View Full Version : $70 million insanity

05-28-2008, 01:47 AM
The County has to cut $30 million from the budget, which will certainly equate into planned layoffs of 100 more employees and cuts in services, but Ley wants to spend $70 million to have the Red Sox play 17 games here a year? The voters voted NO already on spending $17 million.

$70M Package for Red Sox?

SARASOTA COUNTY County Administrator Jim Ley has told his budget manager to put together a $70 million funding package for a new stadium for Boston Red Sox spring training.

That’s $30 million more than city and county officials offered the Cincinnati Reds to keep spring training here.

If the $70 million cost stands, it would make the Sarasota spring training complex one of the most expensive built in Florida.

But the cost is not out of line for a brand new complex built to fit more than 10,000 fans, said Kevin Reichard, publisher of Ballpark Digest. And it is on par with a slate of plush new stadiums being built in Arizona, which start at $80 million.

This is the first time county and city officials are working with an estimated cost since the city began talks several months ago with the Red Sox about moving spring training here.

On Friday afternoon, Jeff Seward, the county’s chief financial planning officer, will present a handful of funding scenarios to Ley and City Manager Robert Bartolotta.

All of the options call for hotel tax money to pay for the bulk of stadium construction, with one option calling for a one-cent increase in the tax that would generate up to $34 million over 30 years, as well as $17 million in hotel tax dollars already set aside for spring training.

Even with a hike in the hotel tax, the city and county would need to come up with another $20 million.

City Commissioner Ken Shelin said $70 million sounds steep, but it is a realistic estimate for a brand new stadium and clubhouse large enough to accommodate the Red Sox and practice diamonds. Shelin said the price tag is worth the
investment to land the Red Sox. The team has sold out 76 consecutive spring training games in Fort Myers.

“This is the best opportunity we’ve had in years,” he said.

The $70 million estimate is for a new stadium at the fairgrounds property on Fruitville Road.

But a deal has not been struck between the city and county and the fair association that has control of a large part of the land. Both sides are looking into ways to accommodate both the fair and the new stadium on the same 90 acres.

If Sarasota increases its hotel tax, it would join a handful of nearby counties that charge the maximum rate allowed by the state.

Currently, as part of a “tourist development tax,” or hotel tax, tourists staying at hotels or renting a condo for less than six months pay four cents for every dollar. In addition, guests also pay a seven-percent sales tax.

Pinellas County, Lee County and Charlotte County all charge the maximum of five cents per dollar, said Virginia Haley, president of the Sarasota Convention and Tourism Bureau.

Manatee and Sarasota counties currently charge four cents.

Haley said she is waiting for the county to reveal the financing scenarios so tourism officials can gauge whether hoteliers and owners of rental condos would support an increase in the tax.

Support among business leaders has been stronger than the push to keep the Reds in town.

“The initial response is that the Red Sox would bring more of an impact,” Haley said. “So it seems like there would be more consideration for the Red Sox than other baseball teams or a different entertainment venue.”

05-28-2008, 02:22 AM
I agree they are gonna bust the SSO's chops for a few million but they can come up with the money for this.

Now im not against baseball I think it would be great to have the Red ?Sox here. But if your gonna pay for this you better pay up for law enforcement.

Let all make sure we email the commissioners!

05-28-2008, 12:16 PM
We (the citizens) already had a vote on whether we wanted a new or refurbished statium and WE VOTED NO. Regardless, I'm amazed that Jim Ley and the county commissioners are going to do it anyways. It's politics behind the scenes -- as usual. Whose pockets are being greased? $$$ :twisted:

05-28-2008, 12:24 PM
Give the American League east another 5 years to catch up and the Sox are back close to the cellar. $70 million for that ???

05-28-2008, 01:25 PM
Give the American League east another 5 years to catch up and the Sox are back close to the cellar. $70 million for that ???

Sell the freaking property and build some highrises or a mall or something we actually will use. Who cares about Baseball. There is a reason the the team stays in Boston or Cincinatti or whereever. We dont need there crap . Instead lets cut law enforcement and build a new stadium. I cant wait until these people actually need law enforcement or were in there rear view mirror. At least Ill be smilling when I leave