View Full Version : School Board attorney's expenses questioned-Like ours

07-01-2008, 02:39 AM
The Miami-Dade school district's inspector general is investigating a payment made to School Board attorney JulieAnn Rico for relocation expenses.

The school district paid Rico more than $10,000 in 2006 to move to Miami-Dade County, district records show. Under her contract, she was entitled to up to $15,000 in moving expenses, but only if she relocated within the first year of employment.

Public records -- including property records and Rico's driver's license and vehicle registration -- indicate that Rico lives in Palm Beach County. Last week, she told The Miami Herald she has rented in Miami-Dade County every summer since she began with the school system.

District Inspector General Christopher Mazzella said Monday that his office is reviewing the case.

In a prepared statement, Rico said she welcomed an independent review.

''An independent review is exactly what I requested when this matter was first raised, and I have confidence in the Inspector General's ability to do just that,'' Rico wrote. ``I have fully cooperated with them, responded to their inquiries and provided the requested information.''

07-01-2008, 04:05 AM
Another slap on the rist will be forth comming

07-01-2008, 04:05 PM
Just goes to show you. If you are a high ranking politician or political appointee in this town and commit a wrongdoing, you get a slap on the wrist if all by a very weak state attorney who is most likely "in league" with them. Meanwhile, it's the little guy like us, the hard working "grunt" who would be suspended, ROD'ed, fired and otherwise tarred and feathered for committing the same infraction. We have a police chief who commits an infraction tantamount to stealing and then lies to cover it up. He gets nothing more than a slap on the wrist and a fine. We have a mayor who commits shady real estate dealings and nothing is looked into, a city attorney who was basically "spanked" for misappropriating funds and commissioners who shake down developers to gather favors but NOTHING happens to them.

Nothing will change until this county has a state attorney who is not afraid to root out corruption, a city manager who is not afraid to do his job or a commission who is not afraid to govern this city.

07-01-2008, 04:31 PM
Just goes to show you. If you are a high ranking politician or political appointee in this town and commit a wrongdoing, you get a slap on the wrist if all by a very weak state attorney who is most likely "in league" with them. Meanwhile, it's the little guy like us, the hard working "grunt" who would be suspended, ROD'ed, fired and otherwise tarred and feathered for committing the same infraction. We have a police chief who commits an infraction tantamount to stealing and then lies to cover it up. He gets nothing more than a slap on the wrist and a fine. We have a mayor who commits shady real estate dealings and nothing is looked into, a city attorney who was basically "spanked" for misappropriating funds and commissioners who shake down developers to gather favors but NOTHING happens to them.

Nothing will change until this county has a state attorney who is not afraid to root out corruption, a city manager who is not afraid to do his job or a commission who is not afraid to govern this city.

My fellow officer, you've just articulated the most cogent thesis as to why the City of Miami is in such state of ethical decay! Clearly, we need to resort to outside investigative State entities, such as the Statewide Prosecutor Office for redress! The embarrassment of having an outside state agency investigate matters that should be under review by her office, might just motivate our local State Attorney out of her lethargy and compel to do her duty!

Thank you,

A fellow Cop