View Full Version : Joe Diskin wheres your gun?

05-15-2008, 12:10 PM
http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/ ... 6542.story (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/broward/sfl-flbroadrage0515sbmay15,0,5706542.story)

Even when he's out of uniform, Joe Diskin's chasing down suspected bad guys.

The veteran Broward sheriff's deputy was out for a late-night motorcycle ride in Deerfield Beach on Monday when he says he saw the driver next to him shoot a man standing in a hotel parking lot.

Authorities say the suspect, Michael Noshay, 58, sped past a red light at the intersection of Hillsboro Boulevard and State Road A1A and fled the scene.

"The victim fell over and the other guy just tried to get away. I couldn't believe it," said Diskin, 41.

Even though he was off-duty and lacked a gun, the Sheriff's Office sergeant gave chase.

He followed the suspect's silver Corvette west down Hillsboro Boulevard at a safe distance, dialing 911 as he tried to balance his motorcycle.

Deputies stopped Noshay minutes later at that road's intersection with Dixie Highway. He was charged with one count of attempted murder, driving with a suspended license and possession of an open container in a motor vehicle.

Police found two handguns and an open vodka bottle inside his car, a police report said.

The victim — later identified as Abel Diaz, 20 — told officers that Noshay had been tailgating him through traffic. Diaz pulled into a Comfort Inn's parking lot to lose Noshay, but the suspect kept yelling at him, authorities said.

Diaz got out of his car to yell back and that's when Noshay allegedly shot at him and missed, before firing another round at his leg.

Diaz was taken to North Broward Medical Center in Deerfield Beach for nonlife-threatening injuries. He could not be reached for comment.

"That guy would've gotten away if the dispatchers and other officers hadn't worked so quickly," Diskin said. "It just goes to show the dangers of road rage."

Diskin was at shooting in 1992 at the same intersection where authorities arrested Noshay. A man shot and killed one of two men who jumped on his truck and tried to rob him.

Staff Researchers Barbara Hijek and William Lucey contributed to this report

Whats the matter joe, couldnt get a holster to match your outfit? Maybe when you get your LT bars you can get them in different colors to match different outfits!!

05-15-2008, 12:13 PM
Yea, lesson learned..if you want to go "No Heels" on your turf when off duty then also go "Anonymous" when calling in shootings...Damn Joe!

05-15-2008, 12:14 PM
Need to take a dump. Be back later,

05-15-2008, 12:24 PM
Good job.....Better a good witness than a dead hero.

05-15-2008, 12:35 PM
Great job Joe! You made me proud. As for that guy who criticized you for not having your gun - what's the problem? Some guys don't feel secure unless they're packing wherever they go, and that's fine. When innocent people get blown away waiting in line at Wendy's there is good reason to be armed. But there are times when I just don't want to carry and I'm not apologizing for it.

05-15-2008, 09:55 PM
Great job Joe! You made me proud. As for that guy who criticized you for not having your gun - what's the problem? Some guys don't feel secure unless they're packing wherever they go, and that's fine. When innocent people get blown away waiting in line at Wendy's there is good reason to be armed. But there are times when I just don't want to carry and I'm not apologizing for it.

I agree with you-good job Diskin!! No matter if you do good or bad, there will always be some f..in idiot criticizing. Don't let this jealous f..ck have an impact on you. It's a good thing you were not hurt. That's the problem with this agency, any chance to put someone down, you f..in idiots will be right there opening your mouths. Get over the jealousy people and back each other up! Try saying something nice for a change, like "Great job getting this shooter off the streets" (before he hurts someone you know")

05-15-2008, 10:09 PM
Good job Diskin!! You don't always have to carry if you choose not too!

05-16-2008, 02:29 AM
Good job Diskin!! You don't always have to carry if you choose not too!

Why don't you guys grow a set. He witnesses road rage and is unable to intervene because he has a badge and no gun. Soon after the guy shoots the other guy as a result of the previous incident. Then and only then does this diskin guy anonymously CALL 911 to report the incident. I have a question...What happens if the guy shot the other guy in the head while diskin was sitting there witnessing the whole thing from his bike? One better, what if the guy shot was your family member?

05-16-2008, 02:39 AM
Point exactly! WITH or WITHOUT his gun, it doen't change the situation that he was caught up in. He may or may not have changed the situation. How many times have you been in something like this-I'm sure rarely. Just cause he's a cop, doesn't mean he has to carry at all times. If he did have it on him, it wouldn't change what occurred that night! YOU GO JOE!!!

05-16-2008, 08:11 PM

05-17-2008, 01:27 AM
You need to get off your high horse you idiot because not everyone feels the need to do do this job 24/7 like you jack a$$e$ that post the stupid comments about not having a gun...Some people don't feel like playing with guns all day long and for your information, there may be times when you do have a gun but if you are outnumbered then I guess it won't do you a bit of good...Go back to work and shut the F&^% up moron...I'm sick of you idiots that think you are better than the world..If that is your thought process, then go find a different profession...

05-17-2008, 11:18 AM
agreed 100%

05-17-2008, 01:16 PM
Who's speaking bad is just the 10% of the force who sleeps with their guns. Nothing is safe enough, no one is tactical enough (except them), you need more weapons, spray, tazer, patrol rifle, 20 people on a perimeter, did I mention more guns? Sometimes I think they are just chickenshitz. You ain't nothing without that gun in your hand.

There's always an element of danger out there. Can't handle it? Join the military and go to Iraq. You can wave your gun a whole lot. And justifiably sleep with it too.

05-17-2008, 01:52 PM
You need to get off your high horse you idiot because not everyone feels the need to do do this job 24/7 like you jack a$$e$ that post the stupid comments about not having a gun...Some people don't feel like playing with guns all day long and for your information, there may be times when you do have a gun but if you are outnumbered then I guess it won't do you a bit of good...Go back to work and shut the F&^% up moron...I'm sick of you idiots that think you are better than the world..If that is your thought process, then go find a different profession...

The new warm and fuzzy law enforcement. Isn't it cute.

05-17-2008, 06:49 PM
It's not a matter of this is the "new warm and fuzzy law enforcement" which you think is cute, it's just you are a complete moron....Listen, if you haven't heard it before then let me tell you now or I'll just reiterate my previous point for you that some of you guys and gals think you are so big, tough and better than others...It is surely not the case because I am sure plenty of people can look around and have a good laugh at the tough guy who posts on here what they would and would not have done...You tough guys who post what should have, would have and could have been done sure do talk a lot of smack which is evident in some of these posts...I am not saying what he did or did not do is right or wrong, however he did what he had to do and deserves credit....Oh wait, maybe you think he does not deserve credit because he did not carry a gun on him which, by the way, is his personal choice.....Live and let live and let's move on....The bad guy was apprehended thanks to everyone involved and no one was seriously hurt or killed so let it rest..........

05-18-2008, 12:53 AM
WELL SAID...... :lol: