County Sheriffs Office. When election time came around again and he heard that Lee Cannon was strong enough to defeat Jim Gillum in the general election Kimmie boy switched sides to Lee Cannon to save himself. In return he retained the rank as Captain under Lee Cannons Administration. Kimmie boy is not a union guy only a politician. He also has Weinstein and Darlene Green in his camp. Two very disliked individuals from Lee Cannons administration. Kimmie boy will not only be a repeat of the past administrations but much worse.

08-02-2008, 12:13 PM
I can't believe that KB only has less than 5 years on the street, the last time I saw him speak he acted like he was cop of the year with lots of street experience.

08-02-2008, 02:13 PM
Ask Him I wouldnt think he would Lie (not Kim) (lol).

08-02-2008, 02:16 PM

You reply yourself to all other Dermer related headings, how about this one. Do you really only have 5 years on the street?

08-02-2008, 05:02 PM
The only reason Dreamer is getting stronger is because he is digging all his own holes for his signs. The poor boy has no help.

Between the time he spends digging holes and writing all his own posts here, it is amazing he has any time at all to be a Probation Officer. :oops:

08-05-2008, 02:10 AM
Are you saying it is a BAD thing that he is digging his own holes? Unlike the pretty boy who probably would not want to chip a nail. OOH, he probably mows his own grass too!

08-05-2008, 01:39 PM
I agree Bogart's an AZZ you know he's the one putting that. I respect that Jeff's out there digging and working hard. Any of you who dont have a big problem. Jeff has busted his butt with Little money, and because of his hard work he's be able to somewhat stay up with Bogart. Most people cant give themselves 50,000 in loans. Keep it up Jeff you earned my respect.

08-13-2008, 01:24 PM
i guess people are starting to see through jd's bs

why would the fop endorse bogart, because he never said what jd is saying that he said

he has always supported the union and always will

from what i am hearing bogart really did a great job last night

i heard that jd threw a temper tantrum when bogart called him out about his record

08-13-2008, 04:07 PM

08-13-2008, 06:00 PM

I agree, both Bogart and Deremer were professionals. The only obvious Rookie on the stage was Sullivan. He does not have what it takes to be Sheriff. He is unprofessional, not well spoken, takes cheap shots when there is no opportunity for a rebuttal, (twice now coward) and he just lacks knowledge about what he is saying. He makes up lies and enuendo to support his cause when there is no way of proving his allegations. He takes things out of context and he cannot be trusted. He creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants because the Sheriff will not let him use the SWAT team as his own personal intimidation squad, and frankly because he is a coward and cannot serve a search warrant without real cops backing him up. I don't care who any of you support, as long as it is not Sullivan, he makes up lies about our people and he cannot be trusted to hold the high office of Sheriff. He was not competent to lead vice and he certainly is not competent to lead the entire S.O.. He was asked about why there are so many prostitutes and adult businesses in Pasco and he says there are not enough people to enforce all the laws in that area. What about assertive policing in Vice all those years Sullivan, you were the leader, why didn't you do it right. Why, because there were not enough deputies, and there still aren't enough deputies, something that each candidate admitted while on stage. Assertive policing does work when there is enough manpower to do the job. But according to all those who know what they are talking about with regard to Assertive Policing, we don't have enough man power to make it work. And in your own words, "I don't thing the County Commission is going to give us the 100 deputies that we need".

Anyone but Sullivan, 2008

08-14-2008, 07:26 AM

I agree, both Bogart and Deremer were professionals. The only obvious Rookie on the stage was Sullivan. He does not have what it takes to be Sheriff. He is unprofessional, not well spoken, takes cheap shots when there is no opportunity for a rebuttal, (twice now coward) and he just lacks knowledge about what he is saying. He makes up lies and enuendo to support his cause when there is no way of proving his allegations. He takes things out of context and he cannot be trusted. He creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants because the Sheriff will not let him use the SWAT team as his own personal intimidation squad, and frankly because he is a coward and cannot serve a search warrant without real cops backing him up. I don't care who any of you support, as long as it is not Sullivan, he makes up lies about our people and he cannot be trusted to hold the high office of Sheriff. He was not competent to lead vice and he certainly is not competent to lead the entire S.O.. He was asked about why there are so many prostitutes and adult businesses in Pasco and he says there are not enough people to enforce all the laws in that area. What about assertive policing in Vice all those years Sullivan, you were the leader, why didn't you do it right. Why, because there were not enough deputies, and there still aren't enough deputies, something that each candidate admitted while on stage. Assertive policing does work when there is enough manpower to do the job. But according to all those who know what they are talking about with regard to Assertive Policing, we don't have enough man power to make it work. And in your own words, "I don't thing the County Commission is going to give us the 100 deputies that we need".

Anyone but Sullivan, 2008

Finally, someone who says the truth. Sullied has crossed over into the realm of "has been's" and "yesterday's trash". Remember when Sullivan worked here and did not do search warrants. Remember he tried to blame the Sheriff, but it backfired because he was in charge, Remember when Sullivan had ethics; This is what they will say about Sullivan in years to come.

08-14-2008, 12:38 PM
How do you guys look yourselves in the mirror by lying and trying to make Sullivan look bad? I was at the debate and he did well, while BW hee-hawed around like always. V&N had their hands tied by the administration with the limited search warrant policy; they did more with less and did a great job. And the heavy handed bullsh!t is wrong for you to imply. The SWAT Team and V&N were and are a hard working team and never were heavy handed. If you two are really deputies here, then you should quit. To make statements that are not true for the purpose of hurting Sullivan's campaign, that put a black mark on the hard workingmen and women of the Office is disgraceful. Sullivan was serving search warrants and buying dope undercover in the hood before you were probably born. The man spent 26 years working here and trying to make Pasco a better place and you have the nerve to make statements like that, again you have no honor or integrity. I would like to see you go into a crack house by yourself with three dealers and by dope with only a couple of guys as back-up. You don't have any right to spout off. And reference the "Lies". Do tell, because I think everything Sullivan has said has been proven true. And reference the adult business and prostitutes; the County doesn’t have an enforceable ordinance to shut down the titty bars. V&N has tried but the County won't change its ordinance, so it has teeth that will stand up in trial. Reference the prostitutes, wasn't it your sheriff the other day at a debate that stated, "When you have the highest population of nudists and swingers in the nation per capita, you will have prostitution". Now how stupid is that? Listen if you don't want Sullivan, that's fine, but don't hurt the guys that work hard with lies and stupid posts.

08-14-2008, 01:15 PM
"He takes things out of context and he cannot be trusted. He creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants because the Sheriff will not let him use the SWAT team as his own personal intimidation squad, and frankly because he is a coward and cannot serve a search warrant without real cops backing him up. I don't care who any of you support, as long as it is not Sullivan, he makes up lies about our people and he cannot be trusted to hold the high office of Sheriff. He was not competent to lead vice and he certainly is not competent to lead the entire S.O.."

For the person who posted this you have no clue what you are talking about. I would like to know where you get you info. You are a fool if you think the SWAT team is used for intimidation. The next time VICE serves a search warrant with a known dealer who has a prior record for attempted murder, aggravated battery, or battery on a law enforcement officer will call on you to serve the warrant because we don't want to intimidate the drug dealer who by the way is probably selling drugs to your neighbor and maybe your kid. You mention that Sullivan creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants. If you think you can do what you want then why do you follow the general orders or better yet next time you get in a pursuit and your boss tells you to call it off but you think no I need to stop this guy because he broke the law. Why don't you just keep pursuing the bad guy disregard what your supervisor tells you to do. Lets see how long you will still have a job. If you do listen to your boss and stop the pursuit then you yourself created a lack of enforcement because you know that person broke the law but you let them go. This isn't about you doing your job this is about a boss telling a subordinate what they can and can't do. I don't care who you are dep. sgt. lt. capt. etc. if your boss gives you an order you are going to follow those orders. Stop making up lies and give me facts not your opinions. Sullivan is very qualified person who has come up from the ranks and how can you speak so negative about a person who from day one has said he will sign a contract that the majority of the deputies want. How is this a person who can't be trusted. I'm so tired of reading such incompetent answers.

08-14-2008, 07:21 PM
"He takes things out of context and he cannot be trusted. He creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants because the Sheriff will not let him use the SWAT team as his own personal intimidation squad, and frankly because he is a coward and cannot serve a search warrant without real cops backing him up. I don't care who any of you support, as long as it is not Sullivan, he makes up lies about our people and he cannot be trusted to hold the high office of Sheriff. He was not competent to lead vice and he certainly is not competent to lead the entire S.O.."

For the person who posted this you have no clue what you are talking about. I would like to know where you get you info. You are a fool if you think the SWAT team is used for intimidation. The next time VICE serves a search warrant with a known dealer who has a prior record for attempted murder, aggravated battery, or battery on a law enforcement officer will call on you to serve the warrant because we don't want to intimidate the drug dealer who by the way is probably selling drugs to your neighbor and maybe your kid. You mention that Sullivan creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants. If you think you can do what you want then why do you follow the general orders or better yet next time you get in a pursuit and your boss tells you to call it off but you think no I need to stop this guy because he broke the law. Why don't you just keep pursuing the bad guy disregard what your supervisor tells you to do. Lets see how long you will still have a job. If you do listen to your boss and stop the pursuit then you yourself created a lack of enforcement because you know that person broke the law but you let them go. This isn't about you doing your job this is about a boss telling a subordinate what they can and can't do. I don't care who you are dep. sgt. lt. capt. etc. if your boss gives you an order you are going to follow those orders. Stop making up lies and give me facts not your opinions. Sullivan is very qualified person who has come up from the ranks and how can you speak so negative about a person who from day one has said he will sign a contract that the majority of the deputies want. How is this a person who can't be trusted. I'm so tired of reading such incompetent answers.

Wow, I have just read the post in this thread and think all of you are idiots. First off, there is merit that Sullivan's actions have hurt us and he will do what it takes to get elected, despite who it hurts. Second, you talk about county ordinances being the problem, your supervisor being the problem, and so on. So let me get this straight. If you go into a bar, nightclub, or strip joint and buy dope inside, find them serving juveniles inside, or find prostitution inside, you can't shut them down via their liquor license. We did back when I was in vice and narcotics under Cannon. Your top cop, Commander Robert Sullivan and his not so honest Abe and crew was the problem that I think the posters were referring to, not that SWAT was the problem. We certainly have one of the most professional SWAT units out there, I think what they are saying is that things were consistently embellished so that the SWAT team was deployed, not necessarily on need, but for desired effect. Either way, Sullivan dropped the ball when he was in charge. I talked with people, besides myself, who have worked for him and he likes to publicly embarass subordinates and he is, in my opinion, a tyrant and bully.

08-14-2008, 11:00 PM
"He takes things out of context and he cannot be trusted. He creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants because the Sheriff will not let him use the SWAT team as his own personal intimidation squad, and frankly because he is a coward and cannot serve a search warrant without real cops backing him up. I don't care who any of you support, as long as it is not Sullivan, he makes up lies about our people and he cannot be trusted to hold the high office of Sheriff. He was not competent to lead vice and he certainly is not competent to lead the entire S.O.."

For the person who posted this you have no clue what you are talking about. I would like to know where you get you info. You are a fool if you think the SWAT team is used for intimidation. The next time VICE serves a search warrant with a known dealer who has a prior record for attempted murder, aggravated battery, or battery on a law enforcement officer will call on you to serve the warrant because we don't want to intimidate the drug dealer who by the way is probably selling drugs to your neighbor and maybe your kid. You mention that Sullivan creates a lack of enforcement for search warrants. If you think you can do what you want then why do you follow the general orders or better yet next time you get in a pursuit and your boss tells you to call it off but you think no I need to stop this guy because he broke the law. Why don't you just keep pursuing the bad guy disregard what your supervisor tells you to do. Lets see how long you will still have a job. If you do listen to your boss and stop the pursuit then you yourself created a lack of enforcement because you know that person broke the law but you let them go. This isn't about you doing your job this is about a boss telling a subordinate what they can and can't do. I don't care who you are dep. sgt. lt. capt. etc. if your boss gives you an order you are going to follow those orders. Stop making up lies and give me facts not your opinions. Sullivan is very qualified person who has come up from the ranks and how can you speak so negative about a person who from day one has said he will sign a contract that the majority of the deputies want. How is this a person who can't be trusted. I'm so tired of reading such incompetent answers.

Wow, I have just read the post in this thread and think all of you are idiots. First off, there is merit that Sullivan's actions have hurt us and he will do what it takes to get elected, despite who it hurts. Second, you talk about county ordinances being the problem, your supervisor being the problem, and so on. So let me get this straight. If you go into a bar, nightclub, or strip joint and buy dope inside, find them serving juveniles inside, or find prostitution inside, you can't shut them down via their liquor license. We did back when I was in vice and narcotics under Cannon. Your top cop, Commander Robert Sullivan and his not so honest Abe and crew was the problem that I think the posters were referring to, not that SWAT was the problem. We certainly have one of the most professional SWAT units out there, I think what they are saying is that things were consistently embellished so that the SWAT team was deployed, not necessarily on need, but for desired effect. Either way, Sullivan dropped the ball when he was in charge. I talked with people, besides myself, who have worked for him and he likes to publicly embarass subordinates and he is, in my opinion, a tyrant and bully.

Evidently, you are a liar sir. I’ve know and worked with Sullivan over the years and there was a no more upfront guy. He never ruled with a bad attitude and when guys in the unit couldn’t make the grade, they were talked to and then afforded the opportunity to go to other places where they excelled and some have made rank. Sullivan and the unit worked with ABT several times and ABT was never successful in shutting them down. The county ordinances that are being talked about are reference adult business and strippers doing lewd acts. Every means and law was used to try to prosecute those girls but the law and ordinances at not ridden right and are confusing to the jury. Please, be intelligent, ask a real narc that has worked in there, ask the West SAO, and you will hear the truth. It appears to me BW and the FOBs are scared and will do anything to tarnish Sullivan even at the expense of the V&N unit, the SWAT Team, TNT or anyone else that stands in their way. I hope anyone reading this that has an open mind and not an agenda, will see all the Sullivan/Vice Unit/SWAT/TNT units for what it really is, Political Propaganda.

08-14-2008, 11:03 PM
I hope anyone reading this that has an open mind and not an agenda, will see all the slaming on Sullivan/Vice Unit/SWAT/TNT unit for what it really is, Political Propaganda.