View Full Version : FLPD best cops

06-02-2008, 05:40 AM
please name em.

06-02-2008, 10:27 AM
Most of them were smart enough to leave when they got vested.....like me :D

06-02-2008, 12:30 PM
please name em.

Why don't you save us all the trouble and post your own name there. Thats what you are going to do anyway.

06-04-2008, 05:16 AM
1. K. Kowalski
2. R. Mrekel
3. DA Acosta
4. S. Masri
5. (tie) S. Lilliston & M. Lilly

Unquestionably the VERY BEST

06-04-2008, 05:50 AM
I'm liking 1, 2 and 3 but I'll have to disagree with the others. Masri was a hard worker and due to the fact that I haven't read the transcripts of the investigation - I will have to delay my official decision. I'm putting D. Bartlett in at a solid #4. 18 years of showing up (notice I didn't say performing police diuties) and his resume is astounding. Lillistion, although semi-retarded, has some redeaming qualities. M. Lilly has to stay up there with another continuous 18 years of non-police work. How does one accomplish these feats?

06-04-2008, 09:08 AM
I agree

06-04-2008, 01:51 PM
How about memory lane, some of the best are still around and are still good cops, active or not:

1) Goofy
2) Rich Kelly
3) Adderly
4) Shotwell

06-05-2008, 01:27 AM
C.J. Carache :roll:

06-05-2008, 05:33 AM
Chris Carache was an excellant cop and had more working knowledge than 3/4's of the police department.

06-05-2008, 06:25 AM
agree 100% with almost retired.

06-05-2008, 06:35 AM
I'll bet Gabe and Charlie may disagree with you on being too old and tired. They can probable both whip most of the PD hands down.

06-05-2008, 04:39 PM
agreed, no doubt, I believe the poster just ment there both just so over all of this and are ready for something different, they have both done their tour. I also agree with the list, some great cops there.

I'll bet Gabe and Charlie may disagree with you on being too old and tired. They can probable both whip most of the PD hands down.

06-05-2008, 05:20 PM
Don't forget Bernie Malone...another great blast from the past. Carache was a punk...I think Spector still prays to him daily!

06-06-2008, 06:39 AM
If you all continue to post mediocre cops names, I'm going to abandon this site. I'll "try" not to bad mouth any of the names but Goofy, Kenny, Renner and Petey are the only "great" cops listed lately. I'm really hoping that you are kidding on some of the other names listed with them. Okay - maybe Charlie Stack; never seen him work. If hype and/or one year of hard work makes you a great cop, then continue with this cheesey list. Otherwise put some guys with career long, outstanding accomplishments on it. I'm thinking that some of you out there have been admiring far away from Dist 2 and great specialty units. [/b]

06-06-2008, 02:07 PM
John Curry and John Curcio. How were they left off the list?

06-06-2008, 04:07 PM
Curcio is a great detective no doubt. Curry had his moments (I guess) but one of his greatest accomplishments was beating the snot out of several peoples hero, Carache. And Curry was half his size. I guess being a Navy SEAL makes you tougher, but certainly doesn't make you a great cop or a tough guy. Look away from the hype.

06-07-2008, 01:08 AM
Actually, I have the entire site of FLPD All-Star baseball cards......a few of them are even signed, including my favorite.........Captain Lee S. in a great action shot!! He's the ultimate!

06-07-2008, 07:55 AM
Lee S. I totally agree. A guy that has never entered Dist 2 as a sergeant or patorlman. He was in SWAT for a bit but fell out of graces when all the good guys started quitting. He stills has a Carache poster of him hiding in a tree, hanging on his LS's ceiling. CC almost showed up to work with a personality but decided it was against SEAL policy. Lee S for Super Chief.

06-07-2008, 06:44 PM
Actually, Lee S. should claim his stake in the Independent party and run against Obama.......he's a shoe in!!!!

His integrity, knack for leadership, charisma, and handsome stature make him perfect for the job. He has my vote!!!

06-09-2008, 08:38 AM
Curcio is a great detective no doubt. Curry had his moments (I guess) but one of his greatest accomplishments was beating the snot out of several peoples hero, Carache. And Curry was half his size. I guess being a Navy SEAL makes you tougher, but certainly doesn't make you a great cop or a tough guy. Look away from the hype. Curcio is a blowhard but can back up his bulls***. Kid Curry had more than his " moments ", trust me. Great officer and a good guy too.

06-09-2008, 04:36 PM
Current Officers/ Detectives (not including Sgt's and above):

C. Morrow, C. Stack, M. Sierkerski, E. Good, D. Gauntner, J. Castro, T. Capano, M. Muccino, E. Landau, G. Scola, S. Dameron, D. Miller, M. Nembhart, B. Chase, B. Belfield, W. Auguste, E. Kirtman, J. Curcio, Soika, Young-Tim, R. Magno, M. Renner, E. Thomas, R. Fernandez, T. Hill, B. Dodge, Z. Baro, W. Phillips, B. Norvis, J. Lodges, J. Bohm, J. Gross, V. Falzone, J. Jenkins, J. Moody, S. Hickey, A. Aguilar, S. Reddish, N. Bruce, M. FLorenco, J. Mammerelli, J. Gross, B. Dejesus, B. Jenkins, and a few more I can't think of off the top of my head.

06-09-2008, 09:04 PM
So if my name is in the above list, do I get a raise or an "atta boy!" from city hall?

06-10-2008, 07:31 AM
I can't believe you didn't mention my name after mentioning most of the entire department. I wrote over 5,000 beat watches and 300 FI's on the same vagrant. You must have some pretty screwed up standards. I demand a recount. Furthermore, I'm a considered a veteran who's almost off probation.

06-10-2008, 02:05 PM
now thats just funny, i dont care who you are

06-12-2008, 01:55 AM
Curcio is a great detective no doubt. Curry had his moments (I guess) but one of his greatest accomplishments was beating the snot out of several peoples hero, Carache. And Curry was half his size. I guess being a Navy SEAL makes you tougher, but certainly doesn't make you a great cop or a tough guy. Look away from the hype. Curcio is a blowhard but can back up his bulls***. Kid Curry had more than his " moments ", trust me. Great officer and a good guy too.

I love this site with all you heros using the guest call sign.

How can I be a "blow heart" who can back up my bull shit. Call me arrogant call me an asshole I take that as a compliment from guys like you.But a blowheart that's just makes no sense.

Anyways post your name and then we can talk. I am sorry if I didn't talk to you when you on the department or what ever I did to hurt your feelings.
As far as the best cops take it from me your list falls short.

The best was Norn Eddy and Al Scotti to name a few. Norm was an good cop who did a ton of police work and still gained the respect of the people he arrested.He lived with his family in the same area he patroled.
Al went undercover with a bunch of dopers on a freighter to pick up a load of dope in south america.Brass balls he had to say the least if he had been made as a cop he would have been fish food.
Now go back to your Walmart greeters job. Love ASSHOLE Mongo your friend for life.[/quote]

06-13-2008, 03:31 AM
Okay, Eddy and Scotti. But how about someone from the 20th or 21st century. D Turley, Morrow, Cristafaro, Reed, Renner, Fuller and K Kelley. That's it. I don't care if some are gone or promoted. None have made more or better arrests as longtime patrolmen.

06-13-2008, 02:45 PM
Okay, Eddy and Scotti. But how about someone from the 20th or 21st century. D Turley, Morrow, Cristafaro, Reed, Renner, Fuller and K Kelley. That's it. I don't care if some are gone or promoted. None have made more or better arrests as longtime patrolmen.

Based on your list you must like people who have accidental discharges either shooting themselves or their cars.

06-13-2008, 09:42 PM
The best cops were in tac under Sgt McCoy. The cream of the crop was Chris Carachi; I saw him on "fight science". He was deadly. Curry's match with him was more of a draw; Chris wouldv'e won if he could have used his SEAL death moves. He wasn't trained to kickbox, he was trained to kill. I saw him search a guy with his foot once. And he almost took out a suicide guy's gun with a sniper shot, but Mentha wouldn't let him. She gave the guy a coundown and he was supposed to put the gun down on "one"; he cheated and capped himself on "three". Funny shit.

06-13-2008, 09:44 PM
What the **** is "shizzat"?

06-21-2008, 07:00 AM
Curry is half Carachi's size so even if it was a draw, that's an embarrassment. McCoy was a great sergeant. Didn't he put down the entire Mafia? Yea, I believe that. Two guys that I will always totally idolize. Oh no... wait.... that's you that idolizes them. I'm taking a wild guess but either you live through other cops imaginary accomplishments and/or you present yourself as someone who has done great things. Ouch, I think I hit the nail on the head. P.S. Keep wacking off to Carachi's backyard workout video.

06-22-2008, 02:18 AM
Please inform us if your talking about a certain Capt. here, some of us don't know all the history.

Curry is half Carachi's size so even if it was a draw, that's an embarrassment. McCoy was a great sergeant. Didn't he put down the entire Mafia? Yea, I believe that. Two guys that I will always totally idolize. Oh no... wait.... that's you that idolizes them. I'm taking a wild guess but either you live through other cops imaginary accomplishments and/or you present yourself as someone who has done great things. Ouch, I think I hit the nail on the head. P.S. Keep wacking off to Carachi's backyard workout video.

06-22-2008, 12:03 PM
Shannon D. are you serious? I agree with the list, but come on can you even believe half of the calls / things he says or does- Don't be so quick to believe him. Half the time he is talking about someone elses call or arrest as if it was his own!


06-22-2008, 07:33 PM
Dameron catches more "bad guys" than almost anybody in the department. How many 41 guys have you caught last year??? Stop hating on one of the best and most dedicated. Dameron did his time and could be a slug like you probably are but he busts his ass each and every night.

06-22-2008, 07:58 PM

06-24-2008, 04:23 AM
Dameron catches more "bad guys" than almost anybody in the department. How many 41 guys have you caught last year??? Stop hating on one of the best and most dedicated. Dameron did his time and could be a slug like you probably are but he busts his ass each and every night.
Yea, OK Dameron way to defend yourself! They dont call you Ghost Rider for nothing. A Bail out on a vehicle with a cold engine. Good job buddy.

06-24-2008, 08:30 AM
Yea, OK Dameron way to defend yourself! They dont call you Ghost Rider for nothing. A Bail out on a vehicle with a cold engine. Good job buddy.[/quote]

thats a good one :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-24-2008, 12:07 PM

06-24-2008, 02:13 PM
There are a few of us left that used to work with Lokeinsky. When he was in k9 his bite ratio was over 80%. He not only was involved in a couple of shootings, but whenever the shit hit the fan we were all happy he showed up. He is one of the most stand-up fearless cops we have

06-24-2008, 07:02 PM
That is very true but I think Jack did better work when he was Bravo'd up with DA Acosta in D2/S1. He and Jack were a great team. Much better than when Jack and Kowalski were partners. Jack has always been a stand-up guy.

06-27-2008, 07:47 PM
Jack was good at one thing in his career, quarterbacking an incident that went really, really bad with other officers or himself and sleeping. He should be one of the most well rested cops on the dept.

There are a few of us left that used to work with Lokeinsky. When he was in k9 his bite ratio was over 80%. He not only was involved in a couple of shootings, but whenever the shizzat hit the fan we were all happy he showed up. He is one of the most stand-up fearless cops we have

06-27-2008, 10:19 PM
Jack was resting up in anticipation of getting telephone calls from whiners at all hours of the night.

06-28-2008, 07:21 PM
So you bashed a few officers and detectives Ofc. "Your an idiot" (which should read "You're an idiot", but I won't mention that.) The others are just "okay". So who's the best in your opinion? They don't have to be popular, just proactive, effective and with quality and quantities of arrests. Or do you have a different set of standards?

06-29-2008, 12:46 AM
There are three officer I have not heard anything good or bad about. these were my partners for years. R. Burn, R. Rivera and Ridenour

06-29-2008, 02:29 AM
So you bashed a few officers and detectives Ofc. "Your an idiot" (which should read "You're an idiot", but I won't mention that.) The others are just "okay". So who's the best in your opinion? They don't have to be popular, just proactive, effective and with quality and quantities of arrests. Or do you have a different set of standards?

Seems right to me what have any of those folks ever done that were bashed ?

06-29-2008, 11:41 PM
Dear "Special guest": Those three cops you mentioned are some of the best in FLPD history. And as you believe that, believe that is probably why you were fired from this place. If you haven't been fired yet, please resign on your next regularly scheduled workday (or sooner). Thanks for commenting here. Ernie for El Presidente!!!!

06-30-2008, 01:10 AM
for your S-14 I didn't get fired, I retired from FLPD. You are not very SMART, backing E.P. for President of FOP. If and when Jack retires either Mike Tucker or Robbie Blish will be President. You must also be a ROOKIE not to know what Jack has done for years, member of FOP board. I would want the three officer I mention for back up anytime,which I did, many times in the past..

06-30-2008, 03:59 PM
R U kidding, Robbie Blish, no way. Mike Tucker no problem there.

for your S-14 I didn't get fired, I retired from FLPD. You are not very SMART, backing E.P. for President of FOP. If and when Jack retires either Mike Tucker or Robbie Blish will be President. You must also be a ROOKIE not to know what Jack has done for years, member of FOP board. I would want the three officer I mention for back up anytime,which I did, many times in the past..

06-30-2008, 07:07 PM
I still want Ernie and maybe Skip for VP. That's the winning ticket. And put Fautas in there somewhere so we can make sure he attends and cooks some good pre-dinners. Can you smell what the Fautas is cooking!!!!!

07-01-2008, 12:05 AM
Current Officers/ Detectives (not including Sgt's and above):

C. Morrow, C. Stack, M. Sierkerski, E. Good, D. Gauntner, J. Castro, T. Capano, M. Muccino, E. Landau, G. Scola, S. Dameron, D. Miller, M. Nembhart, B. Chase, B. Belfield, W. Auguste, E. Kirtman, J. Curcio, Soika, Young-Tim, R. Magno, M. Renner, E. Thomas, R. Fernandez, T. Hill, B. Dodge, Z. Baro, W. Phillips, B. Norvis, J. Lodges, J. Bohm, J. Gross, V. Falzone, J. Jenkins, J. Moody, S. Hickey, A. Aguilar, S. Reddish, N. Bruce, M. FLorenco, J. Mammerelli, J. Gross, B. Dejesus, B. Jenkins, and a few more I can't think of off the top of my head.
Most of these names are correct, then you throw Auguste in there? This guy will scrape seeds off of a floormat and take 3 hrs on a BS arrest while everybody else is handling calls in his area.
On another note, we all know the guy on this list who's had everything handed to him on a platter. He's been in 3 specialty units in 2 years and all his "catches" we given to him. But he is the best, just ask him, he will tell you.

07-01-2008, 05:33 AM
No I don't know who's been in 3 different specialty units and had every arrest handed to him. And it's kinda difficult to choose from the 100 names mentioned in that one thread. Additionally, Auguste is pretty new so cut him some slack. He's working hard out there.

07-01-2008, 05:57 AM

Uh, wrong answer.

07-01-2008, 04:34 PM
who in the F is Santiago?, is he one of the janitors?


Uh, wrong answer.

07-01-2008, 05:21 PM
who in the F is Santiago?, is he one of the janitors?


Uh, wrong answer.

No, you haven't heard? He's the general of the secret squirrel strike force. Urban legend has it; his stools don't stink.....

07-01-2008, 06:20 PM
Alright guys, enough with the jokes, we all know the future of this agency rests on the shoulders of these Officers. Mark my words these, Officers will lead us to the promise land one day, I know this because R.Merkel told me.

S.Silver,A.Burk,D.Zavadil,J.Krashefski,E.Hodge,T.M andell,M.Muccino,R.Morris A.Arden,F.Finnerty ,P.Kelly,B.Schaeffer ,A.Perdue,R.Ijames,P.France,

07-01-2008, 09:03 PM
Is this the list of slugs??. I have to disagree with Muccino, France and Jones being on this list. That first list is pretty accurate with the exception of August. He is not a slug just a little lost thinking he is a stud.

Alright guys, enough with the jokes, we all know the future of this agency rests on the shoulders of these Officers. Mark my words these, Officers will lead us to the promise land one day, I know this because R.Merkel told me.

S.Silver,A.Burk,D.Zavadil,J.Krashefski,E.Hodge,T.M andell,M.Muccino,R.Morris A.Arden,F.Finnerty ,P.Kelly,B.Schaeffer ,A.Perdue,R.Ijames,P.France,

07-01-2008, 10:41 PM
Please tell me that Krash and Muccino really don't belong on that "allstar" list.... Those are good guys and I'm hoping they haven't become retard slugs. I do disagree with France though.

07-02-2008, 02:25 AM
Please inform us if your talking about a certain Capt. here, some of us don't know all the history.

Curry is half Carachi's size so even if it was a draw, that's an embarrassment. McCoy was a great sergeant. Didn't he put down the entire Mafia? Yea, I believe that. Two guys that I will always totally idolize. Oh no... wait.... that's you that idolizes them. I'm taking a wild guess but either you live through other cops imaginary accomplishments and/or you present yourself as someone who has done great things. Ouch, I think I hit the nail on the head. P.S. Keep wacking off to Carachi's backyard workout video.

Sorry about the delayed response but YES there is a certain captain that idiolizes that 2 year FLPD cop, Carachi. And a few others here still do too. "Guest3" was probably joking on his comment. Again, I give the guy a ton of credit for making it as a Navy SEAL but as a cop - not even close.

07-02-2008, 10:30 AM
Alright guys, enough with the jokes, we all know the future of this agency rests on the shoulders of these Officers. Mark my words these, Officers will lead us to the promise land one day, I know this because R.Merkel told me.

S.Silver,A.Burk,D.Zavadil,J.Krashefski,E.Hodge,T.M andell,M.Muccino,R.Morris A.Arden,F.Finnerty ,P.Kelly,B.Schaeffer ,A.Perdue,R.Ijames,P.France,

The following names must be on here because some retard who can't find an arrest a week and got put on a performance plan is jeleous ?

France has good intentions just has been strike team 101 too muchhasn't learned how to catch the big fish, and 5-10 rocks is not big. His partner is stupid too.

Morris is a good guy, has learned a lot is going to make a great cop some day.

Jones is an awesome cop who ever put his name here must have something personal against him, hes a criminal magnet.
I James is a good cop.
Mucc is a great cop has no place here.

The others for the most part have little buisness being cops either they are going to get killed or get someone killed. Either they are scared of thier own shadow or think they are bullet proof. They might have a clue how to serve a beverage on an air plane but will not stop a car that looks like a criminal might be occupying. This being a 2 year officer ? How does this person make it to be a cop, i have no clue.

Shouldn't have passed hiring process, shouldn't have passed the academy, shouldn't have passed the fto, shouldn't have passed probation obviously the system failed.

07-02-2008, 03:53 PM
Very true about the flight attendent. She serves no purpose as a police officer and should have never been hired. I do have to disagree with some of your other points. Ijames is a decent cop but is also clueless when it comes to paperwork and working as a team. Sodano has the ability to be a good cop as long as it involves narcotics otherwise he is clueless out there as well.

07-02-2008, 04:37 PM
ok this is not a joke, but can someone tell me first of all who these guys are? I have no idea who they are so it must be an academy mate naming these guys. Boys remember back in the day when a guy with less than 4 years on never opened his mouth, he kept it shut and his eyes and ears were wide open learning, and asking to fill out a pc or tow slip. We wonder why our police men are substandard. FTO's should have no less than 10 yrs on and making the same pay as Sergeants. That way some of the old timers who didn't get promoted would have an incentive to pass along what it ment to be an FLPD officer.

[quote="Red Pen":3gwgpvsp]Alright guys, enough with the jokes, we all know the future of this agency rests on the shoulders of these Officers. Mark my words these, Officers will lead us to the promise land one day, I know this because R.Merkel told me.

S.Silver,A.Burk,D.Zavadil,J.Krashefski,E.Hodge,T.M andell,M.Muccino,R.Morris A.Arden,F.Finnerty ,P.Kelly,B.Schaeffer ,A.Perdue,R.Ijames,P.France,

The following names must be on here because some retard who can't find an arrest a week and got put on a performance plan is jeleous ?

France has good intentions just has been strike team 101 too muchhasn't learned how to catch the big fish, and 5-10 rocks is not big. His partner is stupid too.

Morris is a good guy, has learned a lot is going to make a great cop some day.

Jones is an awesome cop who ever put his name here must have something personal against him, hes a criminal magnet.
I James is a good cop.
Mucc is a great cop has no place here.

The others for the most part have little buisness being cops either they are going to get killed or get someone killed. Either they are scared of thier own shadow or think they are bullet proof. They might have a clue how to serve a beverage on an air plane but will not stop a car that looks like a criminal might be occupying. This being a 2 year officer ? How does this person make it to be a cop, i have no clue.

Shouldn't have passed hiring process, shouldn't have passed the academy, shouldn't have passed the fto, shouldn't have passed probation obviously the system failed.[/quote:3gwgpvsp]

07-02-2008, 06:50 PM
Would anyone consider Officer Thor Lockhart?

07-02-2008, 08:32 PM
what about Palmero & Donnell Bryant?

07-02-2008, 09:39 PM
[quote="been around"]ok this is not a joke, but can someone tell me first of all who these guys are? I have no idea who they are so it must be an academy mate naming these guys. Boys remember back in the day when a guy with less than 4 years on never opened his mouth, he kept it shut and his eyes and ears were wide open learning, and asking to fill out a pc or tow slip. We wonder why our police men are substandard. FTO's should have no less than 10 yrs on and making the same pay as Sergeants. That way some of the old timers who didn't get promoted would have an incentive to pass along what it ment to be an FLPD officer.

Times have changed and none of that will ever happen. The new officers everywhere, not just here, come out of the academy with a sense of entitlement that comes from slack procedures in hiring and weeding out the weak in the academy. They are all told how great they are and how lucky WE are to have THEM here. It's the other way around. Unfortunately, this is the new face of law enforcement. We all have to deal with it. But, on the plus side, you only have to deal with their crap for 6 months or so before they go to the Raiders or CPU/CRT/INSERTACRONYMHERE.

07-02-2008, 10:57 PM
Monica for me

07-03-2008, 01:53 AM
Monica for me

Can we end this already?

07-03-2008, 05:12 AM
what about Palmero & Donnell Bryant?

Donnell was one BIG BAD Mo-Fo back in the day. Crazy arse Marine!!! You put Donnell and Pit Bull E. Jackson and Crazy Kenny Greene loose in the NW section and BGH better hire more staff to treat the wounded. Dopers actually feared those dudes and for good reason.

07-03-2008, 12:42 PM
Monica for me

Can we end this already?


07-03-2008, 01:38 PM
[quote="been around":3edxrvu1]ok this is not a joke, but can someone tell me first of all who these guys are? I have no idea who they are so it must be an academy mate naming these guys. Boys remember back in the day when a guy with less than 4 years on never opened his mouth, he kept it shut and his eyes and ears were wide open learning, and asking to fill out a pc or tow slip. We wonder why our police men are substandard. FTO's should have no less than 10 yrs on and making the same pay as Sergeants. That way some of the old timers who didn't get promoted would have an incentive to pass along what it ment to be an FLPD officer.

Times have changed and none of that will ever happen. The new officers everywhere, not just here, come out of the academy with a sense of entitlement that comes from slack procedures in hiring and weeding out the weak in the academy. They are all told how great they are and how lucky WE are to have THEM here. It's the other way around. Unfortunately, this is the new face of law enforcement. We all have to deal with it. But, on the plus side, you only have to deal with their crap for 6 months or so before they go to the Raiders or CPU/CRT/INSERTACRONYMHERE.[/quote:3edxrvu1]
You hit the nail on the head. I lower my standards to actually respond on here every so often, and you can tell who the "authors" are on this site. Where I come from, you don't call out names on a website, and smile at them at work and BS a while. People are different, so you talk or yell about the problem, get it in the open, and then you're done with it. If its bad enough for you to have permanent hate for someone, so be it. But if you don't or won't speak about in person, you don't get on here and act like your billy bad azz.

07-03-2008, 01:51 PM
No I don't know who's been in 3 different specialty units and had every arrest handed to him. And it's kinda difficult to choose from the 100 names mentioned in that one thread. Additionally, Auguste is pretty new so cut him some slack. He's working hard out there.
I guess the first was a little vague on my part. We'll call JJ a legacy. A legend in his own mind. Auguste is falling into that mode that arrests are all that matter. I've worked OT on his shift while there are 8 calls holding and he's 10-50 after 10-50 and other units from the east or beach have to go catch all the slack. One guy told me several weeks ago on a sat night, he had already made two 15's, there were 2 pages of calls holding. Instead of going 10-8, he went and vacumed his car out then spent another 10 min's with the pressure washer.

07-04-2008, 02:24 AM
Wow.... wow. Didn't JJ take care of business with a gun in his face? Credit to him for sure. Next - has a supervisor or another officer told Auguste to tone it down just a bit while many calls are holding? If not, then maybe someone should before they start bashing him for being proactive and trying to put bad guys in jail. How about doing that in a professional way? Then please let us know how it goes.

07-05-2008, 03:53 AM
Should a supervisor have to tell you not to Blue Falcon your zone buddy?

07-05-2008, 07:00 AM
I guess yes, if his co-workers and too chicken $hit to do so. And what is the Blue Falcon? Is it in the back seat of where you were conceived in 1965?

07-05-2008, 07:03 AM
Woops.... "are" too chicken.......

07-05-2008, 01:43 PM
BLUE FALCON is a term we made up in 2002 in Patrol. It means "Buddy F@#ker". It started as Bravo Foxtrot but somehow changed to Blue Falcon. Thanks for the memories JR.

07-05-2008, 06:18 PM
The best officer in my opinion was Eric Perez. I use to watch him crusie the beach in his little shorts. He looked so hot to me. Too bad he left for Delray PD. I miss him a lot. FLPD's best cop is and was ERIC PEREZ. I miss you dirty P!!! Be safe. Monica.. oops I mean Jennifer.

07-05-2008, 07:57 PM
Carl H, T. shields, T. hill, M. Renner, B. Norvis, Paul C, Pete C, S. Dameron, E. Good

07-05-2008, 08:27 PM
how funny is it that people are afraid to give there name. As they are affraid to tell someone what they think, and afraid what what will happen if someone knows that they are talking shit about someone (must be a *****). Must be a lazy slug that complains about everything and has never gone anywhere in the department. Or is a person who does enough just to get buy. Speak up and give us your real name.

07-06-2008, 05:30 AM
Everyone wants to sit here and post on a web site that boost their morale becasue they are so disgruntled and are allowing it to affect the true BROTHERHOOD.

How many of you have actually worked along side of the people you are talking crap about? Are you just taking what the guy who pulls up side-by-side in your car wants to tell you? How many of you have ever been on a call where you have seen Auguste pawn a call off? Or when a 21 in progress comes out, who is the first one to put up a box. I know its human nature to be negative when they see some one achieve, but when you look at yourself in the mirrior, can you honestly say that you deserve it over the next person just becasue your senior to them?

Who has ever worked with Dameron and known him to stay 10-6 on a BS call when calls are holding? Most people stop "hunting" at around 0430 and its "frowned" upon for you to be proactive after that. How many times have you heard Dameron get behind a S/10 o"r 41 vehicle at 0630? The guy works, while your sitting at the Flo saying, "Damn, when is day shift coming out"?

Its funny how everyone can sit here and post about whoever they want and when they walk by them in the hallway its, "Hey man, how you been", and you know who you are. If only you had half the balls to approach that person and tell them to their face whats really on your mind. Hopefully, there will come a time where FLPD will be back to where it was about 7 years ago. Its obvious the depatment is getting young, so what are you going to do, cry about it or try and make something of yourself. Most of you will probably cry, because its the easy thing to do, and the ones posting on here are the lazy slugs that will never amount to nothing. Well take care, and there is something for you guys to backlash on.

Ive been here awhile, and am only going to mention a couple officers (Both whom Ive worked with) there are several more I can comment on but maybe we just need to commend those for the positive and stop being so negative.


07-06-2008, 07:16 AM
In the old days, the old timers would tell the newer guys to knock it off so everyone could get their chow OR, find some other don't know when to quit or go home new guy to follow you around when you do that. It was fair when I was new and should be now.

07-06-2008, 05:03 PM
Are some of you telling me that after 0430 hrs and when officers are on 40 but still some are 10-8, everyone is supposed to quit working? Please advise the homeowners, some who are definitely cops, firemen, relatives of those, etc, that live in your zone that even though you're getting paid unitl 0730 hrs that you won't be doing any proactive work in their neighborhood after 0430 hrs. That way they can relay that info to the cop that works in the area of whatever city you live in not to do any police work after the same time.

It sickens me that the miserable slugs who've been "working to the rule" love to cry about bad contracts and how we shouldn't do any work. There are numerous FLPD cops that live in the City, pay taxes, vote appropriately, picket, etc., and some cops won't have the decency to patrol their neighborhood.

I'm sure if your family was, God forbid, robbed, burglarized, murdered and/or raped, you'd love to have the cop responsible for your neighborhood show up and tell you, "Hey officer, sorry to hear about your family but I'm working to the rule and I don't work after 0430 hours". I'm sure you'd be very understanding in that situation.

07-06-2008, 11:16 PM
Best of all J. Clark

07-07-2008, 01:56 PM
Yes, Kim M. is a fine police officer.

Best of all J. Clark

07-07-2008, 02:09 PM
This is stupid anyone with any balls would talk face to face with the people they have a problem with, as for the higher 1500-1600 numbers named. They are still new give the kids some time before you try to hang them. Who ever this is I hope you have 10yrs or more to feel you can be the voice of the department. We all should have better things to do with are time

07-07-2008, 08:50 PM
how funny is it that people are afraid to give there name. As they are affraid to tell someone what they think, and afraid what what will happen if someone knows that they are talking shizzat about someone (must be a .). Must be a lazy slug that complains about everything and has never gone anywhere in the department. Or is a person who does enough just to get buy. Speak up and give us your real name.

Obviously your one of the made fun of ? So its not true? tell us your name and list of great self initiated arrests and post you last three months of stats ? If your so great as a cop tell those who obvioulsy don't know. Maybe your name should be here as one of the best.

07-09-2008, 09:27 PM
It sickens me that the miserable slugs who've been "working to the rule" love to cry about bad contracts and how we shouldn't do any work. There are numerous FLPD cops that live in the City, pay taxes, vote appropriately, picket, etc., and some cops won't have the decency to patrol their neighborhood.

The "working to the rule" was a cancerious idea from the begining. A job still needed to be done which was neglected. Though the battle is over many others are still bringing that concept with them to work everyday. I disagree with the extremeness of that concept than many took.

New people unsure of what to do, old people with a complacent mindset making that mindset even worse.

07-10-2008, 08:22 PM
Would anyone consider Officer Thor Lockhart?

HE's a teacher not a cop !

07-10-2008, 10:46 PM
Holy Crap.....I hate all of you.

07-11-2008, 01:47 PM
What about Bobby Grimm???....

07-13-2008, 04:53 PM

07-13-2008, 04:54 PM
Yeah, friday night at the racetrack.

07-18-2008, 04:54 AM
Would anyone consider Officer Thor Lockhart?

Lockhart has been much more than a teacher at the academy for all his years out there. He has certainly looked out for the FLPD's there and many others from other departments.

The guy is a first class stand up guy. He has been a great mentor for many young cops who years later still remember how tough he was on them. What a great compliment for Thor.

Maybe you never had to get his help and if so thats great. But if you did, no ifs ands or butts, Thor would be there for you as long as you were worth it.

Add to the old timer list many more old timers...McGarry, Renner, Pallen, LOGES, Shotwell, Curcio, Curry, Stack, Carmichael, Bronson, Abrams, Kridos, Polan, Spencer, Palmieri, Atwater, Smith etc...and the list can go on.

It's almost shocking but sad to see what kind of turkeys are on this site bashing each other.....sad sad sad............

07-20-2008, 06:51 PM
I spent 10 plus years working at FLPD. Had a blast doing it, but realized that the agency was going from good, to not so good, and moved on to success elsewhere.

I had the honor of working with two cops whom many consider to be at the top of the list of the all-time FLPD greats, Tony Magnanti and Bernie Malone.

These guys brought the department a rarely seen mix of old-school toughness, and modern day smarts. Both were capable of performing incredible acts of bravery or violence when needed, however both were among the most intelligent and resourceful persons that I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

If either of these guys was involved in an incident, you could be sure that things were going to be handled properly the first time, no matter what. They worked efficiently and effectively. Either one could send someone to BGH, or provide a caring helping hand to a citizen in need. They fought crime with a vengence, and could put it all on paper that was so tight that no one could beat their cases. Just pull one of their old cases and take a look for yourself.

These guys had had the S/A's lining up and eager to prosecute their cases, because they knew these two were the real deal. More impressively, they had many defense attorneys flat out scared for their clients, and looking to make a deal.

Neither was simply good at any one thing, they were GREAT at all of it. In addition to them being great cops, they were great leaders. They learned the lessons of the past from cops like Les Mellott, Jim Ferrell, Wayne Swenson, Rich Martin, Mark Sutton, and Sandy Ledegang. They joined forces with Pallen/Renner, had connections with the Narc Units, could set up a box in a minute, and knew how to use the K-9 team's properly. Most importantly though, their Sergeants and Captains trusted them, and empowered them to get it done right. There was no hand holding with these two, they were men.

They set the example for the new guys, and molded them in their likeness, linking the old FLPD with the new. These two could do it all, and the FLPD is better off for having had them amongst its ranks.

So, all in all, there have been many good FLPD cops that have come along over the years, but there is little doubt that Magnanti and Malone are the best that the FLPD has ever seen.

07-20-2008, 11:09 PM
Mark Sutton, and Sandy Ledegang. Are you really serious about that ?

07-20-2008, 11:10 PM
That is just crazy!!!

07-21-2008, 12:37 AM
Mark Sutton, and Sandy Ledegang. Are you really serious about that ?

Sutton was fun to be around, with his "Hey Pal!" greeting and that moon boot limp. He was also there when ya needed it. No ball of fire, but a definite steady Eddy. The m/c wreck f ed him up.

Sandy was a hell of an investigator. She liked group sex too, so no ill will there.

I read the post about Tony M and Bernie M and have to say that those two were no joke. We could all tell that there was something different about them from their first day. I'd give em' my vote for top FLPD cops too. I've seen them in action and let me tell ya, they were the real deal, no doubt.

07-21-2008, 04:00 PM
Thanks Tony for the glowing report of yourself, if you were wondering this place still sucks.

I spent 10 plus years working at FLPD. Had a blast doing it, but realized that the agency was going from good, to not so good, and moved on to success elsewhere.

I had the honor of working with two cops whom many consider to be at the top of the list of the all-time FLPD greats, Tony Magnanti and Bernie Malone.

These guys brought the department a rarely seen mix of old-school toughness, and modern day smarts. Both were capable of performing incredible acts of bravery or violence when needed, however both were among the most intelligent and resourceful persons that I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

If either of these guys was involved in an incident, you could be sure that things were going to be handled properly the first time, no matter what. They worked efficiently and effectively. Either one could send someone to BGH, or provide a caring helping hand to a citizen in need. They fought crime with a vengence, and could put it all on paper that was so tight that no one could beat their cases. Just pull one of their old cases and take a look for yourself.

These guys had had the S/A's lining up and eager to prosecute their cases, because they knew these two were the real deal. More impressively, they had many defense attorneys flat out scared for their clients, and looking to make a deal.

Neither was simply good at any one thing, they were GREAT at all of it. In addition to them being great cops, they were great leaders. They learned the lessons of the past from cops like Les Mellott, Jim Ferrell, Wayne Swenson, Rich Martin, Mark Sutton, and Sandy Ledegang. They joined forces with Pallen/Renner, had connections with the Narc Units, could set up a box in a minute, and knew how to use the K-9 team's properly. Most importantly though, their Sergeants and Captains trusted them, and empowered them to get it done right. There was no hand holding with these two, they were men.

They set the example for the new guys, and molded them in their likeness, linking the old FLPD with the new. These two could do it all, and the FLPD is better off for having had them amongst its ranks.

So, all in all, there have been many good FLPD cops that have come along over the years, but there is little doubt that Magnanti and Malone are the best that the FLPD has ever seen.

07-21-2008, 10:19 PM
Nice job Tony

07-22-2008, 12:06 AM
I spent 10 plus years working at FLPD. Had a blast doing it, but realized that the agency was going from good, to not so good, and moved on to success elsewhere.

I had the honor of working with two cops whom many consider to be at the top of the list of the all-time FLPD greats, Tony Magnanti and Bernie Malone.

These guys brought the department a rarely seen mix of old-school toughness, and modern day smarts. Both were capable of performing incredible acts of bravery or violence when needed, however both were among the most intelligent and resourceful persons that I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

If either of these guys was involved in an incident, you could be sure that things were going to be handled properly the first time, no matter what. They worked efficiently and effectively. Either one could send someone to BGH, or provide a caring helping hand to a citizen in need. They fought crime with a vengence, and could put it all on paper that was so tight that no one could beat their cases. Just pull one of their old cases and take a look for yourself.

These guys had had the S/A's lining up and eager to prosecute their cases, because they knew these two were the real deal. More impressively, they had many defense attorneys flat out scared for their clients, and looking to make a deal.

Neither was simply good at any one thing, they were GREAT at all of it. In addition to them being great cops, they were great leaders. They learned the lessons of the past from cops like Les Mellott, Jim Ferrell, Wayne Swenson, Rich Martin, Mark Sutton, and Sandy Ledegang. They joined forces with Pallen/Renner, had connections with the Narc Units, could set up a box in a minute, and knew how to use the K-9 team's properly. Most importantly though, their Sergeants and Captains trusted them, and empowered them to get it done right. There was no hand holding with these two, they were men.

They set the example for the new guys, and molded them in their likeness, linking the old FLPD with the new. These two could do it all, and the FLPD is better off for having had them amongst its ranks.

So, all in all, there have been many good FLPD cops that have come along over the years, but there is little doubt that Magnanti and Malone are the best that the FLPD has ever seen.

Worked with these two for years. Both crazy SOB's. Both great street cops. Both way too smart for this crap. Both definately got it done. I'd vote for them.

07-23-2008, 03:22 PM

07-24-2008, 12:28 AM
The old school Raiders - R. Kelly, Alexander, Barrett, Carmichael, Shults, Sebregandio, Gee, McGowan, Bolden, Mills, Sgt. Kiley & Israel, Fitzgerald, Kinsey, Renner, Fleming, Benitez, and others had to be the best Narc Unit in FLPD's history. Hard hitting, smart, and perfect execution of warrants, buy busts, stings, etc.

07-25-2008, 09:13 PM
The old time K9 Unit.....with Sgt. Runnerstrom running the Unit.....Farrell, Grant, Littlefield, Thompton, Ryan, Nelson, Collins. Those guys were something else back in the day.

MOD 564
07-28-2008, 11:39 PM
I have removed numerous posts in this thread that violated the Terms of Use.
Mod 564

07-31-2008, 02:42 PM
I have removed numerous posts in this thread that violated the Terms of Use.
Mod 564


08-01-2008, 03:54 PM
Read the Murder Arrest post and it says it all...look at their respective personnel files and you will see that these two guys are the real deal. Some of the punks previously mentioned are nowhere close. Actually, ask some of the guys previously mentioned and I'm sure that they would also agree. FLPD has the best cops, period! Every one of you should hold your heads up because you're looked at as being some of the best cops in the state. Some of the best cops should aspire to become great like MB and JC...

08-25-2008, 07:43 PM
My vote goes to Morrow, Breen, Curcio

09-09-2008, 02:12 AM

Wubbie, I appreciate the vote. Nice to loved. Identify yourself and "we'll do lunch". What I dont understand is how people continue to visit this site and anonymously bash fellow cops. Once again , have a spine or a set of balls and say it to someones face. We look like fukin retards bashing each other. Obviously, we all have different standards on what makes a good cops and shit cops. What have you done to change it? Ever tried telling someone that they're screwed up and give advice to change them? Better yet, ever tell someone good job instead of loitering around being jealous? Many of you on this site pride themselves of knowing so much about FLPD but don't take any of the "great cops" quality traits as your own. While I disagree with a few of the "greats", the ones Ive worked with would never pull this spineless shit. They would have the integrity and balls to say it to someones face. Try acting like those you admire and maybe some working conditions will change.....
Kevin Hayes badge 251

09-23-2008, 03:59 AM
Bruce Roberts is the best cop ever

10-02-2008, 10:59 PM
Gary Jones was the best FLPD has ever seen

10-19-2008, 06:44 PM
Anyone remember a crazy SOB named Fred Holmes. He should be on the list somewhere, eventhough he wasn't a career FLPD officer.

11-17-2008, 12:07 AM
The best FLPD cop is a retired one or one that left right after 2004. Since then the department and morale went down the crapper.

11-18-2008, 03:13 AM
I nominate LONG GONE OLD TIMER. He must really care to be sitting at his computer, for the last three days, sometimes after midnight, involved in the gossip of a place that he no longer works at. I almost feel bad for him.

11-19-2008, 04:16 AM
There were and are many cops at FLPD who were very good at their niche.

You had guys and girls into dope and a few with detective unit experience that was hard to beat. Those who worked Robbery, Homicide, Fraud, Sex Crimes and Auto Theft. There are and were many who went to those units who were really good at what they liked to do.

Then the K-9 unit over many years was just fantastic. I remember the Sgt Runnerstrom days of unreal dogs and handlers. Farrell, Gibbons, Nelson, Ryan, Seguin, Thomton, Grant, and another old timer with Jim Farrell and Sgt. Rock that I can picture but forgot the name. Tall, dark hair, glasses..dang getting old is lame!!!!!!!!!!

Since I left I know there are still plenty of great cops at FLPD. May they enjoy a long life of fun and retirement........

11-19-2008, 04:21 AM
Anyone remember a crazy SOB named Fred Holmes. He should be on the list somewhere, eventhough he wasn't a career FLPD officer.

Hey whaddah u saying?? Fred was not KRAZY..He was tuned up working nights and guys like him and Pete Melwid gave us lots of excitement......

Besides, we got more new cars with Fred in patrol. He still bologs in on the sun sentinel from way up in the friggin cold north. He was a great cop to work with..no fear and full speed ahead.........

Yo fred, remember the accident at 6 and andrews that nite with bob z??? Yeah what a great capture that was...........................

03-04-2009, 05:57 PM
[quote="Guest"]Anyone remember a crazy SOB named Fred Holmes. He should be on the list somewhere, eventhough he wasn't a career FLPD officer.

Thanks for the nod. I had a blast while there, even if was only for 10.5 years. And, it was great to be back in town last month for the MoH award. Even better was the fact that Fred Hollowell got the MoH, which he certainly deserved.

03-04-2009, 06:04 PM
Anyone remember a crazy SOB named Fred Holmes. He should be on the list somewhere, eventhough he wasn't a career FLPD officer.

Hey whaddah u saying?? Fred was not KRAZY..He was tuned up working nights and guys like him and Pete Melwid gave us lots of excitement......

Besides, we got more new cars with Fred in patrol. He still bologs in on the sun sentinel from way up in the friggin cold north. He was a great cop to work with..no fear and full speed ahead.........

Yo fred, remember the accident at 6 and andrews that nite with bob z??? Yeah what a great capture that was...........................

I remember!. I was driving a brand new Dodge Coronet, black & white, supervisor's unit (I was the south end A/sgt)....listened to the chase on the scanner and headed that way. When I T-boned the scumbag, I hit him so hard it blew up the a/c compressor!!!. Dirtbag bailed, left the car in gear, it hit the plate glass windows at that carpet joint on the NE corner of Andrews & 6 St......then ran into the alley behind where Maguires Hill 16 is(was) and I chased him and caught him in the alley. I was "using the force neccessary to effect the arrest" when Runnerstrom showed up.
Quite the night!

02-25-2010, 08:45 AM
Carl Hannold,Duval Madrigal,D Lade & Harvey Jacques to name a few

02-27-2010, 02:13 PM
R U KIDDING US Please..put this to est. You have clowns coming and writing ridiculous stories as to "the best cop" or pinhads writing about some not so stellar cops who suddenly were Serpico. Other than entertainment, its just foolish crap to blah blah about who was the "best". leave it at ther were many good cops in the history of thedepartment. Those good ones worked there and some still do. Hopefully FLPD will hire more in the future.

I think we can agree that is is a city that gives you an opportunity to shine if you WANT TO WORK. OTHERWISE GO BE A.........SLUG AND JUST COME IN, DRIVE AROUND, ANSWER WHAT YOU HAVE TO, DO THE MINIMUM AND GO HOME AND AIT FOR THE RETIREMENT CHECK.............. but dont bother to list the nams of those who did or do that..we all have our opinions of those but its not class to share it on his website. Save it for your own party or at the hall....Now grow up you LEGENDS IN YOUR OWN MIND......

03-19-2010, 09:45 PM
Hey, FLPD. Your Dept. is a joke, just like your Chief! He is the Joke of Broward Country Law Enforcement! Lets see, his wife was looking to kill his butt, but she was a bad shot! Then he plays with bad attonerys and says he didn't see it, a rookie could have see it! Wake up, your day of the big boys in town was over long ago!!! Maybe the Sheriff will take you over and make real cops out of you!!!!!!!!

03-20-2010, 01:54 AM
Hey, FLPD. Your Dept. is a joke, just like your Chief! He is the Joke of Broward Country Law Enforcement! Lets see, his wife was looking to kill his butt, but she was a bad shot! Then he plays with bad attonerys and says he didn't see it, a rookie could have see it! Wake up, your day of the big boys in town was over long ago!!! Maybe the Sheriff will take you over and make real cops out of you!!!!!!!!

By the way fool, if you dont want to tip you youare/where you really work, or should I say steal a paycheck from, make sure you plan your post better next time. You only waited 2 minutes after commenting on Lemieux being back to work. With a lot of passion by the way. She wouldnt give you a shift I presume?

04-03-2010, 03:00 AM
I Love Lemieux

Hey, FLPD. Your Dept. is a joke, just like your Chief! He is the Joke of Broward Country Law Enforcement! Lets see, his wife was looking to kill his butt, but she was a bad shot! Then he plays with bad attonerys and says he didn't see it, a rookie could have see it! Wake up, your day of the big boys in town was over long ago!!! Maybe the Sheriff will take you over and make real cops out of you!!!!!!!!

By the way fool, if you dont want to tip you youare/where you really work, or should I say steal a paycheck from, make sure you plan your post better next time. You only waited 2 minutes after commenting on Lemieux being back to work. With a lot of passion by the way. She wouldnt give you a shift I presume?

04-04-2010, 01:30 AM
Best FLPD Cops should include:

Sgt. Flazone
Sgt. Ferrer
Sgt. Schoen
Sgt. Brull

04-04-2010, 08:41 AM
Best FLPD Cops should include:

Sgt. Flazone
Sgt. Ferrer
Sgt. Schoen
Sgt. Brull

Probably should also include the officer who posted this. I venture to guess that no one is too impressed with you, except for you.

04-04-2010, 07:37 PM
Best FLPD Cops should include:

Sgt. Flazone
Sgt. Ferrer
Sgt. Schoen
Sgt. Brull

Probably should also include the officer who posted this. I venture to guess that no one is too impressed with you, except for you.

Are you disputing the fact that these Sgts. are some of FLPD's finest?

04-05-2010, 02:32 AM
[quote="guest^":2g9ny94c]Best FLPD Cops should include:

Sgt. Flazone
Sgt. Ferrer
Sgt. Schoen
Sgt. Brull

Probably should also include the officer who posted this. I venture to guess that no one is too impressed with you, except for you.

Are you disputing the fact that these Sgts. are some of FLPD's finest?[/quote:2g9ny94c]

Im disputing the poster's credibility.

04-06-2010, 09:48 PM
[quote="guest^":2yunvjhp]Best FLPD Cops should include:

Sgt. Flazone
Sgt. Ferrer
Sgt. Schoen
Sgt. Brull

Probably should also include the officer who posted this. I venture to guess that no one is too impressed with you, except for you.

Are you disputing the fact that these Sgts. are some of FLPD's finest?

Im disputing the poster's credibility.[/quote:2yunvjhp]

I agree. What a gossipy little ***** to start a thread like that. You should be out-ed by all police. Stop bashing your brothers and sisters on here. Have some balls and go and tell them what you think of them to their faces if you care that much.

04-07-2010, 01:43 AM
Yea great advice, only problem is this days that get you a suspension for workplace harassment. Boy are you out of touch with RAT central

[quote="guest^":32qc435h]Best FLPD Cops should include:

Sgt. Flazone
Sgt. Ferrer
Sgt. Schoen
Sgt. Brull

Probably should also include the officer who posted this. I venture to guess that no one is too impressed with you, except for you.

Are you disputing the fact that these Sgts. are some of FLPD's finest?

Im disputing the poster's credibility.

I agree. What a gossipy little ***** to start a thread like that. You should be out-ed by all police. Stop bashing your brothers and sisters on here. Have some balls and go and tell them what you think of them to their faces if you care that much.[/quote:32qc435h]

08-03-2010, 04:40 AM
I vote Mike Hen as the best. How can you not love him?

08-06-2010, 10:51 PM
Capt RM is the best.

I vote Mike Hen as the best. How can you not love him?

08-07-2010, 04:52 AM
Capt RM is the best.

I vote Mike Hen as the best. How can you not love him?

Its funny how when someone liked in the Dept f's up we blame the people assigned to investigate it. Do we also do that for suspects when CID investigates them? Does it matter that these "officer's" actions make us all look bad? Nah, its the patrol captain or IAs fault, they should lie and risk their jobs to cover the actions of the cop...then they would be liked by the "cool" guys.

08-08-2010, 02:31 AM
It has been 13 years since I left the department. It was a time without laptop computers, a time with primitive MDT's, and a brick cell phone if you were working certain areas of the city. I worked the streets of Ft Lauderdale (all shifts, all districts, and all reporting area's from 1980 to 1997).

The REAL cops were my brothers and sisters officers who work the streets with me, day in and day out, not asking how much the paycheck was. It was a time of pride and integrity. A few of us were fortunate enough to get transferred to special units. The majority of us were satisfied working the streets where you never knew what the next call would bring.

The REAL cops are the brothers and sisters hanging on the memorial wall in the lobby. I personally knew the majority of the officers who gave the supreme sacrifice.

So as I read the postings over the past day or so, I wonder what happened to the brotherhood and pride of the FLPD? There were many officers I worked with that I personally didn’t like. Even if you didn’t personally like one of our brothers or sisters we never publicly talked about their personal short comings outside the rank and file of the FLPD.

We also never failed to sign our name to anything we said. There was never nothing said that we were not brave enough to say it to your face. It amazes me how many postings are on this website with fictitious names to hide the authors identity. If you are too scared to post your name, then you should keep your mouth shut.

So I want to say to all my brothers and sisters who are retired or working the streets tonight. Be kind to your fellow officer. He or she may be the difference between you going home at the end of the shift. Let’s honor our dead and celebrate the living.

Charlie Bruce SR (KIA) was my first introduction to one of the old timers. Charlie was one of the kindest; tell it like it was, brother officers I ever had the pleasure of working with. RIP Charlie. I still remember our laughs in front of the Button (Spring Break early 1980's).

Tim Miller FL902 (Retired) (Proud to have Served)

08-08-2010, 03:30 AM
Did you every work with him in SID tell me how well he did there and plase lets talk more about proactive RM is still a jerk

Nice try but he talks the talk about a lot of cops so dont buy him the white robe just yet. He is a jerk

Capt RM is the best.
[quote=Guest]I vote Mike Hen as the best. How can you not love him?

Its funny how when someone liked in the Dept f's up we blame the people assigned to investigate it. Do we also do that for suspects when CID investigates them? Does it matter that these "officer's" actions make us all look bad? Nah, its the patrol captain or IAs fault, they should lie and risk their jobs to cover the actions of the cop...then they would be liked by the "cool" guys.

Ive never heard him talk bad about anyone. I only see him pass by like once a month so I never hear him talk about anyone. Where do you spend all this time with him unless youre in IA yourself? The guys with the big mouths seem to be the ones getting caught with their...ahhh... hands in the cookie jar (girls, money, etc.) so you and the other 5 people on this site can cry to each other about how bad it is. I bet he either never met you or heard your name and you think too much of yourself, or you are constantly in trouble. Which one is it???

And no, I am not a manager, not in IA, not on a list of any kind so save that argument and provide facts or STFU.[/quote:3oialmfz]

08-08-2010, 03:32 AM
Yea let's see when he is gone and most of his crew there. Maybe the will put Capt MG there so he will screw that up and then the FBI can come in some day.

As for proactive that would be a good thing since maybe they would see some of the real BS out there and stop with all the in house lets get that guy because so and so hates him.

If they were proactive we would not have had a cop buyimng drugs and using them in a marked police car. If they were proactive they would see that most Sergeants spend most of the time shoping and eating and have no clue where the guys are or what the road needs to deal with the butt kicking sig 21s we have going on in our city. Thereis more tyo patrol than checking an AVL now and then. If they were proactive they would have seen this whold detail thing with Scott R the Chief and Sgt S.G. If they were proactive they would have found out that a cop was sleeping with CIs and the list goes on

Yea its so great that they are not proactive. You just pointed out how much they suck. Perfect job Rick M !

fellow leo wrote:
IALOVER wrote:
Well RM was able to get yet another one. Boy is he good or what ??

Ther's a big difference between 'going after' someone and just doing your job. Like the opther poster said, should IA lie to cover someone elses f*** ups? I look back on the 6+ years I have been here and never saw IA be proactive or go after anyone and no one got fired unless the REALLY did something horrible. I do my job, and dont claim to be a superstar, but I never worry about IA coming after me.

Wait til RM is gone, then well see how good or bad he was.