View Full Version : COMPSTAT

05-19-2008, 05:19 AM
I believe when a crime is committed it should be thoroughly documented and investigated. The Good Ole Boy COMPSTAT driven notion imbedded in every FTOs head of, No Victim No Crime, does a grave injustice to the citizens of the city of Fort Myers.

By Downgrading an Armed Robbery to a Suspicious Incident or Information Report criminals get away with committing unreported crimes, get bolder, and start committing more serious crimes, more frequently.

All because the Victim does not speak English, is drunk, or uncooperative.

How cooperative would you be if you were in Iraq and some Hadji police officer was speaking to you in Arabic after you had a bottle of Spider Whisky and a Terrorist just took all your money?

The Mexicans, The Guatemalans, and The Blacks should receive the same police services that Ward 5 (McGregor) gets.

05-19-2008, 11:46 AM
Isnt it ironic, that even with all the numbers/stats fudging that goes on for YEARS here, we they still have the highest crime rate in sw Florida.
Everyone knows it too, but this is policy in the GOB manual, and the morons in wards 4 and 5 think they are safe and never wonder why it takes 30-60 minutes for a car to come to their calls!!

05-19-2008, 02:21 PM
Is FMPD following and adhering to the Compstat program's six core elements?

1. A clear mission
2. Internal accountability
3. Geographical organization of operational command
4. Organizational flexibility
5. A reliance on data
6. Innovative problem-solving tactics

When any one of these six core elements are left out, you are getting a watered-down, soft and fuzzy version that is easy, but rarely achieves anything near NYPD-level results.

When it is applied correctly and completely, Compstat achieves tremendous results. Anything less is an insult to the citizens of Fort Myers and to the patrol officers and detectives who respond to these calls for service.

05-19-2008, 03:08 PM
I believe when a crime is committed it should be thoroughly documented and investigated. The Good Ole Boy COMPSTAT driven notion imbedded in every FTOs head of, No Victim No Crime, does a grave injustice to the citizens of the city of Fort Myers.

By Downgrading an Armed Robbery to a Suspicious Incident or Information Report criminals get away with committing unreported crimes, get bolder, and start committing more serious crimes, more frequently.

All because the Victim does not speak English, is drunk, or uncooperative.

How cooperative would you be if you were in Iraq and some Hadji police officer was speaking to you in Arabic after you had a bottle of Spider Whisky and a Terrorist just took all your money?

The Mexicans, The Guatemalans, and The Blacks should receive the same police services that Ward 5 (McGregor) gets.

How ironic, Hadji...I guess we do have something in common..I have been stressing this for a while. I do noticed many young officer already participating in laziness tactics, and also, how to quash calls. I bet you won't see that behavior in the Mc Gregor area. It's funny how color and person socioeconomic status determined what kind of police service that they receive. All this started from the time these young officer entered the FTO program, which I think it sucks. And for compstat..I also think that it's a joke. All compstat is an opportunity for the chief to bash on supervisors and also for supervisor's candidates to get an opportunity to speak about crime trends in their wards, and hopefully the chief will promote them. Look around you..every supervisors dance their way through that "Soul Train" line. If they dance good, almost always they get promoted. Hadji..Have some of your people do the belly dance for the chief..The last time I check- Soul Train is still in business. Hadji.. if you can dance, the chief may give you a chance. Hadji..where's 40.cal (the Irish immigrant) and 191 and 136..If I say too much you might know who I-Is!!!!? OBAMA's supporter

05-19-2008, 05:17 PM
I think we operate on 1 out of 6, does that :lol: count

05-19-2008, 05:18 PM
I think we are doing maybe 1 out of 6, does that count?? :lol:

05-19-2008, 06:35 PM
Hey hadji dont ever think that all of your "little mexicans" are innocent because they are not. Half of the crimes on palm beach are because of them. As to the other part, why dont you go and teach them english and have a cervasa with them during your lunch

05-19-2008, 09:09 PM
Hey hadji dont ever think that all of your "little mexicans" are innocent because they are not. Half of the crimes on palm beach are because of them. As to the other part, why dont you go and teach them english and have a cervasa with them during your lunch

Tupac a crime is a crime no matter what race you are. Dude, if anyone squashes calls amin/supervisors will blame the officers, they definitely will not take the fault. To all officers especially rookies stop squashing calls. To Supervisors who allow this to go on, do you really think by squashing calls you are solving the problems in Fort Myers. Admin will not back you up if the sh** hits the fan. My advice to all...stop selling your soul to the devil :twisted: cuz you will get burn.

05-20-2008, 10:47 PM

05-21-2008, 12:31 AM

05-21-2008, 01:50 AM
What a bunch of cry babies. "Its not fair", "look what they did". "poor me". "look at me", "see what I did" "notice me". I will let you in on the secret: the people who get promoted, the people who get a break, the people who catch a favor are the EXACT same people who mind their own, work hard, dont whine and cry and do a little extra once in a while. And before you say I am wrong, that you too do all those things and still get screwed, guess what? YOU ARE WRONG!


05-21-2008, 02:06 AM
stop the propaganda cheez, we all know the latin community is treated like crap in w-1, and saying you dont fudge the numbers is like saying fmpd is accredited- oh Im sorry never been never will be, couldnt have anyone look over these shoulders or else all will know...

05-24-2008, 05:11 AM
What a bunch of cry babies. "Its not fair", "look what they did". "poor me". "look at me", "see what I did" "notice me". I will let you in on the secret: the people who get promoted, the people who get a break, the people who catch a favor are the EXACT same people who mind their own, work hard, dont whine and cry and do a little extra once in a while. And before you say I am wrong, that you too do all those things and still get screwed, guess what? YOU ARE WRONG!


We do have victims….dumbass!! But it's ok, really it's ok, we understand that you can not see the truth because your head is so far up the chief a** and you are blinded by sh**. Is it July yet :P

05-27-2008, 01:09 PM
Play with the numbers ref UCR's and the rest of Compstat crap and you will go to jail. Just ask BSO Ken Jenne and his cronies... other agencies around the state are also being looked at. If your command staff doesnt call it the way it is.. then they should be turned it to your Chief and FDLE via a well documented memo to file. This type of police work or should I say coverup is unaccepatable and should not be tolerated by uniforms or Sgts, because in the end they will be the fall guy ! Black books work wonders in ones career! Dont settle for anything other than the truth in stats !

05-27-2008, 04:16 PM
Hadji! Just to let you know, I like your style!!! I'm looking some day to take a trip to Iraqi with .40cent (.40CAL) By chance, do think that mofo will survive that desert heat, or maybe for his safety that mofo would have to wear a veil to cover those bright red girly cheeks? I think so! I’ve learned in cultural sensitivity class that an Irishman and extreme heat don’t correlate. If that mofo does survive, I'm going to have to call him the RED DEVIL. Give me your opinion, Hadji. :oops:

06-23-2008, 11:40 PM
how you idiots stop complaining and work on your personality skills with other officers. you guys are too lazy to wave at other officers driving by. You guys have the worst personalities

06-23-2008, 11:46 PM
Its depression :roll:

06-25-2008, 01:14 AM
I believe when a crime is committed it should be thoroughly documented and investigated. The Good Ole Boy COMPSTAT driven notion imbedded in every FTOs head of, No Victim No Crime, does a grave injustice to the citizens of the city of Fort Myers.

By Downgrading an Armed Robbery to a Suspicious Incident or Information Report criminals get away with committing unreported crimes, get bolder, and start committing more serious crimes, more frequently.

All because the Victim does not speak English, is drunk, or uncooperative.

How cooperative would you be if you were in Iraq and some Hadji police officer was speaking to you in Arabic after you had a bottle of Spider Whisky and a Terrorist just took all your money?

The Mexicans, The Guatemalans, and The Blacks should receive the same police services that Ward 5 (McGregor) gets.

You obviously have no idea how FMPD documents incidents. Your comparing apples to oranges. Every situation is different and you cannot possibly lump all your statements into this poorly written generic statement. I hear complaining about the amount of reports we all have to do now and your saying we don't do enough. Hey 136, you backing this up? You probably will because you follow people blindly but we all know what I'm saying is true. How can we possibly take a statement and report from a drunk Hispanic when he cannot even tell us what happened. If they are afraid to tell us what happened what can we do about it? You want to take him to McDonalds and buy him a chocolate shake to get him to tell you what happened. I think not.

Stop complaining and become part of the solution instead of the problem. You people, yes I said "You People", 136, 40Cal, Hadji and a disease to FMPD. Keep up the minimum performance and the whining.

As for the rest of you, Keep Up the Great Work and don't listen to these 5%'s


06-25-2008, 01:34 AM
Listen here Imus objectivity, Don't assume all hispanics are drunk ,either you're a racist or a liberal fool make up your mind.
We all know this is a classic excuse NOT to take a report from a ROBBERY victim who is hispanic ,in ward 1 ,and was in lt backstabbers ward. You are pardoning robberies you jerk>!
They are being robbed BECAUSE they are hispanic or have been drinking or are afraid to push a report because of their status. Did it ever concern you that the robbers KNOW this, and what's worse ,the pattern of violent crime you're ignoring -or a few beers too many. If its ok ,and so safe there ,let your family members walk around there and lets see if the robbers you protect find their prey!!

06-25-2008, 02:01 AM
You obviously have no idea how FMPD documents incidents. Your comparing apples to oranges. Every situation is different and you cannot possibly lump all your statements into this poorly written generic statement. I hear complaining about the amount of reports we all have to do now and your saying we don't do enough. Hey 136, you backing this up? You probably will because you follow people blindly but we all know what I'm saying is true. "How can we possibly take a statement and report from a drunk Hispanic when he cannot even tell us what happened. If they are afraid to tell us what happened what can we do about it?" You want to take him to McDonalds and buy him a chocolate shake to get him to tell you what happened. I think not.

Stop complaining and become part of the solution instead of the problem. You people, yes I said "You People", 136, 40Cal, Hadji and a disease to FMPD. Keep up the minimum performance and the whining.

As for the rest of you, Keep Up the Great Work and don't listen to these 5%'s


Ob-jerk-tivity, so this is your excuse and you are sticking to it. Regardless to what you say, these minorities are being beat up or getting pistol whipped and the thugs are taking all of there money and there is not a god dame thing the officers can do about it because they are drunk or do you really mean to say cause they can't speak Engliish? Do you realize what you are writing…..you freaking idiot. What does it take for you to realize that this is a problem, are you waiting for a Mexican to get shot at or die? What message are you giving to these thugs, huh? Think before you write a**hole!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

06-26-2008, 01:18 AM
You obviously have no idea how FMPD documents incidents. Your comparing apples to oranges. Every situation is different and you cannot possibly lump all your statements into this poorly written generic statement. I hear complaining about the amount of reports we all have to do now and your saying we don't do enough. Hey 136, you backing this up? You probably will because you follow people blindly but we all know what I'm saying is true. "How can we possibly take a statement and report from a drunk Hispanic when he cannot even tell us what happened. If they are afraid to tell us what happened what can we do about it?" You want to take him to McDonalds and buy him a chocolate shake to get him to tell you what happened. I think not.

Stop complaining and become part of the solution instead of the problem. You people, yes I said "You People", 136, 40Cal, Hadji and a disease to FMPD. Keep up the minimum performance and the whining.

As for the rest of you, Keep Up the Great Work and don't listen to these 5%'s


Ob-jerk-tivity, so this is your excuse and you are sticking to it. Regardless to what you say, these minorities are being beat up or getting pistol whipped and the thugs are taking all of there money and there is not a god dame thing the officers can do about it because they are drunk or do you really mean to say cause they can't speak Engliish? Do you realize what you are writing…..you freaking idiot. What does it take for you to realize that this is a problem, are you waiting for a Mexican to get shot at or die? What message are you giving to these thugs, huh? Think before you write a**hole!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

This exactly what I have been arguing about: "Institutional Racist Behavior statics by Lazy Officers!" I'm glad some of you NUMNUTS are know opening your eyes to see these practices by officers. Hey key-low-low, I'm back sugar. I heard you've been looking for DeezNuts. Holla :D Like always !stop the hating