View Full Version : Lt. Cabrera

07-14-2008, 09:20 PM
where did that little guy go?

07-14-2008, 09:31 PM
Lt.Luis Cabrera is working very hard at not being noticed by the evil ones at MPD.
He has high hopes for a major position in the new admin. come Nov.2009.
Luis,good luck brother. You have earned the respect of us all.

07-14-2008, 09:33 PM
He is being transferred to Internal Affairs while the Commander goes to specialized training. He has pledged alliegance to the Diablo's Office and will do everything possible to make Commander.

Sorry Cabrera, we thought you were one of us. Instead you sold yourself to el diabla

07-14-2008, 09:49 PM
That guy writes everybody up. I think he took lessons from Olive Oil

07-14-2008, 09:50 PM
he is the type of weasel that "EF's" with everyones overtime

but is a scammer for his own

a typical weasel who somehow thinks he sees a man when he looks in the mirror

he will do well in IA...

07-14-2008, 10:42 PM
well, thats why he was in labor relations...so he can make sure the discipline sticks like a tar on a roof

07-14-2008, 11:47 PM
you should have seen him when he was in PST....a real captain radio!

07-15-2008, 12:20 AM
P.S.T.? That guy was a C.A.T.E. officer his whole career. All he knows is how to guard old folks home.
If he was in a specialized unit,it must have a been a short stay and a mistake?

07-15-2008, 12:20 AM
I heard he left MPD in 1986 to open a McDonlalds. He now ownes 14 of them. Way to go Lt.

07-15-2008, 12:37 AM
Own one this one couldn't run one he would have to ask Ronald McDonald every time if it was okay to sell a burger without mustard. He is so far up everyone's a$$ it's not funny, he thinks he can play the whole field and please both sides. He is up the D/C a$$ and then the FOP's a$$, then up each commissioner's a$$. The real Cabrea was Emilo he owns the stores this one owns chap stick so his lips don't dry out.

07-15-2008, 12:41 AM
Dont mess with the future major or he will have President Gooch sit on u!
The plan for the future entails Luis Cabrera as a leader so deal with it.

07-15-2008, 01:55 AM
sank ju for keeping my casa safe comandante cabrera. tu es muy cute en los camisas que estan muy corta.

07-15-2008, 02:37 AM
isn't this the guy that shoots at couches?

07-15-2008, 10:35 AM
Give him a break. He was man enough to realize his place wasn't in the field and he went inside where he is good. Some idiots stay in the field and refuse to leave even when eveyone is telling them they suck and hated. Good luck Lt.

07-15-2008, 01:44 PM
Give him a break. He was man enough to realize his place wasn't in the field and he went inside where he is good. Some idiots stay in the field and refuse to leave even when eveyone is telling them they suck and hated. Good luck Lt. can we put pepe, oliva and this wonder boy in a small office with only one stapler....

07-15-2008, 02:29 PM
He's a pretty man

07-15-2008, 02:51 PM
Lt. Cabrera is a great guy, a true friend, and brother who will always lend a helping hand. Those who dislike him and are writing crap without identifying themselves truly don't know him and are jealous and filled with envy that the lieutenant has made it up the ranks. Also, the Lieutenant is not going to IA and he is currently the commander of Labor Relations and Recruitment and Selection. I speak to the lieutenant frequently and the only thing that he concerns himself with is his family and faith. To those who are circulating false rumors ensure you pick you targets allot more carefully. Many of us know your objective but I promise you wont accomplish your goal.

07-15-2008, 03:19 PM
Lt Cabrera is a guy that wants u to be one of the cops in the street
He has no idea of what police work is about. Mark my words he will
Mess up anything he does he is a total baker.

07-15-2008, 05:37 PM
Lt Cabrera is a guy that wants u to be one of the cops in the street
He has no idea of what police work is about. Mark my words he will
Mess up anything he does he is a total baker.

I AGREE :cry:

07-16-2008, 03:05 AM
Lt. Cabrera is a great guy, a true friend, and brother who will always lend a helping hand. Those who dislike him and are writing crap without identifying themselves truly don't know him and are jealous and filled with envy that the lieutenant has made it up the ranks. Also, the Lieutenant is not going to IA and he is currently the commander of Labor Relations and Recruitment and Selection. I speak to the lieutenant frequently and the only thing that he concerns himself with is his family and faith. To those who are circulating false rumors ensure you pick you targets allot more carefully. Many of us know your objective but I promise you wont accomplish your goal.this has been said since he was a cop so your saying thy were jealous of him then papo please a future oliva in the making

07-16-2008, 02:58 PM
He has been very fair to the membership when it comes to discipline and other issues. He is in a position that the administration would love to pressure or persuade him in doing things that wouldn't be fair to our rank and file.

07-16-2008, 03:06 PM
Cabrera is a baker. But, Ortiz is right. He has been fair. This place tried to screw me and he actually took a stand on my reprimand when they weren't being fair.

07-16-2008, 03:35 PM
Own one this one couldn't run one he would have to ask Ronald McDonald every time if it was okay to sell a burger without mustard. He is so far up everyone's a$$ it's not funny, he thinks he can play the whole field and please both sides. He is up the D/C a$$ and then the FOP's a$$, then up each commissioner's a$$. The real Cabrea was Emilo he owns the stores this one owns chap stick so his lips don't dry out.

The Lt. Cabrera that owns about 15 McDonald was Lt. Emilio Cabrera and he left about 20 years ago!! :lol: the Lt. you all are talking about is Luis Cabrera and you are absoulutely right!!! the guy is a kiss ass and has never been a police officer in his life, all he does is rub shoulders with the commissioners and the Mayor and also he is a snitch, so wath out!!! because he is a snake!!!

07-16-2008, 03:39 PM
if thats the case good for him, LT please dont become another one of the
idiots you can be a leader with out the complex some others have.

07-16-2008, 03:53 PM
Lt. cabrera has money he owns lots of properties. By the way he will be brass & he took care of us in PST. Lt. don't change **** all these haters full of envy.

07-17-2008, 04:37 AM
Own one this one couldn't run one he would have to ask Ronald McDonald every time if it was okay to sell a burger without mustard. He is so far up everyone's a$$ it's not funny, he thinks he can play the whole field and please both sides. He is up the D/C a$$ and then the FOP's a$$, then up each commissioner's a$$. The real Cabrea was Emilo he owns the stores this one owns chap stick so his lips don't dry out.

The Lt. Cabrera that owns about 15 McDonald was Lt. Emilio Cabrera and he left about 20 years ago!! :lol: the Lt. you all are talking about is Luis Cabrera and you are absoulutely right!!! the guy is a kiss ass and has never been a police officer in his life, all he does is rub shoulders with the commissioners and the Mayor and also he is a snitch, so wath out!!! because he is a snake!!!

Emilio was a working cop. he was envolved in a shooting where an old man chased the old wife down the street firing a gun at her. He and his partner dropped grandpa, but grandma died anyway waiting for rescue. Your back was qru with emilio on your scene. And when he made rank, he wasn't reprimand happy either.

07-17-2008, 04:47 AM
Well that is not our Cabrera. Ours is power hungry and scared of B.K.
Heck,he be scared of his shadow,,,,,,,,,,,

07-17-2008, 08:18 PM
What a bunch of winers and cry babies. What happened to being stand up and not handing other people up? As Police Officers our morals and character should be an example to the rest of the world and not any one Chief, Member of Staff or individual out there should ever have the power to change that in you. I know what you guys are thinking what a kiss ass etc. do boy company man, etc... But I can assure you there is nothing further from the truth, I come to work every day, just like you and have been for over 25 years. I am a grinder, I do what I am supposed to and at the end of the shift I go home. One of the first things you learn in Police work is that you backup your people first and above all and if there is a wrinkle about something you iron it out privately immediately after the problem is dealt with. But from reading all these post I sense that some of you are AFRAID to speak your mind. We should not be attacking each other and airing our laundry to the rest of the world. We should do something about it, if you think you can do a better job, STUDY and get promoted. That is how the guys that are running things did it. They are not any better than you or smarter as many of you noted. Be the Man/Woman run with the ball. But don't sit here and wine about this guy or the other, and don't sit there and say you don't want it, because you know you do. If not you would not be *****ing about. If you don't like it here then leave. There are plenty of other Police Departments that will hire you. Oh wait, you don't want to do that because you will never make the $$$ we make here. THIS IS NOT A BAD JOB. FORGET THE POLITICS AND CONCENTRATE ON THE WORK AND TAKING CARE OF ONE ANOTHER, WE ARE ALL BLUE, WE BLEED THE SAME.

07-17-2008, 08:27 PM
What a bunch of winers and cry babies. What happened to being stand up and not handing other people up? As Police Officers our morals and character should be an example to the rest of the world and not any one Chief, Member of Staff or individual out there should ever have the power to change that in you. I know what you guys are thinking what a kiss ass etc. do boy company man, etc... But I can assure you there is nothing further from the truth, I come to work every day, just like you and have been for over 25 years. I am a grinder, I do what I am supposed to and at the end of the shift I go home. One of the first things you learn in Police work is that you backup your people first and above all and if there is a wrinkle about something you iron it out privately immediately after the problem is dealt with. But from reading all these post I sense that some of you are AFRAID to speak your mind. We should not be attacking each other and airing our laundry to the rest of the world. We should do something about it, if you think you can do a better job, STUDY and get promoted. That is how the guys that are running things did it. They are not any better than you or smarter as many of you noted. Be the Man/Woman run with the ball. But don't sit here and wine about this guy or the other, and don't sit there and say you don't want it, because you know you do. If not you would not be *****ing about. If you don't like it here then leave. There are plenty of other Police Departments that will hire you. Oh wait, you don't want to do that because you will never make the $$$ we make here. THIS IS NOT A BAD JOB. FORGET THE POLITICS AND CONCENTRATE ON THE WORK AND TAKING CARE OF ONE ANOTHER, WE ARE ALL BLUE, WE BLEED THE SAME. AMEN FOR THAT BROTHER!!! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT YOU ARE SAYING THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!!

07-18-2008, 03:55 AM
Ustedes better leave Louis alone cause he destine for greatness at MPD. When the new chief comes,he will be a major and u haters will cry!

07-18-2008, 10:47 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but LT. Cabrera is a real man. I been here since 1990 and seen people change with stripes and the rest that comes along with it. Besides Tico Chavez, that happens to be another real man. Lt. Cabrera connections or not, does not bother anybody. He's always quiet and to himself. He's a real nice guy, and for those that dont know he has a master degree. How many can you mention that have a master degree in this dept. that dont have an attitude problem? I smell envy/jealousy among the people on this dept. Get a life people.

07-18-2008, 10:59 AM
He's a weasel not a man a man will stand up when needed he goes and hides in his underground den. He can't make a decsion to save his life he has to check to see if it okay to breath give me a break.

07-18-2008, 11:38 AM
Lt, Cabrera has helped many individual officers in this department in their time of need and never has gone around boasting about it. For information: He has "Welcomed" officers to stay in his rental properties for free in times of crisis or during divorces, helped police officers during times when they have been financial problems, saved individuals in this department from termination and the wrath of the administration and has assisted retirees to return to the auxiliary/reserve program when this administration doesn't want them to return. The guy can make plenty of decisions and he is dam smart. He will lead one day if that what he chooses because financially he does not need this headache. Those that hate him are the ones who are lazy at work and won't backup a fellow brother on a traffic stop and are hopeless souls that inside are miserable with their own lives and their own family life at home. God Bless you Lt. Cabrera, and don't ever change because you don't want to become like the scum that anonymously(cowards) writes trash and slanders a fellow brother behind his back, Your back stabbers and garbage and should be put out to rot. What the hell has any of the trash talkers done for anyone on this department. Post your name and tell us about the reprimands? cry baby.

07-18-2008, 01:51 PM
Lt, Cabrera has helped many individual officers in this department in their time of need and never has gone around boasting about it. For information: He has "Welcomed" officers to stay in his rental properties for free in times of crisis or during divorces, helped police officers during times when they have been financial problems, saved individuals in this department from termination and the wrath of the administration and has assisted retirees to return to the auxiliary/reserve program when this administration doesn't want them to return. The guy can make plenty of decisions and he is dam smart. He will lead one day if that what he chooses because financially he does not need this headache. Those that hate him are the ones who are lazy at work and won't backup a fellow brother on a traffic stop and are hopeless souls that inside are miserable with their own lives and their own family life at home. God Bless you Lt. Cabrera, and don't ever change because you don't want to become like the scum that anonymously(cowards) writes trash and slanders a fellow brother behind his back, Your back stabbers and garbage and should be put out to rot. What the hell has any of the trash talkers done for anyone on this department. Post your name and tell us about the reprimands? cry baby.


07-19-2008, 03:16 PM
Yea,Luisito is a good guy and will help us all who are injured. The B.K. wants to fire us all and Luis will be our savior.
Lt.,do your thing.

07-19-2008, 06:55 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but LT. Cabrera is a real man. I been here since 1990 and seen people change with stripes and the rest that comes along with it. Besides Tico Chavez, that happens to be another real man. Lt. Cabrera connections or not, does not bother anybody. He's always quiet and to himself. He's a real nice guy, and for those that dont know he has a master degree. How many can you mention that have a master degree in this dept. that dont have an attitude problem? I smell envy/jealousy among the people on this dept. Get a life people.WTF does a master's degree have to do with being a good cop? Chiefy Timoney does and look at what a dope he is.

07-19-2008, 09:12 PM
Luis has a twin who works at M.B.P.D. and that one is qru.
Our Luis aint. He has some serious issues so watch out?

07-24-2008, 06:07 AM
I don't have anything bad to say against Lt. Cabrera or any other officer for that matter. I believe we our all brothers/sisters in one way or another and should always watch each others back. For a while now I've been reading these posts and I can not believe the way we talk about each other. I know you guys really don't mean alot of things you say because when a fellow officer gets shot or hurt I see the concern in your faces for that officer, whether you say you like that officer or not.
However, It does bother me that someone writes a post using my name like the one previous about Lt. Cabrera posted 07-18-08 @6:38 (subject Great guy True Brother)

07-24-2008, 06:20 AM
Benny,remember the days, well, actually,nights at the concord. Man did we have fun or what?
Ref. Cabrera, papa,the guy has never worked a day in his life but why hate?
If he can continue to scam,why not? There are many like him so more power to him!

07-25-2008, 02:00 PM
Hello Benny, nice to hear from you. This is the guy that sat on your left while at BLE 90 and didn't like you sucking your teeth. I am glad you are doing ok. Whenever you have a chance give me an 02. Take care my brother.

07-26-2008, 01:43 PM
Leave Luis alone. He is slowly moving up the ranks while we sit here and have fun. Luis,good luck at health services and watch your back with sgt.Griffin. That guy is doble carra. Oh and its not Ken,its the other gringo.

07-26-2008, 01:57 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but LT. Cabrera is a real man. I been here since 1990 and seen people change with stripes and the rest that comes along with it. Besides Tico Chavez, that happens to be another real man. Lt. Cabrera connections or not, does not bother anybody. He's always quiet and to himself. He's a real nice guy, and for those that dont know he has a master degree. How many can you mention that have a master degree in this dept. that dont have an attitude problem? I smell envy/jealousy among the people on this dept. Get a life people.


07-27-2008, 04:02 AM

07-27-2008, 05:46 PM
Great Lieutenant, person, and friend, keep hating, we all know is pure jealously and we love to see you suffer because there is nothing you can do but acknowledge that he is on top and your still eating dirt. Don't change Lt. and continue foward with your goals. I love seeing your enemies enraged knowing there is nothing they can do to you from being a future leader. Awsome

07-28-2008, 05:14 PM
Leave Luisito the metro alone. Hi is harmless,well,unless staff is nearby?
The guy is "in command" of the health services,l.m.a.o. so leave him alone.

07-29-2008, 11:21 PM
Lt.,hope you can help us with our light duty issues cause the deputy wants us out?

07-29-2008, 11:32 PM
the deputy wants limited duty out not lite, and the LT is a good man so go talk about some off the bad people god knows this place has many of them like R mcdonald, boy queen and did any body find some T Money on the ground.

07-31-2008, 11:26 PM
I heard that Cabrera is being considered for Major. Can anyone advise if he is being promoted next month?

08-01-2008, 12:09 AM
I heard that Cabrera is being considered for Major. Can anyone advise if he is being promoted next month?

yup a major pain

08-02-2008, 03:15 PM
Lets begin by stating to the spanish language writer to learn to write in english because you live in America (greatest country in the world). Second, If you're going to be so stupid and ignorant and write in your native tonque (spanish) in a foreign country at least you should be able to clearly express your thoughts "Moron". Now, lets get to the subject matter. Lieutenant Cabrera posses more fortitde (the pair) and leadership (total package) than you will ever "IMAGINE" having. Individuals like you are garbage from the day you were concieved in your mothers dirty wound to your current miserable and pathetic adulthood status. Envy and the lack of self accomplishment in your own personal life has motivated you to lie and slander a great man, friend, leader, family man, and Christian as is Lieutenant Cabrera. You're a coward and a parasite to this society and what you need to do is to crawl back into that infected hole you were created from and never come out again. You and the other "haters" who have posted untruthful and unsupported lies attempt to smear others becuase you have not accomplished anything in your own personal lifes. For some unknown reason writing lies and unsupported trash talk on this site provides to the "haters" a great deal of satisfaction that they lack in all other areas of their own personal lifes. This speaks volumes of who you truly are because it highlights your personality traits " ENSECURE, BACK STABBER, SCUM, AND USELESS, among many other horrific things. If you have something to say to another dont be a ***** and have the balls to confront them and tell them how you feel to their faces. Lieutenant Cabrera, don't change, keep striving, and accomplishing your goals. God bless you,Lieutenant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:devil: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-19-2009, 05:52 PM
Now he will get promoted.

11-19-2009, 05:59 PM
i thought this guy was a allapattah PST SGT ........he moved up quick

11-19-2009, 10:54 PM
Lets begin by stating to the spanish language writer to learn to write in english because you live in America (greatest country in the world). Second, If you're going to be so stupid and ignorant and write in your native tonque (spanish) in a foreign country at least you should be able to clearly express your thoughts "Moron". Now, lets get to the subject matter. Lieutenant Cabrera posses more fortitde (the pair) and leadership (total package) than you will ever "IMAGINE" having. Individuals like you are garbage from the day you were concieved in your mothers dirty wound to your current miserable and pathetic adulthood status. Envy and the lack of self accomplishment in your own personal life has motivated you to lie and slander a great man, friend, leader, family man, and Christian as is Lieutenant Cabrera. You're a coward and a parasite to this society and what you need to do is to crawl back into that infected hole you were created from and never come out again. You and the other "haters" who have posted untruthful and unsupported lies attempt to smear others becuase you have not accomplished anything in your own personal lifes. For some unknown reason writing lies and unsupported trash talk on this site provides to the "haters" a great deal of satisfaction that they lack in all other areas of their own personal lifes. This speaks volumes of who you truly are because it highlights your personality traits " ENSECURE, BACK STABBER, SCUM, AND USELESS, among many other horrific things. If you have something to say to another dont be a . and have the balls to confront them and tell them how you feel to their faces. Lieutenant Cabrera, don't change, keep striving, and accomplishing your goals. God bless you,Lieutenant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:devil: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-20-2009, 02:52 AM
Luis didnt bust his a.. trying to get recolado in office for nothing so he will shock you all when he is promoted to Major next week. No piedra boy but be ready to salute him,lol

11-20-2009, 05:41 PM
Luis didnt bust his a.. trying to get recolado in office for nothing so he will shock you all when he is promoted to Major next week. No piedra boy but be ready to salute him,lol

Stop bashing the LT. he is no different than many of the other staff members that have served in this department. Louie got lucky and he is going to cash his winning ticket. Throughout the history of this police department everyone knows that being competent is not what counts 40% luck and 60% rabbi. So lay off the poor kid and lets see how he uses his new power.....for good or evil........by the way you will never hear about good decisions that he makes, the crybabies and backstabbers will only spread rumors about the mistakes he will make. So see how he treats you and those around you and formulate your judgement about him from personal knowledge.
Oh, I forgot what site I was on..................................I didn't mean to make a legitimate point on this rag of a place.....