View Full Version : Spreading or Starting Rumors Monger Beware!

Brian Hugh
07-28-2008, 01:19 AM
Some people at the PPD who have a history of starting rumors as well as perpetuating rumors should be careful. Especially if you have been a female detective for 3 or more years doesn't give you immunity. When you talk crap about a supervisor and that supervisor finds out what was said and who said it (YOU :D ) you shouldn't be too awful suprised to find the supervisor has written it up and forwarded it. Then you immediately want to file a "counter complaint" because you are tired of people saying and starting crap. LOL wake up there detective, you should know who you should be mad at and it ain't the supervisor. Hey Det. Sherlock everyone but you knows it should be the person who told the supervisor what you told that person! You are just so ate up with your desire to stir the pot CONSTANTLY. You have a reputation with the agencies in Manatee County as a female that attempts to be sweet to your face, but when your back is turned, well you know what I mean. You have been spoken to about this in the past to no avail. Either hold your tongue or move on (unless you have no where to go).

08-23-2008, 08:52 PM
Hmm, no response? Maybe because she is the primary pot stirrer on this website and anywhere she exists for that matter. Its amazing how she will have two or three different versions of stories to tell certain people. I have heard the variations myself. I think she and her better half plan this stuff in their spare time. The probably have a "situation room" at home with maps, photos, topics and release dates all planned out. Be careful what you say when she is around. It WILL get twisted to fit her liking and SPREAD like warm butter.