View Full Version : FDLE should be finished soon!

07-28-2008, 04:54 PM
It's pain stakingly obvious FDLE has their targets. Now you might ask why the heck hasn't anyone been arrested. Well I've come to a conclusion which is as clear as day light. Why do a job half ass and throw 1 case at a suspect, when you can build a huge 1 with several witness, several inncidents, overwhelming evidence and no chance to escape. It's going to be soon they are proabably rapping it all up as we speak. No Lawyer in there right mind would advise there client to plead not guilty with the case their building. I bet we will see several go down before september. Mark my words. It's going to happen thanks to the FOP.

But there is a twist in the story did you know? One who will be charged shall flip on the adminstration and bring them down with the rest of the corrupt. It will happen so fast the department will probably be in a state of confusion.

This is just a predictions and based only on personal opinions. But watch my common sense prove to be right.

I'm Only guessing that

2-3 Commanders will go down
1-2 sgt's will go down
I have no clue if any LT's are invovled.

but this is an educated guess. Based sololy on opinon not on facts :devil:

oh ya it will all lead right back to T$ comstat. Never been to one but sure as hell makes sense

07-28-2008, 05:29 PM
It's pain stakingly obvious FDLE has their targets. Now you might ask why the heck hasn't anyone been arrested. Well I've come to a conclusion which is as clear as day light. Why do a job half ass and throw 1 case at a suspect, when you can build a huge 1 with several witness, several inncidents, overwhelming evidence and no chance to escape. It's going to be soon they are proabably rapping it all up as we speak. No Lawyer in there right mind would advise there client to plead not guilty with the case their building. I bet we will see several go down before september. Mark my words. It's going to happen thanks to the FOP.

But there is a twist in the story did you know? One who will be charged shall flip on the adminstration and bring them down with the rest of the corrupt. It will happen so fast the department will probably be in a state of confusion.

This is just a predictions and based only on personal opinions. But watch my common sense prove to be right.

I'm Only guessing that

2-3 Commanders will go down
1-2 sgt's will go down
I have no clue if any LT's are invovled.

but this is an educated guess. Based sololy on opinon not on facts :devil:

oh ya it will all lead right back to T$ comstat. Never been to one but sure as hell makes sense

BINGO! Your hypothesis is right on target!

07-28-2008, 05:34 PM
It's pain stakingly obvious FDLE has their targets. Now you might ask why the heck hasn't anyone been arrested. Well I've come to a conclusion which is as clear as day light. Why do a job half ass and throw 1 case at a suspect, when you can build a huge 1 with several witness, several inncidents, overwhelming evidence and no chance to escape. It's going to be soon they are proabably rapping it all up as we speak. No Lawyer in there right mind would advise there client to plead not guilty with the case their building. I bet we will see several go down before september. Mark my words. It's going to happen thanks to the FOP.

But there is a twist in the story did you know? One who will be charged shall flip on the adminstration and bring them down with the rest of the corrupt. It will happen so fast the department will probably be in a state of confusion.

This is just a predictions and based only on personal opinions. But watch my common sense prove to be right.

I'm Only guessing that

2-3 Commanders will go down
1-2 sgt's will go down
I have no clue if any LT's are invovled.

but this is an educated guess. Based sololy on opinon not on facts :devil:

oh ya it will all lead right back to T$ comstat. Never been to one but sure as hell makes senseIt's Called "RICO"

07-28-2008, 06:23 PM
Is Called "RICO"

http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/index. ... TM&Title=- (http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=Ch0895/SEC02.HTM&Title=-)>2007->Ch0895->Section%2002#0895.02

07-28-2008, 07:42 PM
rico? don't see how that has to do with it.

Wow i looked it up its only a first degree misdiminor what they did it looks like lol

839.13 Falsifying records.--

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), if any judge, justice, mayor, alderman, clerk, sheriff, coroner, or other public officer, or employee or agent of or contractor with a public agency, or any person whatsoever, shall steal, embezzle, alter, corruptly withdraw, falsify or avoid any record, process, charter, gift, grant, conveyance, or contract, or any paper filed in any judicial proceeding in any court of this state, or shall knowingly and willfully take off, discharge or conceal any issue, forfeited recognizance, or other forfeiture, or other paper above mentioned, or shall forge, deface, or falsify any document or instrument recorded, or filed in any court, or any registry, acknowledgment, or certificate, or shall fraudulently alter, deface, or falsify any minutes, documents, books, or any proceedings whatever of or belonging to any public office within this state; or if any person shall cause or procure any of the offenses aforesaid to be committed, or be in anywise concerned therein, the person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

07-28-2008, 07:56 PM
36. Chapter 837, relating to perjury.

37. Chapter 838, relating to bribery and misuse of public office.

38. Chapter 843, relating to obstruction of justice.

07-28-2008, 07:59 PM
36. Chapter 837, relating to perjury.

37. Chapter 838, relating to bribery and misuse of public office.

38. Chapter 843, relating to obstruction of justice.

837 they have to actually make a testimony stating they didn't do something that they did :O . Yea 838 sounds right

07-28-2008, 09:30 PM
the untouchables wont be to touched :DEVIL:

07-28-2008, 09:57 PM
the untouchables wont be to touched :DEVIL:

Aeons have passed, and you still have not learned! Once you were the most loved, but arrogance was and still is your failing. You were touched, and now dwell in the abyss. Away from HIS Love, that is Hell! They too will be touched!

07-28-2008, 10:38 PM
Mikael,your wisdom is a blessing. You recognize him and those he touches from the abyss and they say mountain folks arnt gifted?
The prince of darkness cant hide his people forever.
The demons who lead us will in fact be touched by the prince of light very soon.
Justice will prevail!

07-29-2008, 11:56 AM

07-29-2008, 09:34 PM
I'm not much into predictions. But I hear that Cabeza Blanca will cut a sweet deal to keep his pension, and he will spill the beans on T$ and the Boy King. When Cabeza Blanca is done T$ and the Boy King will be lucky if they don't wind up as room-mates at Eglin AFB.

Don't worry fellas we will throw you a lovely retirement party, and we will serve some Humble Pie!

He who laughs last, laughs best. I'm starting to giggle!

07-29-2008, 09:53 PM
You seem hung up on Eglin AFB? Remember the allegations are of violations of Florida State Statutes; not Federal Code. Eglin, besides serving as an active Air Force Base, also serves as a Federal Prison Camp. As to our concerns, let us hope that FDLE finds the evidence to force Timoney out. Afterward, BK will crumble when demoted to his civil service rank of lieutenant.

07-31-2008, 03:42 AM

07-31-2008, 04:41 AM

Indeed! Maxima enim..patientia virtus!

08-02-2008, 08:16 PM

08-04-2008, 06:24 PM