View Full Version : Rest Area off-duty finally happening, but....

06-01-2008, 09:47 AM
We in the I-10 and I-75 areas have finally managed to round up some off-duty work that is available for all who want it. Working the rest areas is great for all of us. Things in this area are finally making head way thanks to the efforts of a Sgt. who took it upon himself to make happen what everyone above him could not. This Sgt. made the needed contacts and set the ball in motion, now a micromanaging Lt. wants to take it all away and run it “his” way and may just screw it up for all of us. This Lt. does not comprehend the way the scheduling works nor the fact that it is out of his hands and in the hands of those working for FHP who make the schedules and fill us in where needed. We are at FHP’s mercy when it comes to this off duty work, and I for one am thankful to get it. The only say so our department has is in the use of the cars that are required to do this work. This would not even be a problem if we had take homes. The Sgt. That has taken the effort to make these contacts and get the ball rolling should allowed to keep doing the great job that he has done thus far. The Sgt. has a vested interest in this detail just as the officers do; he wants to get some of the work also. The Lt. trying to micromanage has no interest in it and does not care about it, so how can we expect him to keep the best interest of those who want and need this work? He could care less if we lose it or keep it. We have not received a raise in two years, with none on the horizon for what looks to be the next two, please do mess this up for those of us who need it. Everything has gone up but or salary and it is getting to the point for some that this off-duty work cold make or break them.

Also Troopers work all rest areas regardless of duty station. We should be able to work where needed also. Instead some micromanagers are trying to break the rest areas up by interstate. I-10 can work Madison east and west, I-75 can work Columbia/Suwannee east and west bound plus the welcome center. What about the rest of the rest areas that we could be working? Ellisville, Baker? Do not limit us; if FHP needs us somewhere let us work it. Unlike you we need the money and are willing to do what is needed to make it. If I worked at Lowe’s off-duty the department would have no say so in my schedule there.

Take care of your troops and they will take care of you.

If you feel you have to flex to show your power then you really have none, it is self-perceived and not actual.

We are not “road guards” anymore we are LEOs; let us act and work like them.

06-01-2008, 03:35 PM
Its everywhere!! Especially O#3022

06-01-2008, 09:28 PM
Well who th heck is it?

06-02-2008, 02:28 PM
Why does a Lt. even need to get involved in off duty employment. It has nothing to do with the Agency. Once you get your approval from the Col. and you obtain the vehicle insurance there is nothing admin needs to do to get involved. As long as it is your day off and the vehicle is available then there should not be any problems. I would ask the Lt. why he feels hte need to get involved when everything is being taken care of by the Sgt. Someone needs to put him in his place and let him know his services are not needed.

06-02-2008, 03:09 PM
Is it major fat a$$ in Tally?

06-02-2008, 04:37 PM
It's the newest golden spoon fed Lt. who was told he did not deserve the job but was given it do to his political connections. The Sgt. cannot say much as he stuck his neck out to get done what he has and is still waiting to see if the chopping block awaits. The higher ups were not interested in making anything happen for those working for them, so he went straight to the FHP Lt. in charge of the rest area schedule and worked with him to make it happen. Now spoon child is wanting to take it over and try and control things, all he is going to do is screw the rest of us over. The department sent two of the old K9 blazers to Station 19 just for the reason of off duty work, so the officers would have something to use. Why can we not have vehicles set aside for the same reason? Old patrol cars, K9 vehicles, something that we can use for off-duty? Hell if they wanted to assign it to someone I would sign for it and then let others use it.

06-02-2008, 04:58 PM
Yes they did send two Blazers over, however we had to give one to the new CARL Officer here in Blackwater. Apparently they failed to get him a vehicle and he was driving a white Forestry truck with no marking or lights. He saw our Blazers and next thing we know one is his until he gets a new truck. If he ever does.
We were told all the Interstate Stations had spare vehicles to be used for off duty. Out Lt. and Capt. has no part in our off duty work or scheduling. We have a Sgt doing the schedule for the Station.

We don't have anything steady and have even checked on the rest area for our region. We were told your region over there was the only region hiring LEO's for security other regions were hiring Wackenhut.

We get a few here and there construction zone jobs from FHP, but the Officers must provide Insurance on the State vehicles before they can use them. Currently 5 Officers have this insurance and are working these details when they come up.

Sounds like your Lt. needs to find something else to do to pass the time.

06-02-2008, 08:46 PM
It's the newest golden spoon fed Lt. who was told he did not deserve the job but was given it do to his political connections. The Sgt. cannot say much as he stuck his neck out to get done what he has and is still waiting to see if the chopping block awaits. The higher ups were not interested in making anything happen for those working for them, so he went straight to the FHP Lt. in charge of the rest area schedule and worked with him to make it happen. Now spoon child is wanting to take it over and try and control things, all he is going to do is screw the rest of us over. The department sent two of the old K9 blazers to Station 19 just for the reason of off duty work, so the officers would have something to use. Why can we not have vehicles set aside for the same reason? Old patrol cars, K9 vehicles, something that we can use for off-duty? Hell if they wanted to assign it to someone I would sign for it and then let others use it.

It is now and has been the same story for the past 30 or so years that I know of: It's not who you know, it's not who you blow, it's how you blow who you know. Or in the latest case, how somebody else blows who they know on your behalf. Ain't politically conected inlaws great?

06-08-2008, 12:25 AM
What is the status with the rest area duty? Is it working ok since a LT took over or are there problems?

06-11-2008, 11:45 AM
What is the status with the rest area duty? Is it working ok since a LT took over or are there problems?

It is wait and see right now. July should tell the tale, for the better I hope. All eyes are watching, from Tally on down.

06-13-2008, 03:37 AM
The I-75 area folks are being called in tonight for the detail. It took some time but we finally have a foot in. Guys rack it up while you can. God knows its needed funds.

06-24-2008, 01:03 AM

08-17-2008, 05:20 PM
Well it seems that all is going well, so far, with the restareas. I for one am thankful for the opportunity to work them. We have had no raise in the last few years and none on the horizion for the next few, so this money comes in handy. Everything has gone up except our pay. So let's do not screw this up for ourselves, or allow others to for us.