View Full Version : with out vasaline

05-30-2008, 10:07 PM
gerald they are about to take our home at region 5. we have been there ever since i started here. we are about to be homeless cause they dont know where to put us. we will not have a station. why are you letting them stick it up our assess with out vasaline?

for once can you stand up and say enough is enough. you have let them rape us of our buget. our of duties until the union got involved. you let them and agreed with them that we can do the job with less cops. now you let them take our house? you should be emabarrassed!!! MAN UP!!!!

did anyone think gerald would turn out to be such a backstabber? before he came most city people said he was a zero, took care of "his people" but was harmless. they were not right on the harmless part. he has destroyed this department . never have so many people left at one time. i dont think he gives a shit as lond as he is making the dollars

05-31-2008, 02:05 AM
Don't kid yourself. Darling doen't have the raisins to say "Enough is Enough" . If he did we wouldn't be in the shape were in now. 10 Month employees, off duty jobs, laying off cops, losing positions, trying to take pensions away from hard working Captains. Going after the competent Major And now Station 5 to be dumped.

Chief Gerry has never had to make any decisions. Not here and not when he was with the city. Not until now. And now is when we find out that he's way over his head. He is frozen like a deer in the headlights folks. He can't even resign he so scared, confused and disoriented. He tuns to Hurley, Howard and Arnie for advice.

No don't even think that this "so called" Chief will step in for the troops. IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

05-31-2008, 03:33 AM
Their supposed to be a floating concerned officer letter, that details the the Chief's actions and non-action. When I was at the SBAB building this afternoon, Board Members and School Board Attorney, including Mr. Crew, received the e-mail. They were asking me questions, I could not beleive. From EEO complaints with individuals that go hunting with the Chief, and serious allegation of DV in someone's house, after everyone left his house, and was lonely with a black eye and a Bud. In most important _e_ _ ld D _ _ l _ ng is in trouble with the 4 letter agency.

I guess the Board is getting educated after all.

06-01-2008, 01:13 AM
Don't appeal to the spineless chief to resign. Start talking to Board Members to pressure Chubby Checker into replacing him with a REAL Chief. Up to now the demands for Chief Gerry Spineless to be ousted has not gotten any results. Let's try to put a positive spin on this and ask to have a real chief appointed. Darling aint it. Fortunately for him he is too stupid to be shamed. He really believes he is doing a good job. How pathetic. Call your Board Member and let's stop this embarassment.