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07-12-2008, 03:08 AM
Okay, honest question, why does Bartow PD continue to write tickets for crashes and vehicles stops, yet when subpoena'd to court, you never show up??

In the 5 years I've gone to traffic court, I've only seen TWO Bartow PD officers show up and we all stood there in awe. You are the closest agency to the court house yet continue to fail to show up.

From one law enforcement officer to another, if you respect your agency, and are confident in your work to at least write the ticket, at least show up to defend your actions. If not, please let the people go about their business.

07-12-2008, 04:25 AM

instead of posting an a forum where no one knows who you are when you come at people in a negative way, one day when you are in traffic court, why don't you walk over to BPD and talk to an officer face to face?

i'm not justfying or defending, simply stating a suggestion.

07-12-2008, 09:15 AM
shocker.. a BPD ofc wanting you to walk over and make contact.. right the good ol boy system. you guys cant even hire officers with respect. the ones you have are over tattooed and big headed. come on over to the real side.

07-12-2008, 05:17 PM
I am fairly new here at bpd....but i write tickets all day long.. i always show up to court... im probably one of those 2 officers he/she was referring to. i noticed lots of agencies have officers M.I.A. when it comes to traffic court... this guy must not have it in BPD. You should really check us out now...the good ole boy system is a thing of the past.... that old regime is gone..... Chill out already its not that serious...who sits down and pays attention to stuff like that.

07-12-2008, 07:04 PM
I think what the original post was saying was that 99% of your officers fail to show up for traffic court and was wondering why. I work for the Sheriff's Office and they are starting to crack down on whos habitually missing traffic court.

The only ones that attend TC in bartow is Mulberry, FHP, S.O. Ft Meade, and Bartow. The new Hearing Officers usually says the name of the agency and sometimes the agency the officer is with, which is usually Bartow PD.

THe original post nor I are 'bashing' anyone or any agency, and I was curious myself as to why I rarely see Bartow PD in TC. Just relax and stop being so defensive. It was just an honest question.

07-12-2008, 07:14 PM
Omg here we go..... If you honestly Believe that Original blog wasn't a "bash" on our department then you must have not read it or be a "bpd hater" yourself.

and i quote:

"From one law enforcement officer to another, if you respect your agency, and are confident in your work to at least write the ticket, at least show up to defend your actions. If not, please let the people go about their business."

Like I said every Department has it's few that miss TC..... but who has the time to really dwell on that stuff.....in other words get a life man..

07-13-2008, 03:39 AM
BPD is down ten officers, and according to the paper, the new city manager will not be replacing those positions. Looks to me like someone just trying to stir up more hostility. If you dont like what BPD officers do, or dont do.... try being in their shoes right now, and go through what they are and have gone through the past year. I think it would be better to see how you as obviously an officer yourself, could help a fellow officer or maybe give a word of encouragement instead of downing other officers, and finding the bad in other agencies.

"All four one, and one four all"!

07-13-2008, 09:17 PM
you guys cant even hire officers with respect. the ones you have are over tattooed and big headed. come on over to the real side.

HHmmm, Over tattooed? Because your right, tattoo's tell the world of someones ability to conduct law enforcement. Please, tell me, what number is over the limit for a person to have that ability? Moron!

Hope you realize over 70% of our United States Military has visible tattoos on there body....hhhmmm, that must mean 70% of our Military men and women have no respect, ...... Good point genius!

"Real side"? AND WE'RE BIG HEADED!!???? This is one very good reason most of us do not wish to "come over" Due to people like yourself. Thanks!

07-14-2008, 03:48 AM
I think what the original post was saying was that 99% of your officers fail to show up for traffic court and was wondering why. I work for the Sheriff's Office and they are starting to crack down on whos habitually missing traffic court.

The only ones that attend TC in bartow is Mulberry, FHP, S.O. Ft Meade, and Bartow. The new Hearing Officers usually says the name of the agency and sometimes the agency the officer is with, which is usually Bartow PD.

THe original post nor I are 'bashing' anyone or any agency, and I was curious myself as to why I rarely see Bartow PD in TC. Just relax and stop being so defensive. It was just an honest question


07-15-2008, 12:40 AM
Easy guys & gals.. It matters not what your opinion is. its just a matter of time before our city leader(s) realize the city will be better off under the control of the Sheriff's office. we will be held to a much higher standard than were used to. Learn the word - PROCAP - If you dont know it, you soon will.

And before you start getting all defensive with the usual " dont say it on here say in person crap" im just pointing out the obvious. the laid back, do as little as possible to maintain the ole down south image, days are soon to be over.

And when that change-over happens, you will have the option to retire. If you dont retire though, you will enjoy the high speed atmosphere, better training, state funded retirement ect.. it may not be as bad as you think.

07-15-2008, 03:01 AM
I think you need to go back to the rock you crawled out from. You are biased and have no idea what the reality is or isn't at BPD. As far as the down south mentality it sounds you already have a handle on that.

07-15-2008, 08:07 PM
What id__t wrote this garbage? Bpd does not have a problem showing up for traffic court. The most I've seen miss TC is PCSO and FHP. I thought this was a site for adult leo's to network and fellowship with one another. Obviously I was wrong.

07-16-2008, 12:02 AM
Fight, struggle, cry , complain and deny it as much as you want. You will soon be answering to the sheriff.. As the other guest said, you can always quit or retire because i can assure you, you will adopt the sheriff's office policies and procap ways of doing business or you will shown the door.

07-17-2008, 03:04 AM
To the above poster:

Cry, whine, troll, argue, hide behind your secret guest name alll you want to. Do your insipid best to try and make something out of something that is not there.

But invoking the name of PCSO and/or Sheriff Grady Judd does not give YOU more credibility than you otherwise deserve. Your arrogant attitude displays weakness and suggests that you are too afraid to speak YOUR opinion without using Grady Judd's name to back up your arrogance.

Grady Judd is a respected sheriff and if BPD does merge with the sheriff's office then 99% of the officers will do a great job, after all, we have been doing a great job for years.

07-22-2008, 03:32 PM
LOL OMG...ITS 07/22/08 AND GUESS WHAT.......WE'RE STILL IN BLUE UNIFORMS... UMM..... 3 WORDS (IN YOUR FACE)!!!!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES? TAKE YOUR PRO CAP AND... $T I c l< it in your...but anyways dont let the blue hit you on the way out...

08-11-2008, 04:50 PM
LOL OMG...ITS 07/22/08 AND GUESS WHAT.......WE'RE STILL IN BLUE UNIFORMS... UMM..... 3 WORDS (IN YOUR FACE)!!!!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES? TAKE YOUR PRO CAP AND... $T I c l< it in your...but anyways dont let the blue hit you on the way out...

Whoo hoo! We're safe! We can keep sitting on our behinds, writing ticket to teenagers instead of focusing on burglars and other creatures committing REAL crimes. That, of course, would require more time out of our air conditioned cars. No thanks, PCSO. We're content being fat, dumb and happy.