View Full Version : Computer Upgrade

06-18-2008, 06:19 AM
I hear that we'll be required to take in our computers for an upgrade? This is an upgrade on the GPS and fingerprint sign-on. I didn't see an all users for appointments, does anyone know anything about this?

06-18-2008, 11:46 AM
no just take it in, 20 min.done.........

06-18-2008, 10:51 PM
And next week they plan to insert the tracking chip in your ear so they can undermind the PBA agreement of laptop GPS tracking. You'll have the choice of a chip in the ear or in one of your buttocks. Heck, you can even down load your bank stuff on the chip and cash out of Costco or Publix with a flick of your ear or shake of your buttocks. Big brother is watching, now man up and go get your chip. By the way, the complainers get the chips with the square needles by order of the FOG...