View Full Version : NBB Charlie shift overtime is corrupt and unfair!

06-21-2008, 11:44 PM
Iam sick and tired of the way overtime is handed out on charlie shift at nbb!What do I have to do to get it?Unlike some ass kissers I cant afford to take psycho LTs on trips to Vegas!Help me please!

06-21-2008, 11:55 PM
Well it's obvious that you are not a young BF or you would be getting OT!

06-21-2008, 11:56 PM
In order to get overtime Vegas is a great idea!Not only would you get more overtime but you would also be able to walk around the facility with a cell phone attached to your ear as you transport inmates and watch girls take showers. :oops: Another good way to get overtime from psycho lts is to be a psycho perimeter deputy and cover up for them when the hit homeless dirtbags with the side view mirror of their white pick up truck!

06-22-2008, 12:05 AM
In order to get o.t. you have to be able to find the L.T.! Check the front patio where he spends the shift smoking.Or go over to the booby trap and check the couches or check with the nurses to see if any of their front doors are kicked in!

06-22-2008, 01:47 AM
In order to get o.t. you have to be able to find the L.T.! Check the front patio where he spends the shift smoking.Or go over to the booby trap and check the couches or check with the nurses to see if any of their front doors are kicked in!


06-22-2008, 02:43 AM
maybe you can buy some poloroid pics he took of thoose strippers in booking all of those years ago!

06-22-2008, 02:56 AM
Secret Squirrel!

06-22-2008, 03:56 AM
Hey Lt! Dont let these morons sass you and get you down!You will always be #1 in my book!I for one think you are the best!You are my Gen.George Patton of BSO!Old Blood and Guts!I will make you feel better!You know that I always do!Tonight we will hang together!After work I will take you out to the Booby Trap where I will buy you drinks and lap dances until you pass out in my arms in a drunken stupor!You will sleep like a babe in my arms while lying on the couch in the VIP room!Then I will take you to breakfast!After breakfast I will detail your truck!Then Iam going to charter a private jet just for the two of us and we will fly to VEGAS!I will foot the bill for everything..the bids are coming you know and I need an admin move!After a nice long weekend of drinking and whoring i will rub your feet and make you feel like a new man!We will have sooo much fun together..i cant wait!!!! You are my hero!...Love always ...PET xxxoooxxxoooxxxoo

06-22-2008, 07:07 AM
Hey Seeee...Cret..pssst....Secret Squirrel..Hey its me Morroco Mole! Watch out for Boris and Natasha!They are the ones with the evil perimeter destroyer laser!I just got off the phone with our mutual friend James Bond!He says to tell you that he has talked with Q Branch and they have volunteered to replace your side view mirror with an Austin Powers Secret Shag side view mirror Baby!....Its SHAGulicious Baby!....

06-22-2008, 02:46 PM
Iam sick and tired of the way overtime is handed out on charlie shift at nbb!What do I have to do to get it?Unlike some ass kissers I cant afford to take psycho LTs on trips to Vegas!Help me please!

Maybe they just know you are a slug and do not do any work during regular hours Dep. S!

06-22-2008, 05:07 PM
I demand an explanantion!!!!!!!!

06-22-2008, 05:09 PM
You have good deputies on Charlie Shift but won't get overtime because of their sick time!

06-22-2008, 05:10 PM
Isn't sick time a benefit?

06-22-2008, 05:13 PM
Yes, as long as you don't abuse it! Make sure you have doctors notes and you're ok.

06-22-2008, 05:18 PM
why do the LT's care about your sick time if you do job.

06-22-2008, 05:47 PM
You have good deputies on Charlie Shift but won't get overtime because of their sick time!

Yeah just ask Chia-pet! SS gives it to deps with boats hoping to get a free fishing trip!

06-22-2008, 05:50 PM
I have banged in more days than you have on the job!

06-23-2008, 12:12 AM

06-23-2008, 05:00 PM
Chia pet will have to get a Landing Craft if he wants to take SS Fishing!

06-23-2008, 05:02 PM
chia-pet doesn't need over-time. he has more money then god!!!!!

06-23-2008, 11:06 PM
it seems that the squirrel has his favorite nut under his wing.... and the nut is actually a squirrel himself...

06-23-2008, 11:39 PM
just a few questions to think about......
why do certain persons get to be anywhere at anytime and do anything they want to without worries of discipline?????
why do certain persons with enormous ccn numbers get put into the oic positions when it is obvious they do not know the job?????
why do certain persons have access to sms and are allowed to schedule themselves and their cohorts for overtime whenever they want to?????
the answer is simple,,,,, stick your head as far as you can up a squirrels ass and apparently you too can do all this.. keep it up petmon maybe you can find another captain to give free childcare to and get some more un- warranted special treatment..... oh i forgot didn't the childcare admin move to compliance bite you in the ass,, you need to stay awake when working for that unit..... if you can live with yourself kissing the asses of these people,,, taking them on vacations,,, and just plain being a suckass then have at it....

06-24-2008, 02:51 AM
Go away jailers, use your own site. WE DONT CARE

06-24-2008, 03:36 AM
Go away jailers, use your own site. WE DONT CARE

Hey go gaurd a shipment for the feds like your moron co-workers.

06-24-2008, 03:39 AM
Iam sick and tired of the way overtime is handed out on charlie shift at nbb!What do I have to do to get it?Unlike some ass kissers I cant afford to take psycho LTs on trips to Vegas!Help me please!

If you dont like it, why dont you just stroll-off!

06-24-2008, 04:03 AM
Go away jailers, use your own site. WE DONT CARE

Hey go gaurd a shipment for the feds like your moron co-workers.

Yeah I know, I cant spell, can you hook me up? get me a shipment of diamonds to guard?

06-24-2008, 04:06 AM
Go away jailers, use your own site. WE DONT CARE

Hey go gaurd a shipment for the feds like your moron co-workers.

Yeah I know, I cant spell, can you hook me up? get me a shipment of diamonds to guard?

Can I get a shipment of money to guard please, I wont stroll-off

06-24-2008, 04:24 AM
Go away jailers, use your own site. WE DONT CARE

Hey go gaurd a shipment for the feds like your moron co-workers.

Yeah I know, I cant spell, can you hook me up? get me a shipment of diamonds to guard?

Can I get a shipment of money to guard please, I wont stroll-off

Isnt this a LEO site???

06-24-2008, 05:10 AM
Go away jailers, use your own site. WE DONT CARE

Hey go gaurd a shipment for the feds like your moron co-workers.

Yeah I know, I cant spell, can you hook me up? get me a shipment of diamonds to guard?

Can I get a shipment of money to guard please, I wont stroll-off

Isnt this a LEO site???....Yes...yes Scarface...yes it was a LEO site!But all of the LEOS are in jail for dealing coke!They will be with your butt buddy Jenne our former sheriff in the federal pen very soon!

06-24-2008, 07:33 PM
wow why dont you guys tell us how you really feel. I have worked for SO for 16 years and I have met alot of you retards who wish you had half a brain that these new cats have. I know the kid has had a some perks but dont hate on the white man for getting something for once in the jail. I cant stand haters but we all know their all around us. Ive seen him march around with those others for our fallen BROTHERS and it takes a dedicated person to do that. So for all the half brain veterans that dont like the brand new cats or dont like when a white man gets something you should off yourself then your family would be beyond grateful for the kissass that just made sure you get the respect you deserve. QUIT hatin. -Soon to be XO

06-24-2008, 07:41 PM
Iam sick and tired of the way overtime is handed out on charlie shift at nbb!What do I have to do to get it?Unlike some ass kissers I cant afford to take psycho LTs on trips to Vegas!Help me please!

So cry about it...that always helps..

06-25-2008, 03:54 AM
wow why dont you guys tell us how you really feel. I have worked for SO for 16 years and I have met alot of you retards who wish you had half a brain that these new cats have. I know the kid has had a some perks but dont hate on the white man for getting something for once in the jail. I cant stand haters but we all know their all around us. Ive seen him march around with those others for our fallen BROTHERS and it takes a dedicated person to do that. So for all the half brain veterans that dont like the brand new cats or dont like when a white man gets something you should off yourself then your family would be beyond grateful for the kissass that just made sure you get the respect you deserve. QUIT hatin. -Soon to be XO

They aint going to make you an xo loser. Your x wife aint got that kind of clout you racist piece of shizatt! I hear wimberly knows of your racists exploits and your going back to alpha lieutenant H.

06-25-2008, 04:29 AM
well all you skells that are making us jailers look like shizzat need to go back to working your undercover operations in the female housing unit helping I.A. solve murders and crimes. 1 your a liar about your secret missions 2 you work / admin moved to a female housing unit 3 you go to the gym 7 days a week and my 14 year old daughter curls more than you 4 your a skell that hangs with the black framed glasses fag that also works a girl unit 5 quit runnin your suckers about another white man trying to make a living ive been here way to darn long to watch whites against whites. thats all now im going back to do what i do best press buttons for 64k a year.White against white has nothing to do with the situation.Stay off of units where you dont belong and quit trying to get female inmates to take showers for you!Quit making nasty comments to female inmates you are escorting.Tell your perv friends that have no business working with female inmates due to their past perverted behaviors to watch their step.Pervs tend to hang together..you dont need to be secret squirell to figure that out!Some of you pervs are like Bill Clinton with a badge!Keep your thing in your pants!Dont have sex in the clinic bathroom on alpha shift!Dont make a fool of yourself kissing ass!You pervs are oversexed,spoiled,immature,and stupid!There is more to life than hanging out in strip clubs and blowing all of your money on booze and whores!Quit taking trashy photos on your cell phones and get a life!Kissing ass is not going to save you when the shit finally hits the fan!Your life consists of nothing but internet porn..no decent woman whould have any of you!You are the ones that are a joke!Everyone knows what you are about and what you are up to..both on and off duty!I hope that you all get aids...what a bunch of sleazeballs!

06-25-2008, 05:01 AM
well all you skells that are making us jailers look like shizzat need to go back to working your undercover operations in the female housing unit helping I.A. solve murders and crimes. 1 your a liar about your secret missions 2 you work / admin moved to a female housing unit 3 you go to the gym 7 days a week and my 14 year old daughter curls more than you 4 your a skell that hangs with the black framed glasses fag that also works a girl unit 5 quit runnin your suckers about another white man trying to make a living ive been here way to darn long to watch whites against whites. thats all now im going back to do what i do best press buttons for 64k a year. the only reason that your 14 year old daughter can curl more than me is because my arms are too tired from bench pressing your 500lb wife! Stop smoking,loose some weight,quit hanging out on rooftops,quit peeping in off duty nurses windows,stop your drinking and galavanting in sleazy strip bars,quit braking down nurses doors that you are stalking,and finally..pry your red headed stepchilds lips from your miniscule tool and have him take you on another trip to Vegas!You are overdue for a vacation..tubby!

06-25-2008, 05:14 AM
this isnt living. worry about your families and children not about some homo that got an admin to work with girls and spread rumors about him solving the Reyka case and him talking shit about the kid. i asked the hearld about this 2g admin **** & i was informed of his lies & rumors & work with I.A. about some supposed inmate stalking him. i knew i could get the truth about things all i had to do was ask. im tired of hearing deputies/sergeants bash others cause theirs losers themselves. im glad i didnt bid to that hole of a facility. ill stay where im at for a lil longer than its ritas in costa for my family and I. oh and long live the guys who are still doing what they do best jailing not gossiping.

06-25-2008, 05:51 AM
well mr 2g housing deputy you can strut your stuff down the hall to the bid room. you talked shit about my staff and myself so no more admin move for you. looks like all your door polishing / knob polishing didnt or isnt going to pay off now is it. oh and the complaint / PII that i received on you. you can bet your ccn im not covering another one of you guys ass again. speaking of vacation get your facts straight i never went anywhere with that kiss ass rookie. oh and stop signing others names in the lounge ive informed them of that also. way too many years under my belt to have some 8k # run his mouth.

06-25-2008, 06:09 AM
If you're going to post...please remember to spell and use phrases correctly.
It makes it so much easier for the reader to understand the nonsense you're spewing.

06-25-2008, 06:17 AM
this isnt living. worry about your families and children not about some homo that got an admin to work with girls and spread rumors about him solving the Reyka case and him talking shizzat about the kid. i asked the hearld about this 2g admin **** & i was informed of his lies & rumors & work with I.A. about some supposed inmate stalking him. i knew i could get the truth about things all i had to do was ask. im tired of hearing deputies/sergeants bash others cause theirs losers themselves. im glad i didnt bid to that hole of a facility. ill stay where im at for a lil longer than its ritas in costa for my family and I. oh and long live the guys who are still doing what they do best jailing not gossiping.?????? what are you talking about?I hope you retire real soon!You in Costa Rica!?HA!...I shudder to think about what you and you fellow sex tourist slobs are going to do in Costa Rica!Please tell us!Are you going to have your fellow sex tourists go down to Costa Rica with you?You know like you jokers have done on your other trips to Costa Rica!Tell us how you go down their and pick up underage girls and have sex with them!We know how you pick up girls down there!We know that you never give them your real names when you meet them!This is because you know that the cops in costa rica will track you down and wont allow you to leav costa rica if you impregnate one of them.They will make you stay in costa rica for nine months until the baby is born ad make you take a dna test!You soory asses slobs need to go to costa rica in order to get some!No american women will have any of your,fat,bloated sory asses!I am surprised that your are able to find your thang at all under your fat beer and chicken wing fuelled beergutz!Do any of you do anything other than drink yourselves drunk everynite?I let nbb a long time ago but i know how your loosers operate!Nbb is staffed and led buy slobs and loosers.That is why nbb has more problems that all of our other facilities compined!Please stay out of Costa Rica!it is far to b eautiful of a country for you slobs to destroy!Leave costa rica and go to thland or bankok..they have cheap sex tour for people like you!

06-25-2008, 07:38 AM
great guy...all of you dirtbags bashing him are sh--!I have known him for years.He has never been in any trouble.He keeps his unit spotless.He has never kissed ass.He is not a snitch.There is never any problems on his unit!He knows everything that goes on in his unit.He knows all of the inmates he has to deal with on a daily basis.His unit by far is the cleanest unit in north broward.He is worth more than all of you asskissing,backstabbing,lazy,do nothing,stupid,illiterate,morons combined!As for the Reyka investigation he uncovered some information and acted on it!Inmates like and trust him and he is always able to find out info on all sorts of things!The fact that BSO did not act on this info is due to the fact that bso is run by morons who appoint their butt buddies to key posistions.The Reyka investigation was handled wrong because bso is a s--it agency run by s--itheads.That is why the Reyka investigation will never be solved,that is why our sheriff is in prison,that is why more deputies die in the line of duty than any other dept. in the country!South Florida is s--it,Broward county is s--it,bso is s--it,that is why 2 deputies just got locked up for dealing coke!All of you s--it that rag chia should be in jail!The things you do in your life both on and off duty are inexcusable!You are a disgrace to the badge and all of humanity!You all screw up everything you touch and have absolutly no class at all.So go watch your porn,cheat on your wives,frolick with your whores,and show the world what a bunch of uneducated,low life,simple minded,stupid,low class,morons you really are everytime you open your stupid mouths..that is when your mouths arent cramed with half priced chicken wings that you pathetic dweebs take two hours to order and another two hours to cram into your fat,ingnorant mouths during your pathetic half the shiftdinner breaks in the lounge!You are all a bunch of codependant lemmings.Hopefully you will all follow each other off the nearest cliff in the near future!Until then push the booby trap wench off your lap and do your jobs!My dog has a higher IQ than all of you idiots put together!Have fun in your low life,florida dip--hit,braindead lifestyle!

06-25-2008, 01:40 PM
Deputy Chia was a key witness on a palm beach homicide. He was able to place the murderer Marlon Monroe at the crime scene where the body was discovered. Marlon Monroe was found guilty and received a natrual life sentence. If you don't believe me look up Marlon Monroe in the correctional database or just ask the real Chia-pet or better yet just ask the real LT Bennett who gave Chia the supena at roll call. If other deputies would just go beyond the call of duty maybe the Ryker family could rest in piece!!!!!! Nice job Chia!!!!

06-25-2008, 03:12 PM
Deputy Chia was a key witness on a palm beach homicide. He was able to place the murderer Marlon Monroe at the crime scene where the body was discovered. Marlon Monroe was found guilty and received a natrual life sentence. If you don't believe me look up Marlon Monroe in the correctional database or just ask the real Chia-pet or better yet just ask the real LT Bennett who gave Chia the supena at roll call. If other deputies would just go beyond the call of duty maybe the Ryker family could rest in piece!!!!!! Nice job Chia!!!!

Wow! My hero. That is so cool. Elliot P. Ness!!!!!!

06-25-2008, 03:36 PM
Chia is for real.He did a great job with the info on the Reyka investigation as well as that murder up in palm beach!You on the other hand are stupid and immature!You have the brain and mindset of a typical florida 18 year old!Your brain cannot handle and real deputy work!That s why you have to kiss azz and schmooze and bribe you way into cushy jobs which you then screw up and get kicked out of!Your brain is probably mush due to the fact that syphilis or some other form of STD has taken over your thought process.Yes Chia polishes brass and keeps his work area clean.You need to do the same with your sorry ass lifestyle!Quit screwing psycho doctors,fat-ugly-and skanky nurses,nymphomaniac swith hitting secretaries that you share with your friends,strippers & whores that you pick up in the retched second rate strip clubs that you like to inhabit!While you are at it quit fooling around with transexual hookers and stop taking pictures of their artificial,prefabricated,reconstructed private parts with your cell phone cam!

06-25-2008, 04:06 PM
Can't we all get along.

06-25-2008, 05:50 PM
I'll tell you what I dont like the kid, but you retards are even worse then him. I relieve the murder case solver and I cant stand listening to his bullsh*t and his lies. I dont like seeing staff against staff. This is crazy so you guys dont like eachother fine, but quit trying to ruin eachothers lifes and careers. Everyone deserves to feed their families so quit trying to stop someone from doing that. Damn you guys I took this job to feed mine but it looks like one of you might try to stop me from doing that. Just grow up and quit talking shit about eachother. I dont wanna see anyone lose their job in a time like this. Oh I forgot to say something when you do polish the brass in 2g try not to forget unit 1 its a little dull. Have a great career gentlemen, quit hating, and quit trying to get people in trouble.

06-26-2008, 03:31 AM
alpha 4 life.. You need to get a middle school education, your grammar and spelling are about at a third grade level.

06-27-2008, 07:20 PM
well im glad that theres free juice in the nbb lounge and that i keep my food in the refrigerator because i walked in just in time to hear the sgt. that is very deputy friendly telling the corrupt shift about this wonderful site that we all bash the folks were oh sooo jealous of. so c shift i mean corrupt shift make sure you do what your told or else its spanking time in the back office. thanks for the speach hopefully the admin female housing homo will leave the site & let the real LEOs talk or at least cross certified MEN speak their minds. Have a great shift corrupt shift that is.

06-27-2008, 07:28 PM
Hey bravo superstar why dont you grow some and turn your focus to those two loser Lts you have harassng you. Wait, you wont, because your a weak, passive do boy yourself!

06-27-2008, 08:51 PM
looks like your a few things 1 probably a skinny supervisor 2 i think you work the corrupt shift 3 your a frequent shopper at baby gap & the hair gel factory for homos 4 you get your brows waxed. dont tell me what i need to do when ive been here a lot a whole lot longer than you. tell your partner thanks for the speech now im going to live on this wonderful site for LEOs.

06-27-2008, 11:59 PM
1st of all superstar i couldnt fit baby gap clothes on one of my legs a--hole. 2nd myself am a alpha all star so during the day when your at work i am at home taking care of your momma... i hear you guys have been signing some yellow forms lately... keep up the good work superstar!

06-28-2008, 12:03 AM
Isnt that the truth! I hear signing a counseling is as common as signing a sanitation sheet if you work the bravo shift.

06-28-2008, 12:29 AM
alpha chalie bravo . like one of by boys said once. cant we all just get along?

06-28-2008, 01:25 AM
hey bravo lover i saw you in the lounge getting juice for your trustee in return for him doing your headcount feeding and med rounds!
cross cert. = wannabe

06-28-2008, 05:36 AM
You North Broward people are a bunch of pathetic losers. But that comes from never having a real leader within miles of the place! Good job Capt. Arent. Morales great at your place.

06-29-2008, 12:53 AM
You guys are crybabies. Go eat a banana and shine your gold. Hopefully some of you will be in jail like the super smart jailers from Palm Beach County.

06-29-2008, 01:25 AM
And those two dumbasses from Deerfield too.

07-01-2008, 10:41 PM
Hey...Yo!..whats up..Hey we all gotz to stop ragging on each other and bustin balls! Yo!Hey..we gotz to stop this..yo!Hey wheez never did dis kinda stuff to each other in New Yawk yo!Yo...hey I mean Yo!enuff of dis friggen nonsenze yo!Yo we all have to get along wen whezz are hangin in da lounge..yo!I tink dat we wood have to know how whezz wood get to no one anudder if we hung out in da lounge more ..yo!My first day at nbb we all hung out in da lounge..yo!My second day at nbb we all hung out in da lounge..yo!My third day at nbb we all hung out in da lounge..yo!My fourth day at nbb I gots into some trouble..yo..the LT called my post to get me to come down to his office to sign my payroll card..yo but I wuznt dare because we wuz all hanging out in da lounge..yo!But I gotz some good news for all of youse..yo!On da next bids da captain and da LT are givin me a admin move..yo!My admin job is going to be to check on deputies for da LT to make sure dat none of dem are hanging out in da lounge!..YO!Hey..I mean yo!

07-02-2008, 01:35 AM
If it is so bad up there, why didn't you bid out 2 weeks ago? Go to the main jial, your morale will go sky hihgh, i am sure. you will be begging to go back up North. Quit complaining and get back to work. you are making all the jail guys look bad. isn't this a LEO site?

07-02-2008, 05:10 AM
If it is so bad up there, why didn't you bid out 2 weeks ago? Go to the main jial, your morale will go sky hihgh, i am sure. you will be begging to go back up North. Quit complaining and get back to work. you are making all the jail guys look bad. isn't this a LEO site?Hey..yo!We cant back to work cause we is all hanging out in da lounge!

07-02-2008, 05:20 AM
If it is so bad up there, why didn't you bid out 2 weeks ago? Go to the main jial, your morale will go sky hihgh, i am sure. you will be begging to go back up North. Quit complaining and get back to work. you are making all the jail guys look bad. isn't this a LEO site?

Yeah, it says LEOAFFAIRS. However, did you notice that 'our' site says Broward Sheriffs Office?

07-08-2008, 05:46 PM
Now the ot on charlie is worse, if your not in the click they just shut it down and dont hire anyone BS

07-09-2008, 03:41 AM
thats becuz a particular sgt think she knows it all