View Full Version : schools hiring teachers, PD next?

07-29-2008, 01:45 PM
It looks like schools are hiring external applicants in teacher spots but I see that the PD is still in a holding pattern. Any rumors on when that's going to open up?

07-29-2008, 02:33 PM
by fall there will be openings, there has to be!

07-30-2008, 03:00 AM
OK, here's the skinny on the fat, no major Police hirings if any. The most is two in the next couple of months. To make up the shortage all double assigned officers in middle schools will be single coverage. All H.S that are considered soft low crime schools will have single coverage. Sgts. will cover elementary schools as needed. And the remaining elementary school officers will be re-assigned to schools lacking coverage. Welcome boys and girls to the new deployments of the fool police.

07-30-2008, 11:53 AM
the school board officially lifted their hiring freeze and are now accepting applicants for teaching positions. what about us?

07-31-2008, 07:47 PM
Nothing yet huh?

08-04-2008, 03:37 PM
Anyone hear anything yet? I thought we would open up the hiring when they opened it up for teachers. I guess we're not as important. Love being shorthanded

By the way, I hate this confirmation code thing

08-11-2008, 04:56 AM
Any word yet on hiring?

08-12-2008, 01:07 AM
Why do you people constantly worry about things you can not control? Just go out and do your job, whether we are under staffed or full staff it does not matter you still got to go out and do your job. If this is too difficult then go find something else to do or start your own business. Yeah, Yeah the Chief sucks, AJ is a jerk and the School Board members are idiots it all has been said before. Bottom line you obviously have to work for a living or you wouldn't be here working. So find yourself in your happy place and do your job. Just so you know we will NEVER be properly compensated for what we do.

08-12-2008, 11:34 PM
Why do you people constantly worry about things you can not control? Just go out and do your job, whether we are under staffed or full staff it does not matter you still got to go out and do your job. If this is too difficult then go find something else to do or start your own business. Yeah, Yeah the Chief sucks, AJ is a jerk and the School Board members are idiots it all has been said before. Bottom line you obviously have to work for a living or you wouldn't be here working. So find yourself in your happy place and do your job. Just so you know we will NEVER be properly compensated for what we do.

You sure are right about all that, especially the Chief SUCKING! Gotta love a guy that is kind enought to tell his Officers where they will be working 2 days before the school year starts. Oh yeah he so cares for his Officers! Dont know how that vote of no confidence was not cast. He sure has no confidence in his Officers, thats for sure

08-13-2008, 02:42 AM
The point of the previous post is to recognize all that is going on but also to let the people know that we are the only one that are upset with the way things are going. We need to get ourselves together and make this job work for ussssssssssssssssss. Absolutely we need to be paid in a more adequate fashion; this is undisputable as it is inexcusable. Understand that the people who are in charge are managers devoid of police ideaology whose main focus is not OUR financial well being but the overall fiscal outlook of the school district. To the men and women of the School Police who are gearing up to do yet another year of battle for so little thanks and recognition.......GOOD LUCK, BE WELL, STAY SAFE.

08-13-2008, 05:07 PM
Its sad that the level of service we provide is going to suffer this year due to this hiring freeze. The schools we work at will see this first hand. It will be interesting when principals request marked units, or man power, and we cant provide it. We are wilting away, and I wish the COA could see this. I know AJ does, and this is what he wants to happen.

08-14-2008, 01:29 AM
Its sad that the level of service we provide is going to suffer this year due to this hiring freeze. The schools we work at will see this first hand. It will be interesting when principals request marked units, or man power, and we cant provide it. We are wilting away, and I wish the COA could see this. I know AJ does, and this is what he wants to happen.

-Get rid of the Chief
-Get rid of AJ and his cronies

-OR try to go PBSO

08-14-2008, 03:16 AM
How about we get rid of you southie32708 you are one of the true losers that infect this department. Stop with the BS we need real options not inane rhetoric.