View Full Version : Track Detail

06-24-2008, 05:00 PM
Some one please explain to me how in tough economic times we allow this off-duty permit to go on.
How do we allow Deputies to wear class B uniforms , under the sheriff's colors to work at a rate of 17.00 dollars an hour?
The amount of money the permits office foregoes is staggering!!
Figure this, the track employs approx ten Deputies a day for twelve hours.
Thats approx $9.00 an hour profit (42.00-33.00=9.00) times 10 Deputies for 12 hours a day. That equals $1080.00 a day.
When you multiply that times 364 days (track is closed 1 day per year) a year and the total is approx $393,000.00.
My question is why is this happening?
Secondly how are Deputies in uniform being disciplined by civilians, and other Deputies who have no rank?
Here we sit and talk about gas prices, budgets and cutbacks. The Deputies drive marked vehicles to the track, yet no fee is charged for fuel, insurance or any of the other fees the $9.00 admin charge covers.
I'm sure there are numerous issues with liability as Deputies are working for a private corporation and wearing class B uniforms. Who actually covers the Deputies when an injury, or law suit occurs?
Why does the shreriff allow for this to go on?
How do we allow Deputies with no rank to be placed in a position of authority over other Deputies by a private corporation? These Deputies are dresed the same as others and fall under the same colors of authority as the next Deputy.
I have often asked this question and always have gotten the same answer. That is, it is a political issue. Well politics aside it's also a business issue. The permits office operates on a profit not charity.
It's time this old fashioned off the books detail is re-evaluated.


06-24-2008, 05:25 PM
Hey Rusty, why not make a formal complaint to Internal Affairs and also a grievance to the PBA? This is not the place to talk about it. Man up my friend.

06-24-2008, 06:42 PM
Lighten up Francis, thats what message boards are for. Besides PBA says hands off the issue.. Now who needs to MAN-UP?
You don't decide the issues !

06-24-2008, 07:36 PM
Secondly how are Deputies in uniform being disciplined by civilians, and other Deputies who have no rank?

How do we allow Deputies with no rank to be placed in a position of authority over other Deputies by a private corporation? These Deputies are dresed the same as others and fall under the same colors of authority as the next Deputy.

How do we ALLOW? You have no choice in the matter.
How exactly do these civilians and deputies discipline you?
Be careful what you ask for. The last time someone made a stink about the deputies in IA having no rank, they were all promoted to Sgt.

06-24-2008, 11:59 PM
Some one please explain to me how in tough economic times we allow this off-duty permit to go on.
How do we allow Deputies to wear class B uniforms , under the sheriff's colors to work at a rate of 17.00 dollars an hour?
The amount of money the permits office foregoes is staggering!!
Figure this, the track employs approx ten Deputies a day for twelve hours.
Thats approx $9.00 an hour profit (42.00-33.00=9.00) times 10 Deputies for 12 hours a day. That equals $1080.00 a day.
When you multiply that times 364 days (track is closed 1 day per year) a year and the total is approx $393,000.00.
My question is why is this happening?
Secondly how are Deputies in uniform being disciplined by civilians, and other Deputies who have no rank?
Here we sit and talk about gas prices, budgets and cutbacks. The Deputies drive marked vehicles to the track, yet no fee is charged for fuel, insurance or any of the other fees the $9.00 admin charge covers.
I'm sure there are numerous issues with liability as Deputies are working for a private corporation and wearing class B uniforms. Who actually covers the Deputies when an injury, or law suit occurs?
Why does the shreriff allow for this to go on?
How do we allow Deputies with no rank to be placed in a position of authority over other Deputies by a private corporation? These Deputies are dresed the same as others and fall under the same colors of authority as the next Deputy.
I have often asked this question and always have gotten the same answer. That is, it is a political issue. Well politics aside it's also a business issue. The permits office operates on a profit not charity.
It's time this old fashioned off the books detail is re-evaluated.


Maybe the deputies that work there are only worth $17 per hour.

06-25-2008, 01:06 AM
Rusty, I've got a great suggestion. Why don't you run for sheriff and fix everything, since you seem to have all the answers.

06-25-2008, 06:06 PM
Rusty, I've got a great suggestion. Why don't you run for sheriff and fix everything, since you seem to have all the answers.Why don't you get off Rusty's back, he is just asking a question that everyone wants to know the answer to, and at least he put a name on it. You must be one of the privilaged few working this detail. Rusty didn't say he had the answers, he is just asking the questions.

06-25-2008, 07:36 PM
Some one please explain to me how in tough economic times we allow this off-duty permit to go on.
How do we allow Deputies to wear class B uniforms , under the sheriff's colors to work at a rate of 17.00 dollars an hour?
The amount of money the permits office foregoes is staggering!!
Figure this, the track employs approx ten Deputies a day for twelve hours.
Thats approx $9.00 an hour profit (42.00-33.00=9.00) times 10 Deputies for 12 hours a day. That equals $1080.00 a day.
When you multiply that times 364 days (track is closed 1 day per year) a year and the total is approx $393,000.00.
My question is why is this happening?
Secondly how are Deputies in uniform being disciplined by civilians, and other Deputies who have no rank?
Here we sit and talk about gas prices, budgets and cutbacks. The Deputies drive marked vehicles to the track, yet no fee is charged for fuel, insurance or any of the other fees the $9.00 admin charge covers.
I'm sure there are numerous issues with liability as Deputies are working for a private corporation and wearing class B uniforms. Who actually covers the Deputies when an injury, or law suit occurs?
Why does the shreriff allow for this to go on?
How do we allow Deputies with no rank to be placed in a position of authority over other Deputies by a private corporation? These Deputies are dresed the same as others and fall under the same colors of authority as the next Deputy.
I have often asked this question and always have gotten the same answer. That is, it is a political issue. Well politics aside it's also a business issue. The permits office operates on a profit not charity.
It's time this old fashioned off the books detail is re-evaluated.


You're one to complain about fairness. Aren't you the one who got hooked up by the Col. for you position?
I hear you also go golfing with him ON DUTY?
Keep shut about fairness!