View Full Version : Not safe anymore

07-11-2008, 01:47 PM
Wow, this stuff really concerns me ! I pay for part of your salaries and dont feel very safe anymore with you part time cops. I have lived in this city almost ten years and have never delt with or seen in all my time here a bigger group of clowns then like the ones serving now. You people are not real police man and woman, you guys dont have the...."you know what" to work at a real department. You people drive around all day in circles, drinking coffee and chasing woman all day and night long. I'm very disappointed in the selection of officers in this department and very concerned about how unstabble this department is. For those of you that are not happy working there, hey burger king is hiring, leave ! Let those that want to make a difference here the chance to grow and they deserve to be happy.

Ill be watching you guys and expressing myself at the upcoming commission meeting, look for me, ill be pointing out the bad in you (you know who you are).

Concerned Citizen,


07-11-2008, 02:36 PM
Mr or Mrs. Start at the top, but especially the Captain of Police. Go get his records in Hialeah, it will tell the story.

07-11-2008, 02:45 PM
Yea, Citizen, can you please get the records and put it on this forum.

07-11-2008, 06:35 PM
Stop crying about the Captain. You guys always hate the supervisors that make you work. Deal with it or leave!!!!

07-11-2008, 06:38 PM
Hey, you so called concerned citizen, you're no better than the Mayor. You and the Mayor should move if you don't like it. I know you must be the Mayor's friend to be writing that junk on this post.

07-12-2008, 02:48 AM
Stop crying about the Captain. You guys always hate the supervisors that make you work. Deal with it or leave!!!!Np the Captain is a dirt bag all the way from aleah, tell me whats can you say when he was in Hialeah, go ahead

07-12-2008, 02:48 AM
Stop crying about the Captain. You guys always hate the supervisors that make you work. Deal with it or leave!!!!He didt work as a cop in Hialeah, you think now

07-13-2008, 02:52 PM
Who is the Captain now?

10-17-2008, 02:44 AM
Citizen do what I did. I moved out back in 1987 when all the scum started moving into the Estates. All them drug dealers with their delinquent gang banging kids.

I lived in Courtly Mannor when it was all Gringos before the South and Central American Trash began moving in. The Kemps used to run that place clean. No blacks, no Hispanic Trash... Now it's turned into Jerry Springer Land.

It's no wonder these poor cops have a tough job. What you need to do if you don't want to move out, then run for office and start cleaning out the city begining with that corrupt MF Mayor you have and all the stupid brass in the police department.

Had I stayed there I would had run for mayor. I lived there when that college professor was mayor... gee I forgot his name he looked like Col Sanders... LOL

But anyway citizen get the hell out of there before you get robbed.