View Full Version : 5% pay raise for the rad/nuc team????????

05-29-2008, 02:49 AM
Anyone heard this yet? Is it true? This team is a joke and a raise for them would be an insult to all of us. I hope its BS. Not all but most of those guys are the laughing stock of the dept. anyway. What a shame. No wonder some are quitting the team already. If they chose some officers who had any years with the dept or at least had former L.E. experience they would have been better off. Maybe those guys saw the writing on the wall (due to their experience) and didn't want to be on the "team". Can't blame them for that!!!!!!!!!1

05-29-2008, 04:34 AM
Anyone heard this yet? Is it true? This team is a joke and a raise for them would be an insult to all of us. I hope its BS. Not all but most of those guys are the laughing stock of the dept. anyway. What a shame. No wonder some are quitting the team already. If they chose some officers who had any years with the dept or at least had former L.E. experience they would have been better off. Maybe those guys saw the writing on the wall (due to their experience) and didn't want to be on the "team". Can't blame them for that!!!!!!!!!1

I have not heard that but it would not surprise me. Piss me off, yes...surprise me, no.

05-29-2008, 05:30 PM
Anyone heard this yet? Is it true? This team is a joke and a raise for them would be an insult to all of us. I hope its BS. Not all but most of those guys are the laughing stock of the dept. anyway. What a shame. No wonder some are quitting the team already. If they chose some officers who had any years with the dept or at least had former L.E. experience they would have been better off. Maybe those guys saw the writing on the wall (due to their experience) and didn't want to be on the "team". Can't blame them for that!!!!!!!!!1

05-29-2008, 05:34 PM
Anyone heard this yet? Is it true? This team is a joke and a raise for them would be an insult to all of us. I hope its BS. Not all but most of those guys are the laughing stock of the dept. anyway. What a shame. No wonder some are quitting the team already. If they chose some officers who had any years with the dept or at least had former L.E. experience they would have been better off. Maybe those guys saw the writing on the wall (due to their experience) and didn't want to be on the "team". Can't blame them for that!!!!!!!!!1

I heard they would get investigator pay, long rifles, issued BDU's and different type of outer armmor. It's known that the CIP teams have been fighting for that stuff and has always been turned down, now all the sudden NORAD comes in to town (a new pet project) they get what they want.

05-29-2008, 05:39 PM
Anyone heard this yet? Is it true? This team is a joke and a raise for them would be an insult to all of us. I hope its BS. Not all but most of those guys are the laughing stock of the dept. anyway. What a shame. No wonder some are quitting the team already. If they chose some officers who had any years with the dept or at least had former L.E. experience they would have been better off. Maybe those guys saw the writing on the wall (due to their experience) and didn't want to be on the "team". Can't blame them for that!!!!!!!!!1

I heard they would get investigator pay, long rifles, issued BDU's and different type of outer armmor. It's known that the CIP teams have been fighting for that stuff and has always been turned down, now all the sudden NORAD comes in to town (a new pet project) they get what they

I agree. I believe the CIP teams activily look for criminals and large amounts of contraband. They put themselves in more danger on a daily basis than the NUC teams. If this administration keeps going on this path, most likely most officers will shutdown, and get the bare minimum, even the CIP teams.

05-30-2008, 07:29 PM
I heard from three sources that the Glow Plugs are getting a 5% raise. The money is probably coming from the Fed's. :twisted:

05-31-2008, 12:22 AM
I heard from three sources that the Glow Plugs are getting a 5% raise. The money is probably coming from the Fed's. :twisted:

GET READY TO RUMBLE................................