View Full Version : Haines City Lt. Private Security Company

06-04-2008, 08:47 PM
Read the article in the Ledger today about the Haines City Lt. resiging. It mentioned his wife was also running the private security company and listed as an owner. Isn't it against our policy to? Conflict of interest?

06-05-2008, 01:13 AM
There had been a previous article posted a few months back in the Ledger (its coming from Amber, so its all usually 2nd grade fluff) that the wife that works for LPD had contacted LPD upper staff and stated that this company was evolving but in no way would it conflict with LPD or its details for the company was working its details mainly in Haines City area. Your upper staff stated it was okay.

They are just another Wackenhut. I'm sorry but if I owned a business, Id want some intelligent security who actually carried guns, etc. Not wanna be cops who couldnt make it on the force and are getting to push the real cops around (Loper from PCSO, anyone)

I think its a conflict of interest to me but what do I know.. I'm just a ground troop.

06-08-2008, 04:47 PM
"Not wanna be cops who couldnt make it on the force and are getting to push the real cops around (Loper from PCSO, anyone)"

When did Loper push you or any other "real cops" around? Everytime I've gone to the courthouse when Loper was there, I saw him being polite to everyone. Could it be that you got your feelings hurt by being told to put your firearm in the lockbox? I seriously doubt that Loper was rude to you or anyone else while upholding the security rules of the Chief Judge.

06-10-2008, 11:15 AM
No, being an owner of a security company is not in any way a conflict of interest with our LPD policy. She got the secondary employment approval from administration.

We have other officers who do the same thing, why a question now?
i.e. Sandpiper ??

Besides, what does it matter? There are much more important things to worry about than this ....