View Full Version : Mayor Snubs Police Again

07-10-2008, 03:51 PM
His honor Manny Diaz attempted to praise all the city workers at todays commission meeting that helped with the Mayors conference. He named each group by name example the Fire departmet, Sanataion, Etc. Then he read each and every name that worked the conference. EXCEPT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT he named the police department and named the Chief, Deputy Chief, Major Guzman, and Captain Walterman. He never mentioned by name a single person that really worked the conference except for Captain Walterman. Shame on you mayor Diaz if it were not for each and evey hard working grunt that directed traffic and worked the event taking time from thier familes to serve this city. You should have mentioned us first and named everyone and had them there like every other department did. P.S. Shame on you to chief Timoney and D/C Fernadez for not stepping up and mentioning the real workes here. No wonder one day you all will fall and fall hard just hope I am here to see it and laugh as I hold the door open for you to leave.

07-10-2008, 06:08 PM

07-10-2008, 06:45 PM
At the big Calle Ocho Drunk Fest held for the mayors the mayor of Trenton New Jersey praised the police department for their fine work, and when he handed the microphone back to Manny the S.O.B. never acknowledged the compliment.

All the police officers that drove his buddies around town, stood in the rain during protests, were on their feet in the lobby of the hotel for hours, the PSA's that stood out in the sun were snubbed by this S.O.B.

07-10-2008, 07:11 PM
Do you cats really think that this crooked,{mod,its news},piece of excrement of a mayor would praise us?? Papo,get real.
Would the Mob praise the popos? Same crap but government pillar.
This ******* only cares about t$ cause he and Kathy,our S.A. support his actions.
Dont worry about this cowardly man and just keep doing your jobs.
We,the men and women of MPD,not chief, are second to none in the nation!

07-10-2008, 07:49 PM
Lightning storm

07-10-2008, 07:54 PM
six days straight in the hot sun, no O/T but, they gave us water

07-10-2008, 08:18 PM
Yeah, 6 days in the hot sun. You should be getting combat pay. SISSY

07-10-2008, 08:25 PM
I'm all for a lil recognition here & there, but papa if you want to hear your name called out over a speaker you're sh!t outta luck. You chose the wrong career homie. Suck it up and enjoy your paycheck que some of you are lucky to have a job. You're making how much with a G.E.D???

07-10-2008, 09:08 PM
His honor Manny Diaz attempted to praise all the city workers at todays commission meeting that helped with the Mayors conference. He named each group by name example the Fire departmet, Sanataion, Etc. Then he read each and every name that worked the conference. EXCEPT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT he named the police department and named the Chief, Deputy Chief, Major Guzman, and Captain Walterman. He never mentioned by name a single person that really worked the conference except for Captain Walterman. Shame on you mayor Diaz if it were not for each and evey hard working grunt that directed traffic and worked the event taking time from thier familes to serve this city. You should have mentioned us first and named everyone and had them there like every other department did. P.S. Shame on you to chief Timoney and D/C Fernadez for not stepping up and mentioning the real workes here. No wonder one day you all will fall and fall hard just hope I am here to see it and laugh as I hold the door open for you to leave.

And this should come as a surprise to you? What do you expect from a failed mayor, who believes in his corrupt police chief and tyrant deputy. The only ones on the staff who did the work was Guzman and Walterman. Praise is due to the brothers and sisters who braved the elements to make Miami look good. I hope T$ and Frank schmoozed and made lots of contacts with the other mayors because come November 2009, he and Frank are going to be in need of new employment.

07-10-2008, 11:54 PM
A WHOLE BIKE PLATOON RODE IN A THUNDER STORM WITH DEMONSTRATORS ANYONE MENTION THAT ? :x :roll:You can always quit your job. That's what your paid for crybaby!