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07-02-2008, 05:01 AM
Every day I look around this place and feel sick. I see no plan, bosses playing favorites and crime out of control. I never thought I would say it but we need Worch back!

WE NEED HIM like it or not!

07-02-2008, 08:40 AM
I disagreed with a lot he did, but he is better than what we have here now. Bunch of misfits playing favorites, screwing the deputies with raises to make political friends with the commissioners and public in time for the election. It is obvious that we are not the most important thing to the Cameron clan. I will be voting for Worch also. I will also ask everyone I know to vote for him. A change will be nice at this point.

07-02-2008, 10:53 PM
Guys if you have never worked for the dictator Richard Worch please ask one of us that did. The guy was a complete and total moron. Trust me you do not want to go back to the Worch days or you will be answering to Major Angelo "I sleep with informants" Favara and Major Tony "Nervous Breakdown" Penland. Remember Capt. Ray "Napolean" Komar and Worch's buddy who harassed women, Undersheriff Larry Meggs. How about Captain Robert "I fly junk helicopters" Carr. For you new guys ask a deputy who served during the Worch years how bad it was handing out survey cards to people you arrested. I got yelled at for not handing out a survey card to a guy I arrested for Reckless Driving. Get informed.

07-02-2008, 11:03 PM
Guys if you have never worked for the dictator Richard Worch please ask one of us that did. The guy was a complete and total moron. Trust me you do not want to go back to the Worch days or you will be answering to Major Angelo "I sleep with informants" Favara and Major Tony "Nervous Breakdown" Penland. Remember Capt. Ray "Napolean" Komar and Worch's buddy who harassed women, Undersheriff Larry Meggs. How about Captain Robert "I fly junk helicopters" Carr. For you new guys ask a deputy who served during the Worch years how bad it was handing out survey cards to people you arrested. I got yelled at for not handing out a survey card to a guy I arrested for Reckless Driving. Get informed.

AMEN brother!!!

First good thing is he was voted out and things began to get better. I say Cameron is the lesser of two evils! (The others don't count)

WORCH is hold a chip on his shoulder for this place. He'll cut salary for the working guys, take away take home cars, make us pay for our crappie insurances, and we'll never get new equipment. I can go on. He'll keep CG and accreditation and the jail will start to fall apart agian. Remeber falling through the floor in the jail.

07-02-2008, 11:13 PM
Guys if you have never worked for the dictator Richard Worch please ask one of us that did. The guy was a complete and total moron. Trust me you do not want to go back to the Worch days or you will be answering to Major Angelo "I sleep with informants" Favara and Major Tony "Nervous Breakdown" Penland. Remember Capt. Ray "Napolean" Komar and Worch's buddy who harassed women, Undersheriff Larry Meggs. How about Captain Robert "I fly junk helicopters" Carr. For you new guys ask a deputy who served during the Worch years how bad it was handing out survey cards to people you arrested. I got yelled at for not handing out a survey card to a guy I arrested for Reckless Driving. Get informed.

AMEN brother!!!

First good thing is he was voted out and things began to get better. I say Cameron is the lesser of two evils! (The others don't count)

WORCH is hold a chip on his shoulder for this place. He'll cut salary for the working guys, take away take home cars, make us pay for our crappie insurances, and we'll never get new equipment. I can go on. He'll keep CG and accreditation and the jail will start to fall apart agian. Remeber falling through the floor in the jail.

Don't forget the times he almost fired someone for doing their job, like stopping a speeder (him) or the times he fouhgt with his wife and hit her, oh no report. The time he could not control his son and booked him in the jail. I don't want to keep going on.

Lets face it any elected offical make promises and I hear if Cameron is elected we are going to staff the islands full time? Another waste of money? or that deputy can help carry bags for the tourist? Provide their wake calls. There is not a lot of crime on those islands and if we go to make an arrest, it's a kid whose parent have money and pull and things are taken care of, this happens because a the sheriff is elected and needs favors for elections or re-elections.

07-03-2008, 06:35 PM
I'm voting for Worch for no other reason than the fact that it means most of the top brass will be packing up their offices when he gets sworn in.

07-04-2008, 12:03 AM
It's Worch or Libby. An easy choice if you aske me...

07-04-2008, 02:36 PM
Absolutely. Four more years of Cameron is four more years of Libby and the henchman.

07-04-2008, 02:51 PM
Libby a henchman? Boy are you ever out of the loop. Just see who the sheriff named as in charge while he is out of town and that will show you who the real henchman is. Major Libby is actually a pretty decent manager if you sit down and talk with him in a neutral setting

07-06-2008, 08:21 PM
Hey Libby, can't you think of a better name than Guest123456789?

No one likes you, so it's obvious that you wrote it.

07-06-2008, 08:37 PM
Usually when someone starts naming Libby you know where the source of the post came from...PGPD...
Sour Grapes...

07-06-2008, 10:21 PM
I really do not think PGPD cares about Libby staying or going at our office. They are in a golden age right now!!!!!

07-06-2008, 11:31 PM
Usually when someone starts naming Libby you know where the source of the post came from...PGPD...
Sour Grapes...

Thanks Major Libby, at least you are using Guest now....

07-07-2008, 10:51 AM
Hey Libby, can't you think of a better name than Guest123456789?

No one likes you, so it's obvious that you wrote it.

Why does everybody dislike him? I personally have never had a problem with him.

07-07-2008, 11:03 AM
Me either... never had a problem with Libby at all. I think most people who have a problem with him only do it because it's the "cool" thing to do like we're in high school or something.
He has NEVER given me any grief, he's always been pleasant and easygoing. Sure... he sends out the occasional "Whats was that all about!?!?!" email, but can't blame him for doing his
"supervisory" job...

Anyway, yes, Libby vs Worch is EASY... REALLY EASY! Vote Cameron....

07-07-2008, 09:45 PM
I worked here when worch was sheriff. Talk about a pain. He never got us any dsecent raises ans when he did give us one, the insurance went right up with it. Also, lets not forget the two civilian IA goons he had headhunting people. There are just too many thngs he did to list them all, but the bottom line is that if he is elected, dont expect any real support, raises, new equipment, and schools, just to name a few.

07-08-2008, 12:28 AM
Me either... never had a problem with Libby at all. I think most people who have a problem with him only do it because it's the "cool" thing to do like we're in high school or something.
He has NEVER given me any grief, he's always been pleasant and easygoing. Sure... he sends out the occasional "Whats was that all about!?!?!" email, but can't blame him for doing his
"supervisory" job...

Anyway, yes, Libby vs Worch is EASY... REALLY EASY! Vote Cameron....

OK, that did it, command staff and Libby's immediate family need to stay off this page.

07-08-2008, 04:06 PM
If you stop dredging up your personal bad experiences and gossip you may realize we can all change for the better, survey cards big deal, a happy public means a happy dept. Worch has the right stuff, experience, balls to take this agency where it needs to be. We are an embarrassment at best right now with the high profile f-up's that went on for all the world to see. 1000 good, great things no one will recall, we need a clean sweep, fresh start. Go ahead haters I hear it coming, old rediculous stories about peoples personal lives blah, blah, blah no one cares or wants to hear about that any more. Get over it already and get to work.

07-08-2008, 11:32 PM
I dont understand how you all can blame cameron and davenport for what happened with the 911. If Worch was our sheriff the same thing would have happenend with the same outcome no matter who was our sheriff. It doesnt matter who the sheriff is, its the way everyone does their job the right way that will make this county better. Everybody blames everybody instead of worrying about themselves. Everyone has a job if its a deputy or a supervisor, so everyone should worry about themselves and not blame others for mistakes someone else has done. The whole 911 system is messed up all over the US and it would of happened anywhere!

07-08-2008, 11:50 PM
Maybe if the old 1st sergeants were still in dispatch like we had with Worch the information would have been passed on?

07-13-2008, 06:34 PM
Maybe if the old 1st sergeants were still in dispatch like we had with Worch the information would have been passed on?

Not really, I have been in dispatch with both systems. It was trouble misstake and I pray to no one ever else agian. The agency should take it lumps and drive on.
Hell, when Worch was here we got sue at more!!!
But, I thought accreditation was suppose to prevent law suits??? NOT

It just a system we pay a heel of a lot of money to and get nothing for it, other than paying old reitred cops a kick back. I wished I thought of it and pay me over a $100,000 to come and inspect. The we have four people being paid over $200,000 (total of the four), then the man hours involved in the stupid monthly reports.

07-13-2008, 06:48 PM
Maybe if the old 1st sergeants were still in dispatch like we had with Worch the information would have been passed on?

Not really, I have been in dispatch with both systems. It was trouble misstake and I pray to no one ever else agian. The agency should take it lumps and drive on.
Hell, when Worch was here we got sue at more!!!
But, I thought accreditation was suppose to prevent law suits??? NOT

It just a system we pay a heel of a lot of money to and get nothing for it, other than paying old reitred cops a kick back. I wished I thought of it and pay me over a $100,000 to come and inspect. The we have four people being paid over $200,000 (total of the four), then the man hours involved in the stupid monthly reports.

Could you be any dumber?

07-13-2008, 11:13 PM
In a month and a half we will know and this will be all for nothing....:)

07-14-2008, 02:29 AM
In a month and a half we will know and this will be all for nothing....:)
What we need is a strong Dem. contender to beat them both!!

07-14-2008, 03:34 AM
I think Davaenport is a fool, has no respect for the public, and is a lousy Sheriff (if you want to call him that). Cameron get not get elected because he has been brainwashed by davenport. Worch has said he will not waste time and money on DUI checkpoints. i would have to agree with him, have ya ever passed through one. 60 or more cops on OT probably wasting our money, and I don't even drink. Also the no-smoking policy in the office is a bunch of crap. Offer higher health insurance to them or not at all, but not to hire smokers is discrimation. See ya Davenport and Cameron.

07-14-2008, 01:47 PM
You have no idea what you are talking about. There is not a person on the checkpoint getting OT, its completely schedule adjust. I cant say I agree with the checkpoints and feel that they could accomplish more by the same amount od LEO's driving around looking for DUI's. Cameron is the way to go and all the LEO's here like him with the exception of a couple of Worch's friends. Cameron for Sheriff all the way. He will be the next and remember that...

07-15-2008, 01:42 AM
You have no idea what you are talking about. There is not a person on the checkpoint getting OT, its completely schedule adjust. I cant say I agree with the checkpoints and feel that they could accomplish more by the same amount od LEO's driving around looking for DUI's. Cameron is the way to go and all the LEO's here like him with the exception of a couple of Worch's friends. Cameron for Sheriff all the way. He will be the next and remember that...

You mean all the Lee county deputies he is going to bring up here in command positions are the ones who like him.

07-15-2008, 02:25 AM
Thank god you went to PGPD. who cares who he brings, if they are anything like him, that will be a good thing.

07-15-2008, 06:10 AM
Me either... never had a problem with Libby at all. I think most people who have a problem with him only do it because it's the "cool" thing to do like we're in high school or something.
He has NEVER given me any grief, he's always been pleasant and easygoing. Sure... he sends out the occasional "Whats was that all about!?!?!" email, but can't blame him for doing his
"supervisory" job...

Anyway, yes, Libby vs Worch is EASY... REALLY EASY! Vote Cameron....

Yes, Cameron!!!

07-15-2008, 06:21 AM
I think Davaenport is a fool, has no respect for the public, and is a lousy Sheriff (if you want to call him that). Cameron get not get elected because he has been brainwashed by davenport. Worch has said he will not waste time and money on DUI checkpoints. i would have to agree with him, have ya ever passed through one. 60 or more cops on OT probably wasting our money, and I don't even drink. Also the no-smoking policy in the office is a bunch of crap. Offer higher health insurance to them or not at all, but not to hire smokers is discrimation. See ya Davenport and Cameron.

Your talking out the side of your head!!!

No one gets OT for the check points and then there are only 6 a year and they are mainly for PR and it does send a message to the public to use DD's. How many have you worked? More DD's and less drunks come through the check point.

Non-Smoking policy? Well, private companies can do it? Why not us? Heck, we can't fire someone that shows up to work drunk, cause we have to offer rehab per American with Disabilitles Act, so smoking now falls under that? What next, someone with a lack of brains?

I know Worch will find the deputy that is earning 5 million a year and fire to save the county the interest payment on Murdock Village? Yea, who earns that amount in this agency?

Worch will make sure we are even more touchy feely than we currently are. NO WORCH

07-15-2008, 06:25 AM
Maybe if the old 1st sergeants were still in dispatch like we had with Worch the information would have been passed on?

Not really, I have been in dispatch with both systems. It was trouble misstake and I pray to no one ever else agian. The agency should take it lumps and drive on.
Hell, when Worch was here we got sue at more!!!
But, I thought accreditation was suppose to prevent law suits??? NOT

It just a system we pay a heel of a lot of money to and get nothing for it, other than paying old reitred cops a kick back. I wished I thought of it and pay me over a $100,000 to come and inspect. The we have four people being paid over $200,000 (total of the four), then the man hours involved in the stupid monthly reports.

Could you be any dumber?

At least I don't hide under the name of Guest

07-15-2008, 06:28 AM
I think Davaenport is a fool, has no respect for the public, and is a lousy Sheriff (if you want to call him that). Cameron get not get elected because he has been brainwashed by davenport. Worch has said he will not waste time and money on DUI checkpoints. i would have to agree with him, have ya ever passed through one. 60 or more cops on OT probably wasting our money, and I don't even drink. Also the no-smoking policy in the office is a bunch of crap. Offer higher health insurance to them or not at all, but not to hire smokers is discrimation. See ya Davenport and Cameron.

I can tell either you're a rookie or someone with no management training?

07-15-2008, 03:23 PM
I think Davaenport is a fool, has no respect for the public, and is a lousy Sheriff (if you want to call him that). Cameron get not get elected because he has been brainwashed by davenport. Worch has said he will not waste time and money on DUI checkpoints. i would have to agree with him, have ya ever passed through one. 60 or more cops on OT probably wasting our money, and I don't even drink. Also the no-smoking policy in the office is a bunch of crap. Offer higher health insurance to them or not at all, but not to hire smokers is discrimation. See ya Davenport and Cameron.

I can tell either you're a rookie or someone with no management training?

Hes not a cop at all.

07-15-2008, 09:53 PM
Too bad that so many people want to see certain majors leave that they might vote for Worch on that fact alone.

07-15-2008, 11:18 PM
[quote=Anonymous]Maybe if the old 1st sergeants were still in dispatch like we had with Worch the information would have been passed on?

Not really, I have been in dispatch with both systems. It was trouble misstake and I pray to no one ever else agian. The agency should take it lumps and drive on.
Hell, when Worch was here we got sue at more!!!
But, I thought accreditation was suppose to prevent law suits??? NOT

It just a system we pay a heel of a lot of money to and get nothing for it, other than paying old reitred cops a kick back. I wished I thought of it and pay me over a $100,000 to come and inspect. The we have four people being paid over $200,000 (total of the four), then the man hours involved in the stupid monthly reports.

Could you be any dumber?

At least I don't hide under the name of Guest[/quote:35xrclr8]

If you are like many deputies, you can hide under your brother's belly

07-16-2008, 05:16 AM
[quote=Anonymous]Maybe if the old 1st sergeants were still in dispatch like we had with Worch the information would have been passed on?

Not really, I have been in dispatch with both systems. It was trouble misstake and I pray to no one ever else agian. The agency should take it lumps and drive on.
Hell, when Worch was here we got sue at more!!!
But, I thought accreditation was suppose to prevent law suits??? NOT

It just a system we pay a heel of a lot of money to and get nothing for it, other than paying old reitred cops a kick back. I wished I thought of it and pay me over a $100,000 to come and inspect. The we have four people being paid over $200,000 (total of the four), then the man hours involved in the stupid monthly reports.

Could you be any dumber?

At least I don't hide under the name of Guest

If you are like many deputies, you can hide under your brother's belly[/quote:2ed7fz0b]

Brother's Belly?

07-27-2008, 10:31 PM
:( I can't beleive anyone who has lived in Charlotte CoUnty for more than 5 years could even consider a disgraced officer as their next Sheriff!

This man has always been (and continues to be) an idiot. He personifies "the Good" Ole Boy" stereo type officer.

Now he says if he's elected he will fire all the SRO (school resource officers) and save the county $1,000,000 a year which in turn he will give to the county to help pay for the Murdock Village project (a county sponsored real estate project which is already over $90,0000 in the hole). Hey Einstien.... you do have to be Sheriff for over 90 years to pay off that fiasco. Secondly you can't redirect funds allocated for the Sheriff's department to another pet project. Lastly Have you considered the wrongful termination suits you would bring to the county FOR TERMINATING THE DEPUTIES FOR NO JUST CAUSE?

One good solution to this problem..... VOTE FOR ANYONE BUT WORCH

07-27-2008, 10:36 PM
Job elimination = no wrongful termination suit

07-28-2008, 10:09 PM
Job elimination is one thing.... premeditation is another. Why should these deputies be terminated? If a determination is made by competent personnel that the SRO positions are not needed then those officers should be reassigned to the street or positions that currently are understaffed. And no one can tell us that the sheriff's department isn't understaffed.

08-02-2008, 09:54 PM
Cameron and Worch are two idiots. Worch is a pin head. Cmaeron is a soft handed little maggot that had to be placed on Captive to prevent his hair from getting messed up. Cameron is the only politicain that smiles at cops funerals. As far as worch he is the worst person you could ever elcet to an office position. If these two are the best candidates Charlotte has, YOU CITIZENS AND COPS ARE IN T R O U B L E

08-03-2008, 08:46 PM
Me either... never had a problem with Libby at all. I think most people who have a problem with him only do it because it's the "cool" thing to do like we're in high school or something.
He has NEVER given me any grief, he's always been pleasant and easygoing. Sure... he sends out the occasional "Whats was that all about!?!?!" email, but can't blame him for doing his
"supervisory" job...

Anyway, yes, Libby vs Worch is EASY... REALLY EASY! Vote Cameron....

Hey, this is law enforcement only. Libby family members stay off please.

08-04-2008, 11:01 AM
I think the idea that firing the SRO's will save 1,000,000 is funny... considering the school board pays half of their salaraies it's not going to save the Sheriff's Office any more then a few peoples pay per year. Aside from that there is a seniority issue with FIRING them. SRO's are still certified deputies, just in a different certified position... they would be moved back to the road or other areas. Most likely if any certified person was going to be let go it would be those that have been here less then a year...
Hold on to your hats newbies it gonna be a bumpy ride!

08-07-2008, 11:43 PM
WORCH Sucks... Keep him out, VOTE...

08-09-2008, 03:18 PM
WORCH Sucks... Keep him out, VOTE...

Yes, Vote! Not for Worch

08-09-2008, 07:09 PM
Vote for the Cameron/Libby ticket and you can't go wrong :twisted:

08-10-2008, 08:38 AM
Vote Cameron all the way. NO WORCH, People hate him, he is a CANCER.... Tell anyone that you know to vote for Cameron to keep Worch out........

08-11-2008, 03:28 AM
Hey everyone – NOW is the time to network with family, friends and neighbors and encourage them to vote for Cameron. Believe me – I was here when Worch was in and he’s not only a weirdo – he will cost us money by making us pay for health insurance again. It cost me $175 every two weeks when he was here. And don’t forget that Worch wouldn’t let us use our spotlights at night on traffic stops or have top lights on the cars. We had to run EVERYBODY to see if they had a warning issued before we could issue a ticket.

The newspaper endorsed Worch. That was a stupid thing for them to do but it gave him momentum. WE NEED TO STOP HIM.

08-17-2008, 08:01 PM
You should tell your family and friends to support Cameron if you want more of the same good old boy crap. If you want 4 years of the same few buddies getting the schools and transfers. NOT YOU IF CAMERON WINS :twisted:

08-18-2008, 01:07 AM
We'll see if people who get in the same trouble get the same punishment? Then will see if the good old boy system is still in effect.

08-18-2008, 08:34 AM
Worch was the worst Sheriff we EVER had. He SUCKSSSSSS. He would head hunt and you think we have a good ol boy system now, come on... It was 1000000 times worse when he was here. It will always be somewhat that way because everyone dont get promoted and they become disgruntled. Vote Cameron or we will be in trouble...

08-21-2008, 02:55 AM
Worch was the worst Sheriff we EVER had. He SUCKSSSSSS. He would head hunt and you think we have a good ol boy system now, come on... It was 1000000 times worse when he was here. It will always be somewhat that way because everyone dont get promoted and they become disgruntled. Vote Cameron or we will be in trouble...
When Worch was here, you would never see one person who could just wave the magic wand and make a policy.

08-21-2008, 03:20 PM
I'm voting for Worch for no other reason than the fact that it means most of the top brass will be packing up their offices when he gets sworn in.

I am sorry to say you must be totally ignorant of the Worch administration? You want vote for someone so the top brass will change. Be careful what you wish for you just might get it. Like IAs done by civilian buddies of Napolean, like officers being suspended for 120 hrs for arresting the daughter of a commissioner for aggraveted battery, (which they were totaly corect in doing) while the husband of an elected official had nothing done but was the only one that did not do his job! Like trying to have the officer fired for doing his job for stopping a speeder (which was Worch) like pimping the tragic death of an innocent young woman, like removing the overhead lights, like having to turn your emergency lights off when you stop someone in a parking lot ( which would make you illeagly parked and found at fault if your car would be hit) like continually saying there is no drug problem in Charlotte County. I could go on and on. If you have not under Worch please PLEASE speak with someone that has!!! I have worked under both and with Cameron I am safe doing my job and not worried about getting fired for doing it.

08-22-2008, 10:21 AM
Lets not forget the survey cards given to people you just ticketed or arrested, no pay raises, paying a huge amount of money for crappy health insurance for you and your family, then when you receive a small raise, it all goes to pay for the crappy insurance because the rates went up. No car radios, non-certified IA investigators on head hunting missions, SHOCAP checks on Worch's son, no new equipment to replace the broke down crap. Also, no schools again, even the ones that dont cost the agency anything. There are alot of other things that he has done that was totally crazy, most of them made the job so unsafe it is unreal. Dont vote for this person, he was voted out for a reason. If anyone thinks he has chenged, just check on the Pasco county website and you can see for yourself just how hated he was there also. Two totally differant counties, but two similar experiences and dislikes of him. That is pretty telling.

08-22-2008, 07:54 PM
His number two man was?????? Davenport who never seemed to fight for us as well. Who is Davenports number two man????? Cameron is!!!!!!

Remember this...The county was going to agree to our 3% raise....someone told them we did not need it!

Whoever becomes Sheriff will still get a raise and we will be sitting here with nothing. I remember that we use to get 2400.00 back if we had insurance coverage from a spouse. I also remember that my visits to the doctors were $15.00 and hospital visits were $100.00.

I pay a lot more when I go to the doctor now. If I do become sick I will have to pay more a lot more than I have saved. Asks the members with kids about how much they pay out. Doctors don't let you pay in small monthly payments.

I'm not saying one is better than the other. Maybe a new face would be a welcome change to us. Someone who actually was a cop on the street.

08-23-2008, 12:43 AM
Let me put it this way: If you want to shuck out your own money for health insurance and you want to be hamstrung by nonsensical rules about when you can and cannot use your lights and who you can and cannot ticket, vote Worch. Believe me - I was here and it was a mess when he was in charge.