View Full Version : politics

06-23-2008, 02:51 PM
Well as you all know things are changing, and not for the best. We lost (2) officers because they responded in a lawful manner because members of the Tribe did not like their actions. We also lost our L.T., who some do not fill pitty for. This L.T. did not possess the best leadership skills nor was he the most educated person I ever encountered. But if you were on his good side your job was a piece of cake (example 251). If he did not like you than he would screw you over on purpose (example 201). That was his downfall, oh yeah plus he keep thinking with the wrong head (down south). That's another story within its self. Below are things I want to address.

1. Now the bigger dilemma is how are we (Every Officer Employed) going to cope and/or respond. Remember that if (2) officers were fired for doing their job, what do you think they (Tribe) would do to someone who intentionally breaks them. Unless everyone unites together this stuff will keep occuring. The Chairman is a terrorist and is using his authority to cause desparity in peoples lifes. We should bring this to the attention of the media, and let them know that the commerical is a lie (its working).

2. Why is Skittles allowing this to happen. I was told that when he ran Opa-Locka he was a fair and firm leader who was respected by his troops. Regardless he will be a better leader than that FAT IDIOT RAY WEEKS. Weeks has caused more harm to this department than anyone else. Its funny because Weeks has no education or training but has the title of POLICE DIRECTOR. This shows the direction that the Tribe is heading. Hey MEATBALL show me proof of a high school diploma & wear a uniform that fits & does not show your man tits and I might stop laughing in your face and behind your back.

3. Is it just me or is a infamous haitian police officer the biggest racist, idiot, & in closet homosexual you have ever met. This guy has been fired from (3) yes (3) departments. When the dumb ass was at El Portal he hit a pedestrian (walking on foot) crossing the street in his patrol car. His version us they hit him. The guy was recommended to be terminated while on F.T.O. status here (Miccosukee). Now he wants to intimidate people by threatening to kick their ass. Come on dude, you don't even talk back to your (39's) how are you going to try & get gangster with anybody else. Be glad that your dad is who he is, because the only way you are leaving Miccosuke is as a political favor. In Summary, JAMES DEROSE you are a lazy, arrogant, snitching, idiot who possesses no signs or abilities of being a good cop. MICCOSUKEE 4 LIFE!


06-23-2008, 06:44 PM
The termination of 3 policemen is bad enough. Now some officers are using the attention from this incident to bash other co-workers. This is terrible. Until we find other jobs we all need to stick together as a police department. We may not want to go have a beer with everyone we work with, but we do need to work together while we are here. Does it make you feel better about yourself by putting names out there and bashing fellow officers. I'll admit I was not a big fan of the Lt., but I am still sadden by his termination. Just remember the same could happen to anyone of us on any given day. The 3 terminated as well as all of our current LEO's are good people who do not deserve what is being said on this site. This bashing is a distraction from the real problem!

06-23-2008, 06:53 PM
I agree 100%, lets stop turning the knives on our brothers regardless of what they have or have done in the past...Lest we forget...everyone has skeletons...... Be Safe

06-24-2008, 01:07 AM
LT is a good man. All you officers talking shit are douchbags. Sh1ts really fuked out there, the only way to get trough is to work together.Officers,Stop putting each other down, and start watching each others backs. Dumb fuks ever heard of team work? Or are the mental miggets outsmarting you.

smarterthanmost you dont sound like such a great leader yourself. Talking all that shit is really going to help your cause. Im sure if you were in LT position you would have bent over in front of Chairman first chance you got, while given Skittles the reach-A-round. Divided you fall. If you haven't figured that out as an officer, you fail at life. WORK TOGETHER !!! Piggys ILL BE WATCHING

06-24-2008, 01:12 AM

LT is a good man. All you officers talking shizzat are douchbags. Sh1ts really fuked out there, the only way to get trough is to work together.Officers,Stop putting each other down, and start watching each others backs. Dumb fuks ever heard of team work? Or are the mental miggets outsmarting you.

smarterthanmost you dont sound like such a great leader yourself. Talking all that shizzat is really going to help your cause. Im sure if you were in LT position you would have bent over in front of Chairman first chance you got, while given Skittles the reach-A-round. Divided you fall. If you haven't figured that out as an officer, you fail at life. WORK TOGETHER !!! Piggys ILL BE WATCHING

06-26-2008, 06:56 PM
I just read the posting by IHeartBacon and couldn't believe what I saw!! Dude, you must be one of the biggest comemierdas in Miccosukee brown! Did you leave your lip imprints on Headson's rear end? If you have been at Miccosukee for any length of time how in the world can you say that "LT" was a good man? Obviously, you were either one of his 'boys' or have the power of observation of Ray Charles!! "LT" is probably the biggest obstacle in that department since the booting out of Ward D.....did you already forget how he just dropped a new schedule on everyone with no input from the troops or his sergeants? Where have you been that your not aware of his "extracurriculum" activities on the job? And this from someone who is supposed to be setting an example for the younger troops just starting out in law enforcement! No, IHeartBacon, your perspective is skewed and I can only surmise that its because you, like your beloved "LT", are a person of no morals!! I feel sorry for Bartra and Frometa and hope they both get hired by other departments soon, but as far as your "LT" is concerned, remember the old say, "WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND"!! That piece of crap saw a bunch of guys go down on his watch, and did nothing to speak up in their defense; and now he's talking about filing a law suit against the tribe to get his job back. I'll answer him the way he's answered several others who thought about doing the same thing......."good luck %$^hole"!!! You got what you deserved albeit at the expense of two other REAL MEN!! Cabron!!

06-26-2008, 11:31 PM
I can not believe all of the slamming of officers that has been going on here lately, dont get me wrong I did not always agree with what the LT did but believe me not everything that happend was all his fault especially since Paul came into the picture. Everyone thinks that this schedule was all of the LT's doing it was not the LT was tasked by Paul to come up with a schedule other than 12's he gave him 3 to look at the one we are on another with 8s and 10s and the other with 12s Paul is the one who chose this schedule. And as far as trying to keep a few guys from getting fired you are wrong he did try and anyone who has been here longer than a minute understands that once the Chairman makes up his mind about termination you are done...and LT's demise came just as all the other officers in the past. It is a tragedy for all parties involved. The bottom line is we need to stop slamming one another and come together as a team and try and keep this from happening again. remember " i am my brothers keeper"!

06-30-2008, 03:47 AM
I can not believe all of the slamming of officers that has been going on here lately, dont get me wrong I did not always agree with what the LT did but believe me not everything that happend was all his fault especially since Paul came into the picture. Everyone thinks that this schedule was all of the LT's doing it was not the LT was tasked by Paul to come up with a schedule other than 12's he gave him 3 to look at the one we are on another with 8s and 10s and the other with 12s Paul is the one who chose this schedule. And as far as trying to keep a few guys from getting fired you are wrong he did try and anyone who has been here longer than a minute understands that once the Chairman makes up his mind about termination you are done...and LT's demise came just as all the other officers in the past. It is a tragedy for all parties involved. The bottom line is we need to stop slamming one another and come together as a team and try and keep this from happening again. remember " i am my brothers keeper"!

I second that........